repair plant, which prime minister mishustin visited this summer, provides maintenance services for the tyagiet at the eastern training ground. they are renovating here. 35% of the entire locomotive fleet of the country, the production of locomotives from this enterprise was doubled, no joke, no exaggeration, today it produces about 100 locomotive sections per year, oh my fault per month, 100 locomotive sections per month, there is our our enterprise, again i will give an example in novocherkaski, which produces similar equipment, we produce about 45 locomotive sections there. in order to increase operational efficiency and reduce the time costs of future repairs, organization began at the oldest plant in orenburg, which has never stopped its workshops in 118 years of existence. orenburg plant - repair of the most common freight diesel locomotives in russia, 2t-116 for major overhaul of locomotives, there is absolutely everything you need. electrical equipment, locomotive assembly, trolley shops, electric machine and diesel production, power, mechanical repair, transport and mechanical and ot