this is ufuk. he's preparing the experiment. hello, i'm lara. nice to meet you.placed in a tiny drop of water and inserted into that electron microscope at —i95 degrees celsius. so when we put it then into the cryo—electron microscope, the electron beam can go through it and we will see our vaccine particles. 0k. could i take a look at what it's actually seeing now? so we can only have - one of those grids loaded. those are the 3mm discs that we applied the sample onto. i this is a magnified image of that _ so this is a grid square image. and now, we're going to i zoom in to these foil holes. the microscope can zoom in to 0.1 nanometre detail. that's one—ten millionth of a millimetre. these raw images may not look like much to you or me, but they are a vital part of the process. so what's coming off the actual microscope is, like, just shadows. you're kind of looking at the 2d shape of it from lots of different angles. and then what you need to do is take all of these different views from all these different angles and then work out, "what's the 3d shape that can