of dandy who joins us from germany. thank you for your time. so 800 officials openly criticizing the government and coordinating in this criticism, how significant is this rest, your thoughts about this? and what do you think is the extent of this send among civil sevens in europe and in the us today? once it gets extremely significant, and then the reason it is significant, this, the 1st of us think of the language of the method of making land that they think policy is up to the bell. and secondly, the co ordination involved and then look at these uh, uh, a visual style. um 10 is that the countries um, 15 major western countries and they've coordinated together to produce this. the homeless suddenly means that they called in they took together using the official called the nation networks in which they meet transatlantic security committees, very likely made to the committees give them the identities of the people involved . come so the, you know, these are the committees structures and the officials were meant to be k