were defeated, the yaraslavichs made a wish. shapіts myatsezhnaga usyaslav, da nіdza yago was nіgo, utsekynam, peўna, menavіta tady paishla pagaloska pra yago charadzeynyya zdolnastsі, dumki adpomstsіts to the husband of the polatsky prince yaraslavichs did not add, they need to be replaced. for the past four months, while tending the battle on the nyamez, yana vetlova asked usyaslav for the peramovs and tsalaval of the roofs, so that the pit of the nyama would be fought. polatsky. the prince would tell his words to the centuries, he himself would not parish and give the punishment to others. as soon as they arrived at peramov, yaraslavich immediately grabbed them, threw them into lances, took them to kiev, and then threw them into porup. geta earthen turma without animals, pastayanaya volgatsa i cold, aprametnaya tsemra, famine. u such minds have never lived, hell for another month. i'm going to stay for 14 months. what. yes, the hole was dug out, so healthy, and maybe it wouldn’t have happened without the enchanting health, the sum was the sirs of the polish prince in the kiev region, i