yes, yes, yes, for vadim andreev, well, not for vadim andreev, but for the hero he voiced, what kinddonkey, but there were vocal parts for the donkey, yes, and that was it, and you voiced shrek, and i voiced shrek, because i can't sing at all. no, no, no, no, it’s just that at that moment somehow yaroslava georgievna, it was the sound director, it seemed to her that your voice timbre was not quite suitable, but she decided, noted, of course, with you, how you scared them off, i'm crazy, trash, the guards were fucking, cool all of themselves, but they saw the giant squealed, as if they were whining, a magnificent sight, glad to try, merci, good, be free, hey, i would go to celebrate liberation among. friends, but i have no friends, and i won’t go anywhere alone, oh, i think i came up with an idea, i’ll go with you, because i... and mannequins, yes, the famous film three series, i say, and what do you understand, there there is one problem, in the first song, arkady sakovich cannot do the syncopation, i say, okay, he says, well, i give you my word, you can do it, i’m coming, that’s it,