i'll start with commissioner van buskirk, yes. >> commissioner christian, yes. >> commissioner chow and commissioner giraudo approved. >> next is >> next is general public agenda. with respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. discussing any item not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items raised at public comment. and everything else he said previously an i'm chris and today had injure duty i want to present the presentation, however, i directed dr. colfax in public health and want to present it to them at first, because of dph impact i had a lot of experience with public health and a lot of things i want to make sure we cover just privacy and present it is for that we focus on this because the other day it was said at&t has over 75 million accountants accounts that is huge like i mind a breakdown but compacts personal relationships and health and i don't want to point fingers i know i don't have a lot of time but a lot of people i don't know about the presence and violence and we do a lot