irina vodin, evgeny fakhrudinov, marina ikonnikova, vesti is 1 ruble 72 kopecks from business. this principle is now used to fund advanced engineering schools in the country. he talked about this in interview with our channel, minister of science and higher education valery folkov. how does this project help prepare qualified personnel for business, as well as develop technologies at universities? and how much money has been allocated from the budget for the development of this area in 2024. and what are the results of work in new regions? see all the details about this. in an interview. valery nikolaevich, good afternoon. hello. tell us how the idea of advanced engineering schools came about and how can we estimate the shortage of engineers, for example, in 2021? the idea itself the project for advanced engineering schools appeared back in 2020, when we were designing a large program, priority 2030. even then we understood that engineering education required a radical restructuring. and at the same time we felt a great demand from bus