vestyakov.e are starting a program about the most important thing, that is, about our health and today is world laziness day, it turns out. by the way, i knew from childhood that such a day should exist, only it should not be one, but let's say once a month, but okay, once a year, then, once a year we cannot pass by this fact, we will talk about this and ... much, much more. stay yourself, you will not regret it, it will be interesting. today in the program about the most important thing: medicines, world-changing, monoclonal antibodies. in what cases are they used for high cholesterol and how effective are they against joint diseases and cancer. they attack a virus, a bacterium, this is. purely, purely targeted thing, what are nasal polyps dangerous for , how effective are ivs against dizziness, questions from a doctor, alexander myasnikov asks, you answer. an injection in the butt, already better, especially it is painful, good, tore through, laziness, how is it different from relaxation, in w