backed down from any of your comments from a year ago, have y don't let this happen again, supporting vicebar's recommendation which includes stronger capital standards? standby all that? >> yes. glad to hear that. i understand those 37 big banks don't like higher capital rules because they are like insurance. they would make the bank safer but they cost a little money and would nip into the bank's profits these 37 banks are swinging their considerable weight around to try to weaken the capital rules. they've spent tens of millions of dollars running ads during sunday night football and millions more for an army of lobbyists to twist arms in congress. impressive spending, but who are they trying to impress? a man on the inside? deu last year when the banks failed, about supporting vice chair bar's recommendation to big banks, public reporting now says that you are driving efforts to weaken the capital rule. you even told the house financial services committee representatives yesterday that you think it is, quote, very that you withdraw the rule. as one analyst put it, quote, i don't think they