victor chaika will never forget how, after another fun in izhevsk, they miraculously did not burn theen the whole world is breathing... with fumes from malice in the review, you will give me pure nectar to drink, you are mine... and when the body is on fire and the mind is curtained, i will fall towards you like a fireball, you are my sea. when the colors around you become brighter, this is a love story, and the sea is mia in italian, you are in my sea, i don’t ask for love or affection, i don’t argue with the sky, someone else is just swamps. you are my sea, you are my sea, you are my sea, you are mine sea, you are in my sea, you are my sea, you are my sea! press the button, choose a topic, the topic is alien to the bedroom, information has reached me that for many years now there has been a strange woman in your bedroom, yes, who is she, lesh, who, yes , all the time, every day, yes? she has the keys to the apartment where your money is, she enters your bedroom and touches everything that is dear to you, you trust her as yourself, but how well do you know your au pair? reveal the se