in the first half of the meeting. forward, this time victor ponedelnik scored, scored the ball in a highader, on monday with a header scores the second goal, the decisive goal that brought our team the european cup. the stands burst into applause, our guys were so exhausted that their red t-shirts turned white with sweat and salt. they were paid a modest bonus of $200. western clubs offered lucrative contracts, but everyone refused. this was not allowed in the ussr. curiously, the final match has begun. 10 pm moscow time on sunday and ended at one o'clock in the morning the next day. my last name was a dream for headline writers, he later admitted monday. on july 10, 1985, french intelligence agents blew up the rainbow warrior, the flagship of the international environmental organization greenpece. he was in new zealand, in the port of auckland and was supposed to sail to atullu mururoa with a protest against nuclear testing, which. france spent there. they caused enormous damage to the environment. when the explosions became underground, cracks appeared in the foundation of atola, and t