viktor lazorovich, well, you said that the situation in many ways did not, so to speak, mature from withinthat the mood of the poor segments of the population was laughing, but nevertheless, here during the summing up of the election results in venezuela. and a number of other american ones are also not all brazil, for example, they are asking to publish the protocol and brazil did not take a position, mexico said that they are waiting for the summing up of 100 results, 100% of the vote to make a decision, they are not going to the decision of the election commission, some countries supported it as expected madura, cuba, nicaragua, bolivia, handuras, some countries are expected, said that they would not support him, like, say, ecuador or peru, but for... they refused to recognize the election results, and that does this mean such a demonstrative gesture against cooperation with nicolas maduro? well, firstly, some of them, in principle , have not considered him a legitimate leader since 1918, 1919, some countries did not later reconcile like argentina, but in argentina a change of political