the traditional cup named after vladimir nikolaevich petrov was held in the molodeshchensky district brought together about 120 couples from all over belarus. athletes competed in kankur on routes from 70 to 135 cm. and on the final day of the competition , spectators were treated to a real equestrian relay race. we always try. make a variety of routes so that it would be interesting not only for the athletes to show their results, but also so that the spectators would be interested, yes, two riders participate in the relay race, they must ride route every time, when the rider makes a mistake, the next rider must continue, there is so much energy, so many emotions, in general the cup is some kind of, i don’t know, this is an expected meeting every year, it’s cool and - in general, it’s like you’re always looking forward to it and watching it to this with such surprise and on the nerves, it’s always always emotional, it’s cool, great, and gives so many positive emotions for children, for adults, the charm and energy of equestrian sports, about the love of animals , difficulties at dis