and in conclusion, vladislav valerievich, let's talk about the tourist flow.region was visited by over 3,300 thousand people, what numbers do you expect this year and what are your plans for tourism development? well, this is really so, you need to come to the kaluga region to make sure that we have something to see, when you drive from moscow along the kiev highway to koluga, what do you see, the first words that greeted you? kaluga region, welcome to the blessed kaluga land, this is truly a blessed land where very interesting, very smart , very responsible, hardworking people work, and the tourism industry is also the result of the work of these people, we have a wonderful ethnomir park, the largest ethnopark in the country, we have nikola lenivets, this is an art world, an art world, the largest in europe. kind of - there are monasteries and one optina pustyn , which is worth it, there is one of the best ski resorts in central russia, kvan, now there is a lot of snow, you can come try your hand at this sport, there are many hotels, many places to it’s inter