nikita, nikita, i told you what he’s like, well, you women are all the same. oh boris volnov, that'swill be the same as your father, you fool, well, get out of here, i’m sorry, screw you, why are you letting him win, you danced, well, there’s only the final left ahead, if you win, then you won’t give a damn about him with my productions, i can’t, but what about the boy, you ’ll leave him too, it’s none of your business, but you should. you know, to win for him, for this kid. i came to get my passport, it was a stormy night, i thought death had come, i almost guessed it, but you have to admit, you also need to try to die beautifully, role what is your role? well, that’s enough, you’ve achieved your goal, well done, valnov, i’ll tell you the truth, i’ve never understood in my life what i really needed, let’s just leave everything, fight, i’m getting married, congratulations, the production is no longer yours, my future husband hired me a french choreographer who will choreograph that... for me, i didn’t understand, by the way, your girl turned out to be good, i watched the competition,