army, this is when in 1945 hitler really expected that general wenk would come with its army, czechoslovakia unblocks berlin, in and hopes for the army were one of the key the last hopes he had then, yes. uvenka's army was defeated and could no longer help hitler, so putin's hope that trump will win, and he will then be able to win the war with ukraine, in my opinion, this is a very similar hope for venka's army, not the fact that it will happen at all. i.e., that it is not a fact that it is trump's victory, and we will have a problem of pressure from, on the one hand, from russia. on the other hand, and the politics of president trump, if he became president, well, i completely agree with you, and if you watch sometimes, or maybe often , the column world about ukraine, you always know that i constantly say that i would never vote for trump, even though if i lived in the united states of america, i would be a republican, but let me not introduce it, look, we talked about the help that will... go, i hope from europe, europe continues to help us, and now we return to ukraine, we have such, wel