wyland. number one as the appellant pointed out, as the current permit allows them to do everything on the three blocks as opposed to the one block which they apparently agreed to do. we would have to mote fie that modify that. >> that would be depending on which route you wanted to take if you were making a determination tonight you would add that as a condition as a part of your deno voluntary capability or if we were to have this as a denial and then, sorry, can you guys keep it down, sorry, it's hard to concentrate, then we can have them on may 7th and include that as part of conditions that we recommend. or may 21 if you approve the permit. >> oh i thought of something else, the special event are those under this permit or separate permits. >> under this permit. >> okay, and then the other thing i want today ask, going back to something you were talking about earlier regarding potential regarding if there was no lion dance, i just want to get some clarification on everything you went by