gerasim, yon hell of fear vidzeev... taking into account his injury, disability, service in units of, he was released on parole in 8 years. in the fifty-first year , peslyak joseph felitsianovich was arrested on the territory of the khobotovsky district of the tambov region. he rounded up jews in the ivanovo region, then searched for them in the villages and finished them off, held the position of deputy burgomaster, and then burgomaster of the gain volost, in forty- three he fled to germany, in forty-five already under the name korzi. went to serve in the soviet army, in a closed court hearing of the military tribunal of the belarusian military district he was sentenced to capital punishment, he surrendered cassation appeal, but the sentence was upheld, he answered for crimes for which there is no statute of limitations, like the rest of the policemen of the lagoi region, none of them were rehabilitated. when you are in nature, it seems that the world has plunged into silence, all the sounds of bustle have disappeared, only the song of the wind is specially caressed. out loud so tha