for yakav navumenka , such a hit in the early 90s was the dawn of may. geta fact.e such a song, a song of visitors, as they knew, as i knew, as my name has already begun. to be familiar with belarus, and this meant that he, as a vykanautsa, sapraudy slave song of a long-lasting rumored listener, he respected him as a spyavak, as an artist with a new status, the status of a master, the status of a master of the belarusian stage. you're at odds with me. i changed my mind at that hour the forest is the original sustrecha, which changed iago asabista’s life, shepherding the troubles, shepherding that, as the shlyub no longer discovers firsts, napaina, this could be called a service raman, where yashy’s abranіtsai became in that hour galoina editor uzichnaga vyashchannya belaruskaga telebachannya allasheyna. here you are doing, i turn around, look, yasha is standing, and i say, i actually live here, and what are you doing here? and he, i also live here, right there, on the second floor with my mother, and my mother sent him for sour cream, we went out, talked, talked, r