one of them had the same assistant-machinist yazep golub.he light of the feather appears, uladzik. kali. father worked as a mechanic at the depot, and moved to minsk. the blues lived in wealth and dynasty there was no trouble. pakul is not i'm sorry about the tragedy. kali uladzika turned 13, her father was shot on the streets by certain gangsters. in the hands of the mother, a chastsera was found . the eldest son was forced to quit his studies and work as a farmer, either as a seller to the farm or to the pears. a penny grabbed the money for the hedgehog, but one day the lad was able to scrape together tickets at... the garad theater, of course, they were in the gallery, with the support of uladzislava galubka. the honor of may was drawn onto the curtain, behind which lay something new, something unknown. tretsi signaled, the curtain of the fire, i gave the artist, words, joya. toy the day of change is all yago. uladzislava lethal illness on mastastva. yong malyavaў, graў at the archestra on trambone, for his own. cotton and three boys. klo