and so for several days, and then she disappeared, and yesenin moringov searched for her for a long timen moscow, well, what's going on? yeah, it's normal communicated, worked normally, paid regularly. a couple of months later they find her, ask, what, why? she says: well, i thought you were poets, and you are monks? they offended her not by paying attention, of course, you asked about the life of boringof, about how much he coincides with his heroes, is this a cynical approach or not, it seems to me, it seems to me, marinkov is a very kind person, he is very attentive to the heroes, and in order to be so attentive so... well, let's say, to show their feelings in detail and convincingly, he still has to be, well merciful, you need to see a person in another, yes, and he does not judge them at all, that is , he gives people freedom to be who they want to be, this is very cool, and this is very unusual, and cynics in this sense are such, well , a unique novel too, ekaterina, would you agree, for example, this story? i do not understand this, because the plot itself, well , if you take, wel