. >> seth: so, this is a yorgos -- help me with his last name, yorgos -- >> lanthimos. >> seth: -- lanthimosstone. this is the first time you've worked with him. >> yeah. >> seth: and this is an exceptionally unique and incredible movie. but you -- it's basically like -- uld say three -- it's almost like novelas. >> what do you think it's about, seth? >> seth: what do i think it's about? i have a lot of thoughts, actually, about what the first part is about. >> i'm sorry. you don't have to answer that. [ laughter ] >> seth: well, i want to say something about this movie. 'cause i think -- i see what you're doing. because this movie is hard to explain. and you've had to do it, not on late night shows, you had to do it on morning shows. >> i know. [ laughter ] yeah. just recently. >> seth: watching you on a morning show trying to explain this nutty movie -- [ light laughter ] >> i've got my sentence that sums it up. >> seth: so what's your sentence? >> well, and i -- this is true. and i feel like in all of his films, especially with this one, he's exploring very universal, very human themes th