yossi mekelberg. _ doesn't serve your interests.mekelberg, thank you _ doesn't serve your interests. yossi mekelberg, thank you for - doesn't serve your interests. yossi mekelberg, thank you for your time. live to our middle east correspondent yolande knell. thank you forjoining us. we were just talking about this visit in washington, dc and we have heard of the strong comments from kamala harris. what more do we know about the international pressure on israel right now? the international pressure on israel riaht now? . , ., , right now? certainly that is extremely _ right now? certainly that is extremely intense - right now? certainly that is extremely intense at - right now? certainly that is extremely intense at the l right now? certainly that is - extremely intense at the moment on israel, and also on hamas, in particular to try to reach some kind of agreement on a six—week truce, the so—called paris framework deal that was laid out more than a week ago. there are talks currently going on in cairo involving egyptian and qatari m