yosuf aburishh. is the minister of health in gaza, few people even know his name, i've known known him for 12, 13 years, and he's been the minister of health for the last 12 years, i think, he's a pediatrician, he's quite young, he's married, he has, i believe five kids and he's an extremely warm human being, and he's one of my absolute role models in this world, he has been on call for. f month, night and day, never left his position as the leader of this incredibly brutally attacked healthcare system, and every time i talk to him, he has not given up, but he asked the question, how can this be allowed to go on? not only has israel, completely destroyed several hospitals, not a single hospital. on gaza out of the 36 remains fully functional, there are some that are partially functional, there are some that are barely functional, but not a single one out of the 36 remains fully functional, but something dr. abasitte said that really stayed with me, is that not only is israel systematically targeting medical facilities, but they are targeting medical professionals, and israel's objectiv