in bangalore india, zakaria abbas. and of course to you for watching us, catch our earlier episodes on, and until we meet again, continue to keep palestine in your hearts. hizulah's response to the recent zionist aggression on the lebanese capital, will it spark in all out war with beirot or remain a series of targeted strikes? will examine zinus israel's demand for measured response from hezbulah and whether such an approach is viable after major attacks on lebanese targets and with iran, iraq, lebanon and yemen, all vowing retaliation while zionist israel, the us, the uk, france, and some other. nations prepared to counter how close are we to a full scale regional conflict, tune in for in-depth analysis of the escalating tensions and what it means for the future of the region, don't miss it, resistance revenge strike this week on the media stream, لذلك نعم نحن نستشعر ثقل الامانه والمسؤوليه وهذه مسؤوليه لديها اثمان ونحن ايضا مستعدين لهذه الاثمان الشهاده في في سبيل فلسطين في سبيل الله عز وجل في سبيل كرامه هذه الامه في سبيل كرامه هذه الامه في سبيل كرامه هذه الامه. the he