i'm not a woman, i'm zhanna sergeevna , zhanna sergeevna, breathe, breathe, smart girl, smart girl, zhannallers, forgive me, please, forgive me, it’s all my fault, my little one! “it’s all my fault, mom, forgive me, please forgive me, i’m all i’ll destroy it, everything is fine, everything is fine with us, we are not angry, and you, if it’s not too late, forgive me. “i love you very much, lord, yes, yes, yes, yes, i agree, with whom?” “i agree to become your wife, dumbass , so, one more question, and i’ll change my mind, no way, well, who feels bad, no one, we’re all fine already, why did they call us, we’ll know how to draw up a difficult call, or maybe we’ll come to the call quickly, by the way, i called you an hour and a half ago, is there traffic? they received a false call, issue it, they also broke the door, that’s good, that they broke it, we still have to change the locks, yes, but while you were driving, we saved each other. well, we’ll go too, it’s time for us to stay happily, the wedding is in 3 weeks, what? it’s good when everyone gets married, but no, no, lesh, that won’t happ