pipes, the vocals worked, yes the vocals worked, there was something like a technical overlay, well, zhoria standing ovation, because the girls played until... laўreats of the competition became the charmers, from this moment and their success usesoyuznaya vydomastsya: geta kalektyў public loved and drank pausul, but it is necessary to say that from the side of professional musicians it is important, of course, in the first part of the men, in the last days, the geta was called the first section at the warm-up, the second section is a bird with its famous hits. they, of course, were immediately very condescending to us, very, we worked the first section, all the blue birds were standing, there was a podium there, from it you had to go down the steps, all the blue birds were standing and giving us their hands, they said, girls, it would be great , but the sounds, the light ones, lingered, i’m waiting. federation dominates the information field, since the twentieth year our audience has grown, it has a very clear request for socio-political broadcasting, many say, you cannot teach to love yo