tv [untitled] March 30, 2022 12:00am-12:31am MSK
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914, the seer badly meant, of course, another germany, although that was not sugar, again, unlike the haushoffers for the bad german continental union and, by the way, while maintaining the union with france, was the basis for peace, not for war. as for the belated romantic hausfer, the actual practice of the nazis in translating some of his ideas into reality led him to confusion. he was arrested after the failure of the anti-hitler plot in july 1944 for his part in which his son albert was shot. and in march. in 1946, it was not hitler who committed suicide, especially since stalin was not romantic in their actions in the choice of enemies and allies, there was a very specific operational political calculation, we undertake to assert that the longed-for east in the german mind, as well as, above all, napoleon, is by no means, not russia's main the enemy and the main object of revenge on the path to world domination of england is the goal of the first stage on this path, as always.
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germany made the first approach to the projectile rather tight on the eve of the first world war after leaving scenes of bismarck's iron chancellor in 1890 germany chose to reach india in a straight line through the balkans and the ottoman empire along the path bequeathed by napoleon the material embodiment of this was the construction of the berlin constantinople baghdad railway november 8, 1898 in damascus, kaiser wilhelm delivered a speech that marked a new meaning of the german east politicians. on earth they will be sure that the german emperor will always remain their friend. kaiser wilhelmmann the second damascus 1898 is
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definitely a bet on islam as a battering ram on the way domination is attacked by islamism, as opposed to competitors and britain, russia, a bet on the pan-islamism of the ottoman empire, and not on its collapse. naturally, after the defeat of germany in the first world war, it was precisely the stake on collapse that was implemented. what happened to germany after the treaty of versailles is well known, the much less well-known serbian treaty had consequences for the ottoman empire that were not measurably more catastrophic than the sevsk peace treaty. signed on august 10, 1920, so the treaty of the ottoman empire lost 80% of its lands to england transcaucasia received jordan iraq and then egypt dan and cyprus france syria or ivan morocco and tunisia in the caucasus provided for the creation of independent states, armenia and kurdistan the ottoman empire ceased to exist. in order to forestall any possibility of an ottoman revival in
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one form or another, britain took the unprecedented step of legalizing jewish migration to palestine, supporting itself in a base movement. here the british exactly repeated the idea of napoleon who was going to do the same and with the same goal in 1799. this plan was finally consolidated in 1917 by the declaration of the minister for foreign affairs of great britain. british support for zionism had nothing to do with concern for the jews, but pursued purely geopolitical goals. jewish palestine, which occupies a unique geographical position, literally tears the islamic world in half with the creation of jewish palestine, the british drove a goal into the corpse of the ottoman empire. this whole story was conceived and still remains a bone in the throat of muslim revenge-seekers, thus the most an important reason for the formation of a buffer
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state in the heart of the muslim world was the isolation of the asian and african parts of the islamic ummah from each other and the obstruction or, if necessary, the prevention of any attempt by these parts to unite muhsin muhammad salih professor of palestinian history and modern arab history 2003. the hour will strike and you will become master beautiful world, and not just the mouthpiece of our declarations. you will be the one to direct the forces of the arabs. and at this moment i can't even imagine. what will happen to western people. adolf hitler on november 21, 1941, these words of hitler are addressed to the grand mufti of jerusalem hajj amin. el husseini , a representative of one of the most influential families of the former ottoman empire, it was in his house that kaiserfilm negotiated with the ottoman elite
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on the eve of his speech on the board. in his youth, el husse did not serve in the vataman army, two years after the collapse of the empire, he organized the first jewish pogrom in the history of palestine. for which he received 10 years in prison from the british, however, a year after arrest was released and became the youngest grand mufti of jerusalem. husseini's key idea was the revival of the great islamic state, the model of which was to serve as the ottoman empire. from his point of view, the jews, as the backbone of britain, posed a threat to the islamic world and obstacles to the implementation of these plans. to some extent, ottoman revanchism or husseini was the twin of hitler's german revanchism in 1931 . these ideas formed the basis of the world islamic congress he created. well a la the revival of the islamic caliphate living according to sharia law hostile forces will disappear from the
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world, and islam will remain and we will create a world caliphate with its capital in jerusalem sheikh raed salah the head of the islamic movement in israel 2002. arab triangle in northern israel, at the initiative of sheikh abdullah dervish, since the first intifada in 1987, creates committees to finance the victims of the israeli occupation in 1993 after the signing of the oslo agreement radically, his part, led by a raid with allah, breaks away from moderate supporters. dervish and creates humanitarian rescue committees to finance palestinian terror. at the same time, the movement leads in popularity among the arabs, more than a million people belong to israel, and many of its leaders are mayors of arab
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settlements in israel. so, after all, returning to the notorious question in order not to engage in nonsense and answer the question of what what he didn’t pass, stalin needs to understand what he knew and, most importantly, what our traditional partners in the big game the british knew and wanted, to put it bluntly, eastern europe is not yet settled for all time is of vital interest to england. it can even be argued that it is unfair to try to prevent germany from completing its unity and prepare for war against the slavs, provided that these preparations do not dissuade the british empire that they are not simultaneously directed against it by the memorandum of nevela genderson 1937. this is the logic munich, the logic of appeasement of hitler and, in fact, inciting him against russia, this logic of chamberlain
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on march 30, 1939, the same chamberlain, not even churchill, who consistently held an anti-german position, gives poland british guarantees in the event of a german attack, remember, provided that these preparations do not dissuade the british empire, the conditions have changed dissuaded these preparations looked so that it became obvious that hitler intended to inflict the main blow precisely against britain precisely in the traditional a well-understood participant in the big game direction even the british historian alexander in his book 10 fatal mistakes. we recognize hitler not through a frontal attack on the soviet union , but through the unhurried thorough capture of north africa, this path was so obvious that all british leaders saw it equally, as did a number of german leaders, including alfred yod for the chief of staff of the operational leadership of the high command of the wehrmacht, erich ribs,
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commander of the german fleet and erwin romel, who was destined to win glory in north africa and be nicknamed the desert fox alexander devin, american military historian 10 fatal mistakes of hitler sea to seize egypt and the suez canal. british oil in the middle east is a more valuable prize than russian peace in the caspian ereder grand admiral commander of the navy third reich 1940 4 months after this statement , the only personal meeting between hitler and franco took place on the french-spanish border. hitler demanded that 20 german
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divisions be allowed through to capture gibraltar in order to block the mediterranean sea. franco refused to be afraid to quarrel with the british, despite this, almost on time, indicated by hitler franco on february 13, 1941, the african expeditionary force of general rombeli landed in tripoli with 25,000 soldiers and 8,500 units of rolling stock. what is there in the silence , frozen more often, where the heat hid from the cold? when heart beat faster? when will life return with spring? what where when spring series of games from april 3 on the first winline enjoy the game the
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let's see what is happening in the east, it is the germans and italians who are putting pressure on japan to keep it from escalating the conflict of the ussr to khalkhin in the midst of events on july 24, 1939, britain signed an agreement with japan known as the rita craig agreement in which the results of japanese aggression were fully recognized. notice this a month before the signing of the ribbentrop pact molotov when negotiations were still going on in moscow with the anglo-french mission on june 9, 1940 with the active assistance of germany and italy between the ussr and japan concluded an agreement on the demarcation of the soviet mansur border, in essence, this agreement was perceived by the western political elite, like pak tribbentrop molotov in the east, which actually materialized in the signing of the neutrality treaty on april 13, 1941. moreover , again reactive germany italian
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mediation. why did hitler need almost by force to impose the neutrality of japan to provide deep rear areas for the soviet union literally a few days before the start of the war, if he really planned it in february 1941 a few days after rommel's landing in tripoli and the start of the war in north africa, at a meeting of the high command at hitler's headquarters , a decision was made that the historian is extremely reluctant to recall. according to the plan approved at this meeting, the german army was supposed to pass through the balkans near stoke turkey and iran to afghanistan and then crossing the hindu kush to enter india, the documented goal of this operation was to be the connection of wehrmacht units with the advancing japanese units on eastern borders. well, tell me why? why did hitler need to go iran through the caucasus
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, breaking through the multi-million red army well, armed with huge mobilization capabilities, when he could get into the same iran in a completely different way through friendly bulgaria through uh turkey, which was an ally of germany and in the first world war and now through friendly arab countries, where for many years anti-british e actions were being prepared. why did he actually need russia if germany and japan managed to unite in india, a completely different look would take on a war plan with the ussr, which would be completely surrounded with a front line of 15,000 km, vulnerable at any point, the most vulnerable point of course, here is a soft
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underbelly, through which central asia could be easy to cut the ussr in half. this was the strategy of world domination. there are no real victories of the axis countries in world war ii, there is reason to doubt that both stalin and churchill understood this, so hitler, like his napoleon, had two paths in india. they are the same paths to near eastern and caucasian oil through a hostile cold russia with a powerful army, even greater mobilization potential, or through friendly muslim countries, fragments of the ottoman empire with a favorable climate and the support of the local population who wants to defeat britain. even if we assume that hitler sought to the conquest of russia why strike in the forehead, if it is possible, in strict accordance with the classical german military doctrine, to solve the war by means of a roundabout maximum possible in terms of the scope and geographical conditions of the maneuver, as bequeathed, the great german military theorist , field marshal fund, schlieffen, it is interesting, by the way, that the
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developers of the campaign against india were typical armchair rats generals keitel and yodel were executed by the verdict of the nuremberg tribunal along with ribbentrop, who concluded the well-known fact of the ussr under at the same time, the chief of the general staff of the ground forces, galdor , and the developer of the plan of attack on the ussr, paulus manstein guderian ges, all died a natural death. if the heart of the british empire is india, then its achilles' heel, the muslim middle east and the critical point here is british palestine, and here the interests of german and ottoman revenge, the interests of hitler and el-hu seiny, ideological cooperation, the nazis and the arab liberation movement fully converged. it began
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immediately after hitler came to power in the middle east, teachers of the german language, who were engaged in active propaganda, nazism and willows, first of all went to turkey and iran. however, active political work is precisely by the period of 1937-41, the years of preparation and the beginning of the implementation of the eastern campaign, while the pathological anti-semitism of hitler, as well as of his arab partners, reveals here its completely pragmatic basis in 1936-37, or the hussey, not with the help of the reich, organizes a series in palestine simultaneously various arab parties and the movements are united in the united national front with the formation of the highest arab committee under the chairmanship of the grand muft. in september 1937 , the british governor of the galilee vat was killed by the british the rebellion was suppressed by the elkha, the blue from a group of associates managed to escape to lebanon, and then it is clear that the figures
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of the muslim movement concentrated in baghdad , it was bogdan who was to become one of the key points for the destruction of british power. iran is in power here in 1925, muhammad riza, who chose the surname pikhlevi in honor of the parthian kings and proclaimed a new dynasty, a new step , emphasized in every possible way that his coming to power was a kind of, fascist revolution actively pedaling the common aryan roots, it is characteristic that the persians were declared by the nazis to be pure-blooded aryans and by a special decree were exempted from the nuremberg laws. the position of the germans in iran would pose a huge threat to britain in control of india, where the struggle for independence was already unfolding from iran, germany could easily
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reach india through the khyber. having passed along the roads laid long before that, back in 324 bc, by alexander the great. she's just such a threat. would force england to direct all forces to the last soldier to protect the main pearls of his crown, without losing a single soldier germany easily. could behead britain alexander behlen american military historian hitler's 10 fatal mistakes here, note what american historian alexander bevin calls hitler's fatal mistake such a mistake. everything we know about you says that it was this hitler who understood no worse than the beven and that’s exactly how he was going to act, by the way, such a characteristic touch. our sergey lopnikov notices that all this aryan the theme of the swastika is the mass dissemination of tibetan mysticism in the nazi and elite of all kinds of aryan iran immediately before the start of the war. everything, this is very similar to the napoleonic
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fashion for all the egyptian pharaohs, the mummy of the pyramid, just on the channel of the company against the same britain, all this is aryan, so to speak, e the swan was a direct preparation for e, along hitler's course there to the middle east to india especially that iran where did the word iran veteran come from? persia was renamed iran only in 1935. well iran is aria's country translation and the iranians were even exempted from the nuremberg laws. and again, everything becomes clear if we imagine that hitler was preparing a campaign. in accordance with the directive of february 2017, february 1941 to persia and further to india to join the japanese troops, which eventually reached burma, which is very close, it is curious that in india itself,
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during the years of the outbreak of hostilities, at the head of the national congress turns out to be a man who decided to achieve independence from the british empire leaders at any cost indian liberation movement. chandra, the boss as congress president, opposes the decision of the british colonial authorities to use the indians in the upcoming battles with the countries of russia, he puts forward the british, an ultimatum demanding complete independence. however, the old guard, led by gandhi, who is not used to declaring his interests so decisively, seeks the resignation of the radical after when he creates his own forward bloc party, which begins to oppose the recruitment of indians into the british army and puts forward the slogan enemy of my enemy to me friend. in 1942, partly under pressure from roosevelt,
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churchill agreed to adopt a declaration promising indian self-government after the war. on july 28, he dined with king george vi, who he wrote in his diary. he surprised me by saying that his colleagues and two or all three parties in parliament were ready to give up india to the indians after the war of king george vi 1942. dominions have a common devotion to the motherland until the adoption of a new constitution, the majesty government must inevitably retain control over the defense of india and be responsible for leading the defense of india july 2 , 1940 arrests the boss by that time he had already been behind bars 11 times for
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anti-british speeches, but the indian hero flees, crosses the afghan border to the ussr, from where he ends up in germany, the nazis allow him to form the indian legion from captured military personnel and open radio broadcasting in india although the boss was dubbed the indian fuhrer, not then in reality. he sympathized with the ideas of socialism and dreamed of relying on the soviet union in the struggle for indian independence. in august 1941, in a letter to ribbentrop, boss stated that the german invasion of the soviet union would be regarded in india as the beginning of an invasion of the east, and therefore germany would be perceived as an enemy . india's fuhrer convinced the boss that india could be liberated from colonial oppression only by stepping over the dead body of russia. however, the indian leader insisted that the legion would not take part in the actions on the soviet german front after stalingrad, the germans considered that the restless guest was still of
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little use and transported him to the submarine by their japanese ally, having obtained the former president of the indian national congress. tokyo could with good reason to claim that it was fighting the british americans for the sake of liberating the asians from colonial ik on june 13, 1943 in tokyo, paraphrasing churchill's famous speech after he declared my only goal was to drive the british out of india, even if for this it would have to use the help of the devil and any power on earth. a month later, the boss arrived in singapore where he headed the provisional government of free india he insisted that the invasion of india begin as soon as possible and that his army play a decisive role in it, the veterans of this army claim that if the boss had succeeded, then india would have remained the united british before leaving in 1948 would not have been able to divide it on religious grounds. the boss was categorically against the division. after graduation
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of the war, the british americans declared the boss to war criminals, however, he was no longer alive, he died in a varya disaster shortly before the surrender of his main ally to the japanese empire , there is a version that in fact the boss faked his death and fled to the territory of the soviet union landing king mile, 13 february 1941 in tripoli, not yet the remnants of february 17 meant the transition to the active phase of the operation from the first to april 2, 1941 in iraq, a nazi uprising flares up, which is directly behind our friend grand mufti elfuzi, who brings rashid ali el-galaini to power germany delivers an ultimatum to greece and yugoslavia by the second of may the british are hastily evacuated with a bolt at the same time by this moment the rombel troops in
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north africa cross the border of egypt may 1, 1941 iraq, with the support of germany, demands the withdrawal of british troops landed there to put down the rebellion. on may 2, iraqi troops begin combat operations against the british at mosu airfields. yes, german planes are starting to land. here it is the card suez is blocked from the arab bridgehead is ready to start moving towards romel turkey iran allies all the strategic task is solved and then something broke. what happened between the second and may 10, 41 here we return to the favorite topic of modern historical speculation. did stalin know the plans of the nazis, how could stalin believe hitler and not believe the notorious intelligence data, a simple answer certainly knew he did not believe a
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single word, neither hitler nor his own agents, who considered at least a victim of british disinformation, now the facts. may 5, 1941 in the kremlin hosted a reception in honor of the graduates of military academies, where stalin made a 40-minute speech, and then, according to witnesses, with a toast, which was regarded as a readiness to attack germany in the summer of 1941 at this speech. actually based numerous speculations. suvorov, he is also a figure, but the plans for a preventive strike by the ussr on germany why france is defeated why england is defeated, and germany is winning lenin said that the defeated armies learn well the germans were defeated in 1916. why because they fought for two
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