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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2022 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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and the gods, the myrrh will fall, pray, intercede, save us, have mercy, save us, god of your blessed grace , as if our mistress the mother of god , and seated mary with all the saints for themselves and each other. after all, our belly to christ god, we will betray, lord, i am katya, all the forces of heaven and you are weak to the layers of the father, the son and the holy spirit , now and forever and ever. the lord of the canon is sung by the expo pastilaria in russian, they sanctified
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such hymns, as a rule, they speak of the spiritual light of enlightenment, in which he bestowed gas people, the lord our spiritual eyes, the event of death and the resurrection of christ
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then the choir performs easter rap verses which are preceded by singing. a verse from the psalter. may god rise again and be squandered, that is, the assimilation of the
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resurrection of christ's beauty of the king of christ the resurrection disappear in russia, reflecting on the meaning of the feast of holy
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pascha st. philaret drozdov mila hurts moscow, which i already mentioned today, is it necessary to found faith, create hope , ignite love, enlighten wisdom, and cry out a prayer don't bring grace destroy disaster death is evil to give vitality to life, to make bliss not a dream, but essentiality, the glory of not ghosts, but the eternal young lightning of the eternal light, illuminating everything and no one, striking everything. there is enough strength in two. miraculous words of christ is risen
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easter each other about and precisely, that is, embraced by all, let's say brothers and hating us. forgive me, everything for the sake of the resurrection is accepted by christ, that is, to exchange words of easter greeting. christ is risen is truly risen and give each other easter eggs the egg is a symbol of life. this is life up to a certain time, being under the shell, no matter how
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it manifests itself. but there comes a moment when life overcomes the resistance of the shell, it breaks and life is resurrected. the life lying in the coffin was also closed from people until the time. the coffin was sealed to him the guards were presented, but nothing was able to hold back the life of the side of death. she shone from the tomb christ is risen. easter eggs painted red remind us that the price of this victory is blood. the savior that was shed by him on the cross is the address of the salvation of all people. then the catechetical sermon of st. john chrysostom is read on the past, this
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hierarch, who lived in the fourth century, was the archbishop of constantinople, we obey these verbs of eternal life. the word will be announced by patriarch kirill, the word announced by our father john the archbishop of constantinople chrysostom in the holy and luminous day of the glorious and saving resurrection of christ our god who is pious and god-loving, yes, he will enjoy this beautiful and with a bright triumph, who is a prudent servant and he will gladly enter into joy, his lord who
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labored fasting, he gave a howl of mortals, not a denarius, who worked from the first hour, that is due justly, yes, it will turn out today, who after the third hour came with thanksgiving will celebrate who came after the sixth hour. achieved does not doubt at all, for nothing is lost. he who has slowed down until the ninth hour, and he will begin without any doubt and without fear of anything, who managed to arrive only at the eleventh hour, and he, let him not be afraid delay, for generous. the master accepts the latter as the first, calms him who came at the eleventh hour, as well as he who worked from the first hour and the last, pardons and rewards the first
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worthy and gives to him and grants him and accepts deeds and welcomes the intention and honors the deeds and praises the disposition so all enter into joy your lord and the first and second will receive the reward of the rich poor. nikayte, with each other abstemious lazy. honor this day, fasting and non-fasting, rejoice today at the meal. abundantly. enjoy, all taurus plump nobody. may he not leave hungry everyone enjoy the feast of the faith everyone perceive the wealth of goodness none. let him not weep over his wretchedness, for it has been revealed. the total kingdom of no one. let us not weep over sins, for
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no one has shone forth forgiveness from the tomb. don't be afraid of death. for the death of the savior has freed us ; hell grieved him, who took on his flesh and those who foresaw it. isaiah exclaimed from saying, he was grieved. having met you in the underworld, he was upset, because he was abolished, he was upset, for he was mocked, he was grieved; for he was put to death, he was grieved; and he was grieved because he was bound. took a body and touched god took the earth and met the sky took what he saw and fell into what
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death did not see, where is your sting hell? where is your victory christ is risen and you are cast down christ is risen and the demons are fallen christ is risen and the angels are rejoicing christ is risen and life is affirmed christ is risen and there are no dead in the tomb for christ is risen from the dead the firstborn of the dead to him glory and power forever and ever . amen sounds troparion to st. john chrysostom is glorified
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his feat of life. truly, it was not by chance that this saint received the name, chrysostom, how inspired and fiery all his words are? hey will hear in the hour and have mercy. i still pray, in the great lord of her holy patriarchate of cyril, for the most holy metropolitans, the bishop and all of his christ in the mouth and our
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prayers have blessed the country of our power. i will live a quiet silent life in every piety of the savior and all in christ, brothers and our attention to salvation, visits to forgiveness, absolution of sins, the brothers and the saint were kept by the lord, the benefactor
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- these are those who hand over everything in candles to an honest temple, those who work fighting and coming to people, expecting mercy from the earth. a merciful person loves with god , have mercy on you, we send glory to the father and son and the holy spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, let us fulfill our morning prayer, lord and lord have mercy . save us, my god, her grace is her
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worship. paschal mornings are completed by petitionary ektitiya, which received the name from the final words of each petition, give, lord. these petitions are pronounced by deacon john klintsov. cathedral of christ the savior good and useful souls in our worlds. with the lord, the other times of our belly in the world of repentance will end. with
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the lord, it will be easier in a few minutes to begin the service of the divine liturgy, the main and most important church service. the word liturgy is translated from greek as a common joint work? the church chose this name because it best expresses the basic idea that prayer is the work of all church people. it overcomes the distance of the borders of time and spiritually unites believers. during the liturgy is celebrated sacrament of thanksgiving sacrament of the eucharist, bread and wine, without changing their physical properties of the power of action. by the influx of the holy spirit, they acquire special spiritual power; they are taught to believers for communion in the remission of sins and in
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life and to you glory to the father and the son and the holy spirit now and ever and forever and ever. and to everyone and yours during the liturgy, a sacrifice of thanksgiving is offered to god, therefore, it is also called the eucharist, which in greek means thanksgiving. father and son and the holy spirit now and forever and forever and ever
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blessed christ with our god is always now insipid his forever and ever and the holy orthodox world of the beauty of christians water christ is risen our true god through prayers most pure to his mother of the saints
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glorious and all laudable apostle of the saints and righteous godfather and tim john and all the saints have mercy and christ is risen christ is risen christ is risen christ is risen, the hymn christ is risen in greek sounds the patriarch together with the servants is sent from the altar to the center of the temple.
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in order to begin the celebration of the divine liturgy here. at this time, the choir sings the hymn christ is risen in latin. as i said, the eucharist, this is the main sacrament of the church, established by the lord jesus christ on the eve of his saving sufferings, the cross of death and sunday, participation in judaism and communion of the body and blood of christ is the commandments of salvation through their students. he said that to all christians this is my body and drink from it from the cup in syria everything is blood is my new testament the patriarch teaches blessing with the servant at the beginning of the divine
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liturgy. the church itself is the body, christ's, and therefore the sacrament of the body and blood of christ visibly reveals the mystical nature of the church, building up the church community. god the kingdom of the father and son and the holy spirit, now and near and forever and ever, the initial age of the divine liturgy has sounded. which will be performed to the glory of the father, the son and the holy spirit the easter holiday begins according to the
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paschal rite, the troparion christ is risen is sung. measure the altar. here he walks the throne, about which a shroud was placed. the image of christ the savior laid in the tomb here the wife of the throne
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will be performed, the divine eucharist, the offering of a bloodless sacrifice of thanksgiving for all of all. the spiritual life of an orthodox christian is unthinkable without communion of the holy mysteries of christ and by communing the holy gifts, believers are illuminated by the power of the holy spirit and are united with christ the savior and with each other, constituting the single body of christ the church, which was founded by the lord through
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the death of the lord jesus christ is risen
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christ is risen christ is risen christ is risen christ is risen , let us pray to the lord. anchor pronounces great
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peace to you, the patriarch reads secret prayers. and more and more to those, except for the family with faith, reverence, fear of god, walking the will of the lord let us pray for the great master and father of our most holy patriarch. ri, harness, priest of the metropolitan-episcopal-pastoral presbytery for the president of our power and its army, let us pray to the lord great deacon sergius trubachev
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, abundance of the fruits of the earth and time to the peaceful lord, let us pray on easter night, we join our the spiritual experience of the church testifies to the special power of such a common conciliar prayer and christianity, the church raises its prayer for the peace of the whole world, and the well-being of the orthodox churches of the sisters, and our country its power of those and the army, and the patriarchs and those who carry out his swindle about our capital city of moscow about those who are suffering. who is sick, and those who
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turned out to be an imaginary captivity. knife of christ and giving you every word of honor and worship to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, the great yagdtinya ends with an exclamation to the clergy. after this, the singing of the festive antiphons begins. 3 these are separate verses from the prophetic psalms about the resurrection of jesus christ , the greek word antiphon, translated into russian,
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means opposition and indicates the way such hymns are performed alternately by two haras. oki, we pray, step down, dear beer, save us, god , by your grace, we are pursuing buckwheat. and the temporary
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glorious mistress of our mother of god and cut into the sky mary with all the saints commemorate themselves to each other the completion of the antiphon followed by a small small price, representing a reduced or peaceful. so this is yours, holding your kingdom and strength and the glory of the father and the sons of the holy spirit now unsalted forever and ever the earth, bless you, you have been sanctified for your remembrance , salvation sons. god's after all death. i'm afraid. hallelujah performs the second anti


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