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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2022 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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the ekhanate became part of the muscovite kingdom in honor of this victory on red square was erected. one of the most beautiful russian churches. the intercession of the mother of god is also known as the cathedral of st. basil the blessed , this victory became the impetus for the further expansion of the russian state in 1556 ivan the terrible, conquered the astrakhan khanate soon recognized its dependence on moscow, nagai arta became part of russia, bashkiria peoples separate tribes and families. even left familiar places, but gradually russians and tatars, kalmyks and bashkirs. they got used to living together, the government left the nomadic people the right to own land and pastures, the local nobility
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transferred to the service of the russian state, the famous aristocratic families of yusupova, the shirinsky maksutovs, and many others are of tatar bashkir or kalmyk origin historian. lev gumilyov wrote, we must pay tribute to the mind and tartu of our ancestors. they treated the surrounding peoples as equals, even if not like them. and thanks to this, they withstood the age-old struggle, having established as a principle not the extermination of neighbors, but the friendship of peoples. soon , new cities, cheboksary-ufa, grew up on the annexed lands, samara stopped tribal wars, agriculture, crafts, and trade developed. russia finally
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took shape. how much the nation-state increasingly sounded in relation to it the epithet great. the possession of moscow sovereigns extended in the east to the urals and bordered on the mysterious and almost unknown siberian khanate in this siberian tatars lived on the edge, northern peoples were engaged in hunting and cattle breeding, the khanty-mansi germans were sikups, and one of the descendants of genghis khan khanku chum ruled here, he sought to displace the russian surals by raiding russian villages. to put a limit to this, local merchants equipped a large cossack detachment in september 1581 , the cossacks, led by ataman ermak timofeevich, set off on a campaign against the siberian
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khanate. the road was long and difficult ; we clear the way through the thickets. the ataman was strictly observed by discipline, so that no one would incur the wrath of god by fruit or other sinful deeds they wintered in the taiga, when food supplies ran out, they switched to pasture . only in spring did the cossacks come into the possession of khan kuchum. after the first clash with
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yermak's retinue, the tikhanskaya army turned to flight and the cossacks continued the offensive after a series of heavy battles. they occupied the qashlyk capital of the siberian khanate for several years in western siberia . battle big and small in one of them and ermak perished according to legend. he was dragged above me by the irtysh heavy chain mail, a gift from ivan the terrible. the death of the ataman did not stop the conquerors of the trans-urals. they erected fortified points, prisons, which gave rise to the growth of siberian cities. so it was founded, tyumen followed it, tobolsk, the future capital of russian siberia, then birches, surgut, andorsk,
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naryn when yermak entered siberia, something in his army did not guess the role that she would play in russian history. for a long time this region remained only a supplier of furs to a place of exile for dangerous criminals, but the importance of siberia grew with the development of the state itself, transport industry and science. here they found a large deposit of gold deposits of coal and other minerals. agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing developed here in the 1960s . siberia has become one of the largest oil producing locations in the world. and gas. modern enterprises, universities and research centers have grown here. the very
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name siberia, according to one version, comes from turkic words court and bir wild forest. in the 21st century, we are learning anew to appreciate the siberian reserves of those very waters and forests that form the basis of the natural wealth of our country. but most importantly, for many centuries, from peasants, convicts from workers and scientists, enthusiasts of uprooted inhabitants and newcomers foreigners in siberia, a special stock of people has formed who call themselves siberians of people who are not afraid of harsh climatic conditions or hard work of people for whom nothing is impossible. it is they researched. for us, this region. they defended
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moscow in 1941. they discovered the place of birth and built power plants on the land of their ancestors on their own land. three crowns appeared above the russian double-headed eagle - symbols of the three annexed kingdoms of kazan, astrakhan and siberia; the geography of the moscow kingdom expanded and changed its map. back in the xiv century, each russian prince had drawings of his possessions, they were drawn on birch bark and they were intended to resolve economic issues such as sports, they were for the horde khans after liberation from the horde in 1497 a drawing of the moscow
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lands came out, and the first map of the russian kingdom was compiled in 1525 by the italian scientist paolo giova based on the stories of the russian ambassador dmitry gerasimov during the reign of ivan the terrible , the first geodetic manual was written, and the royal archives consisted of 248 separate maps. most of them looked very complex and looked more like drawings. however, they also gave an idea of ​​the size of the state, which gradually became one of the largest states in europe after the death of ivan the terrible's son . tsar fyodor interrupted the dynasty of the moscow ruritovichs, riots soon began, which escalated into a real civil war. the throne of moscow passed from hand to hand
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, new impostors claimed power. it seemed that the moscow kingdom was doomed to death, the crisis reached its extreme point when the troops of the western neighbors of the commonwealth and sweden invaded its borders, the interventionists occupied the kremlin and the russian reign was promised to the polish heritage. speech, the commonwealth, translated from polish , means a common cause. this state was founded in in the second half of the 16th century, as the unification of the polish kingdom and the grand duchy of lithuania in the period of its highest prosperity, the commonwealth extended from the baltic coast to the dnieper rapids, including the lands of modern poland lithuania belarus latvia parts of estonia a significant part of ukraine and western regions of russia these days far from moscow in
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nizhny novgorod, a simple zemsky headman, having gathered the townspeople, addressed them with a speech, orthodox people pakhatin will not regret helping the moscow state our bellies. yes, not that our bellies, we will sell our yards, the wives of the children, are mortgaged. let my mother and his fellow citizens understand that the salvation of the country of its lands, villages, cities depends only on the inhabitants themselves. the russian merchant helped to assemble an army, led by an experienced governor dmitry pozharsky , an army formed on the banks of the volga from the nobles and served by their people reached moscow to liberate it from the poles and their allies in november 1.612 pozharsky's regiment of minina above his enemy from
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the capital. but in order to restore order in the country it was necessary to elect a new king, and one that would suit all strata of society. the people who conquered their land from the enemy had every right to elect a new ruler, the people, as it needed reunification in the world. in conciliarity, a zemsky sobor was convened, consisting of representatives of various russian lands. estates after screening out numerous candidates for the kingdom was crowned 17-year-old boy mikhail fedorovich romanov , the founder of the second and last dynasty of russian sovereigns. we have lost contact with all our agents in germany who sent you?
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tell the truth and stay sewing. details on the summer plan poison grenades for all occasions, if everyone here does not trust me, just understand me. no, you've spent forgive these worlds of precaution. yes , chief of intelligence, the premiere of a multi-part film tomorrow after the program there is no time with
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we will renovate your apartment. or we will help your equipment with the move, look for the necessary services on avito masters here. in fact, gazprombank cards are available to everyone. buy new premium collections of malamod with payment after trying them on. friend. in 1613, the country lay in ruins; smolensk was
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ceded to the commonwealth; a significant part of korea was captured by the swedes. russia lost access to the baltic to return all these lands the romanov dynasty had to tsars. whose sacred duty is to protect his land and the people living on it, the tsar was responsible for this not before people and not before history , but before god. polish gentry already for three centuries, a large orthodox population lived after the union of lithuania with catholic poland, orthodoxy in these lands was persecuted, and the russian language was forced out because of everyday life.
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in 1648, the zaporizhzhya cossacks, led by hetman bogdan khmelnytsky, raised an uprising, which soon turned into a real war, the battle went on with varying success. the zaporizhian cossacks several times appealed to moscow with a request to accept them into russian citizenship from the bogdanov-melnitsky such an appeal was received in june 1648. in 1653, the moscow zemsky sobor approved the acceptance of the territory of the zaporizhzhya army into the citizenship of the russian state. in 1654, in the city of pereyaslav, in the presence of russian ambassadors, the cossack rada took place, which decided to transfer to the power of the russian tsar. after that, a long, difficult war began with
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the commonwealth in 1654. the son of mikhail romanov , tsar alexei mikhailovich, personally led the campaign against smolensk. the city was still held by the poles for a month and a half, preparations for the storm continued. the enemy beat off two attacks and a protracted garden began, the enemy counted on an early reinforcement, but it never came. soon the garrison surrendered, the native smolensk people welcomed alexei mikhailovich as a deliverer, smolensk is the key city, the main obstacle on the way of the invaders to moscow , forever returned to the russian state.
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it was only the beginning after 13 years following the results of the russian-polish war. russia withdrew and the territories lost during the turmoil and kiev with adjacent regions, chatter, chernihiv and zaporozhye these territories were the basis of the russian state , later they began to be called the traditions of kazakh self-government, and the hetman of the zaporozhian army was the highest official, therefore the lands were also called. meanwhile, russia was growing stronger and developing. the siberian lands attracted with their riches rare species of fish, seal fat , walrus tusks, but the most valuable commodity was
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furs ; sometimes with battles, sometimes peacefully brought the local population under the high sovereign's hand and possessed his tribute to the esak. russian colonists settled next to the natives. the fortified points of the prison built by servicemen became administrative centers over time, cities grew in their place. by the middle of the 17th century, the russian state stretched to chukotka, the coast of the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bokhotsk and transbaikalia.
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the pacific basin. russia had huge reserves of raw materials. however, the country had neither a fleet nor access to the baltic and black seas, and therefore remained dependent on european merchants; western trading companies bought russian goods cheaply and exported them on their ships. this hit both the treasury and state prestige, if the situation is not reversed, russia will be destined for the fate of a giant colony of a raw material appendage of europe in order to ensure the future of the russian state, it was necessary to break through to the baltic . a strong northern rival, the swedish kingdom,
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the new tsar peter i decided to realize this vital task. a combat-ready army, not inferior to the troops of the swedish king charles xii, was handed over to the russians one after another from enemy fortresses. three years after the start of the war next to the swedish niyam with a chance at the very mouth of the nevyotr, he laid the first, the city of st. petersburg will soon become the new capital of russia. for centuries, the izhora lands
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were part of the russian state, they moved to sweden after the events of the time of troubles and now again became part of the russian state. the decisive battle of the northern war took place on june 27, 1709 , near poltava, before the start of the battle, peter i turned to his army, you should not think that you are fighting for peter, but for the state handed over to peter, and peter knows that his life is his inexpensive, if only russia lived in bliss and glory for your well-being, an almost unbelievable strengthened russian army happened to the head defeated one of the strongest armies in the world news
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of the defeat of the swedish king flew around europe fighting on land and at sea. continued for over 10 years. the swedes desperately clung to their last bastions in the baltic, but in the end they asked for peace, the defeated sweden ceded the baltic lands to russia, lefland, estonia, part of karelia with vyborg, and also ingria, where he was located, st. petersburg. the russian state firmly established itself on the baltic shores, which radically changed the balance of power in europe in 1721 , the russian tsar peter the great took the title of emperor of all russia russia became one of the
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great powers and was proclaimed an empire. the empire is not just a state, it is a single space of law and civilization, which covers many countries and peoples and has a single center of power - the sacred personality of the emperor. the russian empire considered itself the heir of byzantium, the duties of the russian autocrat included protection of the church and patronage of the orthodox throughout the world. it was in the era of peter i that the compilation of geographical maps began to take place according to all the rules of geodetic science to create maps of various regions of the empire, hundreds of graduates of the marine academy of the st. petersburg engineering school and other educational institutions worked. one
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of the main enthusiasts of the cartographic body was peter's associate ivan kirillovich kirillov at his own expense. he produced several dozen richly decorated maps, as well as a three-volume atlas of the all-russian empire. these publications gained great popularity and were freely sold in bookstores in moscow and st. petersburg . however, they still had many inaccuracies. only 7 years after the death of kirillov in 1745, domestic cartographers summed up the results of twenty years of work on the description of the country, the russian academy of sciences, released the russian atlas, this unique edition, which includes 19 maps of the province and one general map of the country, was recognized as the first official atlas
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of the russian state. for the first time in russian history, everyone could get a visual representation of the contours and dimensions of the russian state from the baltic coast to kamchatka opened up the opportunity to travel around the vast country, having in front of him the exact outline of its mountains, rivers and paved roads. and most importantly, the inhabitants of the country got the opportunity to explore those endless territories that their ancestors had inherited. it seemed to none of the russian autocrats not to compete in glory with peter the first, and yet
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the daughter of the specific german prince succeeded. she was betrothed to the russian heir peter fedorovich went to a distant eastern country and fell in love with her with all her heart. the congenital sophia of august received a riderika, with orthodox baptism the name catherine she was to spend 34 years on the russian throne and significantly expand the boundaries of the russian empire. to the west of the russian borders on the territory of the commonwealth , separate ukrainian and belarusian ethnic groups were formed. however, on both sides of the state border, a single faith and cultural traditions were preserved, meanwhile the lithuanian state lost its strength, endless wars and rebellions ravaged the commonwealth, and
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the consequences fell on the shoulders of the orthodox population. under these conditions, under pressure from prussia and austria, catherine agreed to a partial division of the territory of the commonwealth to the russian empire , eastern belarus passed up to minsk, and also part of modern latvia, the first section was followed by two others, and in 1795 the commonwealth ceased to exist as part of the russian empire entered the central western belarus volhynia lithuania and courland are only now at the end of the 18th century. it was possible to realize the long-standing goal of the russian sovereigns to unite under their own hands all the east slavic lands, only the populated ones became an exception.


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