tv [untitled] April 24, 2022 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK
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moreover, the national region of russia, moreover, some local party members demanded to join the unions, as a separate republic they were part of the transcaucasian federation, when ordzhonikidze heard about this, he was furious. he called his colleagues a shilenist book, and when a member of the georgian communist party akaki and kubakhitsa in response called sergo stalin's marshak, he used his fists. after that, having created the entire georgian central committee , he resigned. this incident almost jeopardized the policy of the bolsheviks in the caucasus. and, of course, she promised ordzhonikidze big troubles up to expulsion from the party , it seemed that sergo's political career ended once and for all, he was saved only by the aggravation of lenin's illness, who from the spring of 1923 could no longer take part in
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state work. however, in the dispute over the principles of creating a single socialist state , lenin 's point of view prevailed . any socialist state, both existing and the fact that the future will arise from the four republics that make up the union was recognized as sovereign and endowed with the right to withdraw from the ussr the soviet union had a single armed forces and credit for the monetary system, and the highest political and economic power was concentrated in moscow
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on january 21 1924, the founder of the soviet state, vladimir lenin, died after his death in the ussr , the process of national territorial mixing continued, the bolsheviks proclaimed the principle equality of large and small peoples inhabiting the soviet union many territories where one or another ethnic group prevailed were granted the status of either a union or an autonomous republic or an autonomous region that was part of it. the russian federation included 19 autonomous republics, including kazakh and kyrgyz, on the territory of the ukrainian ussr in the region of present-day transnistria, the autonomous
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republic of moldova was formed. moldovans made up only a third of its population in the composition of the caucasian in the federations, the nakhichevan nagorno-karabakh abkhazian adzharian and south ossetian autonomy was singled out in the national republics , a policy of indigenization was carried out, representatives of the indigenous people were nominated in leadership positions, and local languages were introduced into education and office work. once upon a time, the dream of a socialist state seemed a utopia, but the ussr became a reality and the former revolutionaries were responsible for the future of the country in the country , an industrialization program began to accelerate the build-up of military and economic power soviet union this program required a
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lot of new workers, which the authorities could only take from the village in the villages, forced collectivization was carried out, private prosperous farms. ruined peasants were forced to join the collective farms. otherwise, they were waiting for either starvation or arrests, exile in the conditions of atheistic propaganda, priests and believers were persecuted and arrested within the bolshevik party itself, a merciless political struggle ensued, which was accompanied by arrests and executions. opponents of all this led to the fact that dissatisfaction with the soviet authorities grew in rich agricultural areas, uprisings broke out. nevertheless, the soviet union strengthened, turning into a modern industrial power with a powerful
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military potential. the process of national territorial delimitation lasted until 1936 , when the ussr no longer consisted of four, but of 11 republics and the bukhara republic and the turkestan autonomy within the rsfsr were disbanded in their place, the turkmen, uzbek and tajik ussr kazakh and kyrgyz autonomy within the rsfsr were transformed into union republics, and because of the caucasian federation , the georgian armenian and azerbaijani
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ussr emerged. development of national languages. but a huge country with its economic and political tasks required the creation of conditions under which the inhabitants of the republics of state-owned enterprises and other institutions understand each other that is why in all the republics and autonomies created the conditions for the study of the russian language, however, a mandatory subject of the school curriculum. he became only in 1936. the new country needed new maps in 1930 was organized. moscow geodetic institute in 1932, the
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department of g5 and cartography appeared at moscow state university. now the maps were created with the help of a more accurate mathematical apparatus and more advanced equipment. cartographers used balloons and aviation for the needs of the national economy and the red the army for the first time created sets of maps on a scale of one hundred thousand work. it was so difficult that the creation of a map of the european territory of the country ended only during the war in 1942 , with the activity of the higher geodetic administration. the ussr passed through the conditions of the strictest secrecy sometimes it came to anecdotal situations outside the military maps that were issued for wide use cartographic data changed up to the shift of coordinates on the maps of
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moscow and leningrad 40% of the street was missing lanes, and only the main roads were indicated on graphic maps, it was probably assumed that this would mislead the enemy’s reconnaissance, however, such spies. mania. it only led to the fact that foreign armies had their own more accurate maps of the ussr compared to those that could be bought in soviet stores. but from now on, soviet schoolchildren studied geography. according to brand new, only printed maps of the union of soviet socialist republics , the forties were approaching, most citizens the new country believed that the first communist state, created from the ruins of the russian empire, would survive the most difficult times and remain a symbol for the whole world. freedom of
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justice and friendship of different nations. no one could have known about the fact that the map of the ussr would soon change and about the trials that both the peoples inhabiting it and the friendship between them would undergo. i am far from delighted with everything that i see around me, but i swear on my honor that i would not want to change my fatherland or have a different history for anything in the world, in addition to the history of our ancestors, such as god gave it to us alexander sergeevich pushkin in the mid-thirties, the soviet union, created on the ruins of the russian empire, turned from a pariah country into a recognized and respected power. and
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although the western countries were in reserve, the ussr was not considered a communist ideology, the soviet leadership pursued a peaceful foreign policy and did not pretend to redraw the border, while another, european state, germany was causing more and more concern. and besides, there were serious reasons. after the first world war , the victorious countries of great britain, france and the usa seized a number of territories from germany, achieved a sharp reduction in the german army and the payment of gigantic cash. many germans perceived the outcome of the war as a national humiliation and dreamed of revenge; these sentiments were strengthened during the years of the great depression. one of the most
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popular german politicians was the leader of the national socialist party, adolf hitler, who promised to revive the former greatness of germany on january 30 1933, hitler took the place of the reichskansler of the head of the german government after 3 days. he publicly repeated what he wrote about in his book minecraft the most important goal of germany is to conquer a new living space in the east for the leadership of the ussr lagged behind an extremely alarming signal at the initiative of stalin, soviet diplomats sought to start negotiations on the creation of a collective security system with the leading western powers of great britain and france however, both london and paris endlessly dragged out this
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process, contrary to the opinion of moscow, western politicians did not object to the annexation of austria to the german reich, and then approved the forcible rejection of the court of the children's region and several other districts from czechoslovakia, but concessions aimed at appeasing hitler only whetted his appetite. hitler promised great britain to france and leave chekhov was at rest, but in march 1939 the reich troops entered prague. the situation and provided poland with guarantees of assistance in the event of german aggression. hitler was steadily moving towards the declared goal, expanding the sphere of german influence to the east, and there was no doubt that he would not stop there. at times, the fierce
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political struggle of the twenties and thirties began to lean on vyacheslav molotov, who was entrusted with the post of chairman of the council of people's commissars, that is, the soviet government. in the context of the political crisis in europe and the world, stalin suggested that molotov also head the main diplomatic department people's commissariats on strange affairs. now , not only the security of the western borders of the ussr, but also the very survival of the soviet state depended on the success of the new people's commissar. intelligence reported to stalin. hitler was negotiating with the polish minister, foreign affairs yuzefombek knew the details of these negotiations. in particular
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, the chancellor demanded that poland grant germany the right of free passage through the so -called danzig corridor. this is a narrow strip of land that separates the mainland of germany from east prussia after the first world war . was transferred to the polish state, however, the polish authorities refused to make concessions. they understood that hitler was one step away from declaring war, but they hoped that he would not dare to take extreme measures, because behind him there was more support from her military allies, france, great britain, but whether they could stop hitler, the soviet leadership was obliged to calculate all scenarios. in the late 30s, the republic of poland included the lands of western belarus and ukraine, six million ethnic
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belarusians and ukrainians. hitler's immediate goals were not mysteries either for soviet or western diplomats in berlin robert coulondor wrote to become master in central europe subjugate czechoslovakia and hungary then create a great ukraine under german hegemony such, basically, it seems the concept adopted by the nazi leaders the ussr offered guarantees to poland security, but they were indignant. rejected, if the wehrmacht troops occupied poland, then they were separated from the capital of soviet ukraine kiev only 250 km from minsk no more than 50 km. another danger to the soviet borders came from the north-west in finland, german influence was increasing from the soviet union was extremely interested
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in this country remaining neutral, otherwise leningrad, the largest industrial strategic center of the ussr, was in danger of falling in the very first days of the war. after all, the finnish, the border was 32 km from the city of finland, has come a long way to gaining its own statehood, since the 12th century the finnish lands. some of them were under the rule of sweden the russian empire withdrew in 1721 following the results of the great northern war, but the main territory was annexed to the russian empire after the swedish war of 1808-1809 emperor alexander i gave finnish autonomy to the grand duchy and annexed to it the vyborg province received by peter the great, which
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occupied the karelian lands isthmus. since that time, an independent customs and judicial system has operated in finland, the finnish mark has been used as a means of payment, and the finnish swedish languages \u200b\u200bhad official status, however, during the reign of alexander iii , the process of russification began in the grand duchy of finland, which caused discontent among the local population at the beginning of the 20th century. the tsarist government canceled the series. finnish, privileges, anti-russian sentiments strengthened helsingfors, modern helsinki has become one of the centers of the revolutionary movement. in december 1917, the finnish senate announced the state independence; it was recognized by the bolshevik government on the last day of 1917 according to the gregorian calendar, with
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vyborg and other cities of the karelian isthmus remained with finland back in 1936, the first secretary of the leningrad party committee, andrei zhdanov , declared before a serious military conflict broke out in europe. we need to secure the northern capital. he believed that the soviet union should take part of the finnish territory. on the karelian isthmus, it was from here that enemy guns could lead. the shelling of leningrad carried the islands of the gulf of finland belonging to finland no less potential danger. when need. they gave the enemy the opportunity to blockade kronstadt, the main base of the soviet baltic fleet. however,
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the occupation of the territory of a sovereign state could lead to the most deplorable consequences for the international reputation of the ussr, it was necessary to find a peaceful way to solve the finnish problem. on victory day on the first there is no place in russia where memory was his hero and the eyes of young soldiers photos
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was taken to the kremlin immediately upon arrival. here, rybkin met with stalin himself, at which he received a secret task of national importance to enter negotiations with the leadership in finland to test the mood and pave the way for the conclusion of a defensive treaty with the soviet union. rybkin was appointed acting chargé d'affaires of the ussr, that is, the de facto soviet ambassador to finland. returning to helsinki, rybkin immediately set about fulfilling his mission. the ussr
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deploys its military bases in finland. the meetings were held at the highest level. first , the finnish minister of foreign affairs, rudelv kholmsky, listened to the soviet representative, then the prime minister, imo kender, both smiled politely, but did not agree with the soviet proposals. rybkin reported to the center, apparently, the finns are waiting for the pain of a profitable offer. and in moscow, vyacheslav molotov, from june 1939, negotiated with british and french representatives on the creation of an anti-hitler union. the new junkie for foreign affairs was a man corrosive and stubborn, defending every letter of the soviet proposals and not allowing the western partners to get off with general words, they demanded a public statement of the ussr undertakes to provide
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military assistance to britain and france if germany attacks poland. molotov agreed, but wanted to receive similar guarantees if german aggression hit the baltic countries lithuania , latvia, estonia and finland, or even in the event that they themselves, under pressure, agree to invite german troops. however, the western powers such they did not want to give guarantees. molotov sent a telegram to the soviet ambassadors in london and paris. as you can see, the british and french are demanding one-sided and costly assistance from us, not undertaking to provide us with equivalent assistance. july 1939 came before the outbreak of the second world war, two months remained. in the end. western. diplomats have acknowledged wanting to secure
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their borders. the soviet government would not accept any compromises; on july 23, the british and french ambassadors informed molotov that the military representatives of their countries were ready to immediately leave for the people's commissar was inspired by the soviet capital, he already had a presentiment. how powerful an impression the forthcoming military summit will make on hitler, however, precious time passed 2 weeks before the french and british mission went to moscow incredibly , the longest sea to leningrad and further by train to moscow did not choose the mode of transportation, western military arrived only on august 11 before the second world war, there were 20 days left of the soviet side, the negotiations were headed by people's commissar of defense marshal klement voroshilov, the parties hardly groped
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positions that can suit all participants. and only on the third day it turned out that the head of the british delegation. admiral trucks, does not have the authority to sign the final documents of the british prime minister, nevil chamberlain hoped to use the negotiations only as a means of putting pressure on hitler and therefore dragged them out as best he could directly. during the negotiations, voroshilov received a note from the secretary. stalin, klim koba told you to roll up the barrel organ, the soviet leadership had no doubts about the discussion of a military-political treaty with france and britain will not produce results in reserve remained the last option to enter into dialogue with germany german officials for several months. they made it clear that they would like to improve relations with the soviet union. on august 3,
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1939, german foreign minister joachimfon ribbentrop spoke to the soviet attorney georgy astakhov on all issues related to the territory from the black sea to the baltic sea. we could easily agree. the german side was in a hurry hitler was already preparing to invade poland and his diplomat everything possible had to be done to prevent the creation of an anti-german coalition with the participation of the ussr if the red army had supported the troops of the polish republic, this could have turned into a disaster for the wehrmacht by the end of august 1939 , germany was ready to make proposals to the soviet leadership, which until recently it could not and dream.
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