tv [untitled] September 11, 2022 4:30am-5:01am MSK
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we could feed them for a while. about the arctic fox, which deftly jumps from one ice floe to another, there is a good chance to get food for itself. but fortunately for the chicks, arctic foxes are afraid of water. the open sea is still far away. arctic fox can't reach for a chick an ice bath is not to his liking at all.
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here they arrange their lairs. global warming has reached the arctic the north seas remain ice-free for longer. several hundred bears gathered on wrangel island. they will stay here until november, when the water freezes. but there is almost nothing for them at this time. in these born hunters, the sense of smell, hearing and vision of potential prey are well developed. a bear can see for several kilometers, especially if you're hungry. young bear noticed a suspicious ripple on the smooth surface of the
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lagoon. you need to check what's going on there. the bear is trying to catch a fish. these are unique shots. so far it doesn't work very well. the main prey of polar bears seals, seals, other marine animals, bears patiently, sometimes sit for hours near the holes, as soon as the animal sticks its head out of the water, the bear stuns the victim with a paw and
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pulls it out onto the ice, it is much more difficult to catch fish. well, if this young bear like taste of fish will he become a real fisherman? september of the sheep bulls has come, the time of tournament fights begins. often males whose strengths are clearly not equal for a long time do not move away from each other , bullying an opponent
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collide with the bases of the horns, it seems that it is impossible to withstand such a monstrous blow, however, fighters most often get out of such fights unscathed. as far as one can judge from their behavior, they do not even experience particularly unpleasant sensations. these ritual battles are conducted strictly according to the rules allowing the only one, head- to-head blow. nevertheless, the vanquished is in a hurry to retreat.
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hungry polar bears roam the sandbanks, trying to keep their distance bears behave surrounded by babies. this cub is only a few months old, even the games of other cubs a little older than him can harm him. he hardly leaves his mother, not even daring to approach other bears. even older animals are always on their guard. no one wants to play with a hardened male, whose weight reaches 700 kg, there are cases when adult bears killed their younger relatives. waiting for winter is a very painful task
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. a bear cub finds a walrus skin. with her you can play, and you can live it. she still retained the smell of a dead animal. the meat of the margin would certainly have pleased the bear much more. at the end of september begins, the mass migration of animals tens of thousands of walruses leave the arctic seas and go through the bering strait to the south away
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from the bad weather of eternal ice, the path they have to be difficult, so from time to time. they are forced to make short halts. while the bears are on the shore, the walrus remains in the water. there they feel safer, hungry, bears throw greedy glances at the walruses, patiently waiting until the tired animals lose their vigilance. this walrus dared to get ashore alone. he is very weak to move. it can no longer go on. he cannot go unnoticed. it begins to get
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dark and the huge bear comes out on his track a by the next morning there is little left of the margin. the remains of a dead animal are found by a young bear, he is cautiously approaching the real owner, maybe somewhere nearby. and here it is only 200 meters away. this giant could easily punish the thief, but he overate so much that he can't even move. this is used by the young bear and is taken for an
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unexpected treat. the owner of the carcass, after a short reflection, retires to the tundra. the young bear does not fully trust the peace-loving intentions of his tribesman. and yet he must use the chance to the end. no one knows when he will be able to satisfy his hunger next. walruses look at the shore incredulously. as soon as the bear is out of sight, they carefully get out of water. walruses perhaps the most gregarious animals, they are
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almost impossible to see alone, even if there is a lot of space on the shore, they lie closely, clinging to each other. these mighty beasts can weigh about one and a half tons and the main weapon of the tusks can be up to half a meter long. even polar bears do not always come out victorious in a fight with walruses. adult males, limited in living space, establish their own hierarchy. finally , peace reigns in the rookery of the giants. but winter is just around the corner. margins will be on their way soon the bering strait. in october the air temperature
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the arctic latitudes are one of the few places on earth where laws are established not by people, but by nature. very soon the sun will hide behind the horizon for several months. russian arctic plunges into impenetrable darkness. which only occasionally scatters the mysterious northern lights. directed by uv anders the film was prepared for screening and voiced by channel one tv company text read by sergei garmash
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endless forests on the pacific ocean shrouded in a foggy haze at first glance they resemble the amazon jungle this amazing corner of the earth is unlike any other region of russia a special climate, a peculiar relief, unique flora and fauna, despite the proximity of the ocean winter. it is cold and long here to survive in this harsh land. not so easy. residents of central
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regions of russia, the far east really seems very distant, the real edge of the russian land, as it was called by settlers of the 19th century. here the largest country in the world meets the pacific ocean for 4 1/2 thousand kilometers stretches, the pacific coast of russia in comparison with central russia, few people live here. maybe that's why nature has been preserved here in its original form. young marten harza
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rejoices at the first snow that fell at night, harza, a very peculiar representative of the marten family this is a tropical species native to southeast asia. the bright color of the harza distinguishes it from all other animals of this region. in primorye, harza settles in dense mixed forests on mountain slopes, usually far from human settlements. soon taiga will wake up and it will be impossible to recognize her. the largest river in the far east, its basin covers a vast territory of almost 2 million square kilometers and is located on the territory of three russian states, china and mongolia. now the amur delta is still tightly blocked by the drifting ice of the sea of okhotsk.
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and this giant refrigerator does not let spring into primorsky krai. in winter, it is impossible to believe that the far east is one of the richest regions of russia in terms of the diversity of animal and plant species. the amur tiger, the only one of its kind, lives this far north for most of the year in deep snow. this is the largest predator of the cat family on our planet. this one-year-old tiger cub already weighs over 100 kg. but i'm not ready to leave my mother yet. while
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he was quite a little tigress on the hunt left him alone, but from the age of 6 months the baby begins to hunt with his mother. she prepares him for an independent life. as soon as the tigress is again ready to procreate to a young male, she will have to leave her and go in search of her own taiga patch. adult amur tigers are pronounced loners, they travel long distances controlling the territories of several females. in these animals there is no specific breeding season, each tigress has her own preferences; their wishes and mood are encrypted in special odorous marks in winter. they are long remain in the snow. the task of the male is to correctly
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decipher these signs. this message obviously needs to be rushed to get ahead of the competition. the young tiger also read his mother's message, he understands that his childhood is over. warm springs do not allow alina's mountain rivers to freeze and this is a decisive condition for the survival of night predators in the ussuri region. when the march sun goes down behind the horizon, characteristic sounds are heard, this duet is performed by a couple of the largest zemlevites. this is a fish owl. winter nights the air temperature drops to -30 degrees. .
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these birds are not afraid, they hunt cold weather. they are mainly for salmon fish eagle owl looks out for swimming fish. from a stone, a steep bank, or a tree hanging over the water, and then dives rapidly into the water until the eagle owl fails. salmon crouching at the ice edge feel safe, but they can't get away like tefin. this unusual behavior of owls, usually preferring to hunt small predators, has resulted in an abundance of fish stocks.
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south of the mouth of the amur lies the sea of japan kamenushka ducks are looking forward to the most important events of the day for them, the tide of water will bring plankton and other delicious food to the shore. the spotted seal prefers the time of low tide. rest is over soon in the water. the water is getting warmer every day, the tsushima current takes care of this. this is a kind of central heating system for the entire region.
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having just left their winter burrows, the chipmunks are very busy. they are looking for their caches of food . in autumn, prudent animals prepared nuts, mushrooms and berries. now hungry spring these supplies will help them. neighbors carefully look after each other and this curiosity is not at all superfluous. after all, if you use the neighboring bins, yours will remain intact. the main thing is that no one notices anything. then from the turban owls it was already 2 months old. a chick the size of
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a good goose sits on a tree near the river at a height of twelve meters through a dream, the chick distinguishes the quiet voices of its parents. when their duet becomes clearly audible, he finally awakens. may nights are short so hunt starts at dusk. eagle owls hunt near the nest, the chick watches its parents. it's interesting and instructive. mason fish is the easiest prey at this time of the year . the chick swallows it whole with its head.
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during the night, the little owl must eat up to ten of these fish. well, having eaten and rested, the chick dared to get close to the edge of the nest. even at night in the valley it is as bright as day. for the birds of the family themselves, the full moon is the most favorable time for them to go hunting. until dawn, these strong and hardy birds hunt on the overgrown banks of the river, bikin to feed themselves and their chick. the crowns of the trees of
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the ussuri taiga of this peculiar mixture of siberian subtropical forests shimmer with numerous shades of green. to the west , manchuria begins, this is already chinese territory on the border of russia. from china stretches an endless swamp with ancient rice fields. it is also located here, the largest hamka lake in the far east, shallow and therefore well warmed by the sun, almost like a tropical bay in its waters are home to the largest wild lotus plantations in asia.
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amazing creatures live in lake khanka, they swim well, but usually lead a bottom lifestyle . it's probably best to stay away from them. these turtles prefer a reservoir of sandy or muddy soil, in which you can dig headlong to the surface; the turtle exposes only its eyes and proboscis and in this position patiently waits for prey, china
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