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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  November 16, 2022 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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investigators estimate damage to the budget from customs payments at 173 million rubles. fsb officers found a logistics center that was used for smuggling. more than 40 tons of alcohol were stored there, worth $ 2 million for what happened to an employee of the polish diplomatic mission. they have already reacted in our foreign ministry, the woman was declared an unacceptable person and offered to leave russia within a week. back in the game donald trump announced that he will run in the 24th presidential election a big show in his style the same slogans make america great again and the promise of global change in the event of the victory last time. trump, to put it mildly, was not easy and it will hardly be easier now, when not only the democrats, but also their fellow republicans from the usa will obviously put spokes in the wheels of the report, george all approaches to trump's residence in maralagovo in florida, the police in advance blocked, but this
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did not stop his supporters, they began to gather on the nearest road bridge. trump's most dedicated fans see america's future tied to their former president. no one else trump for president. he is the best president of our history. we love him. we support him very much. we came here to enjoy this historic moment of rednecks in english slang, a kind of redneck people from the hinterland and residents of the us south coast nuclear trump electorate disappointed by the past congressional elections, where the democrats retained a majority in the senate. hoping for a rematch. must protect our freedom, we're losing it. see what's going on in our country under governance sleepy joe we can't let it turn into a banana republic we have to fight for this country make america great again in breathless groups of four or five as they stare at the live feed from their phone. the worry is that
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republican leaders have discouraged trump from running . hey let's hear the crowd exhaled. you see, when the host of the evening announced the release of the future us president and then trump said, the most important words became great and beautiful. i announce that i will run for president united states of america we need this president. we need to undo all the horror that has been done to the country and we must return to the top again, however, the top of the republican party is not so optimistic about the future, almost all trump's nominees in key states have lost trump's congressional elections. deputy vice president pence. even spoke out against the former boss to decide, of course, the americans. but i think we'll have better options. the republican party is no longer trump's party about it. they say all the last trump's polls are a little crazy in a good way
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or a bad way of both. he's too unpredictable. i would n't want him to be the republican nominee again. let there be someone young, who's young is a hint of the santis people, who by a wide margin over their competitors were re-elected to the post of governor of florida, a rising star of american politics. even called the republican kennedy by successful lawyers, about the family is pragmatic and not scandalous sex. the opposite of trump, however, the only democrat who came to the rally to oppose believes that and desantis. no better than the rest of the republicans, the country is divided not the right word. it 's like a civil war to be honest. do n't you see yourself. we are so divided that now it can happen already, whatever the trump nomination papers are filed. now it remains to win the republican primaries, where it will be decided who will represent the party in the presidential elections , maralaga sources say that if the republicans do not bet on trump, he
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will run as an independent candidate, which will split conservative electorate and will be the best gift for the democrats georgy sashvili andrey mikhailov us channel one and we are following the development of events, the information channel on channel one will continue the program time will tell. the information channel on the first continues to broadcast the program. time will tell we work live militants of the kiev regime continue to strike at the donbass as a result of the shelling of the kiev nazis and the hayloft , the power supply was disrupted, the pumping station was damaged, three people were injured and the details are right now we will find out from the head of the city shevchenko dmitry stanislavovich is in direct contact with us. hello to you. friends in the city, yes, we are absolutely right recently, we fix it, for example. so, let's catch up with ukraine, the shelling in our country increased by a fairly large order, and then, at their sight,
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energy facilities have been destroyed in our city over the past few days. uh, city substation 110, uh, which uh. in fact , which provided half of the city's electricity, a package of gradations in large was released. unfortunately, burned down. also yesterday, another substation was smashed, that is, well, no, a trailer, er, therefore, well, at the moment, to restore there, of course, those mechanisms in which we talked there in the summer in the spring. naturally. we use them, therefore, in the city again everything is electricity, light is water. and even warm. we have everything, as regards the wounded as well. you are absolutely right. unfortunately statistics. in general, we have deteriorated very much at the moment, uh, 40 people died, the number is fifty people. these are the ones that a-a were injured, well, the statistics of broken objects. yes, we have exceeded by 2,000 objects. literally in the last week, because i repeat for the last dozen houses, and it has exceeded 2.000 objects only during this year. well, i want to emphasize once again that everything we have at the moment is absolutely everything, all
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communications, and everything works for us. and how do you manage in such complex issues and difficult situations. e to deal effectively with social issues is warm to eat. you said how guilty i am ready for heating season in such conditions, of course, this is a feat in essence. in the territory that should work, they absolutely all work at the moment. here in the morning three gusts are not reported, but inside the city it is from 369 houses. now three houses are being renovated, all the rest are with heat and with all other communications. well, i say, these are the people of the hero, these are the people who commit under her civilian life, therefore, of course, a low bow and a big gratitude for what they do, therefore, all the work is all on their own places. uh, i'll say more at the moment there is a restoration director, and she will work 17 brigades in the city we continue to restore those houses that are destroyed, we try in the coming time from the moment it was, how this house was destroyed, so at the moment works. thank you very much
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dmitry stanislavovich shevchenko was with us direct communication. the head of the administration of the city of russia struck blows retribution in ukraine from lvov to kharkov , several blows were struck in his tank on the energy infrastructure. dema by military objects, eyewitnesses filmed the flight itself. kedah and its hit were also published photos of smoke clouds over the kryvyi rih of odessa and zhytomyr, but the ukrainian media tried to pass off these shots as traces of a russian missile hit, in fact. this is the result of the so-called work of the ukrainian air defense missile, for some reason, it was shot down by debris right above kiev. they fell on a residential building and started a fire a powerful explosion thundered yesterday in the city of khmelnitsky head of the ministry of energy of ukraine herman halushchenko said that yesterday's blow to the country's energy infrastructure was the most massive and powerful zelensky's office considered that
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more than 90 missiles of the deputy head office of the president of ukraine were fired at ukraine yesterday kyrylo tymoshenko called the situation in the energy sector critical , now emergency shutdowns are ongoing in order to stabilize the operation of the system at the moment, at least 7 million subscribers throughout ukraine remain without power supply in social networks are already a little ironic about yesterday's strikes on infrastructure facilities. there were a lot of them. these were critical hits. zelensky, on the other hand, asked for reparations the other day. here in social networks they say that we began to pay for reparations. moreover, payments are made in rockets. well, i don’t know jokes, not jokes, but i discuss this topic so actively, and yesterday russia was accused not only of attacks on ukraine, but also of attacks on poland yesterday in poland, on the border with ukraine, two missiles fell, according to unconfirmed reports, shells hit north-drier, which led to the death of two
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citizens. poland in the direction of russia immediately rained down accusations that the baltic countries tried most of all. my condolences to our polish brothers in arms the missile strikes of the criminal russian regime are not only aimed at the civilian population of ukraine they fell on nato territory in poland in latvia fully supports polish friends and condemns this crime. there vkontakte with poland and other allies. estonia is ready to defend every five nato territories we are in full solidarity with our a close ally of poland, lithuania stands in solidarity with poland . every inch of nato territory must be protected. the poles themselves showed great caution in their words, and polish president andrzej duda said that there is no exact evidence of who fired the fallen rocket. in the east of the country , reuters reports this. but here is what the polish president wrote on social networks a little later. north atlantic alliance on
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alert we have increased the readiness of the polish armed forces, including air defense our aircraft will support our allies. we act calmly and prudently later still can not say. whose rocket fell on the territory of the country. now an investigation is being carried out on the spot, this was stated by the head of the hungarian foreign ministry, and the polish general staff decided to make excuses that the country's air defense system missed the arrival of missiles on the territory of poland, such questions were asked by the citizens themselves. poland was explained there that not a single army in the world has an air defense system that protects the territory of the entire country. vlad well, as a military expert, you know better. and what happened here i would like to understand in detail your professional view in case well, we have before us the details of the s-300 rocket, complexes with 300. uh, you need to understand that e complexes with 300 missiles fly at a distance somewhere up to about
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100 km in the modernized version , that is, from the territory not only that russia, even belarus, such a missile can not physically fly there. it is quite obvious that, again, shoot from 300 more anti-aircraft missiles that are absolutely meaningless, again, everything is fine everywhere. it was known to go. ah, air raid. our rocket attacked targets, including in lvov, and lvov, 30 km from this point of impact of the rocket, is located here on the ukrainian missile regiment of the soviet era, which was modernized exactly at the time in the late eighties, transferred to the s300 , respectively, again, if you look at the funnel, then e our ammunition, that is, our cruise missiles carry 400 to 500 kg of explosives. that is, there is a hole, it will be about 10 meters deep. we saw this, again very close, when we destroyed the hostel at the yavorovo training ground. c uh mercenaries. there was the ruins of the needle, a huge funnel. here we see ordinary, like an explosion. approximately there from 100 kg 100-150. as a matter of fact, it is this
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warhead that is on the rocket with 300, so now there is only one question, how did it get there. you can, yes, you can say, that is, it’s, as it were, two versions of the first version, that it was simply released and that for all the periods of storage of the soviet missile such ukraine now did not produce the majority of these missiles itself. at all. they only extended them, as if keeping, as they are in the so-called mampoule form was buried. well, that is, sealed, and, accordingly, after the start, she went the wrong way. you know, how something went wrong, the second option that now, uh, at least in one of the nato sources flashed, was that at first the raid was more trying to help her ukrainian brothers and set in motion her entire rap system along the border with ukraine by electronic warfare, and in fact, this rap system crushed the missile control channel and the missile has already flown, like a blank, where god sends and actually
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commenting that you were finally everything to the audience, let's talk about the ukrainian anti-aircraft missile from the s-300 complex. yes. e, power e 150 kg. we suppressed the control system of this missile after shutdown. it took place at night in the public of one of nato's large such publics, where it was said that it was all very similar to the fact that the rocket was simply suppressed, it lost control, and then we already saw all this acceleration, which began with the fact that as russia would fire listened to our baltic comrades, whom, apparently, even television. no, they don't know what's going on at all, and accordingly. now, uh, the situation is hung in position. eh, somehow it ’s very indecent to say so, because it ’s impossible to disperse the russian topic further, so everyone even starts to come up with some kind of soft excuses, such as russian-made missiles , not a single russian missile was delivered to ukraine for everything. this is soviet, this is the soviet rocket, which, i repeat, was launched from a beautiful position
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ukrainian regiment of pvu near lev and eventually flew , uh, to poland to the unfortunate friends of the poles. an interesting version and you correctly said that it is difficult to continue to pull the russian trail, but they will try more . this is the penultimate stage in the nato response system. according to this article, it is necessary to conduct security consultations within the framework. alliance the last step is the fifth article. they alliance must give a collective military response and they are not yet trying to use it in the press secretary of poland reported that the ambassador of the russian federation in warsaw, sergei andrey, visited dmitry of the republic at night, where he was handed a note due to a rocket explosion, the meeting lasted only 4 minutes and was not accompanied by handshakes and other
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manifestations of politeness last night there was a flurry of phone calls between the leaders of western countries, but. right britain italy canada usa france germany japan and eu representatives held an urgent meeting in bali, where they are now , joe biden said that the leaders of nato and the g7 countries agreed to help in warsaw in investigating the missile incident after reports of missiles in poland, biden, in general, showed an incredible activity. especially given that yesterday at some point it was stated that he was ill. the photo you are now seeing is a real photo from biden's official account . it has an emergency call on it. at poland at 5:30 a.m. local time, and indonesian time, they help the president. as you can see, secretary of state blinkin and
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national security adviser salem is one of those rare occasions when an american president is without a jacket and tie and a job. well, look, there is a very interesting story here. eh, it turns out initially. they. this means that even indiscriminately, without presenting evidence , they accused russia of everything, then they handed over and began to hand over already back and it is clear that from this polish tractor case. they are trying to survive maximum, what is the goal? you know, well, the first thing i said, vladislav, e very well substantiated that the s-300 missile was soviet-made, ukrainian, and so on. eh, i would like to oppose him a little in one thing, that i do not consider the version that this is due to the fact that the air defense system was turned off. that is, as if this accidental hit of a ukrainian missile is absolutely clear to me. all this here is a geopolitical alignment, which suggests
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that this is a deliberate provocation. and uh, the goal, of course, is a deliberate provocation from the side ukraine naturally poland and here. here comes the conflict of interests of those circles of the united states of america and departments. i would say that on the one hand they want to freeze the conflict today. you don’t know that stopping the freeze for a certain period of time, but on the other hand, those who are in favor of further escalation and finish off russia as they think that they will succeed. this is the cia and the pentagon for a false creature, i.e., a creature. e pentagon pentagon because it's a lot of money, as always it costs a lot of money, therefore incident. no. he is not silent. he immediately said that it was russia immediately practically zelensky behind false shoes. at the same time, a statement was laid
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too. and uh, it means that the goal is one at any cost to force russia to capitulate, not just freeze, let’s say a conflict and it’s clear that there will be time for rearmament and so on to capitulate and sign such a humiliating treaty that you see russia as a player, completely on the left of the political arena. and then it is necessary to deal with china, this is the united states of america to force their interests. that is, as this rocket e, which fell on the territory of poland, killing two polish citizens, will force russia to capitulate. and i will say, how is the threat of a world war already with nato with nato after that, we should be scared and raise our paws and say that we should be scared about this. it's just, as it were, to
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negotiate tougher conditions for russell to bend over to force capitulation, so the rates are rising, but this is not the last provocation. they will still be, they will still be and not alone, so the way out is we are the only one we still need. finally, internally mobilize to resist what is trying to destroy us, not only not only economically, not only. in terms of genes, this is all by itself internally for us, the entire society, the establishment, then politicians for all people, we need to mobilize for resistance. here, but from a political point of view , it is already biden. he said that because of these missiles, the third world war would not start, but if you give russia there will be beautiful evidence of the territory of russia, portray russia, everything will be fine. this is russia always guilty. it is clear that
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russia is to blame for this in poland. well, because ukraine is russia well, such a logic, it turns out such a logic, it turns out russia will be all the same friends, you are still trying to some kind of logic, there is one logic to destroy russia at any cost, there is no other logic. this is a goal that has not yet been achieved, it is unlikely that it will be achieved, but they consider these, right now , situations in the theater of operations that they can grow in such a way to force capitulation? i think it won't work. russia it will be good, the military also examined moscow through binoculars and are well whipped. and e is moving forward our ministry of defense has stated that it has already been determined, and from the pictures from the photographs, that the missiles that fell in poland are s 300, what is the news of the last minutes, and now about the interests of other countries an amazing story happened yesterday in italy, a group of extremists was detained there and accused this group of links, believe it or not, with azov,
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which they called a terrorist organization. here is a fragment of the news story of the italian tv channel tg2. the chronicle of current events takes us to naples where today a cell of neo-nazi members who were associated with ukrainian ultra-nationalists was crushed. they were engaged in combat training and a great campaign to justify fascism, our special correspondent francesco cola, weapons, batons, images of hitler, and talked with vasti, a book, an icon of nationalists , volgala, an express story of a volunteer who joined the azov battalion in ukraine, these material evidence and materials were confiscated by italian special services during the investigation of activities an underground organization of the order in the town of oceana near naples, four people were arrested on charges of terrorism, subversive activities, holocaust denial and propaganda against the jewish ethnic group. five people are under investigation in italy and one more in ukraine. during the
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wiretapping, it was revealed that the suspects intended to commit violent acts, both against civilians and against the carabinieri. underground egg adepts were accepted into the underground organization through an initiation ritual, new members of the organization were trained abroad. during the investigation , contacts with extremist nazi groups such as azov and the right sector were revealed. italy's interior ministers beat the demands of hatred. pope of rome with the wives of azov, when was the history of azov steel? so i wonder how now it will be interpreted in the same italy, however. let's find out how the italians look at all this, ria novosti correspondent vsevolod is in touch with us stanislavovich hello of course, for the italian public, this was a shock and new
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details appeared, the name of e, a citizen of ukraine e, who oversaw e, relations and connections between extremist organizations of the law and the sector and azov with e, italian non-nazis. this is 27-year-old anton radonsky, who, by the way, was already in an italian prison. for unknown reasons, he was released and he immediately flew off to the square , where he is now and takes part in hostilities against the russian army. radonsky in a chat informed his e brothers not a nazi, but italians that he had grenades, and he suggested that they make an attempt, that is, blow up the carabinieri barracks in the town of mariana in the province of naples and also commit a terrorist attack in a large shopping center, uh, which is called uh, a kind volcano in the province of naples in order to understand what is at stake in this shopping center a huge playground for
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children, and there is also a hotel and currently the italian investigating authorities are conducting consequence for all objects. by the way, one character. these are organizations. order. hagal was the same nazi black sun that is present in the emblem of azov please tell me vsevolod and in your opinion, this may be some kind of turning point in the reaction of italians to everything that is happening now. e around ukraine is unequivocally unequivocal, because, at least, i assume that very soon both azov and, uh, the right sector can be officially included in the list of terrorist organizations. and i think that the first thing that the italian law enforcement agencies will do is start a mass check of suspicious e, ukrainian refugees or persons who masquerade as refugees, but in fact are engaged in
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extremist and neo-nazi activities. listen, and then it turns out, if a terrorist organization is recognized at the official level in italy, here is aliyev on azov, then it turns out that the pope met with the wives of terrorists. that is, it is definitely someone who should answer for this, this is a setup or they prefer to keep quiet about it. here is an interesting question. it's really not clear what this will look like. by the way, i would like to say that despite the fact that today in all the largest italian publications the topic is the disclosure of a neo-nazi cell and ties with ukrainian ones. uh, ultra-nationalists present in the newspaper accusations that are funded by the vatican. this is also a mass edition of more than 100.000. uh, hmm copies of uh on paper. uh, this agenda was not. that is, this topic was not present at all, despite the fact that all the major italian buildings have put it front and center in their online publications. well, let's see how the
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italians say drunkenly drunk, he quietly quietly, yes, what would they come to? thank you so much. uh, all that's oppression correspondent new day from italy was with us, for example, in touch. here is the urgent news that just came in. biden informed his nato and g7 partners that the explosion of poland was the result of the work of ukrainian air defense, this is through a mass statement in the media in the media media, we are following this situation further. but, if biden is put in its place, then it means proof. well, at least reinforced concrete, meanwhile zelensky continues his frenzy of russophobia zelensky was offered to ban russians from entering ukraine for 100 years. such a petition appeared on the website of the president's office. such stubbornness in ukraine costs europe dearly. well, in general, russophobia and relations. to reality, the british
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have already carried personal belongings to the pawnshop to pay for heating and buy food for children. i came here to mortgage something, because i have nothing to pay my electricity bills, what do you think about all this, what are you willing to sacrifice. but what if this is the best option to survive everything that i have in the house, be it a tv? yes, anything. i'll bring it here to get some money to feed the children, because i can sleep on an empty stomach, but the children, i must be sure that they will be full. but apparently european leaders can no longer be stopped. the european union is ready to introduce the ceiling of oil prices from russia and this is what the head of the european commission, ursula, our beloved vonderlein, thinks about it. the war has literally opened the eyes of the european union. we see that russia, instead of selling gas to the eu state, prefers to burn it. this leads to a decrease in supply in the market and a rise in prices, so we support
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the maintenance of a cap on oil prices. this will be very beneficial to low- and middle- income oddballs. well, from such a position in the rso, the still amazing west continues to throw its money into the furnace under the name of ukraine and for this purpose, the white house asked congress for a colossal astronomical amount of almost 30.8 billion dollars, and germany and other european countries are beginning to educate 1,000 ukrainians. more precisely, the ukrainian military. as it will be correct to call within the framework of the new eu mission, the bundeswehr alone must train about 5,000 ukrainian fighters. but here, too, it is worth noting that not everyone agrees with such a policy of the eu. thus, the leader of the national association in the french parliament, ben, spoke in favor of cutting off supplies weapons from france in ukraine here is an example of estonian minister kallas decided to earn points for the pentagon and made another conclusion towards russia, i really
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want to take a postgen. the winter will be hard for russia. they need a break. ukrainians are experienced winter fighters who will not give up even in the cold. now is the time to increase support for ukraine russia is at war not only with ukraine, there is also a hybrid war, an energy war and an information war. however, not everyone in washington agrees with the assertion that ukrainians are experienced winter fighters has begun a public skirmish between the white house and the military establishment over the ukraine issue, us officials are wondering. why not start talking about negotiations, before you throw 100,000 lives into the abyss now, general mil said recently that ukraine does not have the ability to defeat russia militarily . however, many in the white house demand that the war continue. i hope for the military successes of ukraine and here is a very interesting statement from one of the american generals. he explained why the us won't let ukrainians win against
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russia we're going to let the ukrainians win, not now on the road to victory, we're going to let them win. i don't think we'll allow it, if we wanted them to win, we would have given them the necessary weapons long before today, for example, they're just now starting to get the nesance, the nation's advanced anti-aircraft missile systems. we are also slowly supplying highmax russians will be waiting for the winter. they will sit there and try to strengthen their troops. after they teach more, and then it will be an even more difficult task when you are involved in a military operation. if you attack, you want to end the operation, as soon as possible it will not happen now, so we are sort of to blame for this, but the rest of the western world is also to blame for not arming and pushing the ukrainians. as much as it should, well, winter is already in moscow and other regions of russia, but it has begun, what is happening in lugansk we will find out right now from the
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commander of the detachment, three vladimir novikov with the call sign alabai are coming out with us for communication. and vladimir hello hello , i welcome you, the weather of that, everyone is waiting for winter there. eh, some big assumptions are made regarding this first question and further in what direction your brigade operates under the ground dries, that is, already such dirt. no, it's gotten better. here. well, we are working. now. actually, we are engaged in the storming of such a settlement, some kind of novoselovskaya, luhansk republic well, actually. in general, this is the starobelsk government, the svatov district , which is where it is very strongly against breaking. well of course, this settlement is strategically planned. this is for the enemy, if successful, to seriously complicate the logistics of ammunition, because it
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will partially cut off the highway between luhansk and the russian federation. they are moving slowly, but confidently, we can say that we are in no hurry to get anywhere, because the rush here will only be lost. this is unacceptable for us. that is why we protect people. we are working steadily and slowly moving forward. thank you very much us in touch. rostislav zhuravlyov, ria novosti special correspondent rostislav recently visited the zaporizhzhia direction in the location of our troops and rostislav tell us what you saw there. hello. yes, we are still working in our zaporozhye direction. this is one of the key uh important areas. that's all that concerns under the
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walnut curtains. uh, this is one of the most likely places for ukrainian militants to strike. and now they have concentrated large forces there. at the same time, we uh, strengthen defense in depth and in depth concrete overhead, trench trenches, kabardino-balkaria, already prepared and mobilized from several regions of russia, approached. rostov krasnodar guys prepared takes the second and third fourth lines of defense, but actively. uh, the enemy is using the hummers system, but uh, that means supplies are coming. at the same time, they don’t seem to feel sorry for them now, uh, but uh, they will open our military. uh, some secrets, uh, found some kind of antidote, so uh, for uh, the enemy for the ukrainian militants of commerce is not panacea and besides. by radio interception, we know that there are some units on the other side. uh, the militants were taken down for uh training in the west. uh, uh,
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abroad, there will be preparing them for the uh attack, but uh, trust me, there is such a line of defense that they will run into it. especially now the weather more or less allows, like the previous one. e, the commander said e dry e and this gives us a form to strengthen. uh, uh to bask in the ground. uh, go deeper and have time to do everything before coming, the slush is still here in the south before coming cold weather, a and meet b with all the weapons of the enemy. thank you very much rostislav zhuravlev was in direct contact with us . sergey let hold on to me. no, you're behind me, what, in this whole operation , is a civilian doing. you are the captain of the car, what are you
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direct as an arrow with the directness of your mighty europe, you are not chalk that in the midst of battle in the stance, a solid world , loudly, without shyness, proudly showed peaceful spirit so dear, we will not send a curse to our enemies and say under the cannon, brothers people are completely ashamed of you, but breaking with your chest chest. russia tell your enemies. stop the atrocities christian people. shame on you. people's artist of russia mikhail porechenkov read a poem by vladimir benediktov 1855 as part of the classic project and we ministry of culture and channel one poems were written in 1855 and still relevant today. you know, i want to remember for some reason the ancient chinese. well, not a saying, but they say,
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damn you live in an era of change, so, i don’t know if this can be regarded as a curse or not, but it’s very interesting and there is additional motivation, additional motivation and live. live and win as long as possible in an interesting time. we live the lord is the main thing. there is something to live for news on channel one back on channel one hello in the studio of valery korablev. statement about the fall of russian missiles in poland. this is a provocation , our ministry of defense reported the wreckage. judging by the photographs from that same polish city of przew, there were fetta elements of the s-300 air defense system of the ukrainian air force. russia did not strike in the area of ​​​​the polish ukrainian border, but without trying to figure it out, some western . media and politics. they immediately hurried to blame our country for everything
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, emergency consultations began, phone calls began, but it was already impossible to ignore the facts that appeared grigory yemelyanov about everything more on loud statements. warsaw supposedly russian missiles hit poland in our ministry of defense responded immediately. on targets near the ukrainian polish border. russia didn't even shoot. those who are trying to turn the broken tractors of the two dead into an incident were engaged in a deliberate provocation, although high-precision strikes were inflicted on targets only on the territory of ukraine and at a distance of no closer than 35 km. the ukrainian-polish border published on the evening of november 15 in poland photographs of the wreckage, pshevods discovered in the settlement were unambiguously identified by russian experts of the defense industry complex as elements of an anti-aircraft, guided missile of the s -300 air defense system of the ukrainian air force, statements by various ukrainian sources and foreign
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officials about the fall in the settlement. in pshekhvodov, allegedly russian missiles is a deliberate provocation in order to escalate the situation. those who hastened to accuse russia are repeating the old ones, run in the west. reception to appoint the perpetrators, without waiting for the investigation, not taking into account the facts. so at one time we were accused of having blown up our own gas pipelines. so zelensky, clearly impressed by yesterday's rocket attacks on ukraine, turned on his toughest rhetoric for this person. everything already. clearly, he demands an immediate response from russia and putting us in our place. today happened what we have been warning about for a long time we have been talking about it terror is not limited to our national borders russian missiles hit poland further development of russian terror is only a matter of time as the facts appeared, however, it turned out that the kiev warmonger, as usual, got excited. after all, this is a ukrainian missile , an air defense system, the successful work of ukrainian
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anti-aircraft gunners in quotation marks - this is a byword just the day before. we saw how a similar ukrainian air defense missile flew into a residential building in kiev and, which is typical, that case, by the way, is far from being an isolated case in the history of a special operation, the ukrainian authorities also tried to blame russia, which is significant from the western allies. kiev, only the balts, other nato countries, like the secretary general himself, showed vehemence urge to first establish all the facts, stoltenberg. i spoke with warsaw. and already there they changed the wording of the russian rocket to a russian-made rocket similar to blat, most likely it was a russian-made rocket. but for now, the investigation is ongoing. i want to assure everyone that we are working very calmly , very carefully. we do not make any deliberate decisions and i ask everyone to remain calm. at the moment. we can say that what happened was an isolated incident, there is nothing to indicate what others will follow joe biden said he would support us american experts, help us investigate the site of this tragic event. from joe biden from the island. bali, where he
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discussed the situation with the allies on the fields themselves, this twenty states that the rocket flew from russia is unlikely. mr. president is too early to say that this missile was fired from russia. there is preliminary information that refutes this. i don't want to talk about it until we've done a full investigation in terms of the trajectory is unlikely that it was launched from the russian biden crumples. although, for example, three high-ranking american sources told the us press agency at once. on condition of anonymity, according to their data, the armed formations of ukraine launched the rocket and tried to shoot down the russian rocket. which the turkish leader has and which is confirmed by the data of other nato countries, russia is also shown to have nothing to do with this morning , german chancellor scholz told me that six nato countries had a discussion, and i am telling you now this data concluded that it could be a technical error on the general impression - this is not a russian missile. i don't think we should insist that this is a russian missile. it could have
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been a provocation erdogan directly voiced, something that others are only talking about behind the scenes. perhaps this is a provocation of forces that are not interested in an early peace in ukraine, however, so far this is only a version. as they say, let's wait for all the facts, it remains to state that ukraine's allies quite often suffer from its mistakes. back in march. swift drone. also flew in the wrong direction, passed 700 km over romania, hungary and crashed in croatia. and later in the series. there was information in the media that ukrainians allegedly shot down romanian fighters on the black sea grigory yemelyanov anastasia slobodenko pavel bonya channel one also told the assessment, in addition, in the southern direction of donetsk, our the fighters stopped the attack, the nationalist enemy was thrown back from the starting position. in the
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next two years, the european union will need another 70 billion euros for defense, such a statement was made by the head of european diplomacy, josé barrel, you need to be ready, as barrel put it in modern warfare. he also recalled the military assistance to ukraine from the eu and individual european countries, which in general reached 8 billion euros, and the us white house is also discussing the mission to train 15,000 ukrainian troops for the next tranche to kiev. asked congress for additional funds. this is stated in the speaker's letter. in the house of representatives, nancy pelosi did not specify the amount in the document, but according to reuters, we are talking about $ 38 billion. reducing spending on military aid to ukraine could be a trump card in the republican presidential race today donald trump announced that he would again fight for the post of head of the white house in 24, the former us leader staged a colorful
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political show at his residence in florida to make america great and beautiful again tonight. i put forward my candidacy for the post of president of the united states. but on the way to that very great america that trump said, he seems to have a hard time fighting, now it’s not only the democrats who have to put spokes in the wheels with their opponents, the republicans also intervene. so even trump's deputy, looking like president michael pence, spoke out against the former head , meanwhile, many are betting on the newly elected governor of florida, ron-desantis, star of american politics. well, be that as it may, the documents, the ex-president filed primes ahead of them and will decide. who will represent the republican party in the elections, but already speaking, if trump does not win the preliminary vote, he will run as an independent candidate, and this will split the conservatives
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and play into the hands of the democrats. well we return to the theme of the g20 ourselves, the official program has completed the final declaration. still, they accepted the attempts of a number of western countries to include there, the wording they needed on ukraine was not crowned with success. well, in the morning, the leaders of the twenty countries were planting trees, and then joe biden distinguished himself by the attention of the american president. suddenly, the operator of our film crew was attracted. how did konstantin panyushkin tell everything? early in the morning, on the second day of the twenty in the bali mangrove reserve, a g20 cultural page was planned planting seedlings of evergreen trees. the president of indonesia has already arrived when it became known that the countries of the big seven, the european an emergency meeting on the situation in poland , the tree planting ceremony was postponed to the honor of jock vidos, he did not leave the journalists to wait for guests under the scorching equatorial sun and invited everyone to the veranda prepared for the leaders. it was the president
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showing how mangroves are planted. but of course, one might think that he was talking about the events in poland , the situation in ukraine and poland affects the summit. g20 this economic forum is a financial forum a diplomatic forum is not a political forum. i don't want to talk about it another question is who to blame for the fact that there was no joint photo instead of an answer, the host of the summit shook his head, it's not about you. no, no, by myself, as you can see, i don’t mind taking pictures, and also giving a tour to journalists. he said that there are more than 150 types of mangroves in indonesia. what is your favorite show the president's journalists were walking through the forest, the guests finally began to arrive, including the g7 negotiators for the meeting ultimately did not last too long, his now jocovidona is conducting the same excursion, but only for the leaders of the g20 by planting the president's mango sapling. the us swung the chopper and the rest followed suit. we walk past the
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trees, biden, i was bored, but the cameraman of the first channel, yuri shoumov, the guy’s vice-pses, still managed to interest him. it just scares me. and they are bigger than my head. look at this guy right here. i hope we are on the same team. you know he is russian. yes, i don’t care where, but we also call his biceps guns, you train well. if anything, yuri shalmov looks like this the leader arrived at the final plenary meeting of the g20 after sergey lavrov's departure , russia at the g20 was represented by the minister of finance, anton siluanov, however, the ministry of finance in bali has a large separate negotiating agenda, together with the minister, mr. health, they developed a plan to save the world economy for new pandemics. but, as for already, the existing summit announced the creation of a multi-billion dollar anti- covid fund, however, russia was not invited to its formation, unfortunately, yet.
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geopolitical issues prevail here, uh essence, and uh, so far, the interaction between the fund and the russian federation, which we want, which we want to participate in, has not happened, therefore, as soon as these issues are resolved, russia will participate. uh, in the format in which our country is interested in this twenty of the russian delegation, it was more difficult than ever to defend our interests, for the time being there were rumors that the final joint declaration, in principle, might not will be able to agree probably because the announcement is the signing of the document. today the audience met with applause. the content of the declaration is even more impressive thanks to the efforts of the russian team in the final document of the summit for the first time the position of the westerners does not prevail and a balanced reflection of the situation in ukraine is spelled out there is a condemnation, but it is not russia that is condemned the war, as such, this is extremely important, but because it also
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corresponds and our perception of the situation. uh as uh in terms of primarily the influence of the current events and all participants in these events on the situation in the world economy, moreover, for the first time in general at the level of international documents. not only at the level of the g20, the issues of e, the role of sanctions are reflected in not a single document. before that, even in the declaration. uh, brix. not a word was said about uh, not just uh, the situation. uh, now, uh, heavy, but first of all, uh, it is also affected by the sanctions imposed on our country, and the illegal sanctions and this is reflected, quite clearly, in addition, the twenty clearly spoke about the inadmissibility of retracting formats, the debate on hostilities, what they have been doing all this year, uh, western, and colleagues, who tried the whole agenda, uh, groups of twenty, but to reverse and consider from
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the point of view, and the conflict in ukraine, the twenty clearly confirmed that not business behaving like that, and that's not all, the declaration reflects the content of the grain deal. including the obligation of the un to seek the removal of obstacles to the export of russian grain and fertilizers. this ended the presidency of the g20 indonesia to hand over to india konstantin panyushkin yuri shalmov. andrey morozovdinova. ilya zhuravlev of channel one. in bali, the federation council approved a law that gives the status of a combat veteran and volunteers taking part in a special military operation. the document also speaks for volunteers who have received no previous shell shock or maimed while performing. task in the course of the special operation, they will receive the status of a disabled combat veteran. the law was previously adopted by the state duma; it will allow social measures to be extended to the volunteers. support provided by law for military personnel not only for elementary school protection of the rights of mobilized mikhail mishustin discussed with the head of the labor department mikhail ivankov
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the prime minister instructed to ensure strict control over compliance with labor guarantees, while all questions that arise, both mobilized and their families, and employers should be clear answers were given on behalf of the president. uh, we quickly issued a government decree that guarantees, respectively for everyone. who has been imbued since september 21 with the preservation of jobs, which is very important, it is necessary to provide special control over the implementation, and this decision so that people can receive any necessary information. well, and accordingly. e, it is necessary that a. eh, the workers clearly knew and understood. and where should they turn for clarification, so that the service does all this, a special hotline for the mobilized has already been launched for more than 3,000 calls. received mainly while employers are contacting precisely to understand how do right. uh, over 60 appeals were received
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from employees, and you react harshly to violations of the board. yes, well, i mean, here the word toughness is meant to ensure their rights on all appeals. all problems are solved. we will keep monitoring and reporting. happy birthday is received by igor kornelyuk he is 60 composer musician performer a since recently, he has also been the mentor of the voice show, why does he not like it when his songs are called super hits and what he dreams of with mine country met our correspondent aleksey kribananov age and in all languages ​​in the late eighties. union seems. a modest guy from troubles,
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he set his first musical experiments in elementary school. for which he immediately received the nickname of the composer in the music room, the man-orchestra tried the piano and the bass balalaika, even the harp, then there was the leningrad conservatory. and the long road of show business, when he tried to show his compositions on central television. everyone asked, and who sings and they say, i sing it. yes, who ranked and say you won't believe it, but it's a yaranzhevy, what a fine fellow you are, they told me. well, don't let him come back but the truth is, on stage, he seems to be a stranger. funny moves in huge glasses from lush hair immediately attracted the attention of the viewer to his first musical ring in the eighty-eighth. and then hits began to turn out, one after another. he does not like it when they say that his songs are a super hit because you always wrote music for popularity. compose it will count as hard work, remember, tchaikovsky
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often said the phrase that inspiration. this is a guest which does not like to visit the lazy studio starts every morning. for example, he finished a great work in the hands of the score of the first opera, which is waiting for its premiere. here he can spend hours painstakingly working on every note; his music for films has long become a classic of the master and margarita - this is a bulb. an idiot, of course, gangster petersburg, the director, vladimir, invited kornelyuk to compose a melody for the criminal russian saga, and accidentally says, it just happened. i'm driving in a car and on the radio mother passes, mother or daughter sometimes mother mother, says, about he will write music, it means for the film, the city of which is not given painfully difficult, almost 3 months. he tried to find that very melody. i sat down at the instruments. played looking for something and tried to find something here. some information. recently
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added another role of mentors of the show voice 60+, when you click on this button. ah, to answer the question of what you will do with him next with this voice in the next stage, in any case, you are a bastard, because out of five you must leave two. i just remember myself in my youth when we got it. we didn't buy anything. we didn't choose. yes, even when you get jeans. this same not asked, what size truth? so every time they tell me, choose, i fall into a stupor. tell me, here's what i should do. here, tell me what to do. he fucking hates being
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late. here he built a tower with chimes, similar to the kremlin one, on his zagorodny site, but he still lacks time. and on your birthday wants only one thing, so that the muse does not leave, he still seems to be at two 20 the main melody is still ahead. alekseinov vladimir smirnov georgievich channel one we are following the development of events . the information channel on channel one will continue the program time will tell. good afternoon, the information channel continues its work on the air, time to remember, my name is alexander gordon the other day poland and germany quarreled again. again well, because we remember the reparations that they demanded from them some more stupidity. it is clear that poland is torn
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to lead the political elite of europe and it turns out that the quarrel took place due to the fact that they could not decide where the headquarters would be located, which would manage the training of ukrainian troops in europe, it was decided that germany was indignant in poland, then they came to compromises there will be two headquarters one is bigger in poland, the other is smaller. and all this against the background of the fact that in germany itself there are ongoing disputes about whether it is worth continuing to help ukraine in any capacity. after weeks of refusing to send weapons ukraine olaf schultz said that germany will now send anti-tank systems and
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anti-aircraft missiles. he called it a historical turning point, germany could create a consortium of all the countries that own german tanks and supply them jointly, but at the moment the scholz is hesitant because this is not really a dispute about tanks. this is a dispute, but germany and europe and ukraine are about us. ah, such support from germany, that's nature. it is the task of the collective west to destroy us united states in this regard, and or still scholz. in general, germany sees ukraine as a younger ideological brother. why did the denocification of germany itself take place after the war, and it's time to remember how it ended. november 1945 in the german city of nuremberg, a tribunal is opened against nazi criminals on the bench, the defendants 24 prominent leaders of the nazi prosecution regime
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present evidence of their crimes one after another, footage of atrocities that took place in concentration camps and in the occupied territories shakes the whole world october 12, 1946. a year after the nuremberg trials, the countries of the anti-hitler coalition adopt a directive establishing a unified procedure for the denozification of germany in east germany, all citizens who actively collaborated with the nazis were punished, but in west germany genocification was initially carried out much softer 76% of prosecutors in the courts for genocification were themselves former nazis as a result, only nine out of 142,000 former active nazis were sentenced to real prison terms. only in 1970, when german chancellor veli brand came to schava and publicly repented for the crime of the nazi era before the abyss of german history and under the weight of the memory of the millions killed. i did what people do when they are at a loss for words
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in this way. i honored the memory of millions of victims. the soviet union supported germany's desire to put an end to the nazi past and move from hostility to cooperation. in the same 1970, an agreement was signed between the frg and the ussr on gas in exchange for pipes the ussr gained access to western technologies and pisces west germany access to russian gas and other resources it was this agreement that became the basis for the rapid economic growth and prosperity of germany and later other countries of western europe, this was understood both in russia and in germany itself if we manage to conclude an agreement , if we connect with each other by a gas pipeline, it will be much more than just selling pipes or buying gas for many years, cooperation with russia has become the basis for germany's prosperity, growth in the well-being of both countries, but the united states was not satisfied with this situation yet. in the eighties, the americans tried to force germany to introduce imbargonagas from russia for all subsequent decades, the americans did not lose hope of destroying the economic union
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of germany and russia and imposing their expensive gas on the germans and at any cost to make this locomotive of europe dependent from the opinion of washington in the 2000s, the united states became, the leaders of the frg were especially active in surveillance and the collection of compromising evidence gradually, germany was increasingly drawn under political influence washington but some economic independence. berlin still recently had olaf scholz. he himself, who in his youth was an active opponent of american participation in german affairs, assured that the implementation of joint projects with russia was good for germany. i and our government support the implementation of the nord stream 2 project, we consider it as an economic project. the united states has an opinion that we are allegedly becoming dependent on russia, this is not so, however, first we crossed out a decade of our government of germany cooperation, finally taking the side of ukraine, a country that diligently copies all the attributes of the nazi past of germany itself, german politicians travel to kiev and are not at all embarrassed, the nazi symbols surrounding them,
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militants, azov and other nazi formations are being treated in germany support for ukraine and a break with russia has forced the german economy into huge hardship german citizens take to the streets unwilling to pay record energy bills. however the german government only increases military supplies to ukraine, which the new nazis are not said to be happy about, good news, germany will help. us tanks. it turns out that german tanks will again drive across ukrainian soil to shoot at russian tanks. why is ukraine so germany is helping ukraine so actively? i repeat the question again. the general opinion of the collective west is the pressure of the united states and or is it sympathy exists also because there are signs of nationalism. in the ukrainian regime, who is the first it seems to me that everything that you have listed has
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place to be. there are simply better reasons. there are less priority reasons. here they talked about diagnostics, and germany took place, both on the territory of the soviet zone of occupation, where the gdr was later created, and on the territory of tresonini, which became the base for the creation of the frg, mm initially. yes, a control council of the allied powers was created, which was engaged in denocification, but initially this process was really quite active hmm and according to the rules that were approved in the building, but after the creation of the frg this process slowly began to fade, and then and generally stalled. i will simply give two curious facts about which our dear viewers are unlikely to know in july 1955, an official visit took place. the delegation of west germany, headed by connord adenauer, and this delegation included
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several characters. in particular, hans glopka kurt. ah, georgesinger. you did not say where the visit amounted to moscow to moscow for negotiations to establish diplomatic relations with the cis, so these are the characters that i have just mentioned. they were not just employees of the imperial ministry of foreign affairs and propaganda. that is, the ribbentrops and goebbels, but also members of the nsdp, that is, the national socialists and daughters. arbertai , you understand, this is a high-ranking employee of the german bid, 10 years later, another one visits moscow as part of an official delegation, what is there to be surprised at? in the east. we cleaned it in the west. who is there another important fact, here we often commemorate the berlin wall, which was erected in october. the sixty-first year, and it was erected by decision of the people chamber to the decision of the council of ministers of the gdr do you
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know how officially this wall is called the anti-fascist protective rampart? uh-huh here's an assessment of what was on the territory of the federal republic of germany and the last ah, the famous service, bnd, helena, they say that elena is supposedly an employee of abraham, nothing like that, he was the head of a separate intelligence service, which operated precisely in the east front it was against the soviet union that she had direct contacts with the vlasov army, the committee for the liberation of the peoples of russia in this capacity. he sold himself very well to the americans headed the relevant structures until the fifty- third year, what became the basis of the traffic police was under the direct control of the united states and only the fifty-third year after his death. stalin, these structures were no longer transferred to the government. this process continued in the frg until the summer of 1956, that is, before the events in hungary and the bnd took
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an active part in the hungarian rebellion, please, such a bdd is west german intelligence. i understand, thanks nikolaevich, as if they suggested that we choose, uh, one reason from the whole spectra a. in fact, all the reasons act there, let's take the situation of earlier germany as an example. well, hello to hitler, it seems that germany is still walking around. uh, when hitler was brought to power. the west brought him, and the germans supported him. why was this done on the one hand, because the west needed a tool to strike and destroy the soviet union on the other hand, because hitler and the german industrialists. they saw a chance to restore the great powerful germany and thirdly they hated the russians. we take present day. the us west requires germany to oppose itself to russia yes does the germans see
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this as a chance to restore german power? rearmament of the wehrmacht yes do they like russians in the same way we can answer that no they do not like the same process takes place. unfortunately, which was e in the middle of the xx century. that's what's happening. the german mentality, german political thought and germany's non-independence from external sources of political power lead to the fact that the germans once again want to step on the same the very rake to restore the great power of germany as they understand it, and then it will again fall apart and go into the darkness of centuries. simply amazing. yes, that is, uh, how can you distort the story before doing it? yes, the germans, yes, they feel completely guilty at all, just that you don’t feel guilty about the wrong ecology. yes, they take refugees because of this. yes, i
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understand that we have a fairly wealthy, perverted mind because of seventy years of living in a beautiful aquarium. yes, what we think is what a lot of people in germany need, to supply protective weapons in ukraine because every person has the right to defend himself. i think many people. in the hall, they will agree with this. yes , this is the result of a perverted bourgeois society. well, excuse me, please, now in germany it is not on its own. yes, it is not close to put ideologically to fascism or to national socialism, yes to power before gaming, germany is completely independent of external sources. you tell me, she was not completely independent now as well, what happens to everyone disliked. wait, the americans warned you that you don’t have to deal with russian affairs for the last half century. on our gas,
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such muzzles have grown for themselves not about you. yes? ah, no worries. army, why the army, when the americans are there, they will protect from sovereignty. what sovereignty, what they say from there, will be because of the oceans, therefore. and what is now surprised, we often do not change this paradigm for westernism. yes, that is, we cannot say now that we will withdraw from nato yes, firstly , we don’t have a majority, so there’s a reason even uh, de gault's philandering left the nato military organization de gaully left. he remained in the political structures and the headquarters of the parents of the second world war. and we were invincible because france did not take part in the second world war at all on the side of the anti-hitler coalition. it's just, uh, it was courtesy on stalin's part to imagine doing it in such a way that france, too, is a great power and
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is actively involved in building the new post-war world. well, no need to tell fairy tales, that the french and the degul were victorious. this is the first why? why now, given that within germany i have said this within the european union within nato there is already a line of split? well, for example, the conflict is a direct conflict between poland and germany is obvious politically. i mean. why would the chancellor decide to resume deliveries to attack armaments. why is he doing this now, that weapon system. yes, that is, germany is losing very much. uh, you say, there are better tanks and so on. look who has now military orders. they are not on the side of germany , that is, uh, increased throughout america. i understand that this is a big feast, which makes it possible to increase. uh, the superiority of american weapons and introduce them into any state. yes, that is, this is the primary american task, they do not lie. yes, you called
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the leadership, then i spoke about it differently. what are the americans doing? she understands perfectly well, they do it well, they need to learn, but why does germany go on a leash? we will give a small amount of weapons, that is, you will not constantly enough weapons. listen to everything, that's enough. it is simple and easy to explain if germany wants to remain senior in the european union and not cede this role. for example, poland, which is a convert is literally a neophyte, and in the european union it must show its leading, guiding role, including in protecting the european union from russia, so what needs to be done, therefore, you need to participate as much as possible in ukraine, otherwise there will be more participation as much as possible. she, in principle, participates, and not her old weapons are supplied to ukraine for you, they are given new nato deploys its
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bases. that is, poland has never been especially for europe. the spaniards will not be some recognized leader of the european union at the helmsman. why does germany need it? therefore, germany will make at least the appropriate statement of the old europe , of course, will not allow poland, at least in their minds, yes, to become the leader of the political e european union or nato and so on. but whoever asks them for sovereignty is absolutely lost from washington, something will fly in and say, look. our main events now take place in warsaw all political decisions. you see, in warsaw we give in warsaw a consolidated amount of money, we create ends there. he is the one who tries to create with e, but he doesn’t succeed, he’s afraid, yes, that’s all, and the whole of europe, but i want to say that here they are
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lethargic and dull, they even swallowed this accusation when they were called liver sausages, but this is generally funny . yes, i'm sorry, maybe, yes, i'm europe active and zealous and unlike germany which took the lead from the defense on to let us talk, because otherwise there won't be enough time for everyone. uh, when germany entrusted its protection offices to nato, poland did not act like this anymore, it acted completely differently and now it is clear that the young members of the european union are much more active, the tougher first ones will rush to the rights . who is ahead of the rest? yes, these are the baltic mongrels, who already seem to have been on the spot, as if the investigation was carried out by tigers, and not now. listen, you know, i would like, that's what to say here. can i go according to plan i'll go now, please, okay? please. yes , if i may, here nikolai has already reminded such
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terms as they love, they don’t love. well, that is, why the germans yes, because they do not like. they russians do not agree with anyone. and it's definitely not about love. not love, but here it's a matter of historical realities; here it's a matter of pragmatics. and in everything in which we cook in this wild broth. what about the question that was originally asked? what is the reason? why is germany supplying weapons to ukraine, uh, well, the first thing i’ll just remind you that the germans, well, until the last they held out to keep nord stream two, in order to keep nord stream one despite the accusations that they were helping russia there personally to putin, the germans held out to the last, but after february 24 they already came to the germans. i think they were told with a slightly different message, listen, we remember the molotov-ribbentrop fact. what do you want historians to step on the same historical rake and here, perhaps the same phantom more guilt that has been placed on the german people all this time
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and played a role, so leave the northern stream one leave nord stream two and pretend it's nothing. the germans did not happen, i think scholz could no longer answer differently. and besides, washington was simply not able to get out of here that same trance, atlantic, solidarity that we like to mention so much. they wanted this german. i think no. if you look at the figures for the supply of weapons to ukraine, then the germans will be at the end of the list there. if you want through uh, not desire, through do not want, well forced to do it. we will remember how things have changed relationship. uh, the anglo-saxons, let's say, and nato germany in recent years. and there are a lot of interesting things, let's say the thatchers' position on the unification of germany. yes, there, uh, the same. well, there will be quotes. yes, then we'll discuss italy. what do you think you know , after all, in order to understand how the denocification of germany is connected with today's ukraine, eh. i want to
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say that here today those who live in germany are observing an interesting phenomenon. eh? well, it’s like that germany lives purely according to hegel, that is, the negation of negation is a transition to some new a quality that is at the same time a return to the old. that is today, in my opinion. uh, a new type of fascism, not national socialism, has been formed in germany, which the population does not interpret as some form of fascism. so, uh, this is rooted, here in the main quality , so the category is such a middle german. that is, like a typical german. sorry a. this means that this main quality consists in the following. a german can not exist in a situation of ambiguity, where is good and where is evil, that is, he must be absolutely it is clear that this is good. here, evil identification played such a thing, as it were, with especially western germans, and as if today's german and german, so to
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speak of the past generation, the pose of the past generation, our ancestors know - this is an absolute evil, to which there can be no return, so we don’t have nothing to do with this served and out of the reform. as if teaching history in german schools after the war in the west, that is, today's german is the main category for him. i must be the best, and the best means i must to be not germans, hux, at one time, relaxed with a quote on the condition of the garden. i'm sick of the skill. this is the minister of economics, germany is one of the most politicians today, while the main enemy of today's new world of this world, which, as it were, the european should implement, is russia , this world is no longer setting anti-war movements as its goal. with the help of a kind of long process of the seventies and eighties of the nineties, it was carried out and replaced by the climate movement of today's german. no longer demonstrating against the war. but he
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ready to die and i will quote a person with a high level of education. uh, a recent quote. we don't fear nuclear war any more than a climate catastrophe, and we need change. it is in these changes that russia is seen as the main enemy of germany today, and the main battering ram against russia in various respects. this does not mean that people must drive the ukrainians to the front, but ukraine is seen as the main battering ram against russia, therefore, the majority of germans. they don't live in politics. you just have such a frenzied political consciousness, therefore, they really do support ukraine today, based on the fact that ukrainians are fighting for democracy, the germans do not really believe that nazism is in ukraine. although, uh, institute of learning. so to speak, extremism, not so long ago, published about azov. in general, quite serious research. in berlin, it was necessary to close. that's what it is actually and policy experts know that
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we are now now wait for the movement. it suits you just today the news from italy came in naples four people were arrested for having links with basic. these four people planned terrorist attacks on italian territory and the process of recognizing these organizations as criminal ideas of all those banned on italian territory has already begun, and not only that, maybe the germans are not so politically minded, but the italians are very literally there. it was the effect of an exploding bomb. so, it turns out, with whom russia is at war. that's who she's at war with and i think that now will start slowly. i apologize now faster, when a ukrainian was arrested there for volunteering. on front in the fourteenth year. as a result, the process was long, the ukrainians were justified and returned, as his last name. tell me they apologized for a long time. the fact is
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that it is he who is the curator of this cell, which was opened and turned, uh, the italians into interns, including ukrainian ones, with the fact that they arrested him again only this time on the territory of ukraine and tried. listen, you know about russian ships. listen. i would like to say something here, maybe we are to blame for the fact that what moods prevail in germany why is it that in the soviet union there was very, uh, strongly staged anti-war propaganda of propaganda, ideas, uh, socialism, and so on and so forth. now we are completely unable to build this policy. let's even here you say that the germans live their own interests. let's really not carry out the second or twenty-second genocification there, but simply arrange propaganda for them about and vital interests and recall that in the twentieth century, the british, the french,
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the americans three times robbed germany of the daus plan, 24 years old, a humorous plan of the thirtieth year, and then a notorious plan. let's bring to power, and both plans guys, let's turn germany into it. and that means a herd for sheep, please appeal. i'm going according to my plan. excuse me please, okay? you said here that they should understand what is good and what is bad. and about this dualism, by the way, in germany itself, back in the forty-fifth year, thomasman said, let's listen. there are no two germany good and evil , there is one, the only germany the best properties, which, under the influence of diabolical cunning , evil germany turned into the personification of evil -
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this is the good, which entered the prescribed path, got into trouble, mired in crimes and now faces a catastrophe. yes, why are we discussing this so fiercely, because it seems to me that good germany is now again walking not because of the path and the guiding star. let those stars burn on the american flag. but this is, well, this is nonsense, the americans will not give you well-being. you know how much they catch for gas. they won't let you protection of protection, because you actually have no army in practice. well, i'm sure i talked about it. let's do it. i was just telling you that the first secretary general of nato, lord eat may, very accurately in one quote right away defined the goals and objectives of nato to keep america in europe, russia out of europe and germany in check wow, that 's it, that's it. that's what this
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atlantic union was created for, and now let's get back to the iron lady. well, it would seem that everything has already come. political spring. right now just this wall collapse. yes, this is the most anti-fascist ditch. what does thatcher say? she says no, we don't need a united germany, listen. a united germany will lead to a block after the military borders, and we cannot allow this, since such an event will undermine the stability of the international situation and jeopardize our security, that she actually meant the same thing. by the way, the stated manias are strong germany united germany this is the revenge of germany after it was collapsed, and even molded by the hands of the allies and ours, but this is populism. what kind of populism was the dismemberment of germany first, who spoke for centuries
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to impose on the real life of the 20th century further, who in fact stood at the origins in creation. ah. you should say thank you to him, because if not for stalin, it would have been on the territory of modern germany. at least five different states, you know? we had 33,330 there, i say again, do not impose the realities of the nineteenth century on the regime of the twentieth, and even more so 21, and divert the discussion aside, we have little time. yes what did you mean worm? uh, thatcher, she was worried that the unification of germany would lead to the destruction of nato, that gorbachev would have the sense to say the next things. yes, let germany unite and be neutral , and the germans would agree that they didn’t have enough intelligence, or patriotism, so to speak. he betrayed the interests of the people and the state entrusted to him. that's what
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thatcher had in mind so they are very careful, and in their hair they were about the unification of germany, but now that germany is completely subjugated, they are simply constructing a new ideology for you, the goal of which is old to explain why the germans should fight the russians under hitler formulated the ideology of the russians so the communists are subhuman. shdm we need to fight with them now, what the russians say is hindering the green agenda. they fight against. uh, anti-democracy. they threaten something else so uh huh, who is it? this is a green foreign minister, but she does not say that e russian is an obstacle to green foreign affairs. yes they are foreign affairs of germany yes of course, yes, let's listen. uh, how she thinks diplomatic move solving problems that arose in ukraine. i want russia to never again wage a war by imposing sanctions. we want
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russian military action in other regions to become impossible. russia must suffer such damage in order not to get back on its feet for many years, you understand? the destruction of russia is similar to the language of nazi germany, because such words could well please the leaders of the third reich and if russia also set such a goal of destroying germany that it would finally be on its feet and they really liked it, by the way, in london you want tone there even in paris you want alaverdi we took berlin we took paris and left from there. by the way, when the women’s conference took place, what do even the jews do, they say goodbye and leave, and the americans didn’t say goodbye, they didn’t leave, and even when we left and the american bases in germany still remain, you ask them questions with americans. now wait.
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we are talking, we are talking about what is happening in germany right now. here in the background there, i believe that there is no big political infection, really. the green agenda is already more complicated than some kind of ukraine or some kind of russia well, against the backdrop of what is happening. yes, they want to differentiate. the remains of soldiers of the red army and prisoners of the russians and ukrainians hmm, since the head of the local branch of the union of christians lyubka explains these by the fact that even before the beginning of the ukrainians and russians it was difficult to honor their memory together. let's see the german war graves commission wants to share the grave of russians and ukrainians in soviet military cemeteries according to german officials, the division of burials on a national basis has already begun. however, the process is complicated by the fact that the documents of the dead soldiers indicate that they are russian or soviet
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russian ukrainians and it used to be difficult to honor the memory of the fallen together, who all this time remained buried shoulder to shoulder. now it has only become more difficult. and that it would be sad, of course, to joke about the fact that the germans already have experience in measuring skulls, but i suppose this will not help here either if you try to separate to separate russian ukrainians. and as for such wild statements, in fact, as well as e is rather strange and burban's wild statement from the same category, then i would like one detail. i just cited this dualism, which has already been mentioned here, as an example. it is essentially preserved at the official level of the public field, of course, abandoned ideology. cysism, if you like, there is superiority or something else, in fact it turned out that this is all for the shallows under the carpet. i have a friend who is a descendant just nazi criminals. and when we met, uh, i asked him. and what does he say to your ancestors? you know, my grandfather was a very, very bad person, but in his family,
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such a book, minecraft, signed by the author, is still kept as a relic, just an illustration. you know, no one asked the germans to separate. uh, dead lining, where could such an idea even come from? it doesn't. it's just as long as the thoughts are their own. i want to draw your attention. on what , after all, what are the leaders, the previous generations are different from the leaders of the present. what is flowing talking about? she says she doesn't want to at all. shut off the karatem of the world, because she understands that this reshaping is followed by warriors of death and so on, because these are the people who remember the big war. the lena burbucks are forgetting that the world is good, but we're going back to this studio, so please don't go anywhere. i saw kennedy i was next to him and early kennedy
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we are without such news silver wolf, so dmitry is a lover of france, sooner or later they will put you in jail. so you either break up with her, or go to work as an accountant. understood cinema one tv represents relatives. well why win i need the exact date of the wedding. why don't you suggest that i kill sasha for the first person i meet, why do i get our family news from the yellow press? what is behind this sign is the real ice palace in kaluga, the real ups and downs of sports complexes throughout the country, where
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real future champions are born? before advertising we talked with you about the fact that in germany they want to separate the remains of russian and ukrainian soldiers who fought together and died together. on the fronts of world war ii, but is it possible to divide the russians and ukrainians at all? anatoly kuzichev, the host of the program, has time to tell in the framework of the classic project, and we will tell you one word about what kind of soul i have a khokhlat or russian, because it’s like me i see
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from your letter served. at one time, the subject of your reasoning and disputes with others, i’ll tell you that i myself don’t know what kind of soul i have khokhlatskaya or russian, knowing only that it would not, as it were, give advantages to a lot of russians over russians to non-russians over small russians, both natures. they are too generously endowed by god, and how purposely each of them individually contains something that is not with the other. a clear sign that they owe one another to the fullest for this, the very history of their past life is given to them, not similar to one another, so that the piglet, various forces were brought up and characters, so that later, merging together, they create something perfect in humanity. anatoly kutichev i read the construction projects from gogol’s letter written in 1844 as part of the classic project, and we and the ministry of
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culture and channel one still have a little time left for me to feel like a superhuman, based on gogol’s words, i remind you that half of my jewish quarter is russian, and a quarter of ukrainian. stay tuned for more news ahead. hello on channel one news release in the studio of maxim shafetdinov, the wreckage found at the scene of incidents in poland belongs to an anti-aircraft guided missile of the s-300 complex, standing on armament of the pes of ukraine, this was unequivocally established by the specialists of the russian defense industry, having studied in detail the photographs published on the eve of the state of emergency in the polish village of shivodov. our ministry of defense regarded how they hastened to blame us for everything as another provocation, but
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soon they doubted russia's involvement in the incident. even those who are difficult to suspect sympathy for our country, that in the end, grigory yemelyanov collected everything that is known. the loud statements of warsaw allegedly russian missiles hit poland in our ministry of defense responded immediately. on targets near the ukrainian-polish border. russia didn't even shoot. those who are trying to turn the broken tractors of the two dead into an incident of belli are engaged in a deliberate provocation, although to emphasize precision strikes were carried out on targets only on the territory of ukraine and at a distance no closer than 35 km from the ukrainian-polish border, published on the evening of november 15 in poland , a photograph of the wreckage discovered in the settlement in pshekhvodov were unambiguously identified by russian specialists of the defense-industrial of the complex, as elements of an anti-aircraft guided missile of the s-300 air defense system of the air force of ukraine
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the statement of various ukrainian sources and foreign officials about the fall in the village of pshevodov, allegedly russian missiles, is a deliberate provocation in order to escalate the situation in the kremlin, and poland was well aware of this from the very beginning. there was no reason for an escalation; the poles had every possible means to immediately report that we were talking about fragments of a rocket and s -300 and, accordingly, all specialists at once. they would understand that it couldn't be, uh, a missile that has to do with the russian military . he probably needs to ask questions after all, ask the console officials to be more restrained, more balanced and professional. in those moments when they talk about such sensitive and potentially dangerous topics. those who hastened to accuse russia are repeating the old trick, tested in the west, to appoint the guilty, without waiting for an investigation, without taking
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into account the facts, so at one time we were accused of that it is as if we ourselves blew up our gas pipelines. so zelensky, clearly impressed by yesterday's rocket attacks on ukraine, turned on his toughest rhetoric for this person. everything already. clearly, he demands an immediate response to russia and put us in our place today what we have been warning about for a long time, we have been talking about it, terror is not limited to our national borders, russian missiles hit more. the further development of russian terror is only a matter of time as the facts appear, however, it turned out that the kiev warmonger, as usual, got excited. after all, this is a ukrainian missile, the air defense system was successful in quotation marks, the ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners worked, this is a parable from them we saw only the day before. a similar ukrainian air defense missile flew into a residential building in kiev and, characteristically, that case, by the way, is far from being an isolated case in the history of the special operation, the ukrainian authorities also tried to blame russia is significant that of the western
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allies. kiev, only the balts, other nato countries, like the secretary general himself, showed vehemence urge to first establish all the facts, stoltenberg spoke with warsaw. and already there they changed the wording of the russian rocket to a russian-made rocket and, indeed, similar blata, most likely, it was a russian -made rocket. but the investigation is still ongoing. first of all, i want to assure everyone that we are working very calmly, very carefully. we do not make any deliberate decisions. i ask everyone to remain calm. at the moment. we can say that what happened was an isolated incident, nothing does not indicate that others will follow joe biden said that american experts will support us, help us examine the site of this tragic event. from joe biden. from the island. bali, where he discussed the situation on the sidelines with his allies, the g20 summit claims that keto flew in from russia is unlikely. mr. president says too early that this is a missile fired from russia, there is preliminary information that refutes this. i don't want to talk about it until
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we've done a full investigation in terms of the trajectory is unlikely that it was launched from the russian biden crumples. although, for example, three high-ranking american sources at once told the us agency, on condition of anonymity, according to their data, the armed formations of ukraine launched a missile, they tried to shoot down a russian missile, this one, which the turkish leader has and which is confirmed by data from other nato countries, also show russia has nothing to do with it this morning chancellor scholz told me that the six nato countries had a discussion, and i'm passing it on to you. now these data concluded that it could be a technical error of the overall impression. this is not a russian rocket. i don't think we should insist that this is a russian missile. it could have been a provocation. erdogan directly voiced what others are talking about only behind the scenes. perhaps this is a provocation of forces that are not interested in an early peace in ukraine, however, so far this is only a version. as they say, let's wait for all the facts, it remains
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to state that ukraine's allies quite often suffer from its mistakes. back in march. swift drone. he also flew in the wrong place, passed 700 km over romania and hungary and crashed in croatia and later in a number of media there was information that ukrainians allegedly shot down romanian fighters on the black sea by mistake grigory yemelyanov anastasia slobodenko pavel bonya channel one the hungarian government gathered today for an emergency meeting but in a different way, ukraine suspended the day before. the transit of russian oil through the friendship pipeline along its southern branch of delivery goes to the czech republic and slovakia. well, in hungary the situation is is such that the work of the only large refinery there is almost 70% dependent on russian raw materials, and the day before, kiev notified budapest and transneft that pumping was stopped. as they put it, it happened due to a voltage drop in the power grid in connection with this, the hungarian prime minister viktor orban called a meeting of the defense council at its end late in the evening. the head of the military department of the country urged not to draw
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hasty conclusions and carefully understand the circumstances that happened today in the foreign ministry. hungary expressed hope that the pipeline will succeed run short term and transit will resume soon. now new footage from our ministry of defense of the special military operation zone , target destruction is monitored. in the situation on the labor market labor in russia remains stable and despite the economic pressure from outside, prime minister mikhail mishustin spoke about this today with the head, the growth of labor by mikhail ivankov, the support measures taken by the government had an effect when the west tried to strangle russia with unprecedented sanctions was quickly
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organized, including retraining of specialists . this made it possible to avoid mass unemployment and now the employment rate is showing record levels, the head of government instructed to ensure strict control for observance of labor guarantees for mobilized citizens. on behalf of the president, we promptly issued a government decree which guarantees, respectively, for all those who have been embolized since september 21, with the preservation of jobs, which is very important. necessary information, but also, uh, it is necessary that, uh, employees clearly know and understand. where do they go for clarification? in order for the service to do all this, a special hotline for the mobilized has already launched over 3,000 calls. received mainly while employers are turning precisely to understand how to do it right. uh, more than 60 appeals were received
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from employees. and you react to violations. yes, well, i mean, here the word toughness has the spirit in that to secure their rights on all of today's appeals, and all problems are solved. we will continue to keep under control and report on the historical event on the amur amulet for the first time in history, the river separating russia and china was connected by a railway bridge. today, train traffic has been launched on it. the first freight train to go to china, the new transport corridor is of great importance for our countries. china , russia's largest economic partner, the turnover of goods this year has already exceeded $150 billion . and now new opportunities are opening up, and the distance of cargo delivery will be reduced by more than 700 km, and the capacity of railway routes, on the contrary, to grow one and a half times the brain was built together . chief with financiers. the russian direct investment fund made a speech. they noted the importance of the project, and also construction for the development of our border areas. the infrastructure there will create new jobs and improve the quality
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of life. donald trump has announced that he will run in the presidential election in the twenty- fourth year a big show in his style, the same slogans of making america great again and the promise of global change in the event of victory last time. trump had everything to put it mildly, not easy and barely will it be easier now, when not only the democrats, but also their republican comrades-in-arms from the usa will obviously put a spoke in the wheel? georgiyashvili all approaches to trump's residence in maralagova. the police blocked florida in advance, but this did not stop his supporters, they began to gather on the nearest road bridge. the most devoted trump fans associate the future of america with the former president and no one else trump for president, he is the best president in our history. we love him. we are very support. we came here to enjoy this historic moment of the rare in english jargon, a kind of redneck people from the outback and the inhabitants of the us south coast nuclear
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trump electorate disappointed by the past congressional elections, where the democrats retained a majority in the senate. hoping for a rematch. we must protect our freedom, we are losing it. look what's going on in our country under sleepy joe we can't let it turn into a banana republic we have to fight for this the country will make america great again with bated breath in groups of four or five people, the audience peering at the picture of the live broadcast from the phone, they are worried there is a rumor that the republican leaders discouraged trump from moving forward, the crowd exhaled only when the host of the evening announced the coming of the future us president and then trump said the most the main words to make america great and beautiful again. i'm announcing that i will run for president of the united states of america. we need this
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president. we need to undo all the horror that have done to the country and we must return to the top again, however, the top of the republican party does not look at the future so optimistically, almost all trump's nominees in key states have lost the congressional elections . even spoke out against the former boss to decide, of course, the americans. but i think we'll have better options. the republican party is no longer trump's party about it. they say all the latest trump polls are a little crazy in a good way or a bad way of both. he's too unpredictable. i'd didn't want him to be the republican nominee again. let there be someone young, who is young there? this is a nod to the da santis people, who by a wide margin were re-elected to the post of governor of florida, a rising star of american politics. they even call the republican kennedy successful. new lawyer of the exemplary min family pragmatic and non-standard trump nomination papers
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filed. now it remains to win the republican primaries, where will it be decided? who will represent the party in the presidential elections sources in marraga they say that if the republicans do not bet on trump, he will run as an independent candidate, which will drive away the conservative electorate and will be the best gift for the democrats georgy sashvili . vladimir kolokoltsev today he spoke at the government hour in the federation council this year, about 600 such crimes were identified, attacks on schools in nine regions a separate minister. stopped in the fight against scammers. according to him, new ways of deceiving citizens continue to involve financial pyramids. in the current year, the malefactors offered the documented activities of the criminal community, allegedly to improve living conditions and receive income from investments of five participants, including the organizers . announced in roses. four were taken into custody to
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compensate for the damage, the funds were seized and property worth 5 billion rubles. as well as 2,500 apartments in ten constituent entities of the russian federation, despite the recorded decrease in crime, the problem remains extremely urgent, the amount of damage is growing, it has been noted more than once that a significant number of call centers are located on the territory of ukraine . diplomatic status, the suspect was detained in moscow when she received a bribe of 20,000 euros on the footage, traces of marked banknotes are visible on her hands for a woman's reward forged documents alcohol. as a result, they were brought to our country, ostensibly for the foreign political departments of foreign states. this means that the shipments were exempt from customs duties for damages. for the budget, researchers estimate 173 million
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rubles, fsb officers discovered a logistics center that was used for smuggling. more than 40 tons of alcohol were stored there, worth $2 million for the employees of the polish diplomatic mission. already reacted in our mid-woman declared an unacceptable person and offered to leave russia within a week. and that's all for now. we are following the development of the event, the information channel on the first will continue the big game program. good afternoon live big game. on this day in 1941, the historic words of commissar klochkov are great, russia is retreating. nowhere behind moscow, it was a day of feat, 28 panfilov’s men, who at the dubosekovo platform stopped the advance of german troops, destroying 18 enemy tanks that day really immortal
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the feat of the panfilov heroes, which we all must remember. well, today the greatest interest of the world media of the world community of the leaders of the countries of the west and the east, of course, was attracted by the situation with the ukrainian e-rocket that hit poland charley before naturally, wonderful cartoons have already been noted, in which it is shown that ukraine has finally got into nato but uh, here is ukraine poland, of course, wet pants are exchanging, uh, courtesies with each other, but u many were absolutely not laughing, because yesterday, uh, the world media has already exploded with covers. e and today's newspaper is also about the fact that russia
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fired at poland that the western countries are already ready. uh, almost start consultations. regarding the application of the fifth article of the north atlantic treaty, which implies a collective rebuff to aggression, and so on and so forth, but uh, i must say that, of course, uh, history repeats itself both as a tragedy and as a farce in everyone's memory, of course, that u missiles with -300 more under leonid kuchma, planes were shot down over e, the black sea, we remember it was e, then the tu-154 plane was shot down having flown from tel aviv to novosibirsk and so far, by the way, there has not even been any apology from the ukrainian side. for this has not been done. yes, after that there was a lot of things, there was a malaysian boeing, there were ukrainian missiles that flew to croatia, there was a downed romanian fighter, but no, that is, in essence
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, it must be said that ukraine, in general, is leading. such a hybrid war with many states strikes at their territory, shoots down planes, but this is considered normal with us in direct communication. revenge podlyako, who also listened closely followed the events of yesterday and this morning ivanovich good afternoon good afternoon to you . well, yes, indeed. uh, at first there was such a version of something provoked by a specially provocative, but it doesn’t fit, because it was all done so clumsily, they didn’t even throw debris, that is, it was obvious from the very beginning that this was a ukrainian missile. moreover, it became clear after an hour that when it all started, but nevertheless everyone really wanted to portray a russian rocket out of it, which, well, probably to some extent, the apotheosis of today was the statement of the highway that it doesn’t matter whose rocket it is important, that the russians are to blame. although, the most important pakhan jose said that everything guys, let's go.
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to defend empty talk is a ukrainian rocket, that is, in fact, they still have the same circus there, and if you look carefully at the picture of the ball of lebdotu, and there is also a mention of the volyn massacre, in my opinion, 2:0. that is, as it were, it is now being inflated very seriously, by the way, more anti-ukrainian relations. eh, these are all the scandals, because ukrainians in poland are very disliked, and in connection with recent events, that's all. uh, afraid of the authorities. poland splash out more on the attitude towards ordinary ukrainians, civilians, who, well, in general, are not guilty of anything, but you can’t explain this to the poles. and another very important scandal. this morning the ministry of the polish question was asked. and where did the air defense look, e.g., polish, to which an absolutely idiotic answer was received on the topic what well , we can’t cover the whole country. sorry guys, 200 km section of the border, along which is already eight months past forgiveness , rockets are flying, russian strikes at ukrainian infrastructure facilities. and for 8 months you did not deign to transfer there, uh, patrio anti-aircraft missile systems. well, chu yes, most likely
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it was assumed that everything was so everything was there, everything was understood there, but they could not bring it down. and it hits the american military-industrial complex very painfully for this very reason. also, including me, the americans are so confident that they quickly begin to extinguish this topic, because the polish public begins to ask a lot questions that no one really has the answers to. this scandal hid a lot of things. well, the most important ones, is such a state worth it, in general, it was considered to accept its membership in nato, because for the last 8 years ukraine has been very zealously trying to get into nato. well, in a figurative sense, today it got into nato, but no one is happy about it. that is, such a series of consequences is going on, therefore events. well, i think we will also discuss versions of what could have happened and what could have been behind it , uh, but yerevan, what happened there on fronts of a special military operation. what is worth paying attention to? well, in fact, the main event was yesterday, missile attacks on the energy system of ukraine, according to preliminary estimates,
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disabled another 10%, that is, about 50% today, and each time the ukrainian system becomes less and less resistant to such attacks. that is, there is still such an assumption that even a couple of such strikes and this system is unlikely to be raised for this very reason, even ukrainian officials, kiev officials. they say you better run out of the country with large cities, because the winter will be very, very difficult. well, because well, there is no spare wheel of the communist past. it's coming to an end. it must be remembered that all these structures, all these networks were also built, basically, during the soviet union, almost nothing was built under ukraine. so this is the main event. well, on the front as a whole, our troops continued to attack. uh, in the avdiivka area. donetsk is from the outside, a little, without risking, and pervomayskoye, experienced water ones are already moving north of the experimental one to the orlovka. and i hope that in the coming weeks all the same. as soon as uh it happens. it's just that people say, look at these small advances a little, and
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what do these small advances lead to. they eventually break the backbone, that is, the capture of orlovka and, in fact, puts an end to the avdeevskaya group. here it would seem that you need to go another 5-6 km. and after that, the command will have a real dilemma. and what to do with avdiivka, a huge city, and with a huge fortified area, which has not been created for eight years, or leave, because the supply will be climbed over, or remain surrounded, i am sure that one hundred percent by 90, that they will prefer to leave the encirclement at the very last moment, that is, a little advance in one direction, and in the end, even that will be the task of a large city for our forces. and ours is trying to do the same in the akimovsky area, and here it breaks through. our troops in the corridor between toretsk and artyomovsk are bypassing it from the south. the west already, that is, it breaks nicknames there, i really hope that it will be cut into the track for konstantinovka. after that we can already start a serious assault on the partnership, when it will be cut off from most of the com. which are connected with the rest of the kiev territory. well, in the traditionally same svatov direction, active defense is being carried out from both sides. so far, without
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results. yes thanks a lot. here on the map you can see that the territory of the luhansk people's republic is now the main outpost for the offensive and the direction of kharkov and, of course, the direction of the north of the donetsk people's republic. we are always very happy when someone who is well known to our message viewers. eh, from the screen. here is vitalyevich kiselyov, a military expert, he has been with us more than once. uh, stepped and performed in our program. today is the first time in our studio, and we are very glad to welcome you . yes
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, now i think it's the russian army. so you are a colonel of the armed forces of the russian federation , just fine, comrade colonel. here, uh, what happens in the area of ​​responsibility? uh, uh, those forces that represented the lugansk people's republic well, today, what we see are the main directions that are taking place defensively offensively. this is the area of ​​​​svatov near here we have a criminal one. and uh. here. i think with this map, if we are brought here, it would be nice. great, of course, it would be better to show. uh, these areas are very difficult for the enemy. uh, this is, uh, a large forest massif. these are age-old pines here, age-old oak trees grew even at the first gave instructions for the landing of these. uh plantings in order to build directly on the black sea on the azov sea of ​​ships and here they had to grow. these are just what i call them mast. yes, that's why these forests are very huge
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complicating. the area is also that there are about three rivers. eh, it's impossible to go in this direction and just like that. that is, in any case, you can see where the crossing will already be set. uh, where will they be, what directions to go, so our units that are on the front edge. they are watching closely. uh, the formation of certain units, starting there, for example, in the area of ​​​​the red estuary. there, uh, from the side of the kupyanskaya or from the side they were wooing, criminal and to this day these attempts. they do not fade away constantly trying to break through e karbatovtsy, as they call them e, and mercenaries and vushniks are being worked out. uh uh such disposable, that is, with the help of weakly fortified units. they are trying to fully probe the reconnaissance in this direction in order to then more
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trained unit. as reinforcements with armored vehicles with tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, go to a certain area there, let’s say, well, for example, here’s how they tried to gain a foothold on the flint in the same way on the matchmaker, as close as possible to these settlements. well, of course, bypass the matchmaker on the right side of the north side and gain a foothold. here, uh, somewhere in this area, because svato is the upper point from which you can practically control both severodonetsk and lisichansk. they tried to do this until september 30, in view of the fact that the task was not completed, their task was to go skupinskaya to the border of the russian federation while we had e, and elections had to be held, and thereby not recognize the territory of the lc and liberated in the administrative border. unfortunately, they did not succeed, and today they are competently built. defense line. in the svatov area, flint does not allow them to wedge into our
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units in any way, but certainly. they are now suffering very heavy losses there, so the desire to attack. it's not very big there, given that the mercenaries even refuse to go. uh, in this direction , regarding already to the south, let's say the same solidarity and artyomovsk will bang our units here. this is exactly what they are advancing from the south side of artyomovsk little by little, because in the forehead to take any population. this is, uh, the same slavyansk, kramatorsk, uh, konstantinovka, these are large industrial cities, in which the population costs more. uh, thousands. uh residents who previously lived before 2014. well, and subsequently the fighting . now many have traveled under the truth left without the truth. many left, moved to the territory of ukraine, and it is not known where many moved to the territory of the lugansk people's republic, in particular, today to the territory of the russian federation, and it is very important that many people remain today. for example, we
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have reliable information that many, uh, residents of hmm, in principle, protested against being forcibly taken to the territory beyond ukraine, this is not propetrovsk. dnepropetrovsk there is a stadium in the center of dnepropetrovsk where everyone is gathered and they are already taking it to the territory of ukraine. where further is in question, and after uh, advertising, we will continue the conversation about a special military operation, uh, we will talk with the mayor of the new city of labor valor gorlovka and, of course, about the ukrainian missile that hit nato. you need to write in the report that i was here, look after the program the time when
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we have always admired you. you already have 25 million of those who trusts us and we are doing everything to have the right to say tinkoff bank of the year in russia live big game yesterday indicated the president two cities joined the list of those cities that have the status of cities. uh military glory. this is uh, melitopol and mariupol and 9 cities. e. joined the number of cities with the status of the city of labor prowess. these well-deserved, honorary
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titles are awarded to cities. for the merits of their inhabitants during the great patriotic war, among the cities of labor valor there were two cities that representatives of one of the cities represent the donbas proper. lugansk is here in our studio, and the mayor of another gorlovka mayor, uh ivan sergeyevich prikhodko, is in direct contact with us ivan sergeyevich uh hmm, how do you feel already in the new status of the head of the city of labor valor alekseevich well, well, the head of the city. unfortunately so far. as for labor prowess. how do you know we are a city of military glory? and now we have added the title of labor city. valor only already. this is
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a higher level. this is ah. title of the russian federation want from all cities. chan on my own behalf, to thank the president of the russian federation and the head of the donetsk people's republic who, in principle, uh, the head of the donetsk people of the republic, made this proposal together with the people's council, and the president of the russian federation approved, and you know for all 200 e 243 years of the history of gorlovka and starting from a small village in the steppe, and a mining village, and ending with today's, and military , magnificent times, and the gorlovka residents proved that they would not wear it in vain. this rank, and during the great patriotic war until the capture of gorlovka and then immediately after the liberation of the head in the forty-third year, but by our troops. and the work did not stop. after the liberation, they immediately began with the work of the mines, uh, gorlovka began to give the country coal at that
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time, which was very necessary for the front and for the victory, but gorlovich not then, they showed themselves to be heroes. eh, they're being shown today. i am not tired of repeating and i repeat i will not tire of repeating that gorlovka residents are people, and they are somehow two-core. you see here, on the example of our communal services, on the example of ordinary residents of gorlovka, and under the most terrible shelling, and the townspeople are broken townspeople, and therefore gorlovka deservedly has two titles and labor valor and military glory. and now we are talking to you. today, however, it is more or less quiet in horlivka. today it is raining heavily, so ukrainian drones do not fly, so today pah-pah-pah, shelling. no, what don't you say? of course, we had 21 yesterday shelling again, we have two wounded and three houses destroyed there. and today, by the way, vyacheslav alekseevich, for the second day, fighting has been going on in the
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kurdyumovka area, this is already one of the settlements . along with dzerzhinsk, in ukrainian, the butt, which shelled and shelled the city from large-caliber, and artillery, the so-called 155 mm. and for some information, we still do not check. this is at the end of this dc, by the way, you show our destroyed two himers, a historical building got there, and according to unverified data, and by the evening we we will know. it seems to be how our troops entered the turbine. well, we'll see, but in any case, the fighting is already on the border of this village. this means the track in full control of ours. ah, that's why it promotes everything confidently and we hope to take this village soon islam alekseevich yes, thank you very much ivan sergeevich well, i also congratulate you and in your person all golovchans with this honorary title. and, of course, only the victory of further promotions. uh, so that they would stop
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shelling gorlovka these weeks. thank you very much. well, well, why did a ukrainian missile hit nato, uh, you know, the main world event, you know, yesterday, when these reports appeared, there was absolutely no immediately. it is clear that russia has nothing to do with it, we still have a rocket, which, among other things, carried strikes against ukraine yesterday, they are high precisely there, uh, the radius of deviation, well, it is measured in centimeters, maximum meters to a point, not exactly not in tens of kilometers. it's really all modern. e. missiles, which are high-precision and none of them could accidentally fly into poland there, a naturally, no one else was going to fire. uh, that it could have been a ukrainian missile. i suspected, because ukraine, as we have already said, has a fairly large trail of various kinds of crime. on this basis, it has already been
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said that they shot down 134 tu-134s back in the days of kuchma, that a malaysian boeing was shot down then, it is clear that i also did this to the ukrainian armed forces, by the way, rockets were shot down, lately already on march 2, ukrainian air defense systems, uh, s-300, were destroyed by a romanian mig-25 fighter on march 3. estonian ba-balters. help was blown up on the ukrainian sea mine coast. e, odessa, the tenth of march. a ukrainian strizh drone fell in the zagreb, fortunately no one was killed then, uh, on march 13, a terrorist defense unit shot at an american vehicle that was driven there by a member of the united states central intelligence agency on september 9. uh, a romanian minesweeper was blown up by a ukrainian naval mine near constance. well, here is a strike on the territory of
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poland, that is, in fact, ukraine is consistently leading. e war hybrid and no longer hybrid with strange nato uh, very seriously, but of course, uh, here we can look at different versions of what happened and indeed the version is very much. actually, version number one was voiced by zelensky first, that it, of course, absentmindedly carried a treacherous blow on the territory of poland, and now, but the question, uh, of course, is what was behind this? that is, theoretically, e could stand behind this, or it is really some kind of unimaginable mess of the ukrainian armed forces, yes, which are already shelling. uh, it is not known who and the obsolete missiles that can fly are unknown anywhere this is a provocation. and if this is a provocation , and why is it a ukrainian provocation, a polish provocation, a nato provocation. here. uh, what, uh,
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in your opinion, it seems most likely that this is a provocation, who performed it wanted to make it conscious or did it really turn out to shoot down a russian missile, but, as always, they rejected it. i want to say that ukrainian missiles, they were deflected not only at foreign targets , it was in ukraine itself. one of these missiles was built in one direction. she flew under whiskey flew over kiev, fell in the suburbs and pierced through a nine-story building, and yesterday in kiev there was also a defeat. it would have been targeted. uh, destruction of infrastructure. i mean ukrainian missiles that hit ukrainian cities. then they switched to israeli planes, then to romanian ones, then to everything else. but here's what happened yesterday. this is clearly a provocation. uh, provocation and the meaning of its scaling of the conflict, if the war stops the
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regime, uh, zelensky will come to a slow death. to him no one will give money. nobody will give him weapons. uh, he will be required to fulfill e, to lead the country in peacetime mode, the zelensky regime is not ready for this, and therefore, uh, the goal of his zelensky is the goal of certain circles of nato, the goal of certain circles in america is to draw nato into a full-fledged war on the territory of ukraine, uh, with russia from others uh, some other u purposes. in general, uh, in general, no, and i repeat this with them, regardless of how it turned out, they consciously thrashed, therefore killing two people to the poor trailer, or so. e, so they defended themselves, that in fact they attacked, er, for the benefit, the second is, of course, to attract. uh, attention and divert attention from ukraine at this time. uh, russia was hitting the
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infrastructure and which it threatened to destroy completely withdraw put completely e energy of ukraine they needed to divert attention to prove that look russia uh, russia how aggressive can it be if we hit more and everyone blames this russia they stop ? shelling e ukraine is such a banal banal primitive, but a mechanism that could work now, unfortunately for zelensky, it didn’t work, well, i must say that the reaction of the west was, uh, on the one hand automatic, if we talk about the eastern part, the west, uh, didn’t shout, or something, this is russia about this, e was the official statement of the polish ministry of foreign affairs, in any case, listen. what did the polish foreign ministry say. this was an official statement related to the summons of the ambassador of the russian federation listen november 15,
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2022 at 15:40 in the village of pshedov lubelskie voivodeship fell russian -made rockets. as a result, two citizens of the republic of poland were killed in connection with this event, the minister of foreign affairs, having knocked down a crowd , summoned the ambassador of the russian federation to the ministry of foreign affairs and demanded immediate detailed explanations, but i must say that they did not hold this position for long, after some time he spoke. uh, the president of the united states of america, biden and the host, then said, literally the next thing to listen to. do you have information, were these missiles launched from russia preliminary information - this is refuted. i do not want to say anything until we complete the investigation completely, but it is unlikely. in terms of the trajectory, that this rocket was launched from russia, let's wait , wait. well, in any case, it is obvious that the poles, ukrainians, as well as the balts quite actively began to promote this topic, meaning to
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start consultations within nato on the fourth article, e of the north atlantic treaty. that's how likely you think that these consultations will take place, that alekseevich i i believe that a this provocation was preceded by a whole series of prepared events 20-minute uh speeches, i would call such a classic demarche that no one could interrupt, but mr. zelensky, if you can call it mr. uh didn't lead to anything. the thing is, if you look closely at that speech that he gave at the g20, i absolutely got the feeling that it was very well rehearsed not with the americans with the british. and they prepared this scenario further. we are well aware that yesterday's blow, which was inflicted by our missiles on the infrastructure of ukraine, it brings a very strong and tangible turning point. it really is. very painful. it was necessary to somehow respond to this in order to relieve
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a certain tension within the country. and here a certain implementation of zelensky’s plans began, who did not understand how best to act and did not manage to coordinate his positions not with britain or the united states of america. and everyone knows that when we ask a simple question of some bonds, who benefits from it, understand that there is the so-called prolonged benefit. and there is now the benefit from the point of view of the current benefit. it was such a decision that it was classically advantageous for zelensky to make it so that all the sing-alongs who classically pick up any idea related to russophobia start shouting at the top of their lungs that terrible russia is bombing ukraine here. and yes, here the idea was very simple, so that there would be no more massive bombardments, so that a certain moratorium would be introduced for us to destroy the critical infrastructure of ukraine but how clearly the whole of europe was divided , the baltic was divided separately more, and that europe that feels like a real europe. they were just very restrained, like
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germany and france, and especially after biden's speech. and everyone clearly understood that it is not worth using the fifth article and even consulting. we will continue this interesting topic after the advertisement. i just got an urgent message from our studio from the united press, they shot the presidents. you were misinformed by ballistic examinations proved nothing at all. the rifle found a palm print, the commission, a crow, hid its head in the sand. they could not recognize that there were not three shots if there were four or more. this pointed to a conspiracy by the premiere of oliver stone's how john f. kennedy was assassinated the next sunday in 1999
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pinch of korean, please, two black coffees. always great deals on hello usually cashless. an interesting twist in the big game caused by a ukrainian missile strike on nato almost gave rise to a serious international crisis. and now the question naturally arises, what is it was it the negligence of the ukrainian armed forces, the imperfections of their equipment, or is it a deliberate provocation, if the provocation is the point of ukraine, poland or nato, uh, here, uh, you have repeatedly encountered ukrainian provocations on the battlefield and constantly it could be certain. this is a big provocation that they wanted to do and play it in europe,
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play it in america and maybe even give some indication, because the artists zelensky has already crossed all the limits of permissiveness and is trying to impose his thoughts already impose his game and give some promises that i am in charge here, what i will say will be. over somehow back in 2018 and 2018. the so-called special services of great britain entered the territory of ukraine, which became completely under themselves , took away, in e, internal and external information policy regarding ukraine, and now in the project of the way of present antinases. we have repeatedly talked about the crimes of the nazis and their accomplices and the creation of centers and pso in the territory ukraine which worked against e, the leaders of the russian federation of the state against our republics and thus. eh, always prepared. hey, these are fake. uh, fake moods, fake
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news by type, like, uh, bucha, uh, kremenchug, uh, shopping center. well, it’s definitely not fake, unfortunately, it’s kramatorsk yes, they didn’t hit with a dot directly at the collection point at the railway station, when people were going to go to the territory of ukraine it is noticeable to the territory of ukraine and not to the territory of the russian federation and they hit with this rocket, to be sure there it is for sure. yes, and, uh, consciously or not, they highlighted the fact that there is a number of this rocket. and when the experts looked, and the ministry of defense of the russian federation still e, not all the same. and there are great experts who even look at the eye and say that, uh, how it was and how it happened, that is, all these fakes, they prepared as this provocation, which happened unconditionally. this is a provocation, taking into account the fact that on the same day a reconnaissance aircraft flew the plane, just over e the territory of poland, e, perhaps not excluding the moment that they
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controlled the arrival of these missiles and indicated the coordinates in an open field, but they did not assume that the tractor would go there, perhaps i do not exclude this, therefore and uh, here are the people, unfortunately, who died. uh, yes, they will be offered there as an altar. uh, russian aggression that it was russia supposedly hit and so on, but i want to say again that this is a planned big operation that zelensky decided, but he hurried. he did not agree with either side, that is, with a european there with a macron, let's say a scholz, well, of course, i didn’t put my e, owner on notice that i was going to do this. that is, he e showed that he is above that, and he, later on, can already dictate his own conditions. well, there is another version that is also being heard now - that is what the americans organized. this is not to provoke a direct conflict with russia, but in order to, uh, facilitate the allocation of
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funds to ukraine and the holding of, uh, meetings in ramstein, which, in fact. uh, today and occur where will be considered issues of new military assistance to ukraine here reuters said e fairly frankly. uh, that president biden immediately asked congress to allocate additional funds. e ukraine listen to almost 38 billion. we are calling on congress to provide additional appropriations to ensure that ukraine has the weapons funding and support it needs to defend itself , according to a letter from the head of the white house budget office scow. young speaker. house of representatives nancy the pelosi at the white house have said that further funding for ukraine will be directed towards the purchase of defense weapons, humanitarian aid and support for nuclear security, but uh, clearly. what is it to say so, now the biden administration is in a hurry to do it. that's before the house of
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representatives moves, possibly under republican control. it will take place on the third of january. they need now before this time to approve the allocation of this assistance by a fully democratic congress. so far in the new congress, no questions have arisen, such a version, how do you think? absolutely, i initially said that uh for uh, zelensky, for anyone, needs a war, escalation , provocation, escalation. uh, presidential. i'm talking about the canoe now, and the same is true of the canoe. uh, zelensky, in principle, could not have been without a biden, he could have bullied himself, but he would have immediately retreated. and here he is. excuse me, i am driven by a wave and insists on his own, despite the fact that the west seems to be telling him reconciliation. eh, reconciliation is needed. no, he doesn't need reconciliation, he needs war, he needs any, uh, price and since he breaks in, it's easier for biden
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under this business allocate money and allocate money. and to revive those schemes. as you understand, ukraine is running a huge laundry washing machine to process this money, the more money is thrown there. uh, the more money will go back there. uh, according to the gray schemes, it's mutual. eh, beneficial. uh, an event. this is a war that is being waged in ukraine at the cost of the ukrainians, so this issue is absolutely agreed here, but another matter. well, to be 50 glory. god became at least 38 at least 12 billion oe less, that is, less. there is an option that fewer ukrainians and russians will die in this war. that's just the president. uh, poland anzhi duda made a statement listen. with ukrainian air defense missiles in different directions, there is a high probability that one of these missiles fell on the territory. poland's preliminary inspection of the
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scene indicates that there did not come to the classic rocket explosion. and this was the result of just a fall, this is a rocket, the fact that rockets fell on our territory was not a deliberate action. this missile was not aimed at poland most likely it was a russian -made missile, produced in the 1970s, of the type used by the s-300 anti-aircraft missile systems. there is no evidence that the fallen missile was fired by the russians. and after that, duda said that there were no grounds for consultations in nato on the fourth article. e of the washington treaty, the sixth article is consultations before the fifth before the fifth article, which can mean collective action, so they quietly lowered the brakes. uh, well, at the same time, it must be said that in nato there were also different voices. uh, naturally, almost everyone blamed russia, except erdogan, who from the very beginning said that there was
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no information that it was russia on the contrary? he said that i do not believe that it could be russia and that another terrorist attack is taking place in istanbul today. uh, before the elections that are planned in turkey and in general, it is quite obvious that erdogan, as an independent political player, does not suit the americans. well actually. never suited them were attempted military coups attitudes erdogan. and now, uh, serious ones. attacks on turkey and it must be said that the turkish side has a very harsh reaction towards the united states, such rhetoric is indeed. to be honest, i don't remember. uh, all the last years. at least. uh, here, uh, what about american condolences, that is, terrorist attacks. uh, said the most prominent turkish interior politicians and foreign ministers. let's listen. condolences expressed by
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the united states must be assessed as actions killers who arrive first at the crime scene. we don't accept condolences from everyone. the us is trying to be lambs. at the same time being the real coordinators of the attacks. istanbul we know who is a friend. and who is the enemy ? we thank russia for its support. russia has always come to our aid in difficult times, because it is the most active side in the world in the fight against international terrorism until now russia is confronting terrorists in the middle east and europe a serious turn in turkish policy is very serious, i don’t remember for the last, probably a decade for such words to sound so harsh, and you know now this rhetoric, it is in great demand, including in turkey. the fact is that many nations are very tired of the arbitrariness that washington is now inflicting without punishment with monstrous impunity, intervention in the affairs of any country violation of any sovereignty, that is, by and large , the classic american exceptionalism
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has crossed absolutely all boundaries, when we now hear this is actually a full-fledged association the accusation of the middle states of america that they coordinated these attacks. they call a spade a spade one must not forget one simple thing. we often say that turkey is a nato country turkey, like other nato countries, can use the fifth article of the atlantic atlantic treaty, but do not forget one simple thing the ottoman empire, which lives in the heads of so many political leaders in turkey, it is today says that they are always absolutely independent. they are profitable partners. they can now cooperate with many countries, but this does not mean that they have completely submitted to the big collective west. and even more so for the united states of america. i believe that very difficult times are now coming in the relationship between the united states of america and turkey. especially with regard to the elections that will be held in turkey and the united states of america, it will be very difficult to play our game unnoticed, because after such statements
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will really need to be parried and answered. just not noticing it is impossible, and you will understand one simple thing. these are the statements that were, but said both by the ministers of the interior and the minister of foreign affairs and are now picked up very strongly by the press and public opinion is on the side of president recep taip erdogan. well, what interesting twists and turns in world politics? er, of course, one should always ask que and prodest. uh, who benefits, but for me there is no doubt that this missile scandal with a ukrainian missile strike on polish territory. he won, where he is above all ukraine. because without this, the zelensky regime looks extremely, pale now some provocations are needed . in general, they do not want to do it for obvious reasons. i think this is needed more,
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because poland, uh, wants to be seen in washington as a major, uh, regional player, as the main hub for american uh, actions in this region, as a major military center and for poland in in principle, this scandal was very, very. useful, it seems to me from this point of view, how to draw attention to oneself the same thing can be said about the balts, that is, in general, benefit recipients are more or less clear, as for the united states, they use it in an internal political game for in order to justify further, uh, military assistance, financial assistance to ukraine and, of course, the game against erdogan will continue, because there is a political force in nato that is not ready to simply blindly obey washington and will be against erdogan continue to continue all sorts of provocations. that doesn't make him our best friend, but he certainly didn't become washington's enemy .


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