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tv   Sudba na vibor  1TV  November 26, 2022 1:20am-2:15am MSK

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state department intelligence officer ototepko noted that there had been a marked increase in the number of americans fleeing to russia at the time, he also noted that there were military men among them, and he suspected that some of the these people were false swindlers. they were selected by the cia to collect data. behind the iron curtain, he sent a letter to the cia asking who are the defectors, and who are their agents? oswald's name was also on the list. the request for otepka was passed on to the chief of counterintelligence, james angleton. he instructed not to trust the information. the most important thing is
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that he was really interested in his business. harvey wasn't oswald before the murder, and he had a whole pack of scammers in his safe. it got even worse. his office was bugged and people were planted there to follow him they put confidential documents in a bag, and then tried to accuse him of going to burn these documents, they say. he just went crazy as a result of november 5, 63. he was fired from public services. you will not see me in the warren report and he was not called, as a witness , in fact it was angleton, who had access to all the files of oswald in the cia answered all the requests of the damage commission in the cia, cia deputy director richard holmes swore by the raven commission that
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the agency would never had no contact with asphalt position that the cia chose for the raven commission they don’t know anything about this guy at all, but now it’s obvious to us that this is not what oswald called. they have a great interest even 4 years before the assassination, without a dozen high-ranking cia officers were well acquainted with him. everything he did, where he was, what he was fond of during his family life. they even read his mother's mail. that's how closely he was watched until the murder. the investigation would have gone very differently if the
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public investigators knew everything that was known to the cia by ali harvey oswede. one of the places where oswald handed out flyers to the international mall glue show show was arrested by new orleans district attorney jim harrison. he was accused of participating in a conspiracy to assassinate president kennedy, but he always denied any connection with the seiru. we have never been associated with the cia ever any contact absolutely the review board determined that these testimonies and had special access to one and the secret projects. worked with oswald. may 63. he tried to change the wording of the undesirable wording in the decision on his
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dismissal from military service after the murder, andrews received a call from a man. he called himself a claim burtond and invited him to come to dalla to defend oswald, under oath the clayshaw denied that he was a kleenbernator. and andrew said that from afar, he received that call. he just saw it, but today, as a result of the work, advice on reviewing the case file. we have evidence and 12 witnesses. they confirmed that the show used this name as an alias at a later date. andrews admitted to writer harld weiberg that the show was burburn, but made him promise not to reveal it until after andrews' death. the fbi had special marks on oswald's fails, which meant that no one could just ask for them. and no one could add something to it. and this went on for 4 years. all
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oswald's fbi files were kept as secret as possible. on october 8, 1963, fbi agent marvin giesling removed this special status from oswald's files. why was this done? why change the status of the fbi oswald just a few weeks before murders? although lisa means, it meant that there was no reason to put oswald's name on a special list, what is a special list when an official motorcade follows the chosen routes . anyone who is on this list should be removed from the president's route. they cannot be nearby. and, of course, the president finds himself in a dangerous situation. which
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shouldn't happen, but it wasn't just the fbi that did it, the same thing happened to the cia at the same time. who was a cia liaison who was not selected for the committee house of representatives in the seventy-eighth year george jonis, he was the curator of cuban students, they met several times with assold before the assassination, and then 13 years later, when congress resumes the cia investigation, it causes a desire from resignation and makes him a key figure in communicating with representatives of congress who are studying the possible role of the cia in the assassination. turn on knew nothing about it, and i went to bob blakey's chief adviser. i asked him. bob did you ever know this jonidis and he answered ladies a lot and dealt with him. he was contact, then i asked, did you know what he was doing in the year 63, and he said he did nothing in the year 63. we had
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an arrangement with the cia. no one involved in the murder at the time would be involved in our investigation. and i said bob janidis commanded those cubans who were in contact with the octomid those cubans who accused castro of the murder he was a man, wildly healthy in miami and controlled a group that had relations with the octomid both before and after the murder, and then he moved away reason remained silent in the shadows. why they attracted joannidis. they tried to hide his connection. he was terribly shocked when he realized how smart they were, they got to the very core of his investigation and figured out how to stop him? i remember what he said. i will never believe a single word from my father, even the case review board had problems getting documents from official structures. what difficulties did you have in working with the cia 1c censors? the cia was at the council meeting, we had a document, we deduced on the screen and said, we are ready to make it
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public, and i asked. explain to us why we shouldn't make this record public. he was silent for almost 2 minutes. finally he said, i know there is a reason, but i can't figure out what it is. at the end of the ninety-second year, a month after the adoption of the act, the secret service began to implement it, but in january of the ninety-fifth year, important documents began to be destroyed . the report of the council on the revision of the case materials. it's very disappointing it was documents related to president kennedy's movements in the fall of 1963. before his trip to dallas for 63 years, president kennedy was threatened many times there were even entire lists of threats and the secret service was against the release of these
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records. they even asked the wife of the city's vice president to help them, because she could by law block the publication of a mental health record. the idea was to reveal the names of people who had some kind of mental disorder as a result. we asked the agency to certify under oath that they had given us everything murder records, but it backfired on us , the secret service refused to sign such a document under oath, and everything became clear. little is known about this, but there were at least two conspiracies against president kennedy in 1963 before the assassination, one in chicago on nov. 2, the other in tampa on nov. 18 , kennedy ended up not going to chicago. with a warning, he stated that four cubans went to chicago to shoot president kennedy the next
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the other day, the landlady reported to the police in chicago that she had rented the room to four people. they had scoped rifles and a motorcade route. the fbi passed the information to the secret service and the secret service placed these people under surveillance. two of them fled, but two snipers were detained. they all flatly denied the secret service anything. didn't succeed while they were working on this story another threat was received from another psychopath named thomas arthur valli he openly stated that he was preparing to kill kennedy took it only when kennedy canceled the trip on november 2 at 10:00 am. this wali story and the chicago conspiracy - it's so similar to what happened in dallas. this cannot be considered a mere coincidence. val if you compare him with asphalt, a former marine, he, like oswald, served
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in the far east at a base associated with the cia because u-2 scouts were based there. it was easy to imagine him as a disgruntled anti -kennedy armed loner. he had another connection to intelligence, yes. he taught cubans the cia was responsible for military affairs and oswald, as we know, was also called for. most likely, he really taught the cubans. he wanted to do it. as we know, oswald arrived in dallas from new orleans in october, just in time for the cortege to arrive there. he chooses this tall building and gets a job there, he 's in the perfect spot for a shot. now let's take a look at what happened in august , how the pawn was moved from long island to chicago to be there when the cortege arrived, and where he gets a job in a tall building right
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on the route with the perfect shooting position here would have to force the cortege to make a sharp turn to slow down, then he was in the ideal point, just in the line of fire. and that kennedy had a trip planned for florida on november 18? caftampe nearly 27 miles away , the secret service was very nervous because of the florida hotel next to it passed the route. there was a sharp turn and also a convenient point. in this case, the scapegoat would be gilberto policarpo lopez he was a cuban immigrant. he went to a meeting of the fair game committee for cuba and how does this relate to our history, if he was killed in tampa, imba, he had to put up a lotus if you had to shoot from the front, because oswald was from behind there were also rumors that he was the one who helped oswald, during the
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assassination in dallas, someone tried to tell the raven commission about these incidents. hambalden was the first black secret service agent to lay down in the white house. he was chosen by kennedy himself. he was in chicago when the assassination was plotted there. he was there when the secret service. four snipers were reported, he himself saw how weak security was in chicago. and he saw it after the murder. what steps were taken to keep the chicago conspiracy a complete secret no papers all files in scattered form the agent was ordered to keep silent this information was not brought to the attention of the secret service agents who were supposed to guard kennedy on trips, including the dasier secret service agent. elmer. moore knew about agent boldyn and the chicago conspiracy. i got offended with elmer, three times in person and had several calls.
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one of them is long. i asked him if you ever interrogated thomas arthur wallil in washington they won't even let me look at his file. i said okay, what about a secret service agent named? moose i'm an independent investigator, and he said that. he said very loudly. and he had a very gloomy expression, we still took him abraham baldun tried to share his information with the raven commission, but they didn’t let him do it, he was forbidden to speak, and then he was sent to jail
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polyp accusation. he sat for quite some time. the national archives hold all of the evidence on the kennedy assassination and official documents from the lee harvey oswald case, but the board of review has declassified many documents about kennedy's plans to withdraw troops from vietnam and his blueprint for a new progressive american foreign policy. if only he could realize his projects. it would destroy the carefully crafted and approved plans of the pentagon and the cia. it's all about this. now, this is the real question. why? how and who is it tinsel for the public oswald ruby cuba mafia cheap quiz so that no one asks the main
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questions? why why killed kennedy who's winning? who can cover all traces? who? this is his first year in the white house. kennedy must make his own policies. sometimes in conflict with what his predecessors did, especially in foreign policy, he already made many enemies for himself. he prepared the withdrawal of troops from vietnam was going to visit indonesia in the year 64 supported the independence of the congo a balanced policy in the middle east through nasser normalization of relations with cuba detente with russia, he was even going to propose a joint landing on the moon. he signed the
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operation plan. he puts weapons and equipment, but there will be no american manpower and the second after the air strike, which will be inflicted by cuban pilots, refugees, further air strikes. possible only after clearing the air space further believed that kennesy, as from eisenhower, would support a direct us military invasion if necessary, although he convinced the president that this would not be required. primarily. i want to say that neither under what conditions will the us army not invade cuba
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? this is not an attempt to abdicate responsibility. i'm in charge of the government publicly kennedy took the blame but privately he and his brother suspected they were duped by the cia admitted that the operation was doomed to failure as it was planned by the cia without military support, he mentioned it, when preparing an article for harpersen with a young editor. they had no chance with practically a handful of cuban refugees. he needed the marine corps for military aviation. told his
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editor this kennedy he thought he was god, john f. kennedy stood his ground he didn't send troops there, he didn't escalate the global crisis even more. kennedy was furious. he realized that he was deceived by both the military and intelligence advisers, he announced serious cuts in the agency and told his friends this now famous phrase. i will break the era into 1,000 pieces, scattering them to the wind when not mad only operation in the bay of pigs. then in april of the sixty-first year. he was lied to about france about military tests to overthrow president charly. one of our most important allies is the complex
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data that most of the french military opposed gogol because he supported self-determination. but he didn’t mention further that back in the fifty-ninth year, the cia was discussing the overthrow, degulya. four french generals were behind this attempt, the rebellion was quickly suppressed and hints flashed in some news that allen dulles was involved in this. i hope , assures the french ambassador, i have absolutely nothing to do with it. i fully support this golem president, but he also says something alarming president kennedy says to the french ambassador. i don't have full control over my government. i do not control the cia and cannot be held responsible for the fact that this startling announcement for the president of the united states is happening there. in 1960, the former colony of the congo gained independence from belgium and held democratic elections. during the beginning
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unrest, the belgians, with the support of england and france, tried to eliminate the charismatic prime minister. patrice lumumbu in this colonial conflict, eisenhower and cia director allen daless. they took the side of the europeans, he was elected only in november of the sixtieth year, and he immediately took the opposite position of the new state, which we are glad to welcome in the ranks of free countries, we give the floor. rule not to give way to a more brutal tyranny, but the process has already been launched, with the support of the military and intelligence of england, the us troops of colonel joseph maputo captured president lumumba in early
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december of the sixtieth year, secretary general. the un calls kennedy, who was already elected at that time, and asks him to intervene in order to get the umomba out of prison, that this guy needs to be disposed of urgently. 48 hours after kennedy is sworn in, handed over to his enemies, they immediately put a bullet in his head a few months later. he is beside himself when he finds out about the murder of patrice lumumba, he clutches his head on his face grimace. a very short time after the murder, hammar-sholt dies in a mysterious plane crash, the photographs show that only
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his body was not burned or damaged and he was carrying a playing card, judging by the reports, the ace of spades. she got stuck behind the collar under the knot on the tie. there are some controversial documents. they indicate that allen dulles was involved in the history of the aircraft. they were convinced that they are doing the most right thing for the whole world. they understand more than the president. they did not always report to eisenhower. how were engaged during his administration, indeed kennedy is trying to change the entire top of the cia, he makes it clear to everyone that both rentaliz and his two leading advisers richard bisel. he, too, was involved in the bay of pigs operation and general cabell, who was allen dulles' right-hand man, the three main figures in the cia, kennedy, fired them before the end of the year. no.
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america the usa depict a cuban attack on a guantana base sink a us ship in guantanamo and blame the club for this, but what scares me most of all is their most sophisticated plan to take an empty plane so that it flew over cuba like a drone to turn on a recording on board with a message that we are being attacked by a cuban plane. oh god they'll kill us all, then blow up the plane blow up this huge drone is an excuse to start a
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war the president rejected these recommendations. operation plan. for us. it was an important find, one of the key ones. it was truly international . it was declassified by the review board and many board members were proud to be part of it. in addition to serious problems with the cia, military advisers began to actively persuade president to send troops to vietnam kennedy visited there 10 years ago as a congressman and saw with his own eyes how the french lost the war vietnam who fought for independence as president kennedy did not want to fall into the same trap the decision on vietnam finally passed this memorandum 1 :eleven. in it, kennedy refused to send troops and increased the number of advisers. that was kennedy's decision as president. he did not want to cross this line at the end of his first year
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as kennedy received a report from the rostov wolf and general maxwell taylor international and military adviser. they called for increased training of units in south vietnam, intensified bombing in the north and sending american units there, but kennedy's desire to send happiness there on land was influenced by his ambassador to india, john kenneth gelbright. my father met walt tall. he wanted to talk to him. just pointed to a pile of papers on his desk and taylor's growth report was in plain sight. my father asked him to show the volt replied that his clearance level was not enough for such a document. my father doubted that walt's height tolerance level was higher at that moment the phone rang. the wolf turned away to answer, and my father took the report from the table, left the office and read it. sent saigon to write his report with
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recommendations other than growth and taylor kennedy knew what he wanted and knew that my father would provide it, which he did and prepared a detailed report on the effectiveness of the south vietnamese government, and the opportunities to achieve superiority with with the help of military force taking into account the situation in south vietnam, canon to report to the secretary of defense to maria and then, in turn, ordered general harkins, commander of us forces in vietnam, to begin the withdrawal of troops. the pentagon took a long time to come up with a detailed plan , and in may of 1963, mcnamara called a meeting . i want to withdraw a thousand people in december before the end of the year. i want people to be taken out in whole parts,
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not randomly. it was this withdrawal plan that was approved, and in september 1963, kennedy sent the secretary of defense to namrumar and general taylor to saigon. he wanted to use their report as the basis for a formal withdrawal order. kennedy did more than supervise that report. in fact, it was prepared under the supervision of bobby kennedy. after 3 days, this news hit the newspapers, his opponents found out about it. and mac george bundy told kennedy once it was in the papers. everything can be made public. and they issued decree 263. that's why he even appeared, and here's what she said in a secret briefing, if they can't win, it's a pity, but we had to leave, even if they were then defeated honey, that is, vietnam even with a bad scenario. but
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later that month, magician george bundy , the national security adviser, wrote a memorandum based on the truth about this war, that everything is terrible. he tried to put his thoughts in such a way that kennedy could support him, this is reflected in the memorandum on national security, 273. in bundy wrote the first version of the memorandum. so we need to strengthen the military selection of the communists, but we will do this through the strengthening of the army of south vietnam there is not a word about the american troops of the americanization of the war. when kennedy's body was still in a coffin in the rotunda in the capitol building, johnson prepared a new version of memorandum 273 changes to key paragraph number seven
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. i am asked bundy during an interview. who told you to do it and he answered johnson these changes allowed the us to unilaterally enter the war in vietnam they simply support and train the south vietnamese army and a few days later we were already discussing the start of the de soto mission, and the sea sorties to the coast of north vietnam were over the smadox incident and the attack in the gulf of tonkin was then a congressional resolution. she opened the door to the invasion of vietnam in documents declassified by the council there is evidence that johnson knew about kennedy's plans to leave vietnam. he did not agree with this and tried to win robert mcmanara over to his side. i always thought it was stupid to make any statements about the withdrawal of troops. this is harmful from a psychological point of view, the
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news was considered by the president, otherwise i was silent. in response to this attack, on the high seas, our troops attacked the bases used by the north vietnamese patrols. as followed due to the declassified bone memorandums, not 64 years old during his campaign against bari goldter johnson had already decided that he would escalate the war in vietnam; in fact, the directive that became the resolution on the gulf of tankin was written even before the incident. in this bay, 3 months before the election , johnson was already planning a deployed air action. they were supposed to start after his inauguration. we are going to prove to the communists that we cannot be defeated with weapons, we are impossible. and they came to the embassies in latin
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america, lit candles, because they had no electricity, but they still wanted to honor him there. memory on the peninsula, among the kotans, the peasants cleared the clearing and planted the garden of the world of kennedy's death in particular. he got up and got dressed and went to his office. and only then did you understand? i can't do anything about it according to his son, nasser fell into a deep depression after kennedy's death, relations with egypt began to deteriorate, and they became more and more sympathetic to the soviet union. a memorial service was held in the main catholic church. cairo , it is designed for 600 people on that day , 4,000 people fit there in algeria, they fed kennedy's special feelings declared a week of mourning. all flags at half-mast the us ambassador to egypt
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said that in his opinion the egyptians saw in kennedy the best that is in the americans, that for ordinary egyptians kennedy embodied the ideal of america. kennedy met with french journalist jean daniel. he exclaimed this is bad news. now everything will change. when khrushchev came to the american embassy to express his condolences, according to eyewitnesses, did he barely hold back his tears? robert kennedy understood that after the death of his brother, relations with the soviet union will be on the verge. my father wanted to send a message to khrushchev to assure him that our family understood that the soviet union was not involved in the murder. in other words, it was the cia or the forces associated with the cia on the day of his brother's death. my
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father immediately called the duty officer of the cia in langley, and directly asked them that this nightmare was staged by your people. we know everything that bobby did on that terrible day on november 22, 1963, at his home in mclean, virginia, he immediately suspected that the shooter was not alone. how did he know? to him the nearest aides said. they were in a nearby limousine right behind president kennedy's car, they are both world war ii veterans. they knew what gunshots sounded like. they informed bobby that they heard shots not only from behind, but from different directions, including from the front. it was crossfire. i was oriental room.
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i asked my mom and dad why was he shot? did he love our family, the way they behaved only exacerbated the tragedy. many people thought that after kennedy's death, depression and cynicism swept the country distrust of the warran commission's conclusions would never be the same, only reinforcing this skepticism and giving rise to reasonable doubts about the government's performance. i believe that the appointment of allen dulles to the raven commission is one of the greatest frauds in american history. even if we collect 10 more commissions, we will not be able to convince you
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that this was a conspiracy, but we did not find any traces. this is what really happened to alin dallesos. the cia lobbied for his appointment to the commission, because they need him there. was his own man to see to it that some doors would remain closed. i think there is a direct link between the events of 1963 that america has to go through. today i think when you kill the president, among the poorer on the streets of an american city, everyone understands. what forces are behind this? you send a signal not only to the people of america, but also to the american media and the future leader of the country. and if america wants to be a democratic society, we must bathe in the truth, uncover this macabre a crime that continues to haunt people's minds were polls among historians among ordinary americans they were asked who the most
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popular president is one sign by which one can objectively assess the country's foreign policy should be counted. how many streets are named after a particular president in other countries. how many hospitals are colleges schools? how many monuments to this president are in capitals around the world, and in this sense, the president is easily ahead of everyone else. although many progressive, far-reaching plans in kennedy's politics were not realized after his assassination. x remained. i think mr. kennedy has done a lot for civil rights , and that goes for the attorney general. and i think we need to realize the importance of this. i ask you to assure that you will not prevent these
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students from entering the building, that you will peacefully step aside, having fulfilled your constitutional duty. as a result, with the support of federal troops. the kennedy administration secured admission of black students to the public college of the south. george wallace he made it clear that the fight is not over yet next year it is the south that will decide. whoever becomes president will be who the south votes for, and you will see that the south will not support all candidates. that evening, kennedy addressed the nation. considered by many to be the best presidential speech on civil rights since abraham lincoln, when one man's rights are at stake. the rights of everyone else are infringed if the american, because of the color of his skin, cannot enjoy the full free life that we all desire, which of us agree to change the lightness of his skin since
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president lincoln freed the slaves. but their descendants and grandchildren are still not completely free. and this nation, despite all its successes and hopes, will not be free until they are free. all its citizens. we are facing a moral crisis, as a country and as a people this seriously affects our country and everything. what we stand for. i ask for the help of all our citizens. thanks a lot. how john f. kennedy was killed director oliver stone producer robert and wilson composer jeff bill
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know that if you open gifts ahead of time, they lose their gift properties. ha ha, so who wants what? what kind of
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hope are you, a man of pure gold? not like some, i mean myself first of all, because i am a man. i do not know, maybe. birthday no, why do you think you can’t be an academician and have to bring yourself many, many
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grades good didn’t go to school, maybe then we’ll all give gifts, no, we’ll give gifts in the evening. and by the way, what kind of grandfather is our grandfather? dad. let's give gifts. mm. i do n’t have a lot of presents, my mother has already seen the gift, in my opinion. tell me honestly you have not seen dishonestly. here i literally am, and daddy you snitched on you, yes, from the substance, but you saw such a strange one as i climbed, and i still want to give my gifts to you, it's good that there is a separate gift. you're just a kind aunt nadia thank you please, typewriter.
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i'm waiting for you. i'm waiting for you. good very much needed. i found a buyer on the ground. and now i'll go for him and bring them here. need your help. that is, i decided to sell it anyway. please don't scare me . i have been doing this for six months and have decided to sell it all. here you are talking to me about it. there is some special method. can't you decide this alone? i would have lived in the city for a long time if i
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sold all this. your husband and your child are you going to do it the answer is no, if you think about anyone other than yourself, you will understand it will be much better to return to the academy because he never does. correctly i understand that you decided to change the mouth of the occupation. that is you're bored saving people now. you decided to save people's property. such nasty things about me, i deal with people. are you their souls? this is very
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important. i feel like i have a lot of work to do. yes, you know, i look at this beauty and understand perfectly. why nadya doesn't want to sell it mmm. and you know what it's called. and what is it called? it's called poinsettia, the most beautiful, just like me. good afternoon everyone. hello, write down
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two or six times vitya can i talk to you? i'm selling this unprofitable farm. we are later in debts. i have little faith. i really hope that after moving to the city you will be able to earn normal money. i want to tell you that if you have any respect for me to my family. will you sign?
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you can't sell everything. this is what my father did with his own hands. he invested in you and you've been working here for i don't know how many years. you don't have to just pick up and go like that. unfortunately, i'm nadya. you have to keep working and not agree to leave here. i wo n't sell it all.
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we will not sell anything. listen, well, everything let's leave it all our all mine all yours. leave


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