tv Zhit zdorovo 1TV December 21, 2022 9:55am-10:46am MSK
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so to happiness to you from other years of life. is it really that after injuries to shell shock, by the miracle that you survived, you again want to go and return to help the guys. yes, the way i do everything, i learned how to do it, and there are not enough sensible signalers. i really want to go back and help the guys in our country , the same girls who stay somewhere to work here in the rear. i'm sorry, i think i know your call, i think you have a button like this, like request. here i see the armor on the armor in the photo. wear more serious armor please at least packs there, so to speak, protection, so to speak, of the sidewalls. if you will, because, well , god really. i really want you to think before your grandchildren, preferably untruths. here is my wish to you, okay, yes, i see you there already there. i see you there already being distracted. i ask again here. uh, i'm always very
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interested. what are you dreaming about? here is a man who went through such a difficult path. yes , miraculously survived, what do you dream of? now? what thoughts are in your head so that the war ends, so that the children do not see this, because i was there i saw children. i saw women. and when they ask me a question. what are we fighting for, why did you go there? i answer that there are also women, there are also children. they want to live live a normal life happy life thank you so much and for these words because of your service. get well soon and please stay safe. all the very best to you and all of us as soon as possible . victory to you is huge. thank you for coming to us today, and for today, watch the anti-freeze program with us along with these people. lead the fight against your truths and the enemy that has now fallen upon us. if any photo or video materials cause you doubts, send them to our editorial office, we will conduct our own investigation and tell you about the results. the first channel
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presents how to keep warm in cold weather with the help of a thermal imaging camera, we are conducting a big experiment, the best peaks for warming up , the live program enlightens and helps. today, december 21, today will be the longest night of the year on the night of december 21-22. today is my birthday youngest son, so absolutely happy. ah, i want to say. i guess it's a good night
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when babies are born conclusions. thank you intimate night, that it is long, you can do a lot , but let's get back to the night, as to the night. and so today the sun will set at three minutes to four, and tomorrow the sun will rise at ten minutes to nine. therefore, we will oversleep, we can oversleep for an incredibly long 17 hours. it's good, who didn't get enough sleep, can get some sleep, however, it's a very nice and cool question. why do we need the night so much? why is it so important for us to sleep at night ? processes, but if we turn to the brain, then we must say. the main thing that happens at night with the brain. this is our brain when we are at rest, when we have no vessels our brain is not squeezed. in the literal sense of the word, it doesn’t even
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happen to be washed, therefore, you need to sleep in the literal sense in order to wash your brain. here is the first question that i want to ask you, what should you do before going to bed, and drink motherwort or valerian, so what other versions to drink warm milk with honey to drink? uh, evening walk before bed, well, the latest version what let's give a man we have one man sitting at the top, in general, 90% of the viewers of our program are women. and here is a man among us what you can do, and what you can not do before going to bed. i think that before going to bed you can not have some kind of active life. if as they say here, just relax, relax, that is, no walks, you lay down and lie down. no, on the contrary, just do not strain,
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especially. as they say, do not excite the body. for some reason they calmly relaxed. this we have to remake cook and then fall. and they do not strain before going to bed. this is an important number of great science, what should be done before going to bed, what should not be done before going to bed. first let's start by showing the following showed that if you read sawed, well it improves your quality of sleep. 40% the second is that if you have sex before bed, it improves sleep in 60% of people even in almost 70. yes, in principle, almost 70 yes, sex improves by almost 70%, reading at 40 is not bad at all. go magazines, but not reading from a
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cell phone, that is, we are talking about reading paper books, this is emphasized if you read e-books on a computer or tablet, yes, on the contrary, it invigorates, kills melatonin, respectively, a person can not fall asleep, therefore, in any order, either sex, then a book or a book, then a chip is better. first, and then sex, and then on the side, i feel that you have experience in how to alternate a book and that's it. the rest so it is recommended to do this. it's scientifically proven and it's good. and what can not be done there are a few things the first thing is impossible. there are less than 3 hours before you go uh sleep, because if you have eaten, during this time the chance of your waking up sleep disturbance increases by the same, the same examples of 40%.
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the following things you should not do and play with your electronic toys. it actually reduces output. in general , the phone was a tablet computer or any games computer borders already, god, germany we have passed the following is not recommended to watch the bedroom or the visor, this also reduces. the production of melatonin and so that there is a white so-called light around you. this is also not recommended. clear light no white nor blue room. dark glory. god at 4:00 without three or four will already be dark. with us and you calmly, go to sleep, the next question is how to fall asleep correctly andrey petrovich, you really need to turn off the light, because we have already said many times
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that the extra light is white, yellow, blue light. it does not let you fall asleep, special studies were carried out half an hour before bedtime. your gadget should lie aside and in no other way computer tv. but you went to bed preferably, if you sleep alone, then in this case take gravitational so-called case, it 's heavy. that's it to do. its a, to make it clear that it does not drop. that is, this heavy blanket of 7 kg compresses you and makes you sleep comfortably returns you to your childhood state. after all, there is such a psychological dependence. if you lay down you are undressed and lie under a weightless blanket. there is a feeling that you are not protected, and not being protected
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leads to disturbing sleep. and you may not fall asleep or wake up more often. the next factor that you need is warm feet, definitely socks, preferably woolen, especially for older people. they are necessary, because otherwise it is not comfortable to sleep in any way and either you will fall asleep badly. and white noise is the sound of rain noise. the surf is a constant noise, the forests were listening, let's listen to this noise. you are white noise. we now hear the sound of the sea. this is the kind of noise you should hear when you go to bed. by the way, this is an ideal situation for falling asleep children. i just know this from my grandchildren. i turned on the sound of the sea on the phone, and
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they lay down like this, yours should be hot and the ideal temperature, for example, 18 e degrees. this is true and the last question. how to wake up on such a long night, which in itself is long and gives you a chance to sleep more mikhail egor how to wake up, but wake up, firstly, you need to set an alarm clock better one hour before you should wake up in this case decreases by about 20%. second question. you need to do some physical exercises to squat. well, at least there endorphin is produced for 5 minutes and, accordingly , a person feels that is, and take a cold a shower, because the same cold shower gives a feeling of cheerfulness to the production of endorphins and, accordingly, a person feels
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comfortable and ready to work, of course, not for the faint of heart, but nevertheless i agree with mikhail yegorchich, set the alarm clock an hour earlier. it would be better to soak in bed or have these 5 minutes in order to do some kind of five-minute physical workout, because it will produce endorphins, hormones of joy. and if you have joy, in the morning you will have happiness all day long, we will roll over for a while, and then we will continue heat. inside what to drink to keep warm in the cold and not fall asleep in a snowdrift our rating of the best drinks miracles and only you come to us with pain, but leave without it a new year's gift from our will service we return life right in the studio
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the christmas thieves were with horseshoe pain, that i could n't breathe was missing my stomach so hard that i thought i was going to die, who runs the risk of missing the holiday by being in a hospital bed. and how to avoid it. departing with tickets go through the car, by the way, buy a ticket on and post offices draw 1 january. be sure to trap exactly the hunter yes defenseless casanova in russia premiere, look after the program time the application is capable of more scan it before paying with each purchase. we will transfer one percent of the fund to the family together and juicy from the
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today we asked ourselves a question from the very beginning. what is the best way to keep warm. again i want to address our studio audience, and men at that. please take part in this matter. what is the best way to keep warm, if you are freezing, please, but if your hands are freezing outside, it is better to rub with snow. i think so, and if we talk about drinks, what warms you best? i think it’s some kind of honey, but it’s worth a decoction, maybe something like that, it warms, really well, honey decoction times. give us give us so much more that clint is so alcohol, we still have a man in that side who knows what to do. if you are cold, you can drink hot tea. what is the noblest audience? you know this question, how to keep warm in the cold, and right now before your
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eyes, we will conduct an experiment. we have four men dressed in special suits, inside these suits there is a liquid that cools the bodies of men. right now, the temperature is about four degrees inside them. these suits, so they, of course, cool and freeze. four different drinks the first we give alcohol the second we give hot water, the third. we give hot sweet tea and the fourth. we give hot fat broth, please. have a drink. so mikhail yegorych now point them from the thermal imaging camera to the thermal imaging camera
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, we see the changes that happen to them . because alcohol the vessels expand very quickly and immediately begin to sit, because when the vessels expanded, he gave off heat to the outside. vessels everywhere, wide, heat has gone outside, so he will now begin to freeze and tremble again. our lover of alcohol, the second person, received hot water. it gradually warms up, because the water enters the nori gradually warms the body from the inside, but the person who drank the sweet drink will also gradually cool down. fatty broth also gradually heats up and
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i can immediately say that it will remain warm for the longest time, so the conclusion was right. those who called hot drinks the best drinks are two drinks, sweet, no matter honey or sugar, and fatty drinks. because both sugar and fat are energy that breaks down and warms our body. i want to thank our men. let them take off our cooling suits. and today we will have sweet drinks. so we have three sweet drinks and we have to compare them with sweet tea with sugar, and sweet coffee with sugar and sweet drink. cocoa quite right, and we have already said that, on the one hand, carbohydrates, that is, glucose, sugar helps us maintain the amount of energy and heat in the body, because it is the muscles that will
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consume energy. . the metabolism in our muscles increases by 52%, that is, the intensity of the work of our body to maintain heat increases, and this requires the energy of germanshaevich. please help this is it energy that's muscle. but this is sugar, which is for straight lines. i'm giving energy to the muscles and heating our body, moreover, remember the course of normal physiology. trembling is muscle contraction muscles contract to generate energy, so the idea that you need to move, but on the right one, but even if you do not move, you will begin to tremble, as our test healthy men trembled, because the muscles must generate warmth and trembling. this muscle contraction will generate heat, so this is how the muscle works. this we understand it gives, sugar
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some will persist for a while, and you will really heat up and sugar will warm you energetically, because the muscles contract, only devouring sugar, there are three, a comparable friend. that's right, if we compare in terms of carbohydrates and calories, then with uh, a cup of tea, a cup of coffee with one sugar cube gives us about 4.7 grams of carbohydrate sugar. but cocoa gives us more carbohydrates. that is, in fact, the same energy for maintaining and maintaining the temperature will be higher almost twice. why because at the very end there are carbohydrates, sugar, glucose is a carbohydrate. here in the cocoa itself there are carbohydrates, and in tea and coffee. no, that's why we have 5 g in different drinks. cocoa, maybe 10 g more and even higher in some drinks
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up to five empty twice the difference will still be like, that is, roughly speaking, cocoa is better than the best coffee and tea with one piece of sugar absolutely on a par. and cocoa is twice as high now, what needs to be done in order not to freeze is simple. fell asleep what can help us stay awake and keep us awake caffeine. we know this and there is another substance called theo bromide. now, where is the most caffeine, among our caffeine drinks here, it is clear that coffee has the most caffeine. this is true, a little less than 20 percent in tea, and somewhere around 3:00 4 times less in cocoa, that is, cocoa loses here, but cocoa wins in the theopromise. why because you are ubramine, essentially an analogue of caffeine from the point
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of view, as a blocker of this substance? fatigue? look, this is our brain when we consume energy, there are so-called kreps cycles, and there a substance is released that sits on receptors in our brain. and we also get tired, and caffeine and theobromine block the receptors of fatigue not to act, which fatigue, let's say for simplicity, this is how it turns out. that cocoa, roughly speaking, is the best drink, can block fatigue receptors. there is more energy there, so according to these two principles, it still overtook coffee and tea. but if you want, just keep warm and fall asleep. you can safely drink sweet tea. michael we have a huge mug. with cocoa and so, cocoa. we are awarding the first prize. yes, mikhail georgievich yes , let it smoke, let this fucker stand on your
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table. here you are both surgeons. as you keep warm you experience life, i work mostly keep warm. eh, if in the cold, if we talk about the cold, if we talk about the move, then, of course, these are some kind of warm drinks. in any case, sugar is best, because i usually drink it. tea without sugar, of course, but sometimes there is a desire for real drink part of the sugar priority part of the garden, now advise. nakakal, and you are doing physical exercises of movement, but nevertheless we talked about liquids. and if you evaluate all the fluids and answer the question. how to keep warm in the cold? it's definitely not alcohol, the winners are sweet drinks and fatty broths, and from the point of view of science , of course, it is put forward in the first place. you can also drink cocoa and coffee, please, you can also have seagulls,
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you can also have hot chocolate. and it will also be hot chocolate. well, just chocolate there will be fat. by the way, today we are discussing only sugar, so both are third. quite possibly, i would have refused to our guest, the man who said that we should rub our hands with snow. eh, what is there to do? just not necessary. why because snowflakes, in principle, are quite hard and therefore you will damage the skin, which without that, dry, will damage even more, therefore the blood vessels will not be able to warm the most stupid hands - this is rubbing. the most stupid. for warming. cheeks face is impossible, understood, if you if you didn’t have time to write down or remember something in our program, then right today you will find everything, this is a tv program in the magazine. even
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the program continues and i invite you to our medical center and you know, i want to say that this whole year, as well as the previous years, i worked. our pain management clinic. we helped a huge number of people absolutely free of charge, and from all over russia bitter letters and bitter toads rushed to us for the lives of various people, and our doctors helped and saved. let's remember the little ones. episodes of work of our pain clinic in the outgoing 2022, i was injured. the head does not rest on the shoulders. we are starting the procedure. now we will introduce drugs. and now one little kulchik occipital region. doctor thank you again, please, do not get sick, i have a pain in my
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lower back, i can’t sleep, i can’t leave, i can’t be ready. you see, black went a little painful, yeah, and the second injection and the procedure will be completed. now let's dance a jig, it hurts a lot, the back is very hard to go down and up the stairs. here is the joint. here he became the needle. we will now inject the drug. five i can't hug you. that's it. this is the only way i can get it. and now i want to tell you that we received the most recent letter quite recently, and it was already new year's eve. a cry for help was
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addressed to us by a woman with severe headaches. and it's just that she has only one thing to do for her, in the end such a gift of fate that she would meet the new year with a normal person, and not a person whose head is torn from pain every day, waking up with a debilitating headache. i drink pills lying on the applicators. kuznetsova after a few hours, i more or less come to my senses and only then can i start doing my loved ones, my household chores, chat with my grandchildren, but all this goes through the pain of a headache and it seems that there is no hope that some kind of magical remedy will be invented, a miracle will happen and my pain, at least it will subside a little, because soon the new year i want to give everyone a gift and
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loved ones, and even myself and so for me it was would be the biggest gift if found. the kind of doctor who would get to the bottom of my problem and try to improve my quality of life at least a little bit for a little while without this debilitating migraine headache. well, here is such an appeal from vera mikhailovna of course, i want to introduce you to our brilliant doctors, specialists in pain management, our beloved master of pain mark yakovlevich galperin, our beautiful kind giant vitaly viktorovich protsenko, and now our patients came to us, exhausted by a headache. look at the headache. may be many reasons and, of course, the studio is not a medical center. but we want to tell you now what the reasons are, and how we go along the path of finding out the reasons and removing the cause for the
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reasons, we treat the headache. get up, let 's all come here. so, let's start with something from which the head and baby can hurt, yes, here i have a model of the head and here the nerves of the carrot are your word. what can cause a headache, if we talk about naru? the cause of headaches is that it may still be a headache. it can be like a moment anyway. actually deed. it does not start from the head, but from the neck from the top two from the second and third vertebrae. this is where it starts. the so -called great occipital nerve. and when a person develops osteochondrosis in the cervical region, this nerve can suffer. you see, this yellow nerve here, it goes up and back, and it causes these pains. this is called an occipital migraine. that is, it is the neuralgia of the occipital world that elena vasilievna once had. i had severe migraines,
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i met mark by accident back. it was 7 years or 9 years in the thirteenth year. yeah, at 1023, i was diagnosed with a true migraine, but he gave me this injection for 10 years. i don't have a headache. this is the first reason. rit anyway head you don't know where the occipital nerve comes from, from there from here and the pain doesn't start from here to say. yes, i’m starting to come here from here, no, your head is cracking and there ’s nothing else. there is another reason for headaches. this is a true migraine. i want to come with you with everyone and with vital viktorovich. here here is a real migraine. this is a completely different problem. this is a problem in which the nerves will definitely be involved, because without the involvement of the nerves there is no, but initially everything starts with the vessels, that the vessels are of some kind, that is, there are small vessels that experience venous plethora. that is, it is the
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venous vessels that overflow. and most importantly, their outflow is disturbed, so the vessel expands. well, it lies right under the trigeminal nerve. and that neuralgia develops further, and we feel this irritation, we feel this pain, which is hellish which unbearable and are stopped by taking either analgesics or the same drugs of the triptan group. and look, it means strength, we can take the first diagnostic step, which may save you from everything. or maybe not. or maybe, or maybe, because we will block this occipital nerve. once again he is behind and this can block the marks as well. i want vitalyevich, we will do this blockade of this nerve. if it helps, then all the sun, there is happiness, there is how it helped. i'm 10 years old. i don't know what it is. if it turns out that the pain has not gone away or
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returned. so migraines need to be treated. we 'll tell you right today. what are the stages of migraine treatment. got it. sit up straight. now we will do a simple procedure. get ready vitaly viktorovich and i want you to show and explain to people here where the floor of the occipital nerve will be inserted. it comes out in a narrow place, that is, in a tunnel like that. it is the tendon aponeurosis and very often with age we see how this uh is quite a nerve. it is clamped there and such a conflict arises, that is, there is irritation of the occipital nerve and our task is to clearly administer a drug together with the exit of the occipital nerve that will relieve both tension and inflammation, most importantly, we will see the result for you. show it right here, as you showed me, and people can turn this side. see.
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you spend outside. uh, inside the finger. and here is the groove. right here. here she is in this frost. let's all here, swipe like this and see, you can click. if there is a disease one who has a disease. quite possibly there is this pathology. this one. we look at the red one, what’s wrong with it, and always two drugs are injected, one local, it remains, which should immediately block the second steroid hormone, which should relieve inflammation. right here here it hurts you right here yes in the bones. here somewhere here in the head began to give. that's it, press it, like this with your finger, that's the whole procedure. it's finished by half of your head, you can freeze from the local anesthetic. she'll be frozen until tonight, because it's a long
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-acting anesthetic boo beer, co-a cortisone will start working. tomorrow. if you feel better, when we think further, there is a migraine, no, migraine and so on. so what we want to achieve is the ideal, the headache no longer returns, like mine. i would very much like that steps headaches became less frequent. it's just that you have and shares nutritional occipital migraine and truth. then we rejoice that relief has come, because it is blocked here and we are healing your true door and the third step did not help. this injection returned the headaches. exactly the same as they were. in this case, we will treat true migraine. in this case, during an attack. you will need to drink nsaids and triptans together to avoid seizures. we have an arsenal of drugs, ranging from
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beta-blockers to state-of-the- art monoclonal antibodies that eat away the pain stuff and keep true migraines from coming back for everyone. who has a headache. i wanted to say only one thing today, in the arsenal of doctors there are all the medicines for the treatment of head treatment. that is, we cannot say that a migraine curable, but it is curable cured. you can live without pain, understandably, you rejoice, and expect good results. they are very enlightened. she brightened up. well, this is the same effect, when here it actually brightens. we rejoice at the first effect, because the injected local anesthetic always gets better during the injection, but we are waiting for you for prolonged results, so do not say goodbye to us. we work during the holidays and separately i want to say a huge thank you to our
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doctors. i say it again. i am very often this year called vitaly viktorovich protsenko such a kind giant, because he has a lot of elderly patients. they are all so small, and they look at him and hug him like the son of this hefty uncle. he is laconic, kind, just lovely. and, of course, my gratitude to dr. halperin for the fact that even in these times he comes to russia all the time, because he comes to patients with great pain, who are waiting for you . thank you very much. me happy new year happy new year. let this magic happen. may you have no more. let's break for a while, and then we'll continue the thieves of christmas who risk missing the holiday, being in a hospital bed and how to avoid this the first nights of the years on the first source.
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well, that's how we remembered this very grinch who came. fight back. fight back. these are their illnesses actually at christmas and new years. two global pancreatitis and cholecystitis, two big and serious diseases that can fall upon you, what kind of diseases are these? how to deal with them, we will tell you today. andrei petrovich let's show two balloons so pancreatitis and cholecystitis. and here now the person it happened to. come to us, please. tell your sad new year's story, who kidnapped you new year and christmas christina it was the worst new year's eve when i had an attack there were pains
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that i could not breathe, my stomach was so hard that i thought i would die. god was very sick, gave in the right shoulder blade. how much time had passed from the beginning of the feast to the attack , literally an hour and for a long time i felt sick. strongly twisted the stomach gave. in general, the body, as it were, broke was immediately fever and chills uh, drank. i generally leg. and also that creon all drink enzymes. yes, i thought that everything will work out creon. i will dissolve all the greasy tasteless, as on new year's eve. we are sitting at the table, all the goodies do not limit ourselves in anything, all sorts of salads pickled peppers, we even love spicy ones and that's it. and after that everything. that's how it turned out nothing helped. no, nothing, you called an ambulance called an ambulance, because uh, it was very strong.
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actually, it was enough that i think that i will die, husband called an ambulance. and you know i have such a question, this has not happened to me since the holidays, but now, if you represent everything at the table to one person badly, how others behave. that is, the feast, as it were , ends immediately. no, everyone continues to rest further, only the husband can worry. for his wife, here they are soulless friends, what do you have to render? that is, only your husband was with you. you have gone somewhere. he called an ambulance for you , three people in uniforms come to you, and people say, oh, your health. and how are you here? here you go, look at you, or they could even offer an ambulance for 50 g for the new year, but their work is bent and look. what happened the fact is that the gallbladder and the pancreas have a common duct, what happened in our life we eat, especially we eat food, what we need in order to digest food, we need
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bile from the gallbladder, and we need enzymes. digestive, which is produced by the pancreas, we begin to eat , bile is secreted along with the enzymatic pancreas and begins, uh, the process digestion of food. right here on the big layout. here is the gallbladder, it doesn't matter. how much did you eat? you could eat one thing and this attack could begin. this is not an attack due to the large amount of food or because of the pepper. it has nothing to do with it, no matter what you eat, the gallbladder has shrunk. and this is how bile should go along the duct, and you have bile stones, the stone went and stuck and clogged the pebble. this common duct is here and then all the secreted juice from the best iron people below remained and the dissolution process began
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pancreas. pancreatitis, and if the stone gets stuck a little higher and in the neck, most often the gallbladder, it swells and cholecystitis begins. it is known that the new year's eve will approximately halve the frequency of hospitalizations and for pancreatitis or cholecystitis. see. here is the pancreas. she releases enzymes. if the enzymes got here the intestine in the duodenum. it's fine the gut is covered with mucus. there will be nothing. and it will be digested. but if a stone is stuck here, and it, as it were, does not allow bile to go, but a woman is both aggressive and does not allow pancreatic enzymes to go, but aggressive thermists, then instead of food, the gland itself will be digested, and then everything under it, and there you have mikhail
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yegorchik. it is very clearly seen that there are also huge vessels. there is an aorta and a vena cava , so the pancreas gland, maybe it will turn everything like that there is no one, because it is small, but the enzyme she has is very serious, because the small gland must cope with such a volume of food and , accordingly, the worst thing that can happen is this pancreon necrosis. and here in this the situation involves a person with initial trouble. did you originally have gallstones, did you know it or not? it doesn't matter, but such a dramatic situation can happen, since these are all surgical diseases, then all surgeons know the admission begins after about one in the morning at 12:00. in the hospital. silence no one, complete order. one, two, three, four mass blockage.
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