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tv   Zakat amerikanskoi imperii  1TV  March 5, 2023 4:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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is incredible content , daily petrosyan said in her free program three quadruple jumps, one of which is flip , the most difficult triple axel yes, not everything worked out, but how bold, how strong it is. how powerful this is a huge well done adelia was amazing because he didn’t really work out at the rolling, and here he was launched into heaven and performed all one hundred percent already three different ones.
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how they do it, but it is absolutely incomprehensible and this season adelia petrosyan demonstrated the quad renberger and now two fourth sheepskin coats and a quad flip fantastic absolutely phenomenal. well, let's try to reveal the secrets of this coaching staff. we are right here late tonight at 23:00:55. watch the free program podcast with maxim trankov as a guest, who will have sergey dudakov, who almost never gives interviews to almost anyone. yes, we really talked, sergey viktorovich dudakov and i, and it seemed to me that the conversation turned out to be very sincere and friendly, and you can see this coach from a completely different perspective in this interview,
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so be sure to watch how he enters the moment when, perhaps, almost no one expected this. here it is the maximalism of this athlete maximalism. finding a little in the wrong direction finished all the rivals. this tournament has the best result. and of course, the winner of this tournament wins with a score of 255 points. it's something incredible. the tournament is already behind, waiting
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for another program on march 18 in megasport and on channel one. well, today don't forget the 23:55 podcast free program with maxim trankov visiting sergey dudakov. ridd on nenko say so to their land, ukrainians, dear, mother fraternal people. we are one nation, and they say so about ukrainians in russia that what is happening now does not fit into the head of a fratricidal
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war, how did this become possible? it became, perhaps, for one reason it turned out that way, the need for a weakening, and therefore more and more aggressive and dangerous american empire. they go to school.
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you have already made ukraine alive, huh? the americans are acting a stereotype in ukraine, they did the same thing as in the countries of eastern europe, where our allies have been turned into our worst enemies, dragged into nato placed their war machine there. in ukraine, the majority of the population did not quickly turn out; a stand about russians was set up; tougher methods were required, two color revolutions, mass repressions and the war in donbass in 991
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, a referendum on independence. all the same, once we were in the union, then the union, we will be one way or another independent. will we continue to be a separate state or joint ventures, we will still have joint ventures, we will be together with russia well, just somehow proceed. we will be from our republic. no one could imagine that the soviet union no longer exists. but if ukraine has its own army. how do you think for an independent army for an independent army, but still with an understanding on a scale on the scale of the union but if everything is like under the union why is this not a fallow land at all, then people did not think about it three in bialowieza. pushcha shared
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power and pieces of the big soviet economic pie. came to have a pie share and drink and have a bite or something, or a bite to eat, this is already political ambitions. and this is the influence of the separatist forces, but in order to somehow explain to people why ukraine is separating, they were promised wealth right now for free. bread is the generous gold of our republic, such leaflets were handed out before the referendum, they were carefully counted. how much ukraine produces coal, iron ore and steel, meat, milk, butter, and sugar, compared with the countries of western europe , it turned out a lot of ukraine's independence means that our industry will work for the needs of the people, and do not serve superpowers. they forgot
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to explain to people that the factories work in a single soviet economic system, that they still need to find buyers for coal or ore. ukraine smelted 19 million tons of cast iron alone, ukraine accounted for a third of all-union coal production, and even tractors for agriculture are produced in rostov or in neighboring belarus, the standard of living began to fall in the east of ukraine, a densely populated industrial enterprise, people were left without work. but this is a vast area from odessa to kharkov from poltava, the west of the country survived this catastrophe a little easier, it was predominantly rural and relatively sparsely populated, and the new authorities of the independent stood up, in front of a row, insoluble problems of contradictions between the west of ukraine and
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the rest of the country before the need to somehow explain to their own citizens. why did they break up the union, cut off economic ties and doomed them to suffering, because you couldn’t just admit it. all this for the sake of power and money. i had to come up with nationalist myths about historical resentment and liberation from the centuries-old oppression of ukraine by russia in 1991. leonid kravchuk his path to power, as well as self-government, when the nationalist movement was just born in ukraine, what
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will be registered? and believe me, i'm already a bureaucrat with experience. and what happened today at your congress is so democratic that it looks like a real brother. he needed someone to lean on, and kravchuk declares the people's hands the main democratic force that opposes the old soviet nomenklatura. in the ninetieth year rukh headed the so-called democratic bloc, which in the elections to the supreme soviet of the ussr took 111 seats and a quarter of the membership of that council.
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it was the democratic position that thanked kravchuk and led him to the post of chairman of the supreme council of the union republic, that is, it gave him the authority to sign the bialowieza agreements , an event of historical proportions that has not yet been truly appreciated in 1991, kravchuk again played the card of the people's movement, but already as a fighter against nationalism and extremism ready to receive your ideas your ideas are extremist, so they do not perceive. at the same time, he turned to the russian-speaking population of ukraine, dear russian brothers and sisters , ukraine has firmly embarked on the path of independence on its land. along with the ukrainian and other peoples, 12 million russians are full-fledged owners.
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i urge you together with russia to rebuff the provocateurs. trying to sow discord between ukrainians and russians. kravchuk needed the votes of the vast, densely populated russian-speaking east of ukraine from odessa to som and poltava, and he got them by playing the card of confrontation with a western nationalist, but immediately after winning the elections, he spoke in a completely different way. this is the road to independence, the road of independence, the road of the state. in the ninety-second he again relied on his hand at the third congress, the movement kravchuk said the main task of rukh today is to build an independent state. did the first president of ukraine understand what forces he plays games with in his quest for power? during the first world war
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, austria-hungary inflated nationalism in western ukraine, the vienna minister of foreign affairs, leopold von perchtul wrote in 1914. our main goal in this war is the long-term weakening of russia. therefore, in the event of victory, we will begin to create a ukrainian state independent of russia. kiev professor mikhail grushevsky who emigrated to the austrian and so on lions on austro-hungarian money wrote a ten-ton history of ukraine rus when independent political activity began to appear on the territory of modern ukraine, their own political parties began to appear. they are at the beginning of the 20th century. in fact there were very small literally. there are dozens of people there. uh, seminary students. rarely, when someone else in 1917, when power in the russian empire staggered, grushevsky returned to kiev
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, headed the central rainbow and proclaimed the first ukrainian independence. here are a few dozen ukrainian intellectuals believe that it is not only kiev that should be included in this independent state, but should be included. naturally, kharkov should go odessa should enter donbass there and in the donbass odessa and kharkov they are told, we don’t know who you are for the sake of maintaining power. central rada, at the beginning of the eighteenth year. she concluded a separate peace with germany and soon german troops entered kiev of ukrainian self-sufficiency. there were always some patrons, because it is extremely beneficial for some external forces. yes, but constantly play this one ukrainian uh trump card. after the patriotic war, the nationalists came to ukraine already on hitler's bayonets. roman shukhevych, one of
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the commanders of the ukrainian rebel army. the wehrmacht bore the rank of hauptmann, stepan bandera trained militants in occupied poland to invade the ussr, this work was supervised by german intelligence. in 1941 , entering with the invaders. in lviv, the nationalists proclaimed the second independence in the history of ukraine on the same day, they staged a pogrom in lviv, the german security service wrote, they were captured and killed over 7.000. jews. hitler, after listening to a report on the events in lvov, was indignant at this amateur performance, it was possible to kill only with the permission of the germans. he told himmler. put things in order with this gang stepan bandera even briefly ended up in a concentration camp, however, on special conditions, the leadership of the third reich was sure that the steaks themselves and their leaders in germany would still come in handy. and the nationalists
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came in handy in order to do the dirty work of the sanazis, but already under the leadership of the true aryans, bandera, dmitry orlik, commandant of the auxiliary police. kiev organized the destruction of objectionable in the indian. yara got into trouble, policemen. workers of the nkvd, party leaders, soldiers of the red army jew. gypsies were directly involved in the executions of the bukovinian root of the organization of ukrainian nationalists. the one that later became part of the 118th guard battalion of punishers who burned the belarusian khatyn. in 43, against the backdrop of the defeats of the wehrmacht, ukrainian nationalists fled en masse from german formations to the forests, it was they who staged the volyn police massacre, destroying not only the poles, but also the jews of the gypsies
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of the polish armenians, wherever there were self-styled people with their idea of ​​​​independence, blood was shed. today, roman shukhevych and stepan bandera are the official heroes of ukraine , a memorial plaque and a monument have been erected to mironov orlik in kiev in their native village. the glorification of these bastards is happening for a reason in modern ukraine, the most terrible traditions of a nationalist are being revived - robbery and murder of civilians using urban residents. as a human shield, the torture and brutal killings of russian servicemen from this inhuman ideology. today we are waging a struggle in ukraine, but it could not be revived by the inactive participation of ukrainian politicians and their foreign patrons after the defeat of hitler's nazism. ukrainian nationalists. found new patrons. west americans, well, and his own, so to speak
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, states like germany immediately. description of the act of conspiring the surrender of germany from that moment, and maybe even earlier, began their strategic war against the soviet union and as a wound it was immediately scheduled to use ukraine stepan bandera donkey germany where he actively collaborated with western intelligence agencies babieva's executioners ardent khatyns moved to the usa and canada commander, 118th battalion konstantin snovsky was an active figure in emigration in minneapolis his subordinate joseph vinnitsky in montreal , in fact, the entire ukrainian composition of the nazi secret police gestapo moved under the wing the cia, with the help of these personnel
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, foreign intelligence services controlled the unfinished bandera, who committed atrocities in western ukraine in the post-war years. declassified cia documents memorandum 20/1 of the national security council of the united states of august 18, 1948. the first of our military goals, of course, should be to eliminate russian military influence and dominance in areas adjacent to any russian state, but located outside it, were in that document and special goals regarding ukraine, their nationalist organizations abroad would actively listen to them it is easy to come to the conclusion that they must at last be freed from russian management and be realized as an independent state. another
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austro-hungarian idea to weaken russia by tearing ukraine away from it has not gone away, but at the end of the eighties of the xx century. has the west decided it's time to act? one of the founders of the people’s rukh recalled that he was greatly influenced by communication with the american scientist ukrainianist taras kungushchik, in reality, the leaders of the organization of ukrainian nationalists who, after the great patriotic war, ended up in the usa . it is not surprising that everyone inherited rukhta the traditions of even more so, nationalism very quickly became its leaders andrei parubiy and oleg tyagnibok your ninety-second year was such a fatal year, in my opinion. it was the year of exit from the ruble zone and let me remind you. this year was the break of all economic ties
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with russia and, accordingly, the ninety-third year was the year of the practically collapse of the ukrainian economy, when people were starving, wages were not paid, they were paid with pans. there, whatever. only not with money, how to stabilize the economy to restore communication with russia is impossible. otherwise, why did they separate, it remains to ask for help from the west in 1991. u.s. president george w. bush visited ukraine and outlined the bright prospects for cooperation. it should be obvious that the ties between our peoples are growing stronger every day, kravchuk immediately fell under the influence of the american intelligence services and american politicians there. by 1994, ukraine's public debt grew from zero to almost 5 billion us dollars was the first step taken by independent authorities towards economic
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dependence, but there is little to fill with loans leaky budget. kravchuk gave the start of privatization, sold the black sea shipping company in 1991, on the balance sheet of the shipping company there were 350 ships of the main fleet and more than a thousand auxiliary ships before the collapse of the ussr , the company's income reached $ 1 billion a year, but already in ninety. third. her debts exceeded $ 200 million and for alleged salvation. in the same year, a joint-stock concern of the block was formed, to whose balance the fleet was transferred; most of the ships of the shipping company were immediately sold by the summer of 2008 out of 350. only six ships remained in 2011 a scandal erupted in ukraine. it turned out that the son of the first president , alexander kravchuk, received
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regular transfers to his daughter in stamps to his account in a swiss bank from the new owners of the black sea shipping company , a criminal case was even initiated, but it, like many others, was forgotten after the maidan in 2014 . leonid kravchuk laid the foundation for state corruption. he didn't understand anything at all. it was, so to speak, a typical chatterbox diol, and he had nothing to do with the economy of production, he walked like that, as the communist party of ukraine all the time along the ideological line. hoping to somehow improve the situation in the economy in 1992, kravchuk appointed a strong business executive leonid kuchu to the post of prime minister for six months . obtaining an extension of such fullness of power. kuchma
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resigned and competed with leonid kravchuk in the 1994 presidential election. life in development perspective with restrictions from the state from ukraine is determined by how correctly to build their relations with neighbors , primarily with russia, this is historical. this is a great neighbor and there is no other alternative. there is no leonid kravchuk who flirted with the nationalists and willingly accepted help from the united states in the elections of 1994. again i decided to play the russian card to appeal to the inhabitants of the east of ukraine, and not only because it was the voices of these densely populated territories that could bring victories. he needed something to answer kuchma, who promised to establish a strategic partnership with russia, one of his main campaign slogans was ukraine and russia less walls more bridges
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to his political career. leonid danilovich started out as a red director. the column in the development of ballistic missiles in the yuzhnaya design bureau conducted tests at the baikonur cosmodrome. soviet people are their own and the east. having given ukraine, the overwhelming majority of votes for a handful ensured his victory in the elections, and they voted for kravchuk mainly in the west of the country, the split of ukraine into pro-russian east. and the anti-russian separatist smell, finally took shape by the whole next president. we had to reckon with this contradiction by the need to fight for the votes of the pro-russian part of the population, but to conduct, while the policy imposed from abroad, the foreign curators of the ukraine project secured themselves in advance and did not leave the kiev authorities the slightest opportunity to turn towards russia,
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the ukrainian statehood turned out to be woven from contradictions , and it is very convenient to play on contradictions, especially when there is party directly interested in such games back in the early nineties adviser to a number of american presidents, and subsequently idiological, formulated the modern us strategy for ukraine without ukraine russia ceases to be an empire with ukraine bribed and then subordinate russia automatically turns into an empire in 1992 the united states imposed an intergovernmental agreement on humanitarian, technical and economic cooperation on ukraine, which is still in effect . this document gives any us citizen operating within the framework of the agreement, a certain immunity from the actions of law
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enforcement agencies of ukraine money for various government organizations that enter ukraine are exempt from taxation . this means that there are some western values, which means freedom of democracy and so on and so on and so on. at that time, under the general auspices of the democratization of western values, it was possible to create all sorts of social movements organizations. they were certainly controlled by western intelligence agencies. they worked in absolutely comfortable conditions western ngos began to grow in ukraine like mushrooms after rain. we conducted this analysis in april 2012. i created the strategic analysis and forecasting units in the ministry of the interior. and based on this
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analysis, we received data that there are 160,000 non-profit organizations in ukraine, a significant part of them were funded directly through the us embassy 1997. i went to the work of the tax service, so to speak, my subordinates say that we have the american embassy. one of the major employers, which means that thousands of ukrainian citizens there receive wages in cash and do not pay any bulk. huge sums pass through them for some kind of grant about which you have no idea the tasks and such public organizations, it was just to raise the maximum noise as soon as one of the ukrainian politicians turns off the path beaten for them by the americans. we started litigation with the americans, as soon as we, that means, started this work, they immediately ran into me, there are all sorts of their non-governmental organizations. reporters without borders are all these pro-
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democracy fighters. george soros is an international financial speculator and one of the us democratic party's main funders . the open society is dedicated to promoting western values ​​around the world. ukraine has become a tasty morsel for him. well, i would call myself a political philanthropist, as soon as the soviet empire fell apart there and collected these fragments like this thus, the soros empire replaced the soviet empire of the new post-soviet ukrainians. through the education of young people with its help , a national university is being created on the basis of the oldest ukrainian educational institution.
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a real revival of independent ukrainian thought, and the us secretary of state soros foundation created the ukrainian association of business incubators and innovation centers school of activists to further promote liberal ideas in the business environment and create a middle class with a pro-western ideology. with soros money for 10 years, more than 2 million textbooks and methodological literature for ukrainian schools have been published with a full set of anti-russian myths, including the assertion of the antiquity of ukrainian kazan democracy in opposition to moscow totalitarianism, and moscow’s eternal desire to enslave the unsold that stalin and hitler allegedly jointly unleashed the second world war and bandera
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, it turns out, fought for freedom immediately with wallpaper totalitarian regimes and berlin and moscow everything that concerned the school, all textbooks, respectively, were edited in kiev is, therefore, as much as possible everything that could be excluded. that is, as if in part of the russian culture of the russian language, that is, any programs, there are paragraphs there, sentences and so on. everything was cleaned and cleaned, it began as a class. that is. this gap in reformatting, the flashing of people, it must be based on something. here in some ways we must differ from those against whom the geopolitics decided to direct us, well, in order to finally turn one part of the people against the other, it is necessary to show the advantages of ukrainians in some way, for example, in relation to the russians and, uh, over time. uh, this is the difference, uh, we tried to consolidate in textbooks to consolidate in
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films to consolidate in cultural e such directions. in 1994 , kravchuk issued a decree on assistance to the international soros foundation. after all, all these anti-russian myths solved the main problem of the kiev authorities. they explained why ukraine declared independence in general. you said that to turn ukraine into anti-russia, it was necessary to prepare the population to educate it hostile spirit and tear off. whether true lies, most likely lies. so, here in russia i want to remember my contacts with a quarrel, because such a famous figure. i remember how he was in the ninety-second year during my first meeting that he dreams, so to speak, and sees ukraine as a strong, powerful, developed one. there, the prosperous one
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just recently can’t for three or four years, which means i read his interview. it absolutely does not care about ukraine, not being, not absolutely not interested. how many of them will be there and so on. i created ukraine russia's hostile states ukraine's second president, leonid kuchma, faces a serious election challenge. he promised to establish a strategic partnership with russia, but how can this be done if a real shadow government has been created in the country from pro-western nationalist western ngos and the media working for grants designed to prevent this. he made attempts to restore economic ties with russia together with president yeltsin signed a treaty of friendship, cooperation and partnership between
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the russian federation and ukraine began work over the creation of a single economic space of ukraine, russia, belarus and kazakhstan , anti-russian forces immediately became more active; our vector is integrated into the european structures. in ukraine today glory to ukraine is a hero glory is the official greeting of the nazi division this is their hitler and today it is heil hitler that the leaders of all supposedly democratic countries shout, although where there is democracy, where they are fascism is more organic. even soros reacted to the movement towards russia, he wrote an article for the british newspaper financial time with a dismissive header.
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step aside mr. kuchma, the president begins to maneuver, turns towards the west, signs a grub on a special partnership between ukraine and nato, and with the nbu of ukraine , chaired by kuchma , decides that joining nato is a strategic goal, independent in fact. eh, kuchma was a rather pragmatic person, and all these attempts to integrate ukraine into nato, they were more driven by the desire to get some certain preferences , cooperation with nato assumed certain reforms, which had to be carried out within the country and this required a certain financial. uh in financial support from the west and uh, a lot. we have used it successfully. today it seems that ukraine is insulting, a power. we were trembling. we kept young, without a word we took so in an insinuating voice they told. here it is
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, together we will raise the level of the tram and so on we will pull you up. we are together with you, no one is going to attack you and so on, however, to finance reforms for free. in the ukraine countries. nato was not going to. us in in general, they threw in certain demands from the west in terms of changing ukrainian legislation to the standards of nato countries, which were connected not only with security issues, but these were also questions of the economic nature of the political nature of the country's structure, but in fact the whole point is for the west to institutionally entered ukraine and fully controlled the entire political elite and managed all political processes. both domestically and in foreign policy. despite the constitutional right to free choice of language and education in 1999, ukraine decided that education in preschool secondary vocational and higher
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state educational institutions of ukraine should be carried out only in ukrainian , the proportion of students studying in russian immediately decreased to twenty-two percent. in 1999, leonid kuchma appointed the head of the national bank, viktor yushchenko, as prime minister in the face of economic distress, the president urgently needed his close contacts with the international monetary fund. i walk the top five bankers in the world. we even published a book on our own behalf with the telling title ukraine is not russia , but still it seemed too pro-russian to the west and the entire political technology machine of western ngos immediately started working in 2000. an opposition journalist was killed. georgy gangadians of being involved in this crime accused the president of being morally ready to go through at all. well, to prove that
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i was accused of kucha, that he became the owner of everything in ukraine that, instead of open privatization, distributes the enterprise to friends and officials that he became the father of the founders of the oligarchic system of ukraine for investigating these corruption schemes, allegedly paid the gang. however, this case was investigated under various presidents of ukraine against kuchima. they even initiated a criminal case, but no evidence was ever found. with the support of the oligarchs of the east of ukraine, the president managed to retain power, he paid off one of the most important enterprises of kryvyi rih, steel, to his son-in-law viktor pinchuk and renat akhmetov. kuchma changed his policy again. turned around to pro-russian east appointed viktor yanukovych, representative of the donbass , a decree intended by military tips.
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in the next election in 2004, viktor yanukovych met in the fight for the presidency with former prime minister viktor yushchenko, who by that time had become an ardent ukrainian nationalist, this transformation took place under very interesting circumstances, he would fly on a business trip to the united states well , quite by chance, lady katya chermachenko is sitting next to him . this is the daughter of a bandera, so, uh, who fled after the war to the united states is a woman. uh, i went through a certain system of training, i worked with depe. and quite by accident, it turns out, so to speak, she liked to walk there next to the master, but there were no nationalists
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then. i can say that for sure. well, such a situation here, of course, would not cost the central intelligence. the future of the first lady of ukraine from the age of 14 participated in the work of ukrainian nationalist organizations, the activities of which were directly supervised by the cia with her career, she owes it to the central intelligence u.s. administration took a very long time to eight, probably all of these 8 hours. she entertains him, takes him under her care and arrives washington does not let him go, ours and all the time he is accompanied, returning from the united states, the gentleman divorces his wife , an affair begins with this katya katya becomes his husband, having business experience far superior to yushchenko's education, ambitions correct political views and understanding of the challenges facing the us
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american spouse. the puppy had a huge impact on him. west its u active promoted, because at that time he was one of, say, pro-western people. yes, he was a very comfortable, spineless, generally unprincipled person who was in the show to openly take away. eh, on the implementation of the foreign policy that was convenient for the west, again in the political struggle in ukraine , the candidate from the densely populated industrial east and the so-called nationalist agreed. or rather, absolutely, the pro-western policy of which the russian-speaking population of the country did not accept. looking for the end it seems to me about the american spy. ka did not believe in success
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of his candidate and suddenly a grandiose political scandal erupted a month before the first round of elections, yushchenko was announced and harassed not to death, but with obvious frightening consequences, everyone could see that the appearance of the presidential candidates had changed terribly today after a whole series of scandals with a newcomer, then it was the first time as well as immediately, sounded accusations against the russian special services. the investigation of this incident was introduced for many years under different presidents, but they could not prove it, even the very fact of poisoning was put forward by different versions from a systemic disease to a reaction to stem cell rejuvenation, but in october 2004 the scandal played its role
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. yushchenko went to the second round of elections by november 2004 to the second round. lorak slept and the majority of citizens of ukraine voted for yunukovych, but this was in conflict with the plans of the western curators of ukraine well , tell me, if after the first round of the election, call me the secretary of state of the united states of america to say that your elections are rigged. that's all. so the script. even you will surely be more children, look at him look. well please, if anyone can help, only you. natasha people sometimes make mistakes out of
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in 2004, i spent a lot of time in kyiv. i i saw crowds of the english-speaking public who filled all the hotels, helped viktor yushchenko's orange forces by all means scribbled
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articles for the world media, told about the world tv channels about the atrocities of the russians, and the famine, and the centuries-old oppression of the ukrainian people, the english-speaking people went in the ranks of the orange processions. it was a western anti-russian caricature. color revolutions are a well-established political technology by the americans. here are its components single symbolism mass street protests assault and blocking of work authorities and positions about western ngos that demand to prevent the use of force against peaceful marifests. it is not even hidden that all the links of the same chain like the revolution, serbia in 2000, the overthrow of sloboda by milushevich, the protester of the protests, a resistance movement with very characteristic symbols. georgia
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2003 coming to power of saakashvili on the streets of the movement to mara and again the same symbolism. ukraine 2004 our movement ukraine people's self-defense the same upturned fist friends today is the moment when we must understand that we are one, that we are together. if they stormed the white house under any flag that the signal
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was the orange revolution forced the ukrainian authorities to hold a third round of elections not provided for by the constitution of the country. but what does the constitution mean when major geopolitical issues are resolved viktor yushchenko became president of ukraine the choice of citizens was corrected by the first news the third president of ukraine yushchenko took the bull by the horns to the west full control over state structures to power. the so-called darkening forces have come, who are these the people were the people of the turchins. it was nalyvaichenko
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who came to the security service of ukraine. they did not just declassify their agents there. they gave full access, in general, to all the archives of ukraine, and representatives of the cia went straight to the floor, they worked there, and this happened from the fourth to 2010. no more drivers in the direction of the pro-russian population, only the nationalist policy towards yushchenko, i want to tell you, he could be forgiven for everything except one thing. it was the person who launched this uh process of bondarization of ukraine i would say so i will put ukraine on bondari stepanov andreyevich, it was he who tried to glorify bandera, he , through his partner nalyvaichenko , began to hide archives there, began to manipulate
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these archives, began to pursue a certain propaganda policy and support right-wing nationalist political forces and movements. moreover, it was at the state level that they began to allocate certain funding through the ministry of culture to various funds for various social movements, the former president. kuchma commented with horror on this degradation of the conscience of the highest echelons of power in the country. i will never agree, when my father died in the fight against nazism from nazi germany, bandera shukhevych bore the title of hero of ukraine under yushchenko, attempts began to devalue may 9, the holodomor was declared an act of aggression by the communists against ukraine in lviv , billboards appeared with the symbols of the ss division, the size of a picturesque lion surrounded ,
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golden crowns for veterans of the great patriotic war no different from the nazi swastika in ternopil, the street was named after the ss, and the local regional council installed a commemorative road sign in memory, and the fascist division of yushchenko was already the person who really wanted ukraine to join nato, not just played. i didn't just try to use this argument to get some specific dividend preferences. there, in the form of some kind of investment of financial assistance, and so on, and this was a person who, in my opinion, was absolutely an agent of influence. america, who really wanted ukraine's entry into nato , the first nato mission, an advantage appeared in 2006, when the americans have already become frankly proteges. here we have a nato office in kiev for all these worries, yushchenko completely missed the country's economy
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catastrophically degraded under him and the political sphere of ukraine, fights in the verkhovna rada became commonplace, the work of the government turned into a child of conflicts, where the main goal of each of the parties was the presidency. ukraine i do not want this to be published by the constant accusations of each other in the deteriorating economic situation in corruption fighting for distribution of gas revenues and ministerial portfolios. not all accusations were groundless, so during yushchenko's presidency, his american wife katherine yushchenko chumachenko organized a fundraiser for an ambitious hospital project, the future in kiev planned to build a modern complex
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for the treatment of children with cancer, the company was actively promoted at the expense of the state and yushchenko-controlled mass media to the wife of the presidents managed to raise about $ 120 million, and then these funds simply disappeared construction of the hospital ended at the stage of laying the foundation much later in 2016 , a criminal case was even opened against katherine yushchenko chumachenko, which, however, was quickly forgotten, the post of maidan ukraine was already gone before in the 2010 elections , only five percent of ukrainians voted for yushchenko. again viktor yanukovych was elected after 5 years. after their opinion was corrected by the orange revolution. oh, our president viktor yanukovych is with us, but
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president yanukovych also found himself between the same hammer and anvil of voters' expectations and real politics, which should have been carried out with an eye on the numerous ngos about the western press and on the youth brought up already according to new textbooks. he made a tricky move, as it seemed then, to hire two groups of american lobbyists and political technologists for his presidency. this is akhmetov's financial industrial group and, uh, the firtash group, they met, uh, with representatives, and political logical wells, that there they were invited to work with a broken manafort. as a matter of fact, half marafort, they invited to work paid. it was the party of regions that actually hired the broken, half manford was the main political strategy
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for the man who became the president of ukraine , viktor yanukovych, with whom he formed a very personal relationship. manafort swam naked with his boss in the bath pool and played tennis with him in his palace. of course i let him win. one of his deputies, rick gates, once boasted about a group of lobbyists from washington, you know, we have been working in ukraine for a long time and off the floor. there's a whole separate shadow structure government in each ministry he has his own man. on monofort's instructions , yanukovych changed the agenda of his speeches depending on the region, not just talking about what is the russian language of russia's cooperation. here you can talk about this, but you need to say it in the south-east of ukraine and for the western one. for the voter, it means that for him
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it is necessary to speak a little differently; to talk about european integration is a multi-vector policy. so diplomatically they called this attempt to sit on two chairs, for some reason the president was not embarrassed that they were actually managing american political technologists by and large . how did this differ from yushchenko's rule , but viktor fedorovich generally tried to touch less on dangerous issues of global politics. that is, everyone expected that when yanukovych brought to power, that the nationalists , on the contrary, in this case, would be pressed. eh, well, in terms of the fact that no one will give them free will, respectively, such statements that are offensive to lovers of nationalities will be forbidden there , they will be assessed in the right field. unfortunately, nothing happened yanukovych paid more attention to economics. he believed that it raises the standard of living of people enough, and this is enough to completely control. uh, ukrainian society, i don't pay attention to the demands of the nationalists. political parties
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of movements that demanded there to celebrate some anniversary of some regular nationalist. they say, come on, god be with him. let them celebrate there. us. the main thing for the budget to vote did not pay attention to yanukovych and the torchlight procession of bandera. in chernihiv and kiev, the ukrainian party svoboda which was headed by oleg tyagnibok is a radical nationalist movement party, which in 2012. in the month of october the election became a parliamentary party. the same svoboda that grew out of the people's ear , this and other organizations of self-styled people with the help of western curators, openly trained nationalist militants, trained more in the respective territories. well, in ukraine itself, instructors of the time were preparing, of course, tens of hundreds act
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in an organized manner with good communication systems. with functioning clock against migrants in 2013. or this celebration in the center of kiev of the anniversary of the upa of the ukrainian rebel army banned in russia. this is also 2013. we saw how it ended. it was a big mistake, but yanukovych still had to choose moscow offered him to join the emaciated union of the west to sign an association agreement for several years viktor fedorovich could not decide with whom to cooperate with his assistants, having studied the agreement with the eu, they calculated
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that ukraine would lose billion dollars and a few days before the official ceremony signing the treaty yanukovych postponed the agreement with europe i think that the ukrainian people rather than europe are disappointed today the ukrainian leadership has chosen a path that leads nowhere answered euro maidan the free world is with you america is with you i am with you. unprecedented interference in internal affairs, at least formally an independent state, but this time with a pro-russian, as he was then called a protege of the east of ukraine, they did not stand on ceremony, the opinion of ukrainian voters decided to correct radically. it's already
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was not just a color revolution avant-garde, the protesters were the very trained militants of nationalist organizations. they government organizations and the government of foreign countries continued to demand from yanukovych not to use force against peaceful protesters and yanukovych did not use it all the time, looking towards western countries and fearing sanctions from them. this was fatal for the fourth president of ukraine , eu representatives seated him at the negotiating table with the so-called opposition ministers of foreign affairs of germany and poland frank walter steinmeier and rodoslav sikorsky, as well as a representative of the french foreign ministry , guaranteed his safety. in the event of
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the withdrawal of the security forces from kiev the next day , the opposition violated all agreements and stormed the presidential palace. i want to express my forgiveness. everyone who got hurt? unknown snipers opened fire on the protesters to blame the escalation on the legitimate authorities. yanukovych was accused of this execution . and in order to hide all the traces on the banking street , even the trees with traces of the pulse sang, because they really had to open a lot there were not only the georgian sniper, i 'll tell you now. there were a group of saakashvili four groups of saakashvili who commanded the general commanded by the fathers of science. uh-huh,
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absolutely all englishmen are englishmen, bit. there were also officers of the american army who provoked. with orders, under the rubric, not andriy the couple, who is now the speaker of parliament in ukraine , and this very fascist sergei pashinsky maidan became a grandiose provocation that ended with the overthrow of the legally elected president to collapse. uh, yanukovych case the simplest most difficult thing in this situation is to convert this illegal power into legal power. and only
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one country in the world can do this. it was the united states of america that the americans acted in ukraine as if in their own backyard they determined the composition of the future government of ukraine. i just think that if klitschko gets inside and works on ethics at this level, it simply will not work. yes, i think it's so good. would you like to arrange a conversation with him as a next step, peace period, newest ukrainian history ended with the recalcitrant russian-speaking east of the country, they decided to sort out radically intimidate kharkov by dropping troops of nazis and football fans there. to bring odessa into obedience
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, the nationalists, brutalized with impunity, herded the participants of the anti-maidan into the house of trade unions and burned alive the brutal finished off the wounded with metal ponds. guys, what have you done? a lesson to mariupol, the head of the city police department, colonel valery androshchuk, was appointed here by kiev, ordered his subordinates to disperse the celebration of may 9 the personnel of the city armed formation of militants of neo-nazi battalions , azov and dnepr, one punishers took the building of the internal affairs directorate of civilians
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against donbass as a navigator, abandoned troops, starting a punitive operation, cynically calling it anti-terrorist this morning, it began in the north of the donetsk region. the anti-terrorist operation is gradually responsible for the shooting games container about the biological mother, he is abandoned while the premiere
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life in russia is beautiful. cinema 1tv presents the task to everyone is explained. i want to remind you that i don't exist , this place doesn't exist, no one needs to know. how did we get to know you. for the third time it's true, the mission of amethyst military prosecutors, that is , your objective enemy of cinema one tv represents
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the people in the east of southern ukraine did not accept not recognized the coup new anti-constitutional authorities. in kiev, their overseas masters spit on the numerous proposals of moscow’s warning to the muscovite nagilyak of muscovites for knives, the southeast protesters did not even want to listen to those who were not arrested, beaten and killed by people from the right sector of the sbu crimea hurried to their native harbor heroically returned to russia on the rebellious donbass, this power, its american curators abandoned the army of foreign mercenaries , tanks, combat aircraft. and for eight long years they killed people in the donetsk and luhansk national republics, hiding behind the fig line
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of the minsk agreements, but neither they nor the owners were even going to fulfill them. what the west and its puppets have already openly admitted was preparing genocide in the donbass, the deployment of nato missiles along our borders of the nato fleet in mariupol, ochakovo, odessa did not work out. we got ahead of them, we launched a special military operation in the 2014 elections. ukrainians no longer voted for a pro-russian or anti-russian candidate, but simply for peace, peace was promised to voters. petro poroshenko, the anti-terrorist operation cannot and will continue for 2-3 months. slavic ukrainian troops will not shoot. in ukrainian history, becoming the fifth president, he immediately forgot about his promises and kindergartens
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. they will be in basements. he won't be able to do anything. so and only in this way we will win this war for western curators. the main thing was the continuation of the war in the donbass alternatives. could have been the federalization of ukraine but this meant the end of the nationalist project east of the country, as a subject of the federation would have received a real voice in matters of public administration much later than angela merkel and francois alande. they frankly admitted that the minsk agreements were needed only in order to arm the army of ukraine, and petro poroshenko confirmed this, and it was impossible to fulfill the minsk agreements.
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to destroy russia as an alternative sovereign center of power in america, washington is ready to use any means, the most effective method of war. and who can fight no worse than russians, only russians, so they raised a new breed of russian people who kill russians for what they want to speak russian a spear was made from ukraine, a spear aimed at the heart of russia should be sharp and only but no one ever set out to make a spear, happily. to
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carry out such a policy , there were no longer enough local nationalists for positions in the government; they began to appoint us citizens of ukrainian origin. so the post of minister of finance was taken by an ex-employee, the state department and a native of the united states, natalya hereska , an american citizen, ulyana, also became minister of health for pushing through for the sake of the law on private transpontology. inhabitants of ukraine nicknamed her dr. death why they call you dr. death but it's very interesting because healthy ukraine and they call me dr. death the americans have taken control. these are various power structures of the judicial system. the prosecutor's office is their young lady. here they are, so to speak, everything determines. and now the americans calmly look at it through their fingers, because they know that yes, swindlers, yes
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corrupt officials, yes thieves, well, they are fulfilling our tasks, they are fulfilling poroshenko has not fulfilled a single election promise and i, uh, how i i explained that i would raise the issue of selling assets immediately after taking office as the president of atak and did not sell, for example, until 2021, he controlled the fifth channel of ukrainian television, a man who had been in the state all his adult life. for 20 years this man, calling himself a businessman, was in the public service. and tell me, but the west was embarrassed, in general, how a person, being equivalent to a service, could earn these billions. well, here he is, how the degradation of state power became a billionaire, with
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poroshenko reached unprecedented proportions, to the point that us vice president joe biden placed his drug addict son hunter in ukraine in an oil and gas company with a salary of $ 50,000 a month, and then personally insisted on the dismissal of the prosecutor general of ukraine who dared to investigate the activities, son, i said, you don’t get a billion dollars, i'm leaving in 6 hours, if your prosecutor general is not fired, by then you will not have received money, and that son of a bitch was fired, if you do not know poroshenko you are nothing you don’t know about greed, except for money, no one was interested in a single president. ukraine had all this money to bathe in russian, to be the richest. greed was reached that is, as if it just turned out why all this business. just greed, which is boundless, in general, the west was not embarrassed by the war in the donbass, they wrote everything off. in the next
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elections in 2019, the citizens of ukraine voted against corruption it is necessary to introduce a life sentence for corruption on a very large scale for the russian language, no need to crush their languages, no need to crush the russian language for our common historical memory, and not for an ersatz story from soros. how can i be a nazi tell me about it, who went through the whole war. citizens of ukraine voted for peace , our very first task is to end the war in the donbass, we end this war. as in the nineties and in 2000 and that’s all, it didn’t matter, the striguns promised what people had been waiting for all these years of independence, but they acted like western curators. we
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are fulfilling nato's mission today without losing their blood with casualties. for me so for me so look, then, so that bandera is a hero for a certain percentage of ukrainians. and that's okay. and it's great. this is one of those people who defended freedom. ukraine ukrainians received corruption unprecedented even in previous years. you don't see corruption everywhere, because it wasn't poroshenko. i will come to treat this has never happened before. it's just that it's not, it's not corruption. this is extortion in the west. they understand everything perfectly and are even ready to hypocritically pity the ukrainians. government of ukraine one of the worst corrupt in the world controlled by a few rich people.
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unfortunately for ukrainians , they live for today, rowing for themselves everything that is badly lying , selling grain, ready to sell land and subsoil to western buyers, they have received loans that even several future generations of ukrainians will not pay for. whose fate is also of little concern to the inhabitants of high offices. after all, it was on the citizens of ukraine that the americans set up their experiments in a biological laboratory in the west, such degradation of power is only welcomed, because the rulers of the independent perform their main function through their efforts. ukraine got a war. can you give?
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washington means of glorifying nazi henchmen by the revival of the ideology of ukrainian nationalism, the followers of which stained themselves with monstrous crimes during the second world war, and now they naturally came to neo-nazism by creating neo-fascist punitive units, like the tornado of azov and other genocides of the peoples of donbass what should be the next step for non-nazis to receive a nuclear weapons, after all zelensky spoke about this in february 22 , a few days before the start of a special
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military operation. their results will not be the nature of ukraine will have the right to consider that the budapest memorandum does not work and all the package agreements of 1994, delivered the fourth hand, were delivered. it remains only to wonder how this boy from a good family is a simple schoolboy from krivoy rog, pioneer, brought up, like everyone else. we respect the feat of those who defeated hitler's nazism presidential candidate, who posed at the grave of his grandfather. the veteran has come to this. is the shadow power of ngos enough here to openly goad the west or is it something personal, perhaps blackmail for some old sins. poroshenko's team in
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the 2014 elections hinted at zelensky's drug addiction, and therefore, perhaps we are simply faced with a breakdown of personality. the west has done everything to play off our two peoples. now he has stopped hiding his goals. we want to see a free ukraine, a weakened and isolated russia, and a strong united determined factory. so-called help kiev supplies of artillery weapons tanks, this is an attempt to weaken our country at the cost of the lives of ukrainians. after all , the west is waging war with us with their hands because we have been waging a war against russia for 100 years. little has changed western countries. again they are trying to decide the fate of russia using ukrainian neo-nazism as a battering ram, and the ukrainian independence of trying to have its own elites again can no longer exist without
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foreign bayonets. they used to be german, then nazi, and now they're american. in ukraine the united states and their vassals are defeated, no matter how much they want, they war to the last ukrainian the west is only able to prolong the fire of the kiev regime of people, only insanely, sorry for the american colony of ukraine , an unviable state that will certainly collapse before russian power and god's sovereignty full independence of the state in its internal affairs and foreign relations a country whose colony does not have it is a simple and logical definition of the tragedy of the ukrainian state in that it was originally woven from contradictions that excluded political the elite of pursuing a policy of national interests hence the continuous degradation of the ukrainian ruling class. if there are no
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interests of the country, only their own interests remain. the american empire is in decline. this is no more than half of the world economy, like after the second world war only 15%, like the ussr at the beginning of perestroika to gorbachev, this is not half of the world fleet, as now china alone is building half of the ships on the planet, then the whole world owed america now the united states owe the whole world. and it's a bad debtor, total debt, 181, trillion dollars. america can still command the golden billion of mankind. and even then, far from all over the world, 8 billion people live, at least 7 billion. of these , the americans simply got it and no one in the world sees in america an example for inspiration and imitation.


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