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tv   Novosti  1TV  March 19, 2023 10:00am-10:16am MSK

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and what worries does the director have, besides organizing the creative process correctly, the economic school of arts has been renovated within the framework of the national culture project, our school has been completely renovated, a major overhaul was carried out both inside and outside the facade of the roof. uh, we are very grateful for this opportunity, which is quite understandable. i would also thank you, because ingratitude is one of the unforgivable sins. this year , the school is planning a large supply of musical instruments and equipment. also thanks to the national project culture. we are very grateful for this opportunity - this is a great chance for many schools to upgrade and get a new life . the good work of our project is to shake up your leaders and also be in chocolate. you are ready to open this world. then what are we waiting for tickets. there are still a few in penza, but they are available, tell me that they will provide them from me and you. don't wait for signs of fate. in the meantime
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, your yes? hello on channel one news release in the studio maxim sharafutdinov, the main thing today is a well-maintained city in the shortest possible time term vladimir putin visited mariupol and assessed the pace of recovery, in addition, the supreme commander came to the command post. ё washington protests hundreds of people of the white house demand to dissolve nato to lift anti-russian sanctions and stop supplying weapons to kiev
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. the action was timed to coincide with the anniversary of the american invasion in iraq. congratulations to those who serve them. not forget the tournament performance of the winners the best moments of the russian challenge project today on channel one. vladimir putin visited mariupol on a working trip and personally examined how the restoration of the city is going. this is the first visit by the president of the russian donbas. in addition, the head of state visited the command post of the special military operation in rostov-on-don, where he held a meeting and listened to reports on the combat work of our military more dmitry tolmachev in mariupol, vladimir putin arrived by helicopter already from air could to assess the state of the city , the president drove around several districts behind the wheel of a car. judging by the footage, traffic did not block the road . vladimir putin even had to give way to
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construction equipment that came across here and there . there was no lighting at all. during this trip, the head of state was accompanied by deputy prime minister maratskaya smolen, who oversees in the government not only construction issues, but also restoration in new regions of the country. he reported in detail to the president on how the city is changing now we will drive through, we did very good work. we launched the movement of public transport, 110 buses are working and the military unit will succeed by the summer. we want to launch the first tram route already tram lines. the first route is being repaired, which means there are trams. uh, we hope that by the summer it will also go. yes, the network was quite large, but here in total, but it turned out to be several kilometers, the city center was especially hard hit in the central part of the buildings , monuments, which means, well, for a long time they thought not to demolish demolish. the decision to save made all
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the project documentation for the reconstruction of the center. we want it by the end of the year. at least from here start to finish from the car window. vladimir putin looked at the quarter at the azov university, which can accommodate up to 6,000 students. and near the mariupol philharmonic made a stop in the building was also badly damaged during the hostilities. now the musicians of the corpse are already rehearsing here , fully staffed. one of the important tasks in the city now is the creation of jobs, i am now working out, which means creation of jobs painted every industrial enterprise. how much who invests which source, then the responsibility? how many jobs should be created, because the number one question, of course, is handing over. quickly, people began to return from the last decisions
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to help entrepreneurs, whose shops and salons were located on the first floors. previously, they only made a decision to help residents renovate apartments, but now they have decided that the first floors are entrepreneurs who will show up today. yes, we will also provide help. now we just closed the thermal circuit. but if the business owner of the ground floor stores claims his rights and confirms that he is running jobs . we give him a loan without interest immediately after mariupol, vladimir putin visited the command post of a special military operation. chief of staff valery gerasimov and other military leaders dmitry tolmachev vladimir
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belyaev saw. how new houses are being built , infrastructure and playgrounds are being built, then the next one. now the footage of combat work on our military in the special operation zone , a massive blow to the enemy’s manpower, which was in deep shelters, as well as armored vehicles, caused the calculation of grad multiple launch rocket systems to be corrected. the fire was fired with the help of drones and advanced artillery gunners. after completing the task, the calculation left the position and reloaded the weapon in a safe area to carry out a new tasks. after many weeks of service, the military from the kemerovo region, who are now performing combat missions, protecting the civilian population in the svl zone, were able to see their relatives after many weeks of service. during the tv mast, the fighters exchanged the latest news and heard words of support from their families. this is what is now so needed on
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the front line, which raises morale and gives strength, these meetings are no less important for those who are waiting for their defenders at home. we talked with relatives, under it there was a spirit. we are very pleased that they invited saw. so, right next to lizonka , is it okay? well, we're waiting. we are waiting. we believe in them that victory will be ours anyway. stop military assistance to kiev , lift sanctions and dissolve nato, such slogans were chanted by protesters in washington at a rally. hundreds of people gathered at the white house to coincide with the twentieth anniversary of the us invasion of iraq, it was held by the united national anti-war coalition. it was joined by another two hundred different organizations, the participants demanded to stop sending kiev to washington weapons and money to put an end to the policy of militarism and to allocate funds for the needs of the people, and not for the military machine, american journalists yorsh, who
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published his investigation into the explosions at nord stream, in an interview with an austrian publication, said he did not disclose all the information that the western media, meanwhile , continues to circulate news, and the same andromeda yacht on which the ukrainian saboteurs allegedly moved, who staged the explosions , let me remind you that the russian president called this version complete nonsense to enter the ships and find out what actually represents itself andromeda succeeded our correspondent. it turned out to ivan's good that the yacht was not even sealed. and you can inspect any room inside, including the engine compartment, and a logical question arose, where could a team of saboteurs of six people be located? and also hardly such a huge amount of explosives, which some experts talk about. here, supposedly, explosives could be located, and its traces were found on the table, seriously . two maximum fit into such a locker. such backpack with television equipment, and we
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are talking about explosives in sufficient quantities to undermine underwater main pipelines. yes, even in a shell that must withstand pressure at a depth of 80 m. watch the full version of the exclusive report today on the evening news and on the sunday program. today , submariners celebrate their professional holiday on this very day in 1906. according to nicholas ii, several submarines available at that time, it was decided to separate into a separate class. now the submarine fleet is one of the main components of our nuclear triad of the real elite. the navy's submarine force is capable of concealing and initiating combat operations in any area of ​​the world ocean, they can operate even under the ice of the arctic basin. this year, the submariners will immediately receive five new submarines, three nuclear-powered, two diesel, after repair and modernization , two more nuclear-powered ships will return to their combat strength, the 117th anniversary of the founding of the submariner is celebrated in all
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fleets in the northern baltic black sea and pacific ocean. burning garbage smoke barricades during france, which day of street riots in connection with raising the retirement age , the government, taking advantage of a special procedure against the backdrop of mass protests, adopted a reform, bypassing parliament , radical marchers put their anger on guards and urban infrastructure of the most large-scale pogroms. in paris there, now and then there are skirmishes with the police special forces used tear gas. the entrance is water cannons and rubber truncheons. people are building barricades from improvised means , setting fire to the garbage that is now on the street tons accumulated because of the bridge announced by public utilities. hundreds of participants in the pogroms, detained similar paintings and c. nantes in the west of france there, too , street riots skirmishes without police, blazing trash cans of the street are shrouded in tear gas. 125 years ago , the famous russian museum opened its doors. it became
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the country's first state repository of fine arts. now in his collection there are more than 400,000 exhibits of masterpieces by levitan kuindzhi and also ancient porcelain icons the royal jewels annual museum visited by millions of residents of the northern capital there were times when the banned malevich had to be hidden in the attic under the inventory numbers of other paintings, this is how the museum staff were able to save the work of avant-garde artists and present them to the public. then, after all, the regional committee commissions were held, which checked the composition of the exhibitions , our colleagues came up with the idea of ​​not going to hang a label, then rumors went instantly. and, of course, the russian museum shows malevich and the people, of course, resorted to watch malevich today the main exposition of the museum is located in the mikhailovsky palace, but this is only one of the buildings; the complex itself is spread over vast territories. in several tens of hectares,
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the marble stroganov palaces, the engineer's castle and the summer garden, are a whole museum city. figure skating fans are discussing the results of the grandiose russian challenge project. in the evening , the first tournament in history ended and the program began, in which absolutely new numbers were shown by favorite skaters of different generations. one of the main conclusions of the former champions is not there are the best moments of the tournaments and the words of the winners in the report by natalia lyublinskaya. rain coming from other planets or the all- powerful samson tamed by the treacherous delilah whom we didn't see on the ice of the megasport last evening. figure skaters proved that they are masters of disguise capable of the most daring and unexpected images of merlin zagitova. alina monroe alina zagitova. this is a wonderful
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competition that gives us the opportunity to see what they could be not in programs, but in free dances and numbers , the first tournament in history. went to the program thundered powerfully like no one in the world has ever done on ice. all the champions in the jury chairs are professionals from art, voting at the behest of the heart, and not a strict protocol of technical elements, you vote and don’t understand your vote will be taken into account or not taken into account , the highest mark and the lowest mark are thrown out, because it will be impossible to explain at all, but the performance alexei yagudina unanimous verdict 10.0 on his birthday. he made a loud combo raid. without props and complex special effects, yagudin won by showing our life full of comedic and tragic with all the colors in the palette of life. and also its sporty character. after all
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, the champion of salt lake city for a minute in 2002 was able to restore the triple jump. i knew that a well-executed jump would be a trigger, and that was it. i knew, i knew that it would turn me on, i was delighted. and i thought. how courageous it is to have to agree, the challenge the challenge is a real challenge. and this, of course, you think about yourself thinking, and you do such things every day and the main prize is 5 million rubles. he promised to spend with benefit. also, i won a lot. now i'm c easy. i can change my knee with my conscience, see you in a year. a piercing story salvation from victoria sinitsyna and nikita kotsalapov, and the second place of their soul, and as if intertwined at every performance and the audience takes our number with it. aton that you should never lose faith and hope
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and the miracle of 17 moments of spring will happen, and indeed, as in the cult film , march is already outside the window and this mood is tearing sadness and at the same time hera is in olympic life champion. anna shcherbakova conveyed goosebumps, as if through a filled look. through each verified rigidly. all day long, it was the emotions of the skating that were scrolling in my head, how to present them correctly . the peculiarity of this tournament is that the first time you need to show the finished complete picture, there is no time, as usual, for the season. add add she succeeded by the amount of points. she took third place, but also each member of the jury had their own specialist of brilliant ribs. allah whitefish. lova could not resist the freshness of talent and fragility the youngest participants of the champion of russia sofia akatyeva we are dancers we are people related to dance to choreography to ballet. eh, in general, we also work and the devil.


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