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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  March 20, 2023 6:00pm-6:21pm MSK

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very important tasks. it is no coincidence that we are looking at all this in a global context in the context of relations with china in context. decolonization of africa we bring freedom to the whole world nelson mandela said that to be free means not just to throw off the shackles. but to live respecting, increasing the freedom of others and our fighters. they live and die to increase the freedom of others. we must not forget that one of the main goals of the special military operation is denazification, that is, the deliverance of the ukrainian people from the nazi regime, which they imposed from the outside by the forces of colonialism of the same western imperialist fourth reich , which continues to nurture its prelist and colonial plans, where is colonization. she goes everywhere. it is marching in africa it is marching in our minds, but it is marching on the fronts of a special military operation
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, for which a very crucial moment is now approaching, when the enemy has prepared for the offensive, and we are ready for serious business, because our deeds are right and victory will be for we hand over the floor to the news and see you in 19:50. hello on channel one evening news with you andrey kharev visit of special importance. vladimir putin receives a seatengin in the kremlin, who, after being reissued, first of all went to russia dear chairman, dear friend welcome to russia dear president, my dear friend. i am very pleased to once again visit russia on a state visit, large negotiations,
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results that are expected all over the world regions demanded vladimir putin the president took part in an expanded meeting colleagues of the ministry of internal affairs spoke about priority tasks. which bears huge losses of nationalists over the past day, a lot of destroyed equipment, including western production. vnukovo station is ready directly from the metro to the terminal building. at 60%, the progress of construction work was inspected today by the capital mayor, when to wait for the opening so today
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, the president of the people's republic of china arrived in russia on a state visit at the invitation of vladimir putin, this trip is the first for the chinese leader after his re-election, which emphasizes the special nature of the interaction between our countries, yes, and the personal relations of the heads of state go far beyond business vladimir putin sitin. ping call each other, good friends. today, their informal meeting is a teta-tete conversation, and tomorrow there will be big talks between the two delegations, where the expansion of interstate cooperation will be discussed, which is unprecedented and it is no secret that what is happening now in moscow is being closely watched all over the world. my colleague konstantin panyushkin joins us live. so constantine is waiting details. how did the talks start today? well, what else is in the program of a three-day visit? andrey good evening 6:00 pm in moscow and this is the picture in the kremlin we are now seeing, in fact. this is the porch of the first building of the kremlin , the so-called senate palace, the residence of vladimir putin here in the kremlin, and you see, to the left of this porch. now we see xi jinping's limousine is the so-called red banner. this is a chinese limousine. and now
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, little by little, we see how the chinese chinese delegation blueberry chinese delegation going down the porch. and one must think that the negotiations, which have been going on for an hour and a half. here, in fact. these same tête-à-tête talks in such a formal way. as they say informally , in fact, in general, quite a real negotiation close to completion, which we observed here today exactly an hour and a half ago, at half past five, drove here. this very limousine went up the stairs and went into the building. well, and there he was already welcomed by vladimir putin yes, indeed, the negotiations are not called formal, it seems like, but one on one without a delegation, the main day. repeat tuesday tomorrow but at the same time, it is today that vladimir putin pina has the opportunity to talk one on one. that is, this is the hotel itself. this meeting has been going on for an hour and a half, and so while we are waiting here, screw the cdp on, i suggest you listen to what began in the third meeting . and it began with a mutual greeting, of course. congratulations congratulations by vladimir putin to shinjin on his re-election for a third term at the head of the people's republic of china
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dear mr. chairman dear friend welcome to russia moscow is glad to have the opportunity to personally congratulate you on your re-election as the head of the chinese state. this was made possible because the chinese people and their representatives appreciated your work over the past decade in recent years. china has made, uh, a colossal leap forward in its development throughout the world. this causes genuine interest. and we even envy you a little symbolically that exactly 10 years ago. we haven't met. you have decided everything the first visit as chairman of the people's republic of china to russia during this time we made. we have made significant steps in the development of our relations. our trade turnover has more than doubled. our trade turnover was 80, in my opinion, seven and a half, now it is already 185
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billion, dear president, my dear friend. i am very pleased to once again visit russia on a state visit. especially immediately after my next re-election as chairman of the knts. as the first country for a foreign visit. i chose russia. you just remembered that 10 years back. i also chose russia as my first foreign visit after being re-elected, because russia and china are good neighbors and to this day the memory of this trip is kept in my heart. well, the cortege is still here so that we continue to recall the statement that was made here to me about an hour and a half ago, so here is the continuation of the topic of xi jinping's re-election. here, in response, thanks to vladimir putin for congratulations, i also wanted to say something warm to the russian president 2024 i know that
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presidential elections are being held in your country next year. under your firm leadership, the development and prosperity of russia have made rapid progress, i am sure that the russian people can definitely support you, yes, yes. well, here it might seem to the journalists who listened to xi jinping’s statement that he knows a little more than we do about vladimir putin’s plans for 2024. to find out if we understood the prc chairman correctly, we turned to the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov for clarification. and here is his answer. he was misheard . osin pingyu believes that in a year the russians support vladimir putin . here one can only share confidence, what was discussed here today in the kremlin well, the topics of this visit, the topic of the state in russia, were announced a few days ago, what we heard today. here, naturally, this
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is the modernization of the russian and chinese economies. this conjugation of our economies of trade turnover is absolutely unprecedented figures. it's a natural build a fair world globally, including for russia, for china and for all the countries living on this planet in general, which we have not heard about today of this war, technical cooperation, despite the fact that it is stated that anti-technical cooperation will indeed be here today in the kremlin in general and tomorrow in russia in general to discuss during this visit today the open part. at least not a word was said about it. and, of course, today in the open part, vladimir putin also mentioned mirny chinese peace plan for settling the situation in ukraine we carefully reviewed your proposals for a settlement. uh, acute crisis in ukraine, of course, we will have the opportunity to discuss the issue, we know that you proceed from the principles of justice and observance, the fundamental provisions of international law, indivisible security for all countries, you are also aware that we are
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always open to the negotiation process, we will definitely discuss everything these questions , including your initiation, to which we treat unconditionally. with respect in general, our interaction at the international certainly contributes to the strengthening of the basic underlying principles of the world order and multipolarity , a lot of issues in the field of economic interaction. that is, what are we doing? what is the conclusion of vladimir putin in moscow discussing the issues of settlement in ukraine of course, this is very worrying for the westerners, who directly say that any cessation of hostilities in ukraine for them would be the defeat of ukraine, which, of course, is madness in itself, you are the ties of the excited westerners . in particular, the president of the united states biden. it has already been announced in the united states that the bidens really want to speak urgently in shijin, respectively, so far, as far as we know , there is no such agreement, but we asked the kremlin if it is not against here in russia in moscow that all jinping actually receive such calls here to moscow straight from biden and other international contacts. the kremlin won't
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mind if the xi jingpings from here in moscow talk to the biden. well, it's hard for us to say. uh sittin pin heads a sovereign state so he speaks with whoever he wants, uh, with whom he wants and when he wants , and we treat it with respect, just like uh, the chinese comrades respect what president putin is doing you have an understanding, there will still be a call. uh xi, jinping to zelensky immediately after the end of the negotiations of the visit. maybe even from moscow i ask this, now putin's secretary about it. yes, we have the wrong addressee. yes, of course, dmitry sergeevich is right. this question was crossed by another head of state, but at the same time it must be understood that today the state visit has just begun and, accordingly, this is only the first informal meeting. the so- called informal yes, and how many more will be here today, how many more tomorrow will be here in the kremlin today, so that
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there can be a lot of twists and turns. we actually. now we are waiting here at the porch of the first building of the kremlin. we are waiting for the completion. yes , both dinners, at which, in fact, at which the two heads of state were, and until the dinner is over. apparently , things are already going on, perhaps them to the tenth. we can show you his menu, and the menu is as follows today is xi jinping. here in the kremlin they were treated. you see an appetizer from far eastern seafood with a pancake with quail, mushrooms, sterlidi soup with sherbet pie from pechora pomegranate, neelma with venison vegetables with cherry sauce, and for pavel’s dessert, this is actually such a treat. today is an informal first most meeting. russian cuisine is a great conversation of big politics, global and bilateral relations. well, we continue to wait for the completion of these same negotiations. but for now, we continue to follow the work of vlady. r putin let's watch the story of my colleague anton vernitsky, who today met the chairman of the prc of ports, the grandson spent the first half of the day with him. he landed in a plane from a dolphin in moscow. despite the fact that 2 hours ago , information appeared on the internet that he allegedly flew to
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the russian capital, but it was an advanced board with a delegation. it was huge, exactly the same in size, and therefore everyone confused it with the chinese plane, the leader, a huge delegation. i was still descending in the morning along the advanced aircraft, and the chinese cameraman already fought for the best point for filming such clashes, familiar to all visits, all depin the number of journalists in chinese delegations, dozens, if not hundreds, is an indicator of korzh to make minibuses stretched for almost half a kilometer at the gates of the government airport, while we measured its length chinese security service for some reason, with a tape measure, she measured the parking lot of the aircraft of the president of the people's republic of china and also the height of the gangway, which puzzled him with the driver. well, yes, the height does not suit. well, as it were , then the ladder is also regulated carefully let them down, and at the end everyone saw that despite the easing of covid restrictions in china , the pilots in the cockpit were wearing masks. i want
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to note that xi jinping and 10 years ago for his first foreign visit. in 2013, she not only chose russia as the president of the prc, but, just like today , she flew to us on the eve of the vernal equinox. we often repeat that the chinese are very fond of symbols, so it is very symbolic that tomorrow's main talks in the kremlin with vladimir putin will be held directly on the day of the spring equinoxes. also, the moon is in its growth phase. and this is a direct reference to the renewal of the growth of something new, and in everything. well , seriously, most chinese leaders for the entire time of our relations, their first foreign visits. after being elected to the post of chairman , they came to our country, well done. well, in the forty- ninth year, i tried it in the ussr for more than three months. he does not see xi jinping, whom deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko met in moscow, of course, shorter, 3 days, but important, he is not only for our countries, but also all over the world. a few hours before their meeting, vladimir putin pin simultaneously published policy articles
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in russian in the russian newspaper putin in chinese in the main organ of the chinese communist party, the newspaper is less than bao and judging by the thoughts expressed in them, the positions of russia and china are similar, characterizing the relations between our countries . vladimir putin not only quoted confucius, is it not a joy when a friend comes from afar, but also called russian-chinese relations the cornerstone of global stability. us course on dual deterrence of russia and china a. also, everyone who does not succumb to american dictatorship is becoming increasingly sharp and assertive in nature , the architecture of international security and cooperation is being dismantled. russia has been declared a direct threat, and china, in turn, is a strategic competitor. dolphin emphasizes. what is 10 years? he has already visited russia eight times and in general met with the russian president more than forty times, for this reason. and he considers relations between china and russia as one of their top priorities. and, if we continue about the symbols that are so respected in china, it is very symbolic, but the cortege
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of chairman xi drove into moscow along the kiev highway, and he clearly saw posters welcoming him, it is clear that the ukrainian issue, and along the kiev highway from vnukovo airport to capital of ukraine a little more than 800 km at the talks will be discussed for good reason. china is talking about its own peace plan to resolve the situation. what si recalled in his article in the rossiyskaya gazeta. we are convinced that a rational way out of of the ukrainian crisis and the path to lasting peace and universal security in the world will be found if everyone is guided by the concept of a common , comprehensive, joint and sustainable security, continue dialogue and consultations in an equal prudent and pragmatic manner, in turn, they talk about the crisis. vladimir putin in an article in a newspaper. mini life. chebao, expressed gratitude to china for a balanced position and understanding of the reasons for what is happening in ukraine we welcome china's willingness to play a constructive role in resolving the crisis it depends solely on the readiness for a serious conversation, taking into account the current geopolitical realities
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. it is not difficult to understand what else the negotiations will be about even by the composition of the delegation about who will participate in the meetings of the president of russia with the president of china in an expanded format became known last week. so alexander novak will probably talk with his chinese colleague about the supply of energy carriers or veronabiullina, and the further abandonment of the monopoly of dollars in world trade and the use of his mutual settlements of the yuan and the ruble yuri borisov, head of roscosmos, respectively , about joint space programs and cooperation in this area. what exactly sergei shoigu and denis mantorov, who is in charge of the military-industrial complex, will talk about, we may only find out tomorrow, it is clear that this visit will not consist exclusively of official negotiations on tuesday, for example, a state dinner is also planned, and the menu of which was told to us dmitry peskov in russian the kitchen will be and, uh, accompaniment of this trouble from the cultural program, we will inform you about it. let's not get ahead of ourselves, we'll let you know tomorrow ice cream, definitely ice cream. i think i'm always
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ready, considering, uh, that he doesn't like it very much on one of xi jinping's visits to moscow, vladimir putin treated him to russian ice cream since that time to his chinese friend. he periodically sends anton vernitsky maxim kataev egor shelekhov by mail as a gift and over korea the fictitious district alexander it is nothing to channel one. vladimir putin instructed the ministry of internal affairs to promptly form police structures in new regions and put things in order with the issuance of passports so that people do not residents of mariupol have been waiting for them for months for this president. well, today the head of state raised a question at the collegium of the ministry of internal affairs, he also demanded that attempts to rock our society from the inside be severely suppressed. and also radically change the approach to participants in economic activity . placed before the department. summing up the results of the past year, the head of state noted the successes of the department ;
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radicals repulse extremists and in the special operation zone, where local units appear under our wing, employees show themselves courageously ; the ministry of internal affairs must also involve local cadres of people who have put on proved their decency reliability and professionalism. i also ask you to fully provide the new units, modern special equipment with information systems and communication facilities. stressed every a citizen living in these regions should feel under the protection of the law , be sure of the timely assistance of employees of the ministry of internal affairs, and help is really needed during a recent visit to mariupol, local residents complained to the president about the terrible queues when obtaining russian passports. i ask you to put things in order here and do it quickly . people who want to be citizens of our country. they go to get passports, firstly, uh, everything, it lasts a very long time for months and you have to
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stand in lines, there is an unlimited amount of time, who does? they are people who say it is natural to approach the solution of this problem. if they don’t know how, they don’t want to teach a lesson, they need to be promoted somewhere , i say seriously, the head of the ministry of internal affairs noted that more than eight hundred thousand residents applied for a russian passport, the liberated territories have two or more staff to process applications, but this is similar and not enough now they receive about 17,000 daily. we introduce additional receivers and we will continue this work, we will do everything in our power to as soon as possible to ensure the passportization of residents of new constituent entities of the russian federation, we will urge a comprehensive look at the problem of migration, the government of the security council by the state council. in this and other departments, by the first of july, they must submit a proposal on migration policy. first of all, quickly debug
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all administrative procedures related to migration. to translate them into numbers as much as possible , to make them understandable, clear and accessible , i mean, obtaining citizenship. registration of a residence visa, work permit and other documents. greater transparency of administrative procedures will certainly allow it to provide it with more effective control over the migration situation in the country , which is of fundamental importance for national security . work with businesses that helped the country to cope with a wave of sanctions should also strengthen our security. there are downsides to producing by ourselves, but if there are huge advantages for savings, they are simply forced to. now our businesses. e. means those who organize production to engage in the placement of orders within the country, in no case should they work on the principle of grabbing and not letting go. we need to radically change the approaches to working in the economy in business.


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