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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 19, 2023 4:50pm-6:01pm MSK

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with those people who really hurt you, the bad things don't bring you and lead you to something positive cool. you need to somehow restore yourself to find your own resources and alcohol. in this case, it won't really help you. i am 18 years old. i’m thumping in egypt, what you have achieved, lyokh, everything is very bad, while you, of course, don’t have consequences, you get away with everything, but it’s impossible to continue such a lifestyle for a long time. i can say for sure that all these people are being treated. i have someone who survives, who does not finish. life is suicidal overdose. something else. lyosha stand up. everything is very serious. i'm not sure that you can help the other four characters, well , you can still work with lyosh, i see it hurts you yourself, really don't hold back, well, stop this lifestyle. he's dead end. i offer you help in the same way. you can come any time, we will work with you. this is a difficult path, but it must
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be done, because now you have a path to nowhere, go to treatment, they will help you to get free weight. i am not addressing you now because pointless to your mother i believe that stop feeling sorry for the girl, you need to deprive her of parental rights, assign her alimony, and since she will not pay her, stupidly put her in jail. maybe there in two years she will heal her husband. he immediately put his foot down. ksyusha came out, the child met him in the morning at a consultation.
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good evening live, a big game and i am vyacheslav nikonov russia, a country of opportunities , president putin reminded me of this today while holding a meeting of the supervisory board of an autonomous non-profit organization. russia a country of opportunities that allowed a huge number of our fellow citizens to realize their talents with the personnel lift. here is what the president of russia said
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. more than 20 million people have become participants in these programs, which, of course, is impressive. but what is no less impressive is that despite all the difficulties of today, today's period and today 's situation in which we live , our friends colleagues from over 150 countries of the world took part in these programs. this, of course, is a serious result. this speaks of that is, to people who are actively looking for themselves , striving for results, but it is very important for them and they apparently feel that here all our activities are aimed at helping to support a person. uh, to support him in achieving some goals that he sets for himself, or maybe, uh, to help formulate these goals. well, as far as sociological research is concerned. look at
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two thousand. in 2017, 37% of young people in the country believed that proper conditions had been created in russia for the very realization of young people, and now this figure has already over eighty percent. well, this generally suggests that all the efforts of the state, including your work. they bring the necessary results, so dear viewers. if you think that your talents are unclaimed or not appreciated, then this is the russia land of opportunity program for you - it is an open platform. and the president does not throw words into the wind. not in terms of the ability of this young generation, not in terms of retaliatory measures, but to the actions of the ukrainian regime to strike at the crimean bridge the president, as you know, promised to, uh,
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take action with the department of defense. a-a reciprocal nature, which, in my opinion, was more than convincing, in any case, let's listen to the statement of the official representative of the ministry of defense, igor kanashashenkov. the russian federation launched a group strike with high-precision sea and air-based weapons on military industry facilities and fuel infrastructure. well, the mayor of odessa , trukhanov, actually admitted this. listen. there were no nights like today in odessa during the entire war, one of the most terrible nights of this scale of attack, we do not remember the first full-scale invasion.
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well, really, the blow was very, uh, targeted, which made it possible, in general, to a large extent to destroy the port structure of odessa , uh, boris aleksandrovich rozhin is now in touch with us, our permanent military expert uh, whom we first of all congratulate on the fact that he was awarded a medal for strengthening the combat commonwealth uh. i believe that you are really worthy of this, strengthen the fighting commonwealth with your word. eh, good evening. what is happening on the fronts of his? good evening. yes, indeed, yesterday’s strike was a continuation of the already ongoing company of ships against the enemy’s port infrastructure on the black sea, the grain deal has ended and now it does not protect these objects, therefore, the vsrm have every right to inflict these strikes, including as a response to the terrorist attack on the kyrgyz bridge, uh, many infrastructure objects were hit. warehouses, ammunition
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positions air defense grain terminal port infrastructure. uh, in the ukrainian air defense could not protect against this attack. although they stated that they shot down, but the footage from odessa shows that a lot of the dronov missiles reached their goals, a and b. in principle, this is why such an assessment by the enemy. and these are attacks again, because a concentrated strike carried everything in one place, including western air defense systems that were at the exact time they were a repulse strike. we could confidently not be the last blow to the enemy’s port infrastructure, which we will see in the coming week, because the russian russian troops have the opportunity and intelligence information about those objects that need to hit uh in the short term. as for the situation at the front, it is in the zaporozhye direction as a whole without change and the enemy. there, slightly out of breath. this also applies to the sections of the five-houses of his work on and
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during the troops marched, that is, after unsuccessful attacks, he is now regrouping, conducting local and active actions, but massive attempts to break through the front. now it does not undertake , among other things, because some of the forces that were supposed to be involved here. he was forced to transfer the transfer to other directions, where the situation is complicated for him. this again shows that the operational plan just to send the opponents is actually thwarted. he is now successfully trying to reassemble it on his knee in order to try to achieve at least small operational ones. washington is now actively urging the results of the results so that they somehow continue to put pressure on them. uh, at any cost, losing people in huge numbers, but the west said that there should be installers before the end of the summer. so they are trying, which means on e in the british direction is generally unchanged in the small area. our troops are fixed in those positions to the north of the city that were occupied. in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe vent shaft,
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labor mine, and it is located between krasnogorovka and the small one here, the enemy suffered significant losses and the actual position of the enemy. it became more complicated here . after our attacks, it means that in the wounds in the gays , local uh, positional hostilities went on without changes, that is, without massive attacks in the artyomovsk direction , fierce battles for heights continued. in the tick area the enemy is losing a huge number of personnel, trying to gain a foothold on these heights, in order to attack directly the pincer of our heroic defenders. so far, the enemy has not been able to break into the kleshcheevka. the attacks have been going on here for actually 2 months, but the enemy still cannot take this settlement, in the same way we repulsed the attacks in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walnut silevka in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bberkhovka. they left there. it was possible to regain back some of the previously lost positions. the enemy also suffers heavy losses here. on the northern shot no change on svatov direction our troops continued to
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actively engage in the introduction of early karmazinovka in the novoselovsky area. in the area of ​​makeevka, the enemy is trying to counterattack our forces in the area of ​​torsky and yampolovka in order to try to push back our troops. these are our settlements, these counter-tactics are successfully preparing for further advancement. e in the direction of the red estuary, and yampol, and in the direction of kupyansk, our troops completely liberated the territory , took the mana of the first e, and, e, occupied the already completely outdoor dairy station there part of this station. it was behind us, well, there remained in front of the enemy. they were cleared, respectively. our troops continue to accumulate to the north of the bruise, the enemy here in a hurry. now transferring reserves. i am afraid that the front will not withstand our troops will break through directly to kupyansk and in fact. this is an offensive, where they say, according to the words of the enemy, our grouping of 100,000 people is operating. this again shows that the enemy's summer campaign plan. let's just say that i ran into a completely different
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reality on which they expected. thank you very much boris alexandrovich rozhin, our military expert, here is the military significance of these strikes that were inflicted on the port of odessa. well, the value for the economy of ukraine and of course, this is our offensive. e in the kupyansk area, when the creature had already reached the suburbs, how seriously it can be considered as the beginning of some kind of major offensive. well, a blow to 10 , first of all, in my opinion, should be considered as such, i would say futurological, because these blows are actually. they interfere with ukraine of the whole track hopes, nah, some kind of plan to drag in here, firstly, third parties. uh, because the first slip we will continue the grain deal directly agree. with turkey , for the time being, we will drag bulgaria along the batage along romania . accordingly, in this case, any impact on these ships will immediately, as it were, cause some kind of response to this action. at
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least, i certainly hoped for ukraine. they hoped to somehow continue this deal to bend to the turks. or rather seduce them with good earnings. eh, of course they are in in this case, it was expected that in the event of any impact, for example, there would be a demining. uh, there’s sea space and other things to drag in here, at least turkish ships that would be a convoy, or would just be engaged in trolling, relatively speaking , if all this goes away, that is, ukraine hoped that after closing the deal , get the maximum with it, what is called a gesheft? uh, we actually reset this story, that is, on the one hand. of course, we put an end to the hopes of some let's even our supporters treaties, uh and stop the war on what is generally further any activity with grain terminals. maybe we started to strike at them, but
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by doing this, we actually wrested these weapons from ukraine, because, uh, nothing is as invulnerable there as the terminal; moreover, a very interesting situation is now arising. after zelensky a, in annoyance, ordered the pawned to be pulled out. uh, to odessa they got more air defense in this case, they risk getting a second one there. uh, what's called bahman? only from the point of view of air defense, because to defend air defense ports when the enemy has complete superiority in air attack means, in fact, build yourself more, because you can only be in the band. uh, as if along the sea for distant complexes. this is approximately 15-20 km, and for the near medium ones it is 5 km. we saw how, let's say, there german self-propelled anti-aircraft guns were suppressed literally before our eyes. so, in this case, the more air defense drags in there, the more we can grind it there and, in this case, more
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it must again be said that, in itself, hmm, the story from odessa and not only from odessa in general with the seaports of ukraine, it must end, because the endless speculation of ukraine on what is called, uh, wounds of the whole world with a story about what they feed there, uh, not only there angus bulls in europe, but also something africans get somewhere there. she, of course, was a very profitable commodity that was sold, again, no commodity. no problem. but really that's the meaning of what's happening now to a significant extent, as it seems to me, this is that by grinding the ukrainian armed steel counteroffensives, grinding the equipment supplied by western countries, now destroying the port infrastructure and the ammunition that was delivered there. it is clear that there from the spikelet and the premises were also russia in essence. uh, tells the west how pointless all
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their investments in ukraine are, and i think that this is exactly what is happening now and the realization of how these investments are pointless because ukraine cannot achieve anything and in addition, well, it calls. naturally, retaliatory measures on our part, which make ukraine even weaker and less interesting in the eyes. west in many eyes. already many western politicians in ukraine are not interested at all. well, for example, e. donald trump uh , who is now uh, well, is under another investigation, nevertheless, to make harsh statements regarding joe biden and the policies that he is pursuing, let's listen. a week ago, joe biden accidentally let it slip that we were sending cluster bombs. to ukraine because the us is running out of ammunition. i don't know how it works, but he said so. then he ordered our reserve forces to arrive in europe, thus confirming that we were running out of
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troops. and this is also a fact of the harm to our armed forces, very few people are recorded, these actions show how much a rabble and dangerous situation the biden and the feeble-minded warmongers have dragged us into less than 3 years ago. i fully restored the us military and brought america to such a strong global position, 29 months. after the arsenal, the empty reserves are depleted to the treasury and the depleted ranks are dissolved, our country is completely humiliated and we have a corrupt, compromised president, joe biden, who is dragging us into the third world war. here. well biden. uh, it's clear that trump is being attacked very strongly now , he is under very serious legal pressure, but most of them. americans prefer trump. he has the highest rating right now. here is what he says, now it essentially turns out to be the opinion of the majority of americans, yes, that is, in fact, so happening. this is the senselessness of investing in ukraine, it is realized by an increasing number of people.
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here is such a thing, like, yes the question is, uh, whose interests are, uh, closer, to the ruling class, the interests of ordinary americans, like, yes or, let's say, there are the interests of a global project, because trump that's why he turned out to be good at some point, because he actually turned out to be an american nationalist in a real degree trump american nationalist all back to america money to america production america means there is no global project, or at least, as it were, in other positions. eh, this is not okay. this is interesting to a large number of american ordinary people, by the way, saying, in my opinion, that we somehow do not work with them, this is a mistake, because if we bring to their consciousness the idea that in fact, in many ways, for example, say, traditional value. we're in ours basically, look. this is how they relate to views. uh, let's say an ordinary american layman, and there is a war being waged for this as well in ukraine i think we'll find more understanding there, but going back to america i think that's why they're going to try to keep trump out before the election. now he has 4 days left before a possible arrest will not
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be, i don’t know, but they can go this way arrest a prison term. yes, in america it is theoretically possible to conduct an election campaign from the camera, but it will be of a completely different quality, an election campaign. it's first, second in the primaries in the gop primary . this can be a serious argument. and let's better, for example, let's say, appoint a paratrooper party candidate, which is much more systemic controlled , or someone else. yes, and zeroing the trump. let him even formally walk the company. but the fact that there, uh, how the ex-presidency of the united states and how it is possible for the us presidential candidate expresses just such a position, and it is not his only one. she doesn't float in the air. this is absolutely clear. i think in a lot of people in america that's what biden does. well, just, uh, no way. in general, no matter how it fits our. yes, well, these blows to everyone they see. uh, well, ukraine is a country without sports. there, after all, not only in theory there was a panicola for his black sea ochakov, that is, ukraine is really losing now. eh, the status of a maritime power such ukraine is clearly less
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interesting to the west. why ukraine sportswear? you see, in general, in principle, ukraine is interesting. this is the question. the point is that grain is earth. the grain is all around. that ’s completely fair, that is, in other words , the question is that it’s not ukraine which was grown on ukrainian fields and , accordingly, which could not or did not have time to withdraw. this is actually a serious issue for them, but with the destruction of the infrastructure, the port infrastructure, first of all, the airport infrastructure. it seems to me that a bullet point has been put in the grain deal. that is, after all. uh, so to speak, we have confirmed that the deal is completed, so to speak, and we will continue it cannot be, under any circumstances. uh, the fact is that you correctly noted that the port infrastructure it was far from always used for , so to speak, humanitarian purposes, which were declared in the first place, of course, these are deliveries and, uh, the military and the use of these ports for inflicting us. as a matter of fact, e damage, therefore, attacks on these objects. they are completely justified.
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the most important thing - this is the most important thing, the fact that the russian federation also announced that from this to supply grain to those countries to which ukrainian grain was destined for free their grain, please, that is, we do not violate the humanitarian part in this case no way food aid, not some kind of free without money. yesterday ivan alekseevich started talking to you about rammstein, which took place yesterday, i again, in my opinion, nothing. that is, this is some kind of information blockade around ramshtan, the figure of 1.3 billion dollars of american aid was leaked. eh, what did you react to? e. well, the best thing, in my opinion, is elon musk, on his twitter there someone wrote that the united states plans to announce a military aid package worth 1.3 billion. to which elon musk er, with shedding it noticed it would be nice if the public warned at least some details about spending this money. at least some money in ukraine, here rammstein
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fell silent again. rammstein fell silent and i remain with my opinion, which i have already expressed, that against the backdrop of vilnius , this vilnius nato summit simply did not remain, there was simply no agenda left that could be attached to the bracket. apparently technical solutions. about the partial compensation of retiring nato technology. they are there, uh, will uh, additionally agreed. that is, a fundamental decision was made in vilnius. apparently, there will be technical details. uh, how something will be compensated, but in general the position of the western uh, the patrons of the kiev regime. she is now such that it’s hard not hard. but you continue. i can't even call it offensive. well, how would you continue to get excited somehow. here, hold on, hold on. i don't know, keep going. eh, keep doing it. all the questions
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that are asked inside washington d.c. officials about what are we doing? where do we want to go? they are now, uh, they are now hushed up apparently. here i would like to be mistaken, but it seems to me that in this situation, several times the western patrons approached what to do next, yes, a dead end, each time, they went out of this dead end to a new escalation. right now, voices are heard in the west about the fact that in general, there is such an escalation further, what is the meaning, yes, which is already scary scary and uh, i get the impression that there there are such sentiments. what to give the kiev regime absolute carte blanche for terrorist activities, that is, the transformation of the kiev regime into a real terrorist regime. and to some
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extent, it does matter. this problem is that they do not want the membership of ukraine is this is a girl and angrily and none. the main thing is that they will not necessarily have this regime. unfortunately, it is valid for e. ukraine is now becoming terrorism. almost the main weapon, they resort more and more often, and terrorism, uh includes nuclear blackmail we know what the problem is. and around zaporizhzhya from the power plant, in general, do we know the film crew of the big game visited the zaporozhye nuclear power plant and after the advertisement you will see our special report and comments by renat ivanovich writhing, adviser to the general director of rosenergo atom.
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as a surprise, i have prepared for the fiftieth anniversary of the legendary film, what time is it, or rather, your clock is behind some other treachery, when all this should happen. very interesting chief here overdrink. 17 moments of spring 50 years later , well done. stirets good job, to be honest , i didn't think august 11 was my birthday. i also want to rest on the first.
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with the explosion at the nuclear power plant in zaporozhye, one of the most sinister scenarios that the kiev leadership was hatching, there is no doubt about it. but what is happening now at the zs, i managed to visit there of the film crew of the big game, we are watching a special report. we are located on the banks of the kakhovka reservoir, where we have the front line of defense of the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant and the city of energodar. well , the enemy, there are about nine kilometers here, and you are looking at the water surface. not from the word at all, this is our advanced enemy planning
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his own, but we will not violate all their plans. in any case, we will not let you miss it, if there was a surface of water here, we were waiting for them on the lead surface. now it's dry, we will meet them here on land, we are aware. what is behind you e not only energodar city and people. what is behind you, uh, well, such a powerful atomic powerful nuclear force. well , yes, of course, it would be beneficial for the enemy to take some provocative actions at the zaporozhye npp and launch their own sabotage rosette groups. there are unmanned aerial vehicles, rocket weapons, but we take all the blows here on ourselves, that is , so that a nuclear catastrophe does not occur. the ukrainian regime constantly broadcasts there what, and we have no personnel. and that we don’t know them there under the machine we drive to work,
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that everything is degrading, and so on and so forth. you, uh, now have the opportunity to make sure everything is how it is, but it is in fact. here at this station there is only one threat to nuclear security and the name of this threat is the ukrainian regimes. you see, that shore is from there and damn it. at first, everything they did, uh, in terms of auto-attacking, it was more like a style, but they beat randomly around. well, uh, look, here. eh, right there. uh, these containers with turbine oil were hitting them. from there, it means that there were stories. well here in medicine is called concomitant trauma. yes , when a blow e on these containers, a with turbine oil, a fire occurs. then this
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fire is transferred to the nitrogen oxygen station. here are not receivers with nitric hydrogen. you understand, and what is a hydrogen explosion, probably guesses, and even predict further consequences. this fire of the fire was extremely difficult for them. then it was extremely important to sow panic to inflict as much damage as possible, the zaporozhye nuclear power plant has recently attracted the attention of the whole world under forged kiev regime claims that russian tanks are located on the territory of the station and all reactors are mined. zelensky accuses russia of an impending provocation that could lead to a nuclear catastrophe. it was then extremely important for them to sow panic inflicting simply maximum damage, and and as
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one of the installations. uh, from that period to prevent a mission here. today, the nuclear power plant is operating normally on the territory of the station, including employees of the iaea who, like the employees of the station, are doing their work, there is a concept nuclear safety the classic concept of nuclear safety in general is a series of levels and forcing here we go. and past, which means, e power unit, and there, but there is a nuclear reactor. it is essentially a heart. e , means yes, that is, it is in the cold configuration and one unit is in the hot configuration of the rest of the power unit, which is in the cold state. uh, before entering
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the special zone, we are given a dosimeter directly showing, uh, with which we will monitor the current level of radiation. i understood for the first time. e. what is this power, you know, that's the intelligence of our civilization, our common civilization, because the creation of this nuclear power plant actually took part. eh, all the multinational people of the soviet union, of course, said this amazingly at one time on the 25th, in my opinion , leonidovich was a single historical community at the cpsu congress. we were a community. in principle, we still remain just certain parts and components of this community. well, let's say they suffer from amnesia due to a certain set of circumstances.
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as well as therefore a long corridor. leg journalists, until at least they did not set foot. you are the first. and now can you estimate the width of the safety loop wall of the reactor itself? not any other technology. as you can see , it’s not just not here, firstly, it’s impossible
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to raise it here. this is the first moment, and where you put it, then it emerges from the mouth of a person who calls himself the head of the ukrainian state. and hysterics, uh, so again, another sensation, the question arises. and why for what? as a matter of fact, and when and up there, the domed part is reinforced concrete, yes reinforced concrete, so-called expanded concrete with a thickness of 1.1 m. listen a. a. here in this dome it will withstand, and the fall of a combat aircraft diving at an angle of 45 °, and the fall. e of the main blow, let's say the rotor of the engine b and if the heaviest
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part had to withstand even such loads only from here, it's clear and in the end, how stupid, uh, and uh, well, flawed this one. here lies all these lies. they are not energy bros. they have nothing to do with nuclear safety, honestly, they are trying to manipulate the chernobyl theme is impossible here. chernobyl different types of reactors is simple . this is a block control sid. there is a lot of block automation here, she is thinking, she is smart, but without people, like everyone else, we have nothing to go anywhere. now the reaction is in a state of criticism. and under criticism - it means she is in a cold state. and the blackout, yes, as it were, for the whole
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year, but sometimes it happened under great conditions in extreme conditions. if people would give up the slack. and if this one, here professionalism would not stand higher and now this is the awareness of responsibility and for a long time and stood above some emotional moments of stressful moments, and people all this time are under e, under pressure and people. this was not enough to withstand, moreover, nowhere have failures ever given such a short phrase. yes, as if nuclear safety is ensured in full, but with these words there is a very deep content. they themselves rub all the people, yes, as if all the members of the team, who are silently doing their job, but yelling. unfortunately, on the other side of the dnieper we we are near the first power unit device. now shows 0.1 micro ziver. here at
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the station, the level of radiation is much lower than the average european city for their nuclear safety. and this is reason a for the next phase for the next phase of intimidation for the next phase of manipulating public opinion for the next phase of solving some of their military-tactical tasks. here at the station, at each power unit, there is a doomsday car with a diesel generator and a powerful pump; it will be the last chance for saving the world from a nuclear catastrophe if the ukrainian regime does not stop shelling the nuclear power plant. one of the cornerstones of the russian corporate philosophy
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is people. but people, as also one of the foundations of nuclear security. after energodar was accepted into the friendly family of the atomic city in the russian federation, the life of the city residents and the employees of the nuclear power plant changed dramatically for the better , military people brought humanitarian aid from russia , helped poor pensioners with many children and disabled people. now, uh, it's all good. here in your department employs a fairly large number of people. and so the work day is over. you go out into the city, the ukrainian media say that even hedgehogs have been eaten in the city. here, so you can. as you might comment on this, it's not true about food. everything is fine with us , a sufficient number of grocery stores
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, cafes and restaurants work a lot. you can spend your leisure time at least in the park, go at least a cafe, well, anywhere there are a lot of people on the embankment , there are a lot of people, yes, although there is water. now at we are not enough in connection. do you know what situations? well, there are enough people in playgrounds, children play in the evenings, people walk around the city. eh, calmly confident, well, that's all, well. you understand. these people, who today threaten the integrity of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, turn on the kiev regime, but they did not build anything. they built it , they didn't. it's not them, it's the soviet union , it's the nuclear power industry of the soviet union, all these blocks, but in particular, power unit number one, and this is the eighty-fourth year.
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e into the water into operation. you represent when it all happened a long time ago, therefore, probably because of this, and in addition to everything, they are themselves, they are everything to themselves, because in their own way they don’t treat their own like that, they don’t threaten the nuclear power plant, they don’t shell. the first journalists who crossed the threshold of the nuclear zone of a nuclear reactor was, as they guessed, igor chumakovsky, who is not a journalist at all, who is an adviser to the head of the donetsk people's republic, a frequent participant in our program, a person who spent many years in kiev outside the walls and a person who is now really does a lot to bring the truth to people, including those people
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who already live in russia, e.g., the zaporozhye region. this is russia and, of course, many thanks to renat ivanovich korchak who is an adviser to the general director of the concern rosenergo atom and made this possible. in my opinion, a really very interesting special reportage. rinat ivanovich good evening. still, what is the likelihood of a terrorist attack at a nuclear power plant? today, knowing everything that you you know, if you evaluate this probability on a scale from 1 to 10, this is the greatest danger, how would you really rate this danger sign now. probably, i would stop at number 7, the danger is really high and indeed. unfortunately
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, once again i must say that our main enemy is not even the ukrainian regime, and they are not subject. and what will be decided for them by the forces that are 1,000 km away, from this place it is very difficult to imagine these forces believed, firstly, a in their impunity, and b in their invulnerability, including, uh, the consequences of what they want to lead to. eh, actually e situation. eh, in this square e of the earth, therefore, the probability remains high , we e have, and today we are dealing with a rather sophisticated one. ivny and at the same time aggressive, but intelligent, uh, the purpose of which is, uh, multiplication by zero, and the russian federation unfortunately, ah, but we must in
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the end. a. well, it seems to me, anyway, but we must recognize and tell people that today there is not just an armed conflict - yes. this is this a special military operation, but in fact, the survival of russia as a state is at stake today, and the future of the country is at stake today, because and these are not people. they are, in fact, these m-m. they persuaded themselves that the defeat of ukraine in this war. this is their defeat. but they don’t know how to lose, they don’t want to, and in all likelihood they will persist in this desire of theirs quite a lot, so for a long time, therefore, something like this. so you said that this is an occasion for another blackmail. here, uh, in what other direction
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can this blackmail develop, what do they want to achieve with this blackmail? only one they they really ran out of steam. they don't know anymore. e, how, ah, well, enter into some, well, they say, there is a chess language. how to intercept all the same the white color of the pieces, a and win the a tempo and get this tempo and go further with it. that's why you know how you look at what they are doing there in the border, so, uh, hmm regions. there is the same belgorod region, there is history from the kursk region in the area just the same. and there are the cities of kurchatov, after all, well, you know, as if with removable madness. i refuse to believe that they have lost their intellect, and they are with intellect, and it is very difficult to really understand what they are striving for more, and the solution
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of some achievements of some military-tactical tasks or destabilization on the territory of the russian federation is at least, but about equal. uh, that's because they are already trying to sow panic and fear. e, on well, as we call it today the territory of the mainland, and here is a with usually panic and fear does not transform very often into tension, but it transforms, then into protests. here are their goals, including one of the targets, so where and how blackmail will go further is very difficult to predict. but the fact that the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant will be used by them as such a tool is still quite a long time in this. i have almost no doubt. thank you very much rinat ivanovich for your help for your work. we wish you success and of course, the safety of our zaporozhye power plant is great gratitude to all those who work there,
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someone is now listening to you, really a lot depends, thank you and the fact that the west is really now, uh, in some confusion, they do not understand. how to intercept the game with white pieces to use the same terminology as ivanovich, this is certainly the case, and uh, this also comes through in the statements of the highest american officials, including general miller who is the chief of the joint chiefs of staff, what did he say? as we publicly stated a few weeks ago. this the advance will be slow, difficult and costly . this battle continues as the ukrainians fight their way through dense minefields and obstacles, collectively the coalition has trained 17 brigade combat teams for this offensive and over 63,000 troops the united states alone has trained 15,000. of these, and further preparations , various military war games continue , which were predicted in advance, certain levels of advancement, but everything
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started up, because real war and war on paper are different things in war. real people. clearing real minefields, and actually dying. and when that happens, the unit tends to slow down in order to survive going through these minefields. so now they are paving the way in my mind. this is far from a failure. i think there are many more fights to come and i will stay at that, i wish we said before it will be a long time. it will be hard. it will be bloody, that is, until the last ukrainians. well, the most interesting thing is that, of course, when a general starts to lie, it's always they tell the truth sometimes, well often enough they can at least not lie. here we spilled so to speak, and when he starts to frankly lie, especially like this in public, it always says that really, uh, everything, is not going at all the way they planned the general in the world. he says that we have prepared 17 brigades. well, as if all this is still ahead, but therefore he is completely silent about the fact that out of these seventeen brigades exactly eight remained. the rest have long been introduced into battle
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, the rest have been fighting for a long time, moreover, many brigades that have already entered the battle. they have already been withdrawn for replenishment, because they have lost up to 30% of their personnel. well, for example, the same brigade 128 is there, which is, how to say, one of the famous mountain assault, it has already changed three of its full compositions during the war. that is, in fact, it is necessary, well , it ceased to be the brigade that started the war and miles. in this case, he is simply trying to work as an ordinary pr man, that is, he is trying to operate with numbers that are not true, but he is trying to create some kind of information flow, because he perfectly understands that 40 days of the offensive did not lead to any result, while he perfectly understands that even in american combat regulations. if you read them, then the offensive usually develops within four, maximum five weeks, simply because resources begin to run out further. and
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we see that now, let's say, but it is going at an accelerated pace. uh, well, what is called replenishment of losses on the one hand is sent directly from the composition of the already american forces in europe, uh, battalion kits of the destroyed bradley, but destroyed guns. in this case , the tanks are destroyed to replenish. it’s just that no one can send nothing to the brigades that are allotted to the replenishment of the em, which is called the youth, which has served a maximum of 2 months and of understanding, that if the brigade itself is fucked up, and it is replenished with personnel, which is not prepared by the demoralized, then, of course , the combat effectiveness of this brigade strive for zero, therefore, in this case, his story about it, in this case, in this case, in this case, in this case. that the attack will be long bloody. it is necessary to read them, as it were, in such a way that we will continue to drive them into battle , we do not promise you any results. yes, but at the same time provocations. eh, will obviously continue. we actually and renat ivanovich
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spoke about this, that provocations are needed in many respects in order to undermine our internal political situation, a strike on the crimean bridge from the point of view of the military game. well, cluster munitions don't matter very much. well, too. this is a provocation, an obvious provocation. and a challenge to us including here. uh, how much do you think aleksandrovich is? the tactics of the strategy of provoking, as it were, the reaction of our society to american policy, can give them something, well, here, in general, the situation is quite understandable, there really was a hope that it would be possible to overwhelm russia, relatively speaking, within a year and a half, and moreover, the calculation was primarily on economic sanctions , economic sanctions should have created as many problems as they should have in theory. yeah, uh, start some mechanism. ah, the mechanism of discontent. well, plus the known problems, so to speak, of a military nature, uh, who were in the last summer of the past very,
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although they are even in the framework of a special operation. we weren't fatal. yes, uh, and there was also a calculation, for example, for the negative effect of partial mobilization. e. i think they are forcing us to this mobilization. they counted on a rather serious wave of discontent and a quick effect. here , the effect did not work out quickly. now after well, i ’ll say it’s still unsuccessful for the zelensky summit. eh, what was he like? independently not independently does not matter in pr, even in pr pictures it ended up being for zelensky is unsuccessful and after stating that there are no results expected from contrasts, it is quite obvious that this whole story turns into a long one. and when you ask, is it possible or impossible. i think that uh they will uh try to uh drag us into the uh most attritional war that will last as long as possible to try to force us to conduct another wave of mobilization. maybe another wave of mobilization, so to speak, something else to do to keep putting pressure on us. uh, everything else through sanctions
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and then. if it didn't work out, quickly let's stretch it for a long time and maybe it will stagger for a long time. yes, well, relatively speaking, the same world war i, as some analogies here, there may be another question, how much, how much, how much the conditionally american ruling class is ready to play in such a long game. yes, i don’t think that, by the way, they uh don’t see the point uh, in ukraine ukraine makes sense, right? just such use as a tool in the long exhaustion of russia and provoking all sorts of all sorts of problems here, but another question. as far as the american ruling class itself will be, e.g., consolidated in this opinion, here, of course, a lot depends on the elections that, before the elections, which will be presented before the fourth year, it’s like this, but the game is long, and in fact , the population is already absolutely losing for ukraine. in any case , they lost for ukraine, where the population when they left the soviet union was 52 million people. now it is less than 20 million. there are practically no people left there and there are no
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prospects for a long game. it’s just not even visible there, but e calculation, of course, in in many ways and that it will be possible to create an anti-russian broad international front and efforts are constantly being made for this purpose, a special summit was created. european union. latin america who passed brussels what came out of it after the advertisement? love you petra creation. i love your strict slim look. i'm in st. petersburg friends. why such names are ceremonial? why can’t you say humanly the entrance, because the entrance is not st. petersburg, stop, what is we go along the ribs? don't rush. how many kinds soot exists, two very dirty and not very, is there any one word or a capacious term that you are called to the museum, my friends call me scatty just because
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presents today received an order from moscow within two weeks. we must prepare to carry out the assault. koenigsberg, meet. this is march lange along with march. go to an expert. there you can get in touch with our group. go through never worked with women. the other day an officer arrived and brought a new scheme for encrypting our conversations, garbage information, mutually exclusive on each frequency, we believe that all this is confusion created by the guest of art. they are very afraid of sabotage work, it is necessary to know where the germans' radio skis are located, but the most important thing is the flask briefcase, for the sake of one person. we can't jeopardize the entire mission.
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and who are you in general, look, everyone
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a series on the movie one tv movie 1tv presents the big anti-russian game of the west, much attention was paid to the rocking of anti-russian teams, ideally, of course, it was that all countries of the world condemned russian aggression in ukraine, but the european union does not work very well, it tries its best in brussels to pass the highest level. well , i must say, brussels had very high hopes for this one, but something went wrong, let's listen to the american edition of the politician. it could have been like meeting old lovers, but moscow ruined that date. summit is latin america the first in 8 years was supposed to symbolize the rebirth
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of relations, dozens of leaders from both regions gathered in brussels for two days to discuss issues from climate change and trade to drug trafficking in a sign of renewed ties. they agreed to meet every 2 years in the future to bargain over russia's war in ukraine . the geopolitical necessity for the eu also exposed their irreconcilable differences during the weeks of wrangling over the resulting communite. by ourselves, these projects have moved from condemnation of russia's aggressive war in the strongest terms to a simple expression of concern in the final version published on tuesday, which was reduced from the original sixteen pages to nine, was simply expressed deep concern about the ongoing war against ukraine. all i understand is that the seven supporters were just dedicated to russian aggression, and not dropped out of the final document, the politician, of course, is amazingly able to distort everything. uh, taking as a basis, in general, the event is fair, which took place, no one changed their positions. uh, it’s strange in latin
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america in what positions they were in such positions and what remained was just the european leaders who wanted to drag this male. here it means its being in the form. e, the field chief field commander of the kiev regime, shake them to knock out a tear, knock out some kind of pity, and that means that under this, for everything, some kind of declaration has already been prepared. so they wanted to shake zelensky and slip it for signing. uh, some pages. well, it is quite natural that the countries of latin america were looking for something sorry themselves latin america european union. we are ready to discuss a broad agenda, including the one that the eu imposes, for example on climate change in latin america, they are well aware that this is an attempt by europeans to foist expensive and unnecessary technologies on them and profit from them. well. on this and that they are ready to discuss it, but this creature has to do with it and these pages have to do with it, therefore they are in the early stages of, uh, the preparation of this site
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, the europeans refused all this, but, apparently, at the last moment they tried again slip some pages of the page and already at the summit they and we didn’t succeed with anything. i would even say that strange latin americans have taken the most polite and pliable position, or go out, generally very polite people. they have these economic interests there. yes, the europeans could suppress the american states with their economic capabilities, but nothing worked before, maybe, and they could no longer, the fact is that latin america is like asia, like the middle east. these are the new centers of africa undoubtedly. it's new at the center of economic growth, and europe is no longer. yes, why long enough? uh, so the pressure of the country of european countries on latin -foreign-latin america i'm here too, to be honest, i rule out that there may have been attempts. as creditors, like uh, sellers of some technology of some goods, but uh
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, the voice of latin america, however, as a voice, and i repeat. i am in africa and asia, it is already completely different and, uh, an attempt to talk in some kind of colonial, so to speak, categories. she was simply doomed immediately to the right. i think, that just attempts to push through. here is the document prepared by the european commission. i think that they led to such harsh statements that were made by a number of leaders of latin american countries, but the statements were really harsh, and not only from those from whom this venezuelan cuban nicaragu was expected. here. hear what the president of honduras has said we ask for a resolution demanding an end to the blockade of cuba. we believe that he should condemn this measure and recognize it as baseless and outdated. she dooms people to suffering,
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deserving of a higher standard of living without conditions imposed on it, it is necessary to end piracy and asset confiscation, because we are all at risk that one day we will find that our funds in foreign banks are frozen or that we do not have the ability to charter transport for the goods that our population needs we raise our voice, in order for all illegally held heritage to be immediately returned to the people in venezuela we demand the removal of all barriers that prevent us from normalizing our trade relations with fraternal countries. such as ne coragua. well, plus to this, she also demanded the release of julian yes, right, just in case, by the way, i think that this attempt at all costs to push through their own decision is also such by the europeans. yes, this is also the case, so to speak. it's a sign of nervousness. this is a sign that it is not clear what to do, because from the point of view. even pr technology. it would be possible, understanding their position, to lower the brakes. well, roughly speaking, preliminary
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consultation. after all, all these things are spoken out in advance. uh, understanding that the latin americans will not go for these things and further slow down and say, well, we agreed, in principle, as we wanted , and we did it, and in the end, this turned out to be a scandal. yes, small, but noticeable enough. that is, despite the obvious problems, despite the risk, the scandal began to press. i think there are two factors here. the first is their uncarrying. second. perhaps this is the position of the americans. uh, americans, so to speak, yes, maybe somehow they demanded that from their latin american neighbors, with whom they have not an easy relationship. here, let it be, if they are directly through the americans, let's go through the europeans, they will do it, so they condemn russia and so on. that is, they did not do it technologically, which is always said, as if such mistakes speak of the nervousness of the nervousness of the attempt. so to speak, to push through to twist your arms. the result was a scandal, about which the western press, among other things, wrote, simply could not do not write. but if honduras raised his voice to cuba, god ordered the same.
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let's hear the cuban president's melgel latin america and the caribbean is not a backyard the usa is not a former colony in need of advice and we will not accept to be treated as mere suppliers of raw materials we are independent and sovereign countries with a common vision of the future we are building the community of latin america and the caribbean nations as a unified and representative whole our unity colonial robbery. and capitalist looting has turned europe into a creditor to latin america and the caribbean. in debtors. we are concerned about the insistence on replacing adherence to the un charter and international law with a so-called rules-based international order that has never been negotiated, much less agreed upon. thus, as we see this brussels summit from latin america and from the supposed trial of russia , the courts of the european union itself have turned into union. and it will always be so, because the international world majority has already gained its strength in the form of the weakness of the united states
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. you ask. where are the badenisms in our program today, where are the derailed trains? do you think they don't exist? there biden held talks with the president of israel and that's what he said or well, anyway, maybe i would like to hear. we brought the israelis of the palestinians together on a political level and they are varium i er, yesterday i spoke with the prime minister of israel our commitments remain strong and unwavering and we are also committed to ensuring that iran never acquires a nuclear weapon. this was not the only time during the talks when biden fell asleep while talking to his interlocutor and colleague from israel. but what about the train? well, uh, uh,
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one person died in a train-fuel truck collision. naturally a railway crossing, which was not equipped with anything and next to a local issue with a facility and dense clubs. smoke, were visible for many kilometers. well, that's every day what happens in the united states is what happens every day around the city. indeed, these are the united states and that europe, which has really not been growing economically over the past decades. well, they cannot be, uh, any convincing u for those countries that have embarked on the path of sovereign development and which see the center of their development not at all in the west, but in the east and south. well, our cause is right, victory will be ours, we pass the floor to the news, and the big game will return at 23:00 not skip.


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