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tv   Umnitsi i umniki  1TV  September 30, 2023 9:00am-9:46am MSK

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and now let me introduce our judge. ariopah is today headed by the rector of pskov state university, doctor of biological sciences, professor natalya anatolyevna ilina. a very good university , a very good rector. she is assisted by the secretary of the panel of judges, marina teymurasova. and the secretary, extraordinary plenipotentiary emissary of the all-russian movement, by the way, karina knyazeva, but my assistant, a fourth-year student at the faculty of international relations, gimo university, her name is natalia flomenko, well, from saratov. all
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princes, the city of slobodskaya, kirov region, daniil eremin, rybensk, and alena mokarchan are invited. kostroma, all the absolute winners of their regions, your honor, this is not the first time you have visited us, you know that 15 minutes before the start of our competition, i approach the participants and give them a topic for eloquent speech
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, i hope paraphrasing lomonosov took over this risk. the theme is as follows: history must then be taught so that it puts memory in order. in everything i beg. hello, dear aripak. hello, yuri pavlovich. lamonosov once said that mathematics should be taught because it puts the mind in order, and as yuri pavlovich vyazimsky said, history should be taught because it puts memory in order, and indeed, if we taught, if we remembered if we knew how many mistakes we could avoid, the ancients said history is a good teacher, but it has bad students. so let's learn
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history, thank you, 39 seconds, please, hello, dear ariopak, hello, yuri pavlovich, history, oh history, you are contradictory, you are great , you are our past and you are our future, how many great feats were accomplished by our ancestors, but how many fatal mistakes were made, only by learning the lessons of the history of orderly... historical knowledge and thoughts, we can prevent these mistakes in the present and future , only under this condition, and our great country will prosper, thank you, thank you, 30 seconds, your honor, ideal regulations, hello, i absolutely agree with this in my opinion, history is our main teacher, who really puts our memory in order; we are obliged to remember all our significant victories, tragedies and mistakes.
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which led to them, so that this would never be repeated in the press, for example, the accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant, which occurred due to negligence, shook the entire country, ruined many lives, we will never allow something like this, thank you, also 30 seconds 26 , just one question for you, who chooses first, who chooses second? who doesn't choose anything? dear yuri pavlovich, dear guys, you are all doing great, because you are here on a wonderful program, smart guys, smart guys, but you need to make a rating, and the rating is like this, daniil eremin, first place, why, because history was clearly designated as the science of continuity, history precisely as an element and presence forecasting in history,
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there were, there were, there were emotions, there were emotions and it was essentially the case, but mirroring, mirroring on history as a science, as a discipline. second place is alena, alena, alena approached her speech very structurally, it’s clear here there was a beginning, relevance, there was factuality, there was factuality, well, here it seemed to me more systematic, although as a rule, girls are credited with emotions, but third place is all-volot, all-volot, you wonderfully emotionally awakened us to historical science, there was a call, but i was missing a little... history, there is a wonderful expression, the truth is always somewhere in the middle, well, let's see whose side the truth is on, great, do you
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like this expression, what is in the middle, to be honest, no, but it is necessary it’s nice to say super yellow, of course, yours, what are we taking? green. aren't you afraid that you'll go around on the red line? well, that means it will bypass. kostruma, please , green, you can make mistakes twice, but i know that i will tell you that the person who lost in the prologue won later in the program. red is yours forcibly, you didn’t choose it. but she is herself. fast, we will have very difficult, very fast, very dangerous times, because we continue to remember ioan vasilch the terrible, what, where, when, the autumn series of games, tomorrow, after the program
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megaphone, everything flies with it, go to the megaphone, also three positions, key free choice, portrait, monastery and bathory, i choose the monastery, in the tragedy of alexei konstantinovich tolstov, the death of ian the terrible. the terrible says: tonight he appeared to me, beckoned me with his bloody hand, showed me the schema and called me with him, the sacred monastery. and to which monastery, may i ask? i can give you a hint, in 1569, formidable, it’s written in my script that i can give you a hint, really, here it is. i can tell you, in 1569, the formidable donated 500 to the brothers of this monastery
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rubles, a lot of money at that time, for decorations allotted to him for the occasion of cutting kelia's hair, so what kind of monastery? i dare to suggest that it was the trinity monastery of st. sergius, so how did you answer correctly? i don’t know, you have very honest eyes, tell me, you answered correctly , you tell me, i assumed, a real woman, wrong, the next stage, please, just, i ask, ivan gavrilov, gymnasium number two, the city of veliky novgorod, this is kirilo , beloozersky monastery, well, white lake, sacred monastery on the white lake, i read further. there, where the mighty resting place of cyril the wonderworker, there
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before i sometimes loved to escape from the troubles of the world, the truly famous cyril beloazersky monastery, among other things, excuse me, a powerful fortress, a powerful fortress, and excuse me, it was written in a strategic sense, superior, don’t be offended , novgorod, 16 towers, there were 16 towers, what? well, of course i liked this monastery, vasilevich the terrible, the order can be given, the order urgently, daniil, portrait of the batory courtyard, let's let’s risk the yard, and what’s so terrible, let’s take a risk, but i don’t know, yes.
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that you know what the question will be and the question and the answer i know everything the hooligan rybyatsky in the story prince silver now we will check whether in the story prince silver alexei konstantinovy ​​knows or doesn’t know and by the way i read not far from the palace there was a printing yard with a typesetting house belonging to it, a special typesetting dwelling for the first such master with printing supplies with the bible, two more books, arrived in 1552, it’s written in my script, you hardly know his name you name it, but he said that he knows everything, we’ll punish you, no need, who said no, some of the tv viewers, i said it, let’s give the boyish opportunity to work, play, okay, that’s the name of the king
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who sent him, i’ll demand it from you, so you understand, right? i’ll assume that it was sigismund v, auguston, what did he say, sigismund ii, what’s your name? daniil, daniil, you made a mistake, please, with a penalty point, the next stage, but we can do it now. do we find out, if not the name of the king, then at least from what country? andrey grigoriev, pskov city, gymnasium 26, i want to assume that these... the king may have been king 12, the swedish king, i know, and peter vinokurov, the city of slobodskoy, kirov region, lyceum number 9, i would venture to guess, the country of this king, it was germany, there were so many of these the most, the densest,
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well, in my opinion he knows, let’s check, nikitanov, that this was the country of england, and the king was edward vi. well, you guys are guessing, it’s not good, read, master bogbinder was sent by the danish king christian ii at the request of ivan the terrible. well, the danish king? yes, no one to me didn’t answer, so apparently this is a difficult question for you, portrait of the bathory books, books, well, all sorts of foreigners arrived there. it turned out that we don’t know them, but what was the name of our dear, russian , pioneer printer, and what was the name of his first precisely dated book, and what was the name of the second precisely dated book, why do i say precisely dated, because you never know who names which books, and these are precisely
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dated, which means the name of this pioneer printer, and his two books, the first and second. let's think, okay, you're on red track, okay, but i’ll venture to guess that the first russian, and a book printer, was ivan fedorov, the first book, an apostle , i’ll assume that it was printed in 1554, i didn’t ask, unfortunately i won’t name the second book, but the red carpet is necessary . completely, so for the medal, who will answer what the name of the second book was? mikhail ivanov, moscow , school 15:07, i ventured to guess that it was a book of hours or a book of hours, i have a book of hours in my script, your honor medals, you can immediately, yes, you can, of course, the second the name was exactly that.
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you will be asked a question, the year of the teacher, mentor, the question will be about teachers, mentors, if you answer, we will forget about what happened to you in the first stage, but if you don’t answer, you will have to retire to a bench, sit, think about life and miss two programs, i would prefer not to risk it, i will not insist, please, on the podium. the choice is such a portrait of the batory metropolitan, and i choose the metropolitan, it was macarius, he was first the archbishop of novgorsk, and then from 1542
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became a russian metropolitan, so church historians name three... macarius, one of them was the convening of a council to cleanse the church of shortcomings and vices, well, they were, here are two other acts of the metropolitan, please name them, so the first one and metropolitan macarius advised ivan grozny, at the wedding, accept the title of “king”, this is the first thing, but show again what you did with your head, a mistake, move on with a penalty point, please, to the next stage, please, maria rylova, shoya city, ivanovo region, secondary general educational school number two,
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firstly, metropolitan macarius canonized many russian saints, and secondly, he also, in response to the correct metropolitan macarius , collected all the books of the so-called great menaces and canonized many, the order of the order went into shaya portrait batory was not afraid, was not afraid. what, where and how did the metropolitan, also a metropolitan, philip, do it on march 22, 1500 from the birth of christ, although then there was a different year of reckoning, i’ll say first where, it was in
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the assumption cathedral, and then there was a service, at this service philip kalychev, happened some incident, and the porochniks then came in hats, and even hats that were banned even under vasily... third, what did philip do? and he drove the aprichniks out of the temple. did he kick out ian vasilovich, or what? he left on his own. yes. i'm kicking you out of the tracks because you made a mistake a second time. excuse me, please. but i will be on the podium, i will treat you very tenderly. timofey sertsev, yaroslavl. on this day, metropolitan philip kolychov spoke sharply negatively about the oprichna and threatened ivan the terrible with god's punishment, god's judgment, this
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happened in the assumption cathedral in moscow. were there any coprichniks? there was a church service. but the correct answer is this: on that day, the saint, metropolitan philip ii, waited for the moment when the vuspensky council with all his retinue. tsar ivan the terrible appeared in front of a large crowd of people and delivered a sermon in which he denounced the villainy of the guardsmen and called for the administration of the guardsmen. the king, as they say, was very upset, well, very angry, and a year later malyuta strangled philip in the monastery with his own hands. i would give an order, yes an order. i agree, order,
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portrait of a bathory and a venerable martyr, i choose a venerable martyr, which holy man was killed by ivan the terrible during his... campaign of 1570, in which monastery this happened, and maybe you know why he killed? it was the holy fool nikola, no, no, no, that’s a different story, darling, that’s a different story, nikola is on the way to the city, and here in some monastery, a wonderful smile, knowledge is bad, just a little, so go to the stands and to recoup, please, so anastasia
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fedorova, the city of pskov, the eighteenth school, and i won’t name the name, but it was definitely a monk in the pskov-pechersk monastery, ivan the terrible killed him, and there is also a road there now, the so-called bloody path along which ivan the terrible carried this corpse. more precisely, a severed head, that is, a person suffered, became a holy martyr, but you don’t know his name, unfortunately, she has the letter k, cornelius, i have it now, she said cornelius, yes, a little straight, we give, we give an order, no , of course, an order, well, of course, an order, the judge said, of course, but the fact is that no one from history... knows why he did it killed, so when it comes either to mgemo or to you, even if it follows after all, because some say that because of the connection with kurpsky, others say, they also put forward
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the topic, and there is another version that he didn’t do this, okay, and we move on, a portrait, a verbal portrait , a feeling of abandonment, violence, among which ivan grew up, was cut into the soul of an orphan, early and deeply, turned the ugly scenes of boyar self-will , his timidity into nervous timidity, and over the years, suspicion developed and deep distrust of people, and who owns this verbal portrait? tula region, snopolyansky educational complex, i assume that this is a portrait of a russian one. klyuchevsky, vasily osipovich, yes, klyuchevsky, order, order. batory, that through
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his ambassador garburda , the king of poland and the grand duke of lithuania batory demanded from ivan the terrible in the tragedy the death of ivan the terrible. and please don’t forget the cities he demanded. ask. ivan zhurablev, tula region, yasnaya polyana educational complex. stefan bathory demanded from grozny the cities of pskov and polotsk conquered small livonian cities, and the city that stands on the dnieper, i find it difficult to answer, please. nikita pashinov, vladimirov region, melniki city, school number one, on the dnieper, smolensk on volkhov, veliky novgorod. goroburd, he demands
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that from the levon land. you would forever give your regiments to the polish crown to smolensk and polotsk, novgorod and pskov. well, we’ll definitely give two medals here, and i don’t quite agree with the first medal, because when a person doesn’t know which one, which city is on the dnieper? i will support you, here i will support you. thank you big, a medal is a must, you have an order, there will be a medal. bows. lermonov has an essay that you’ve probably read, it’s called a song about tsar ivan vasilvich, a young aprichnik of the daring merchant kalashnikov, and it describes the duel of this wonderful merchant with a bricchinik, i don’t want to say his name, a merchant, stepan pramonovich, nicknamed kolashnikov, comes out, and makes a bow, to whom does he bow? daria
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varzina lyceum number 17 of the city of kostroma. merchant kalashnikov bowed to tsar ivan vasilyevich, to the russian orthodox people and the russian faith itself. that is, he bowed to the temple. not entirely accurate, but the second one. i bowed first of all to the tsar the terrible, after the white kremlin to the holy churches there was a temple, and then to all the russian people, i bow to you, yuri pavlovich, the order, and i ask for the order, the order, the order, the fire is over for sawing, ladies and gentlemen, the questions are simple,
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therefore we only give medals, question number one, how the pskov fool nikola defended her hometown from cutting off, hello, young lady, nadezhda sokolova, moscow university gymnasium gu named after lamonosov, finally, the muscovites showed up, and nikola said: what , well, served the tsar meat, it’s just meat, and the tsar replied, it’s fasting now, and he says, well, fasting is not fasting, you’re going to eat human meat, here you go, the formidable one got scared , when the sovereign’s army approached peskov, nikol, as the legend says, stepped out to meet the formidable one and handed him a piece of raw meat, it is not specified what kind of thing ion vasilich shouted, fasting, and are you going to devour? order, but
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we have an epilock, only a medal, a medal then, a medal, but she said so beautifully that you can there was an order to give, an order, everyone agrees, everyone agrees, and you agree, the order is urgent, question number two. in the story prince silver we read: the royal bedchamber had two beds, the question arises, why two beds? author alexey konstantinovich tolstoy, explain? daniil eremin, nikola kormskaya school of the rybensky district and ivan the terrible needed two beds, since one was oak and
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was. not decorated with anything, it was not uncomfortable to sleep, vanya was such a formidable person, on the edge, let’s say, and he would fall into incredible rage, kill people, and then suddenly what...' he lay down on this bed and , as it were, tortured himself, tormented himself, just in case he felt good, he didn’t feel like a sinner, then he lay down on a luxurious bed, no, i have doubts only from what material, you know better than the thick one, that he has written on one of the bare boards, about dubi words. on which ivan vasilyevich lay down to punish the flesh in moments of emotional anxiety of heartfelt repentance, and the other wider one was covered with soft sheepskins, a down jacket and silk pillows, on this the king rested,
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when nothing disturbed his thoughts. i just remind you that we give medals, a medal, but the product is brilliant. and question number three: here i saw the tsar, tired of angry thoughts and executions, quietly and thoughtfully sitting between us, formidable, we stood motionless in front of him, and quietly he began a conversation with us. tell me, please, who is the author of these lines, from what work are they? polina oriskina, secondary school number three of the city of nikolsk, the author of these lines is what region is penza, the author of these lines is alexander sergeevich pushkin, they are pronounced by the monk pimin in boris godunov, well done, well done, a medal, i
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would give him an order for a letter, if today we deviated a little from the rules, then we will completely deviate from the rules and deviate from the order. well, she’s a very good woman, we need to talk to her, but we’re all over here, can we? who wants to become a millionaire, today on the first, our rasprodons were purchased at the new ozone sale, two
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i want to answer now, yuri pavlovich, not as agonists and theorists answered, in no way, as as a rule, this question is answered by people who do not study history, and i would now answer as a person who should always look at the question broadly, please forgive me, dear tv viewers, just in case i remind you, this is the rector of pskov state university, amazing... a woman named ilyina. if you look from a state point of view, he did a great job, if you look at his foreign policy, he designated himself king and even at that time spain, portugal, england accepted and they no longer addressed themselves as a prince, but as a king. this is a different, different element of mirroring the country, this is a different appeal to the country, not to the sovereign, to the country. if you look at what he... after his grandfather and great-grandfather, who collected the russian land, in order to collect
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the russian land to hold the russian land, he also made the centralization of our state, and the centralization both from foreign policy and from internal policy, what internal policy, he assembled the first zemsky sobor, he assembled all classes, he carried out administrative reforms, he carried out, he made governance institutions, that is, internally, various reforms were carried out, which yes... gave an understanding of the state not in the way we were treated to some varovian state, but directly to the state, which stood next to the european states at that time empires, reactor, you are a biologist, i am a biologist, but i am also an educated person, and if you are an educated person, and if you also work with young people, you should be able to answer any question and more broadly, i am interested in the wonderful skovo-pechersk monastery , where excuse me, besides... my direct relatives are still buried in the caves. vskovo-pechorsky
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monastery, this year in august marks the 550th anniversary of this monastery. and here it doesn’t matter how many years, many, we say skovo-pechersk monastery, but many people say: “pskov-pechersk lavra.” why? for 4 years, 4 years i have been looking at different people who visit this monastery, from the word monastery they have a monastery, they came for someone. i saw, admired, moved on, this is also good, for some people the monastery came, i was not just surprised, but for myself i understood what was needed stop, you need to look back, you need to look into the future, but from a different turning point, but for some this is home, home, when you come, you definitely have to look, you definitely have to think about finding the answer, that’s why lavra , the most important thing for me: this year’s significant thing is
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that the pskov-pechora seminary is now working, and that with the university, and between the university and this pskov-pechora seminary, there is a big project that is headed by vladyka himself, tihan, this is the spiritual and moral center that i i hope that later he will be trained in various topics, and you know that i gave lectures there, i gave a lecture to the seminarians, sometimes we are not just jealous, but we take advantage of the fact that such people come to our monastery, the bishop invites them. i just really wanted to brag, dear friends, because such warm words were said about the monastery, which i consider mine, because my relatives are buried there, and most importantly, there, you know, i’m a soviet there... i prayed, i believed in it, i i understood, i felt that god exists. and i had a question, why did i somehow have little faith in him? but i, dear friends, gave lectures at pskokov state university, so, as it happened, we left
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ulyanovsk and went to some western borderland. yuri pavlovich, when they ask me the question: where is your homeland? i... russia, in my opinion, you are disingenuous, in my opinion, over the last year you have already become a puskavitian, i can tell you more, yuri pavlovich, you know when you talk about where your place of power is for every person , a bunch of unique places in the russian federation, but in the pskov region there are so many of them that you can pass this place and always stop and think, here in the pskov region you must definitely visit, get to know... the pskov region, from the city of pskov, definitely, and what does it do for this university? within the framework of priority 2030, we occupy leading places in the top five, i ’m not saying what specific place there, but
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we are in the top five, why? it was within the framework of priority 2030 that a consortium of universities of the russian federation of belarus and pskokovsky became a state university. the initiator of such a consortium, educational programs of double diplomas of pskov state university and the republic of belarus appeared. research laboratories appeared, joint between scientists from pskov university and the republic of belarus with different universities. for us , the creation of an advanced engineering school of hybrid technologies in the machine tool industry of the union state was truly a great victory. and there are six doubles here. programs, here are mirror scientific and production complexes and so on and so forth, but the most important thing is that i would like to say that there are more of us, an increase in the number of admissions by more than 53%, and this is absolutely 47
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regions that are entering pskov state university today, this is the unified state examination score, who grew up, but a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the culture of the vskovo-pechersk monastery, with the culture of other territories, with museums, temples , the last question: pskov, so many wonderful temples, your favorite temple is in pskokov, and you know it, this is the temple on the hill, yes, vasily nagorki, i wrote vasily nagorki, yes, we love the same one. we are pskovites, a wonderful city, dear friends, my dear tv viewers, if you have never been to moscow, this is wrong, look , it is an amazing city, it is perhaps the only city that has preserved its walls, that is, you feel like you are in
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a medieval city, novgorod is a wonderful city, there is no such thing there, but in pskokov there is, you understand me, urgently in pskokov, the weather is still... very good so far, although vskov is very beautiful in winter. total good luck. lord, god, almighty, creator more creative than all others. cover the whole earth with your water of abundance, with trees of many kinds and with various animals, filled and life-giving, so that all creation will thank you as an artist, you are also human and created in your image in your likeness.


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