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tv   PODKAST  1TV  October 25, 2023 12:00am-12:51am MSK

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that this is not a threat, but that this is really an attempt to avoid a terrible escalation, it was a big game, we’ll meet tomorrow on the air. this is an easy money podcast, i am its host , mikhail khanov, and today our topic is women in investments, and today our guest is the senior vice president, director of external relations of the bank, vera aleksandrovna podguzova. hello, let's start with the most important thing, vera, gender exists in investments, well, gender probably exists relatively in investments, investments are still so general. v
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in accordance with such psychological, probably some kind of fundamentals, how we differ between men and women, well, the main behavioral ones, you know how i really like to give an example, but nothing has changed in 1000 years on our planet earth, so imagine a tribe of non-yalli people, some- then the fire is having dinner, the forest, darkness, females, males, cubs, suddenly strange sounds are heard , creepy, yes, someone is roaring, what are the men doing, the men get up, say, well, now we ’ll figure out what’s roaring there, and they go , well, half of them die because there some realceraptors, there are also tougher dinosaurs, what do females do, and then, even at the dawn of civilization, they do exactly what humanity has saved as a species, because they take the cubs in an armful and move away in the opposite direction... from the sound,
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this is applicable now to investments, that is, to what extent did the level of risk perception remain in those prehistoric times? well , it’s natural that men, they are more courageous in their decisions, make these decisions more quickly, at some moments they are less thoughtful, than women, but at the same time they invest much more money, so they are more risky with this type of investment , women are more conservative, they save their finances, think about it, so probably the volume of the same money that women send and men, they are completely different, men can allocate a larger amount, women less, but the profitability is usually the same, respectively , women have less profitability on their investment products than men, but at the same time they earn more often, and the investment risk is much lower, and the period is another very important indicator in investment.
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who has it more, men or women, women, of course, because women expect to make longer-term investments, they understand why they are doing this, why they need to essentially save up money to earn money there for a child’s education or for some other then medical purposes, maybe for repairs, for the purchase of something large, for example, what were your first investments? yes, probably the contribution, the very first, but it is the most in fact, it still remains popular among the population. deposits, yeah, well, i know that your bank , together with the research financial institute of the ministry of finance, has developed a new index to save on the investment activity of citizens, yes, because today we are increasingly reading that almost officials fall for some kind of fraudulent schemes , and not to mention ordinary citizens, the question is: financial literacy and financial activity, this is the level at which it is now in russia, this is how you could do it
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characterize, shows that now about a little less than half of the population, that is, about 48%, is more or less investment savvy, but in terms of simply informing about investments, then these percentages are divided into several more category of those who actively invest , and the smallest percentage component, approximately 8%, and then it increases depending on deposits, well , approximately what percentage of the active population of the country can be called... the deposit rate and will not buy into the basic ones -that tricks of scammers, understanding that free cheese can only be found in a trap, in fact , about 17%, i would single out this one, because again, i repeat, they are different investment products, some trust themselves, some trust banks, some -brokers, financial companies and others, and of course
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, the most... simplest, i’m talking here about a wide range, the simplest investment products, they are probably the most popular, we consider banking, well, essentially we consider, because this is not absolutely of course. product, so to speak, yes, if we look at this terminology in depth, but in our case, in the case of russians, probably yes, this can be attributed to an investment product, because the population’s trust is understanding, the main thing is understanding of investment, but also to a deposit, or for example to real estate, too a kind of investment, but not such a direct product, and when this transition began to the fact that we generally started talking about women as investors, that is, when the trend began that women. began to actively look, let 's say, not trusting their men, but they also began get up and look, what’s growling there and you can’t use it for meat either, or at least there, i don’t know, put the atom in the peaceful service of the family, probably women as investors, they were, well, in fact, always when investment markets began to develop in general,
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when the man came home, the wife asked where the money was, took the entire salary, and actually buried the jar in the garden, and you can say that, well, you know, i can say that we had several experts who deal with personal finance, planning, and how as a rule, the first step in the family to drawing up a budget is yes, but this is the basics, in fact, before you start investing, you start with something, at least start maintaining a family budget, that’s where, well, in almost 90% of cases women start doing this , so i’ll repeat, that’s when this shift happened, that is, when in the 90s in the 2000s, when women felt that they needed to seize the palm, at the end of the 2000s there became more active people like this , yes, well, the crisis had an impact or what ? of course, crises have an impact, it is women who are more they clearly feel these economic, uh, some shifts, crises, they are trying to maintain the family income, and therefore, of course, this
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has a very strong impact, men somehow get their bearings later, which is why, by the way, now there are so many, there has been such a trend towards the growth of women on the boards of directors, because they have just such a conservative approach, a restraining factor to some extent, and at the same time, they probably contribute their own analysis, just, well, here i will support you, i myself, as an independent director in quite large companies, have great experience and i i can say that in russia, unlike the whole world, where it is forced, you know , how it should be like this, but there on the basis of gender, and so in russia women really appear very often, and, well, if... not chairman of the deputy chairman of the board of directors, why, because she brings that very healthy conservatism, yes, when a man says: let’s go look, and the woman says, we won’t go anywhere, we don’t have money, yes, to go there and look, but let's take a risk, no, don't, that's the approach gained respect and acceptance from shareholders,
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who naturally, with much more peace of mind, will leave the campaign to a board of directors where there is, well, let’s say, well, direct knowledge. because i said so, the portfolio in terms of profitability, if we talk about that, you have already mentioned that the return on women’s portfolios is usually lower, these figures can be named, there are some figures, here is the average return on the women’s portfolio and male, right here, well, the difference is somewhere around 3-5%.
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about 27%, if you compare profession or there is a specialty of men and women, for some reason this is the trend. but tell me, there are some studies that show how much more often men deviate from an investment strategy than women , that is, how much more women are, well, i can’t say die-hard, but let’s say, consistent in executing their strategy and how far they go to the end, rather than men who change, give up and something else, there is this kind of research data. well, i think that this is generally in percentage terms, about 20%, because the difference between investing women and men in our country is approximately the same, and of course, these are the largest cities in general, and also an interesting fact, by the way, they invest where, in any products, i start from deposits,
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real estate, it’s very interesting with the world, we really are in this year, no, such a study was not carried out, but according to data from just last year, why did we even begin to actively engage in this topic, because we are a prog. your own portfolio in the bank, how many women, how many men in order to simply understand what the actual ratio is, and what products and looked at the world in general, it turned out that... the russians are ahead of almost the entire planet and the first spaniards, by the way, are taking up space, yes, and then the russians are coming, but the only thing that, again , i repeat, is only large cities, and what is this? is it temperament? i think that in fact this is a historical factor, that firstly , russian women have become more and more informed, and are trying to open up some new products for family income and savings, this is the first point , the second point is important - it’s simple search
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additional income, i think this is due to this, well, plus, after all, our internet community is quite wide and no matter what anyone says, and the availability of the internet in the country is quite high, and apparently this is the moment it also plays a role , however, however, if we talk about financial literacy and just about the mentality that you touched upon, this is precisely what is the stopping factor, in principle, for investment in the country. ignorance, financial is such a gap to some extent, and we devote quite a lot in our work the topic of financial literacy, we shoot all sorts of video lessons and actually somehow try to expand the awareness of our clients, in principle russians, that’s why we gradually crept up on the topic of women’s investments, as far as i know, no one is doing this, but really.. the topic is very interesting, because, as i already said, the income of women compared to men is lower, in the regions this is really
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a very good help for the female population, to increase their income, and also how you know, investment and investment growth are, of course, support for the regional economies. if you want to know more about investments, about financial literacy, about how financial life works in our country, look for episodes of the easy podcast. and money on the website of the first channel why grandmaster sergei koryakin does not give rest to western propaganda. general director fide still can’t get over the fact that i beat him at the age of 15. the dog barks, the caravan moves on, we need to do our job. our cultural landing against ukrainian fakes. a mega-project that covers not only culture, including career guidance. where russian car clubs moved the road with agent sypson. there is cultural life here, but there was no word for it at all. in ukraine there are no houses of culture left at all, there are houses of nazism, anti- fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first, ladies and gentlemen,
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meet alexey papin, against soslan azbarov, betting league, professional boxing evening, live broadcast, on saturday first, this is an easy money podcast, and today we are discussing the topic of women in investments, i... at one time, when i was thinking about this topic, and when they also analyzed the audience, i think that initially, perhaps two factors led to the fact that women began to actually think, think about investments, but in -firstly, these are the wars, yes, that our country has experienced, this is the civil war, and the great patriotic war , when a huge number of women on their shoulders actually bore all this burden, when all the men went to the front, the same thing during crises, yes, which periodically shocking, but well, even in... the modern history of russia, this is the ninety-eighth year and 2000 is the eighth year there, i don’t even think about
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the liquidity crisis there, god bless them, it’s the fourteenth, and covid, it always turns out that men they go to work, yes, the woman answers, that is, the man has no time to be distracted, that is, his task is to thresh at the coal face, and there to produce what is called coal, and then the woman begins to distribute, in fact, she is involved, and the actual question is this, based on the difference in the portfolio, let's lower it a little... into specifics, when we talk about women in investments, let’s say we don’t take deposits, yes, what is it, just according to statistics, what does a woman, an investor, pay attention to? well, of course, these are stocks, blue chips, that is, this is something that is more predictable, federal loan bonds, this is more difficult, although it is quite popular, but now that is, well, apparently there is still not enough knowledge and if? federal bonds, or rather, they enjoy the trust
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of the population, then if you talk about some companies, that is, not state-owned, but some, it’s more difficult here, this is the very last place now, that is, more analysis, because blue chips are rumored, but here you need, you need to dig deep, that is, women also lack patience, not only do men lack knowledge, in fact there is a lack of knowledge, how many times have we talked to women in general , a very large percentage of this is our sore russian issue, yes, that all children should have an apartment, too, there’s no better way, as you know, the saying goes like this: the best cheese is a sausage, so here, the best investment is to buy an apartment, but well , a woman, i want to say, i don’t know, about men, but here i can assume that after all, it’s just this kind of long-suffering that is greater among among the female population, we like to invest in real estate, but from the point of view of resale, i know one woman who, as a businessman, began her
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investment activity precisely by buying an apartment and reselling it like that. pushes long-termism yes, that is, for 3 years no one canceled the periods that are needed endure in order not to pay tax on what you receive, well, the house still needs to be built, that’s what we even say, that is, we say, there was such a situation, although i believe that the portfolio should still be mixed and different tools should be used . in fact, she is such an example of a classic conservative investor, but if we take the gradation and move away from genders , then we say that women are usually an example of a conservative investment portfolio, that’s all true , yes, of course there are such headless horsemen and
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we also met such people, it’s very interesting to communicate with them, who are just ass without a head, you’ll have to remember very well, who... invest their funds in some kind of risky operations, but as a rule, they still, firstly, limit budget, and well, it’s still a more conservative approach , that is, a man can take more risks, buy some shares, something else, we started talking about the topic of financial literacy, touched on a little bit, well, actually there are two questions , yes, how effective do you think programs, increasing financial literacy online programs , and in general, in general, if you are familiar with the programs that the state or private company is currently doing in this direction, to what extent, that is, specifically, what is the work going on to improve the financial literacy of the population, what do you need i know about such programs, i know various and uh, relatively speaking, collections are released, distributed
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online and some video stories that our programs produce. well, this is of course, this is not a one-time thing, this is a program at the ministry of finance exists and, in fact, for quite a long time and is developing, the central bank has long been engaged in increasing the financial literacy of the population, as for women's investments, probably only we are engaged in this particular context, but here we also have very good partners, so as you already mentioned, and nafi , the ministry of finance and a private research institute , and there is such and... the razzi women's forum will take advice, in fact, where did the idea come from, among other things, to increase the literacy of the female population in terms of investments, we they named their project, women's leadership in investments, and actually launched a portal , which i think has been operating successfully for almost 2 years, with a personal account, with
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really high-level experts, these are brokers, these are some people... who actually deal with finance, and bank employees, and from specialized departments that tell the population, well, the emphasis is clearly on women, and in order to attract attention, but in essence these tools are all training courses, they are designed for women for men , therefore, such a portal is working for us more and more, we have more participants, that is, there are interests on the part of people, and moreover, we are here - as part of our research, the latest one, which we conducted together with nafi, and nafi is a scientific research the financial institution is applicable, yes, yes, yes, that in the next year about 17% of russians definitely want it, those who have not invested want to try to make an investment in addition , are they not satisfied with the return on deposits?
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i think it’s not okay, first of all they’ve become bigger to find out, this is primarily connected with this, precisely that very financial literacy and awareness. excuse me, i'll interrupt you, that we hear this advertisement, yes, two have their own funds , three have, yes, having received the initial information that this is doubling, tripling, then the person comes there, well, to the bank, looks, okay, now there the central bank raised the rate, our deposits go there at 11 at 12%, although this is more than ten, yes, then the person says, well, okay, where is my promised 100, but no, let’s do something else, and it plays the other way around a bad, cruel joke with the fact that advertising, here are many financial organizations. they promote their projects there, promising mountains of gold and actually push the population into the information clutches of scammers, there is truth in your words, of course, but these are the conventional ways of informing rather attracting attention to their own activities, i don’t know, it’s current, of course can push people to simply make
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some investments thoughtlessly and lose their money , of course, but answering your question, why did such an investment boom begin in the first place? well, first of all, it just happened this way in our last years, at first we had covid, it was during covid, by the way, that there was such a boom, a discovery. accounts, when people even sat at home, when profitability fell and began to look for ways, there was a lot of time, they began to read, actually open those very brokerage accounts, but at the same time these brokerage accounts remain unused, that is, people opened them, then everything stabilized more -less in the economy and they forgot about this iis, well, an individual investment account, where you are guaranteed to receive a tax deduction from the state if you work for, well , 4,000 rubles.
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to release your income from this account, you also need to know how to do it, but for example, there are a lot of people there who , when buying real estate there, do not receive tax deductions, well, simply because they don’t know or don’t have time to file or something else , one tax thing a deduction when buying real estate, another thing is a direct non-instrument. iis or do they focus on some of their investment products, in my opinion on their investment products to a greater extent, why? well, because it’s more profitable for the bank? well, of course, well, objectively, probably yes, this is a business, so i would start with the fact that the first most important message that needs to be sent to the audience in those. who is trying to actually educate themselves financially, and to gain that same financial literacy, is to give a basic return on, well, in
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this case, let it be rubles, but god bless him, they haven’t even reached dollars yet, they haven’t reached the yuan, that is, a person should imagine , what is relatively risk-free income, yes, well where someone guarantees it, well, there is either a bank or, as in government bonds, which is much more reliable, but i take this opportunity to say that bonds are much more reliable. bank deposit, while they bear exactly the same profitability, yes, sometimes even a little higher, sometimes a little lower, but approximately the same as the rates in banks, only here your deposit is guaranteed by a deposit insurance system, well, in fact, also the state, but only up to a certain amount, but in my opinion it’s up to a million now and 400, in the case of bonds, you give this to the state and in fact the state is fully responsible for fulfilling its obligations to you, right? we need to remember this and this is actually the basis of literacy, and i would start with the fact that everyone should imagine this level of profitability, because in our country both women and men, i think, when everyone hears about 11, 10%
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they say, well, like, where are these ikhs, yes, x2, x3 multiplication, but this is not there, everyone should understand that this is really a huge risk, that’s how profitable it is, yes, there even financial institutions, well, a bank in this case, promote exactly this kind of profitability and then educate their investor, well, let it be a woman, a man, it doesn’t matter, well, we widely, for example, use the ofz tool, but i want to say here that probably we really need to tell the population more about it, because it is in demand, of course, and even very actively in demand, but at the same time, these are probably, again, large cities, that is, these are people who can somehow to get information, we need to tell the population more widely about such instruments in general, as for deposits, well... here, after all , the profitability is probably still a little less, because there are restrictions there, there are again amounts, it depends on the amount, yeah, that's why there's such a nuance.
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russian grand prix, live broadcasts, on the weekend on the first. let's see, it will be very interesting, love figure skating, adore figure skating, appreciate figure skating. montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group. this easy money podcast, and today we are discussing the topic of women in investing. what is a big source of confidence for women in terms of information perception, that is, who should it be? it should be some kind of government structure, that is, the speaker there is, say, from the ministry of finance, or it should be some kind of scientist, that is, whoever a woman
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starts diving into the topic of investments, she will listen to this, and that, and do that ... then it’s a conditional choice, it’s about attracting attention, i don’t even know here, it seems to me that it must be some kind of famous a person who is somehow connected with the world of finance, but at the same time popular , for example, you are mikhail, i hope we will have a boom after the program with the same people, everything is like in life, but you know how a man and a woman come to a store, a regular grocery store. buy i don’t know there, let’s say i don’t know canned peas, yes, let’s say, a man sees a shelf with peas, takes them, goes to the cash register, doesn’t understand, what is the brand of peas, but first, yes, a woman needs to go around the entire store, then she will come up to the one along the way typing there is a bunch of stuff there, this is also necessary, then the peas will be carefully studied, and then there should be some famous person who advertises a certain brand of peas and she will choose it, that is, as i understand it, these are all the patterns in life, they all work in
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investment . well, by the way, if a man trusts more, for example, some financial organizations, brokers , uh, some management companies of his finances, as a rule, then women trust banks more, such a conservative approach, after all, banks are for women are more such a trustworthy organization than some, for example, management company, that is, it turns out that, unlike men, because again this question is a risk factor, that is, a financial company is some kind of still incomprehensible beast on the market , as if banks, they have always been, these are the main ones, this definitely should not fail , the logic is in this, but what should, according to your research, how you observe how your investors grow, what should happen in the minds of women, so that she's from something like this a conservative investor, and a three-liter matbank at home, to a bank, actually as a financial institution, even if we leave the ofz out of the equation, what needs to happen for
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it to become... a full-fledged investor in the broad sense of the word and have already thought about such a word as an investment portfolio , well, again, if we compare, a man can immediately go, relatively speaking, buy shares without understanding it, then a woman is more like she has such a step-by-step approach, she first tries one instrument, a second, a third, that is, what does this mean, if they all worked, that is, she gains more and more tools, then she actually increases her growth in investment knowledge and more and more uses a wider range of tools, by the way, in court the question is based on experience, who more people turn to the services of foreign advisers, men or women, men, that is, women prefer to figure everything out; among investment advisers there are many women, i know myself, well, exactly because of this, they have grown in their knowledge and began to study, it feels like the smartest women teach men, and this is actually the main investment , but also such an interesting factor,
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by the way, how much time does it usually take to become a woman, so that you can say that she really became a full-fledged investor, i won’t say according to statistics, it also depends on the person as a whole, well, how would this approach be, i can say that, well, if among women, then 39 years is the most basic age for investment, then there is this woman who i have already gone through a certain professional path there, which usually has a higher education; there are many such women among them. very small-medium entrepreneur of this level, specialization in higher education plays a role or not, or the very fact of higher education as a certain level plays, yes, but these are women who come from finance, just from the educational sphere, well, mostly of course, which is related to entrepreneurial investment, financial activities, let’s say, let’s talk about what’s also interesting about that's all there, how to invest and earn money, so, as a rule, what do women invest their earned capital in? well into education.
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first of all, this is probably number one, and such a task is a long-term investment in order to then invest this money in the education of children , including your own education, and that is, these are some specific life tasks, life goals, this definitely real estate, that is, it’s not gold and diamonds and no, no, but it’s interesting that women are wealthier, they’re just thinking about it too we had one such, well, i wouldn’t say it was a study, but rather a round table on the topic of investing in art, in some dratals, etc., and now it is increasingly gaining momentum, among the women’s entrepreneurial community including, well, the popular ones, then i will address the male part of our audience, dear men in gold deposits, dear men, do not envy your women, because all
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the profit earned. as vera just told us, they will invest in the education of your children, in their own, as at a minimum, you will live with educated children and women next to you, so we can summarize. also, well, again, it’s a family pleasure, by the way, there’s a direct difference, if a man invests in order to simply earn money, as a rule, without any tasks at all, well, as a rule, i want more money, relatively speaking, now i have the following amount, i i’ll invest now, i’ll earn money there and i’ll be great, i’ll feel comfortable there, but a woman won’t, this is a different approach, these are immediately some tasks of this kind, well, of some kind of social and family nature, you you know, “you know why you can’t earn a lot of money , because you earn it for nothing, and when you see that you already have enough for everything, then some kind of bar is triggered for a man, and i say,
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yes, you’re mine, right here in this place, yes, a woman always throws in a bunch of other tasks, thus setting goals for investing, it turns out that it turns out from aimless just making money, but this is really so.” indeed, if you set clear goals, and this is confirmed by all psychological research on financial planning, budget management, with clear goals, you achieve them much faster, clearly with a greater probability than if the goal is simply to make money, yes, because here psychologically a person stops as soon as the lower levels of maslov’s pyramid are filled, yes, he is known to everyone by his needs and as soon as the first three levels are filled, a man tends to the sofa, he is constantly like this, maybe this is another difference, yes, yes, the main rule is that the actual goal in investing should be
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be a specific goal, from this you can form a portfolio that you need , all women, without exception , come to investments with a specific goal, well, i have not met a woman who, to be honest, that’s how much i just talked with... with the female gender, let's say, who yes, is somehow interested in investments, it's really very important , every literally woman, she strives for a specific task, to solve a specific problem, yeah, that's true, returning to the topic, mm, let's say, use, well, that's not the case men, sporting interest, yes, a man, a man is a hunter, but this is psychology, a man is important there, so i can, i did it, i did it. i can do this, i can, why, let it be, here , here, here i can, yes, then a woman specifically has this masculine energy, well, it’s a well-known fact that a woman is needed in order to inspire a man and b , to direct his efforts in the right direction, useful, in fact, then
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the laws of life on this planet are already working, yes, in fact, the main goal of a woman is preservation, continuation of the race and therefore, to to save the economy, it is necessary to increase the literacy of the female population. investments, well, you know, i can say this, there is such a conventional phrase, there is russia, which we lost, i remember when, many years ago, i watched chekhov’s cherry orchard for the first time in the theater, and well, it’s one thing to read, yes, another thing , when you watch a production, you pay attention to some details , plus then i was already actively involved in investments, and for the first time, yes, i read this work more than once, i noticed that the main character, when he is in the second part he told me, this is the beginning of the 20th century there, yes, he tells his household what he will do after the sale of the estate, actually there, and the main plot of the work, and he declares, read it, just don’t
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be lazy, he declares that he will invest them in government bonds and this income will be there, for me it was such a revelation, i think why he was there or a theater critic, i don’t remember now, but a man associated with art, far from finance for sure, he is completely calm, but operates with financial, complex, not a bank deposit, so he tells this to his household, who understand him, they understand what he says, that is, when they say that all of russia is bast shoes, but at least in large cities, even in names, that is, the level literacy was such that such complex instruments were talked about simply as everyday things there, well, like i’ll buy there, i do n’t know, a new hat with ribbons or something, i think. concluding our conversation so that we really get not only female investors, male investors, i i think that all market participants, and this is beneficial, should
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engage in basic education, yes, because when you are open, when you are transparent, i just noticed that a lot of advertising offers are based on the ideology of transparency, and that’s where they go. .. a lot of the message is towards openness, i think this is a very true message, that is , you need to win trust first of all, through honesty, through your expertise. and then we will all together raise, well , including our program, women investors successful, both men, and in general the population of russia is very smart, i think our country, our people are very smart, i think that we deserve to be financially literate and successful, including financially, not only women. vera, thank you very much for your time, thank you, i hope that we will encourage a large number of women. be more active, starting from financial
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literacy, engage in successful investments, become successful investors, thank you, thank you, hello, dear friends, i know that you i really liked it: here’s the project that started on the first channel, we’re playing a wedding, here’s its host, what’s the difference between, for example, the program “game” and “garmony”, it seems like we play there and there, but the fact is that “game” and “harmony” are wonderful amateur artists, free time from work, of course, learning songs, playing a wedding, first of all, a wedding is once for all, well , to be honest, more than once. uh, everyone who knows my biography knows that i am extremely
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honest with you, so, and secondly, well, after all , forever, you will always remember your wedding, so when people start working with wedding material with folk material, they transfer from the screen into real energy, gathering energy, expedition energy and of course, the energy of real love and patriotic attitude.
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this is only part of the song actually, what is it? well, this is lyrical, this is a sad, drawn-out song, when they came apparently from work or in the winter, when there was no work, and sang, but we were now preparing for the arkhanel wedding, and this is a song from the arkhanel region, mentioned in the notes of ethnographers, ethnomusicologists, that when
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an honest train of young couples arrived, they could sing lyrical music, in particular this song was also written in the notes. dear friends, so that it doesn’t seem that there is only one color in this wonderful project, let’s watch the trailer, that is, the teaser of this wonderful project, to understand that in fact there are many colors expected, i hope we will hear them during the program, in each fairy tale game... our task is not just to show the tradition, it is important for us that it flourishes in the new world, it is important. to me all the time i was scared that my wedding would take place with garters and a muzzle, the path of the young, you are now rubbing the young, and you need to bite, what kind of young people are there, modern, interestingly
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cool! songs, dances, gifts, pirgoroy, to health, to health, to health, we are looking forward to you, congratulations to you, husband, i am expecting a grandson from you , we are playing a wedding, but this is great, you can say how the current wedding, on average, is different from a centuries-old russian folk wedding, it’s just pain, the pain of my soul, my heart, that the guests they come to a modern wedding and wait for the host to cheer them up, and here we are every time, we already have such experience of meeting modern guests, i say every time, if you don’t take a break, dance and rejoice for the young, then in general there is a grozhtse at this holiday, so the most important thing in the holiday is how the guests react and how
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the guests dance and have fun, because you remember this later, but you remember how so-and-so is with you, i’ll need it in a wheelbarrow. you also have such interesting, unexpected folk jokes and traditions, so we had yegor under with one bride in the udmursk wedding, it’s terrible how they dressed me up right in a paneva or as it’s correctly called in a skirt, he’s more beautiful and so i had to go out to the groom there and had to pay him off so that the real bride is there you’re also doing the gechef yes this. have these always been ransoms in russia or has it just started now in monetary times? no , no, no, there were, and they bought back, well, not only money, but also of course, vodka, wine, candies, pies, that is, not only money, but the ransom was always everywhere, interesting, of course, what you see is that at all stages, even plucking the wedding goose
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, a song was played, and of course, comrades, let’s do it this way, this is not a holiday, for example, the opening of a village library, this is a wedding. and the most important thing in a wedding is that we are counting on a new addition to our family, in a village in russia, so you also have songs related to the walk of the bride and groom valkov, hmm, there are some in the next episodes, apparently we’ll have to dig deeper, that’s the main thing , there are probably details and some instructions there, but we leave it as a little intrigue. he’s always there, so that he doesn’t catch up a little, but we always have a song to congratulate the young, this is also very important , you’ll sing it now, let’s go, my little glass, silver, written on gold, who
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needs charupe, who needs a drink, yes, pecharuru , drinker. you can drink, it’s a pity that there’s nothing, let’s drink the first glass to the big guy neyya, so that he can live forever, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray, radimy wife, horasha, hurray, hurray , hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray , we are a wife, okay, second - i drank a glass to his book, so that god to her
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sent all the happiness in life, hurray, the third glass for the young son, so that the daring was born brightened like the dawn hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray, little woman, harasha, hurray.
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so and there a daughter could have been born about her, too, there is this gender discrimination of a son, always procreation first, yes, this is what they drink, they drink the first glass, the second glass, and then there are the grandparents, so that’s it, and then , and then there’s the fourth verse, in fact, we’ll drink , and now the guests are all drinking to the health of all of us there and the whole company , let’s raise the fourth glass to the whole company so that everyone doesn’t list who you are, you tell us, oh, well, in fact, there are two groups of us here in life who make traditional music, here we are with the girls from the creative association under the clouds, and yes, we actually created one... we became friends out of love for traditional music and for many years now, eight years ago, we have been trying to introduce it into
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all spheres of society, and the guys from the creative association pyotr valentinovich pyotr valentinovich, we were also formed thanks to a great love for traditional culture, but also just to good music, that is, in our creative association we sing traditional songs from traditional culture and bardic songs... everything that is possible, what is your name? arseny, arseny, hello, hello, introduce us to your ladies, please, try it, this is hope, this is galina, a lady is not love, yes, well, i’ll tell you that arseny looks exactly the same as was depicted on the city monpons, the end of the nineteenth century, so he also took off his shirt, and the shirt was like that. i have to ask, are you a city person, are you all city people or someone from the village, no , all of them, well, with small forays into the village, but mostly city people, well
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, you spent your childhood, what the hell should i do when people work in potatoes, yes, that’s true, where did you get this strange love for things from bygone days, when you were a child, your parents gave everything to the collective, then they dragged it on, well done, your parents, yes, and then they dragged it on, they pulled it on, everyone got an education exactly according to this specialty. don't take me to the fifth floor, i true, i’m just tired of the button accordion and the violin, but somehow in childhood it turned out that you hit the notes, that you sing something all the time, just like that, but it seems to me that it’s different for everyone, i can say about myself, all my life i had only musical instruments made from toys, i had a large number of soldiers, cars, but i only played drums, metallophones, some kind of pipes, pipes, my mother just said, that’s understandable , this is a musician, that’s all the music school is clear. sergei bezrukov in the serial film valeria todorovsky's bison case of fashion models premiere
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tomorrow after the program time vodka veda product stellar group. this is an anthropologist podcast. the creative team of the presenters of the channel one project are visiting us and we are having a wedding. well, this television is a by-product of yours or just a vocation, a profession, this is our favorite, but how this will go, we don’t know yet, we are that in general we are musicians, scientists, some study, some very sings a lot, we are not tv people. and the leaders to me, it just happened that our missions and these ideas coincided, we’ve just been trying for a very long time
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to talk about folklore in general, because unfortunately, most...


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