tv Telekanal Dobroe utro 1TV November 1, 2023 5:00am-9:01am MSK
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[000:00:00;00] gulak, but he wouldn’t hide her for six months, life is a deception, filled with melancholy, this is already, good evening, patrick, i’m not worried, this is kirillo andrevich, he’s a policeman, yes, we know each other, yes, mr. jenix, yeah, that’s how it is, you’re here they say in the service, no, i’m a guest here , there’s a water truce, yes, i’m a guest here too, after our meeting they almost wrote me down as a spy in english, i myself received from now, as they say, peace and friendship. listen, have you found the cute killers? he is no more, thank you, how are you? ok, i see who it is
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you now instead of bir? glory to the hare, young and talented, glory to the hare, yeah, but i didn’t even know that you understood poetry, marinka studied with ashpalikov, yes, yes, he even visited us, a good guy, good, it’s a pity, he hanged himself a month ago , yes i know, i heard. he loses people only once, he loses track, they don’t find him, but the person stays with you, says goodbye at night, leaves, and if he walks during the day, he still leaves you, let’s get him back as soon as possible, while he’s crossing the square, we’ll get him back immediately, we’ll talk and the table is on blood, the whole house
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bottom up. let's turn it around and arrange a party for him, be the money of the police school, life will seem the other way around to you, let's drink to those who are in the moray, to those who are in the moray, no one drinks, let's drink to those who are in the moray, to those who no one drinks in mura, and at the next table there is company, and at the next table there is fun, she’s on me, zero attention , her neighbor is hers, he’s bullying yesenin, spend a day, you’re in police shoes, life will seem
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the other way around to you, let’s drink to those those who are in the moore, no one drinks for those who are in the moore, well finally, philosophically, will there be money under communism, the yugoslav revisionists claim that there will be, the chinese dogmatists say that there will not, but ours approach the question dialectically, some will have it, and some won’t, again a concert at the request of the working people , yes? join me, but i’m not a worker, i’m on vacation, so you know, but what did you come then, for example, on vacation you can’t lure me to work with a kolach, or where awards are handed out, where people are handed out, i ’ll wait for you in turn , i'll let you go ahead, beson, hello, hello, sorry about that i had to call you back, well, it’s okay, i was on vacation, but i wanted to hand over my husband’s notebook
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to you personally, thank you. well, this is more like a scheme of fraud for klychkov. why didn’t you give it away earlier? forgive me, i didn’t know who to trust, you can, i see it now. thank you, kirillo andreevich, but for what? without your help i would not have been released. well, i’m going to stay with my sister in krasnodar forever. we have her grandson now. that's right, closer to the family, yes, you will try to forget all the bad things when you run the pass, all the best, goodbye, bring this matter to the end, for the sake of your husband, today it worked out, i haven’t completely forgotten about it, but what to do with this tradition, well, go ahead,
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study it. and i’m on vacation, i have to go, eat, great, you’re on vacation, on vacation, and you work for me, cultured. you read, oh, we lost the bezuns, in the soviet union we will try to do everything to be healthy now. i’m listening, what’s in the moscow garrison? please let me know if there are any special instructions.
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i’m listening, everything is going according to plan, the main thing remains to be done, stepanich, i’m sorry, we kept struch memorandums together. ok, don't worry, it's here it started, and what drew you to the cinema, and the world remembered your childhood, yeah, remember how we snuck into trophy films, so i lost it, let me show you my id and let’s go through, no, that’s it, we’re all done, today we’ll go as you like , come in, come in, so, what kind of places, you like ice cream, and besides, lenin , as he said, the most important of the lawsuits for us
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is cinematography, by the way, he hated it, can you be quieter, be more careful, the girl, by the way, is already mailed. stop it, come on, demon, like in childhood, you are for the indians, i am for the cowboys, let's see, light, i went to the barricade, watched a movie, the last of the magikakans, today is about the indians, how do you like it? the man who runs the underground production made appointments at the barrikada cinema, and what is his
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name? lumier, lumier, lumier, lumier - this is the system, everything. i can’t do it here anymore, lef, hold on, come on, you create a light, what’s that noise, why are you silent, demon, your indians blew it, do you remember how we started a puppet theater in the orphanage for the younger group, got the news that artists from moscow would come, well, yes, maybe i liked parsley the most then. everyone he beat his enemies with a stick, didn’t stick him in as a fascist, a boor, of course, trashed the theater tree, gouge him on his board, yes, the little ones laughed until they cried, well, yes, everyone wanted to be like this very petrushka, because he is
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a real hero, and then you said, no, the real hero is the puppeteer, but no one sees him, did you suffer from childhood, i thought, is it hard? probably this same parsley with someone else’s hand inside him to live like that, the hand is not someone else’s, the demon puppeteer loves parsley and knows exactly how the play will end nothing will end, we’ll share and lyumya lyumya svetna really didn’t understand that there is no personal interest of mine, well, yes, of course, i underestimated you, comrade, money is diamonds, you need power, antosha, wow,
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what vulgarity, it seemed to me, you began to see the light, yes, yes, he himself says, everyone around is hiding everything, hiding, pretending, why, yes, because the system is based on ideology, which is rubbish for show. the leninists don’t laugh at it, the people are separate, the authorities are separate, some pretend that they work, others pretend that they pay, we are going wrong dear, comrades, a comrade will probably show us the right path. he's lumieux, you're a smart guy, a demon, everything around is reversed, look, stalin is a butcher, but at least we won the war, khrushchev is a collective farmer, he launched a loon into space, and with these things everything is rotten, in 2-3 years the economy will begin to choke , 5 years and the deficit will come in just, in just 8-10 years, complete political lack of will, here we must intercept. among the people, since
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it’s dangerous to offend people, they beat everyone, but that means you’re for change, right? yes, and you, no, aren’t you tired of sitting up to your ears and through a straw? breathe, the country is full of smart, talented people, you, me, a million others, only they are devils, they drink vodka in the kitchen, but i want them to do their job, so that they earn money and let others earn money, we are going to a bright future again, yes ? yes, exactly in the bright, the work ahead is hellish, but i know how to do it, changes, but only from the inside, only from above, something like the khrushchev thaw, but not a thaw, but a full-fledged spring, with whom are you going to a bright future, antosh, with the damn thing, with this reindeer herder, they are smart, they are just cunning, i fought with this rabble all the time
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life and i will fight. that’s why i need you, your intelligence, integrity, your honesty, you’re a fucking romantic, there are no secret revolutions, no, it’s from below that it turns out revolutions, blood and chaos, and i’m for the most bloodless systemic, bloodless, and my wife is marinka, oleg zuev, this is a girl fashion model, bloodless. this is rakitin and his people, he is a terrible person, an uncontrollable animal, i myself was afraid of him, do you really think that i was planning to kill zuev, but he himself jumped out at rakitin, he saw him, rakitin was forced to shoot, yukhtin you
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stabbed because he was an idiot, he was ordered to keep an eye on lishchinsky, rushed into a restaurant, eat, accident, another puncture by yukhtin, he just had to scare you so that you would let go of the kuznetsov case, but honey, it happens, in history it’s called tragic guilt , the girl got into trouble, did something bad, fell into the millstones of history, bitch, of course you are bright, well, do you want to hit, do you want to kill? the main thing is what is happening at these moments behind the kremlin wall throughout the country, well, are you with me or not, i need you, old man, rakitin has been on you for a long time hunted, and you are alive only because christina was nearby, i could control you, your investigation, you, you understood everything
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about christina, a long time ago, christina loves you, and you took her in a non-military, no, i did the same you, i don’t want her to die, well then arrange for her to leave from the outside, you understand that she won’t be able to return, i’m used to solving things as they happen, your passport and ticket will be with you in the morning. listen, demon, since we are friends, i need a return favor, it ’s not a good idea. i promise i'll return it, i just need something withdraw, for a common cause, when christinalet leaves
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the country. give me a lighter in a flashy way, here i sowed a trophy, don’t forget me, of course, hold it, howl, i’m glad that we’re a hundred together, together we’ll show these moldy retrogrades, i promise, together again, great, egor, hello, thank you for arrived. lay under our noses. here you go, the stamps, i’m sure, stop, these are the colonial ones, the most expensive ones, unexpectedly, uh-huh, wait, you’re from
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belyasov’s apartment, uh-huh, and how did you get there, silently, so, you should have taken the signature, on the form for one hour, for the first time, or something, well, thank you, andreyvich. congratulations to your entire valiant team on the award, thank you, go ahead, good luck, great, i wish you good health, comrade, hello, kirillo andreevich, i just looked at the notebook that kuznetsova brought, there is something interesting, a hammer, and i just wanted to show you, then, then, genna, i’m on vacation, it’s nice, it’s not a bully, i just need to confiscate something, it’s all a ponycar with us, well
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, the main thing is you, but there’s the truth, there’s no need for evidence, come on, here you go. you'll have coffee, yeah, so, so, so, so, so, so, and the most big ones where? in ntto, at vadik’s, they probably found something, for coffee, better yet, a bottle. get it, there is, there must be, and when zuev found out that you were taking on andrei’s case, he described the entire subplot and added it to the case, well, he did the right thing , he found it, someone, by the way
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, squeezed a cognac for me, well, with your sister because of the canister, you morchak, you and i agreed in armenian, look, vadik, these farts are needed. why do you need them? it’s a fashion house, there are a million of these buttons and other accessories, i don’t need a million, i just need this fart, also, take off your fingers here with this lighter, compare them with the fingers on the farts, of course, again unofficially, and strictly unofficially, then who will have an armenian bottle plus another box of soviet champagne, only for two, otherwise you’ll get drunk, that’s right, andrevich, let’s make it dear, boys and girls , the time will come, you will also become adults, then concern for the future will fall on your shoulders, but for now, i wish you all health,
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happiness, peace and joy, future significance, historical events, major political decisions are, as a rule, not immediately revealed, not in hot pursuit, but later, when i put it in order, i listen, the impact of these, decide on those introduced in my life. dnepropetrov, you see, dnepropetrov, here are the tickets from belyasov’s apartment, dnepropetrovsk too, here is irkutsk,
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voronezh, and that all the places where belyasov went are marked in red on the list, no idea, you should follow. okay, agent, get me a map of the ussr, physical or political, no, motherfucker, outline, yes, irkutsk sinitsin , pre-departure of the executive committee, red, where we have irkutsk, here it is, yes, i can, the last one, kirilo anich, aktyubinsk, lorionov, first secretary of the regional party committee, blue, yeah, so, we have the urals, yes, it looks like the construction of communism, the setting up of capitalism, this is all the party nomenklatura, which controls, the standard wallet of this hydra, has been
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around the country on tours and distributed gifts, this is a revolution given, why, but i’m not sure why, i leaked documents for my enterprise to this dissident. that is, through the enterprise he got hooked on shadow money, and he needed a drain bomb so that they would not jump off, a good version, good, so that it would be impossible to merge, they they will now fight for their values, well , when they come for him, this is a revolution, a war.
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he will be a good investigator for you, a good one, i didn’t trust you before, i’m sorry if i offended you in any way, just make your face simpler, he has it, yes, he got it, i praise him, but it’s not for me, it’s a vadicumento, he also needs a box of soviet champagne, he has it, well of people. talented bastard, forgive bolovich, honestly, i forgot to mark
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me that put on your hat, we are not at a wake, how is he resting, kiril, well, i give testimony, write to explain, you know how it is happens, i know, but less than i would like, and i, vasily pavlovich, you won’t believe, now i know much more than i wanted, blacksmiths? went to an underground enterprise, there was huge money swirling around, all this was covered by big people , with deputy badges, there was a liquidator in the system, he killed oleg and organized a car accident that killed the little one, well, i killed him, found out who lemya was, i’m finding out, i’m finding out , i have a request to you, i understand, i only have one clip,
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it will do, let’s go hungry, but i’m driving, i i used to forget about my birthday, marin looked like a fool, yes, she complained. i also wanted to ask you something, let’s go along the road and talk, representatives, kiri. are you home? hi, what happened? you fly away, first to paris, then to america. i made an agreement with a person,
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they will perform an operation on you, what? no need to shake your head, i decided so, that’s it, you have to live, this is an order, well, you understand that it ’s not a month or two before i return, you will return, i have such connections with the kgb now, you will return, healthy, you and i will get married, you why are you exposing the children to me, just what? 2 hours, we don’t have much time, so let me wait for you in the car and leave your scarf warm in paris. that's it. the landing has begun, i never thought that i wanted to die, just to stay, everything will be
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fine, i promise. well, now you’re crying, why cry if everything is going to be fine. attention passengers, grapes, the next flight, check for boarding, i repeat, passengers, gazdal and grapes, the next one faces, boarding, what is it, an envelope with a stamp, so as not to spend money there and let you know
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listen to me carefully. great, we haven’t started yet, well, good, we’ll make it in time, you and rabispir won’t get fucking drunk , i brought it, uh-huh. hey, you won’t even believe it, why? i trust you, demon, i trust you now, i was invited to a public place, a place as a place, and they say the play is not bad,
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revolutionary, relevant, right? are you afraid of me, antosh? i was also afraid of the icon, so i made an appointment at the show in the model’s house. i don’t understand what you’re talking about, what you don’t understand, you’re not a fool, darling, but it didn’t save mila, it won’t save you, where will i return it tomorrow, that until tomorrow, sort it out, you need this, yes, i found it anyway, yeah, demon, don’t be stupid, let’s get on with it later, i ’ll explain everything to you, now there are more important things to do, this is important. not funny, kiril, i’ll get up now, leave and you won’t do anything, don’t try,
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first air, second defeat, that’s it, let’s go, this is crazy, it’s amazing in my head, i’ve never had such clarity, what the men, our winter soldiers took for what, from here, aurora is sailing , but turn on your brains, demon, in half an hour a special group of slubyanka will be here, they will kill you, demon, i understand, they will kill you, and christina will be killed, no one can protect her, open the door slowly, who will shoot, you have fun anton, well, i ’m glad, i’m glad, bright, glad, god,
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so much has been done, so much effort has been spent, years, it ’s all down the drain, because one idiot's thread was torn off, it's a shame for you, it's a shame for me understand. hear me, demon, please, i beg you, history is happening here now, i am history, you damn moron, you crazy guy , demon, you understand everything, and who are you defending, and bravatsovak, japalites from ska? i'm making a revolution, a revolution. yes, i bet on your general secretary for your revolution, you still don’t understand what, svidin, then what’s the point of all this? i’m used to seeing things through to the end, i promised that
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i would find the killer, i found him, remember, we had a principle in the orphanage, everything should be fair, evil should be punished, so so i choose for you the highest punishment - execution, without trial. yes, like at the front without a trial, you will be scolded in court, is this fair, evil must be punished, or not, come on, tell me how mila nikonorova died, you’re definitely crazy, but what do i care about some kind of mannequin? , rakitin killed her, killed her,
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kuznetsov’s documents, she handed them over to you personally, is this what you were looking for? yes, this is what you need, well done, i can go, wait, you looked at the documents, no, why, i’m fine anyway i don’t understand, i believe it, i’m keeping quiet about it, okay, go, good luck at the show. i decided to make a revolution with clean hands, the rocket man set you up, he bled you to death, he also wanted to pull your strings, for every puppeteer there is
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so are you taking revenge for her? it happens, when big things happen, someone inevitably ends up in the millstone of history , this is the law, the law of this damn history, you just have to step over and move on, step over marina’s life, through the life of oleg suzva, he’s still a boy, he’s just starting to live , he was he would have been better in the tracks, better than me, and would have crushed you, you bastards, scum, bitch, he would have crushed you, but it’s not fate, i’m sorry, oleg, i’m sorry, and kristina, you i also already signed my death warrant, well, which of us is the devil, and lumieux, you or i, the devil, you don’t
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understand. no one’s life is important, if it happens, neither mine nor your life is important , don’t you understand that, that is, you are ready to give your life for your revolution, yes, but you yourself were trembling because of this button, a lie, your whole idea and revolution is a lie, coward, the process has already been started and nothing. today, in captivity , the members of the politburo will be sorted out, among them there will be those for whom my people will vote, in the politburo there will be a majority of these, so for the purpose true, through, well, the floor for the report is given to comrade zaletsky.
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comrades, first i would like to express my gratitude for the support of the leaders of the party and government and personally of comrade leonid ilyech brezhnev, mommy, why is it so scary, little star, everything will be fine, most importantly, smile. the earth is empty without you, our show, the pearl of the collection, the dress of the bride is licking the sadak and
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taxis are all in a hurry somewhere, only it’s empty on the earth alone without you, and you, you fly and the stars give you their tenderness, it was just as empty on the earth, and when i flew to zyupery. liskva also fell in the gardens. and the earth could not come up with it. how to live without him, while he was flying, all
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let this day be bright, interesting and eventful, let’s not waste a second, because we have so much to do, let’s begin prepare for the new year, yes, yes, yes, it’s time, and we’ll also talk about vitamins and find out where to get them from... in the fall we’ll choose the most delicious pickled cheeses, you love cheese, who doesn’t love it, and let’s not forget about the scammers who manage to take out loans using other people’s passports, and of course , we’ll cook something tasty, then we’ll take a walk around vdnkh, where the grand exhibition forum russia opens on november 4 , and this is the main event of the month, in general we have very, very many plans, let’s start, according to tradition, with gymnastics, fitness trainer margarita kuznetsova has already been waiting for us, we are rushing to see her. good morning, after 40 years it becomes more difficult to stay in good shape, the metabolism slows down, the extra pounds gain faster, gymnastics will help you stay in good shape, get into the side plank on
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your knees, and do the machias up and down, touching the toe to the floor. we change the position of the legs, whoever is ready can increase the load, raise the leg until it is parallel with the floor, rotate it in a circle, the greater the amplitude, the more difficult it is to perform the exercises, but it’s worth it, the exercise can strengthen the muscles of the legs, hips, buttocks and abs, exercise regularly , and you are guaranteed a good figure, the closer autumn is to winter, more and more often on the internet you come across complaints that the body does not have enough vitamins, lethargy and fatigue appear, on social networks on various
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forums there is a lively discussion of how to deal with this, here’s how to deal with it, let’s figure it out, now let’s find out what autumn hypovitamosis is, is it necessary? take vitamins for prevention, how many of these vitamins are there? and can they be found not in a pharmacy, but in the market? the topic of the lecture for future biotnologists is vitamins. question: what did we eat in the summer from berries, vegetables, fruits? accumulated? some vitamins in our body can , let’s say, accumulate for a short period of time, but vitamins such as riboflavin, vitamins such as thiamine, they do not accumulate in us, they are involved in many processes, so we need them regularly consume, that is, we continue to lean on the same berries, fruits, meat, greens, fish, nuts, a varied diet should provide almost all vitamins, if we do not consciously or forcedly refuse
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any foods, then in general we only should be enough, but in the ideal world of a balanced diet and daily walks in the sun, those who cannot boast of this will most likely complain to the doctors of weakness or fatigue, only in extreme cases there may be external signs, for example, with a lack of vitamin b12, the corner of the mouth may appear cracks. there are 13 vitamins in total ; it seems the easiest thing to do is go to the pharmacy to get them, but it would be better to start by donating blood to understand whether you are really lacking them. 40 participants conducted an experiment at rosbiotech university employees, including dmitry kulikov, head of the department. we donated blood for vitamin b9 levels. those who had a deficit of five people grew in three, and remained in two. still low, well, those that were quite tall, they actually remain tall, this tells us what? that the process of assimilation of vitamins itself is sufficient. false and is determined not only by other products, other
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nutrients, our some activities, the general condition of the body, and of course genetics, genetics also plays a very important role here important role. so, vitamins just like that, for no reason, without examination for prevention, more likely no than yes - doctors say. people really like to find some kind of game changer, some kind of super pill that they can take and solve all their problems with this. now, if only everything were so simple, the path to health is still more complicated, but there is good news: hypovitamosis in the fall is still quite a rare occurrence, and it is better to go to the market for vitamins in peels, and not from jars. natalya lyubchenko, dmitry roshkov, evgeny smirnov and yulia bykova, channel one. our good morning continues, it's time to look into the world wide web. our columnist, yegor usmensky, has already been there, and here is his latest selection of the most interesting videos from the internet. let's start right away with a new hit of the world wide web and a new hero, meet a kitten named steve who became famous for the fact that he loves to swim in
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an aquarium with fish, but the fish are lucky, and while the kitten is swimming, the huskies don’t even drip, but flow like a stream, almost 7 million has already arrived, a waterfowl cat, beauty, and he too also a brave man, a brave man, to be honest, the following video is rapidly gaining popularity on the internet, this is of course understandable, off the coast of australia, surfer jason breen met a humpback whale, imagine, he was recording his next trick on camera, nothing, as they say, didn’t foreshadow, but then you see everything for yourself, we want to reassure you, as a result of this meeting no one was hurt, especially gorbats , quito, this dog, in order to become famous, had to make just one short movement of his paw, as you can see, yes, yes, yes, like you see, it was made at the moment when the owner was going to, well, have a little snack, the video instantly became a hit on the internet, it was watched in just a couple of hours. there are 3 million people among them at the moment, we think he’s
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some kind of hooligan. finally, about beauty. meet the artist christian ramos, he creates portraits of celebrities using scissors, glue, and denim clippers of different shades. each work takes the master weeks of painstaking work, resulting in mosaics like these: the realism of which is simply amazing. until the calendar... exactly one month, it's time to warm up, the stores are full of different clothes and shoes from a variety of materials, just choose, high technology, this is of course great, but you shouldn't forget about the good old classics, the products we're talking about now let’s tell you, they have been produced here in russia for a long time and they don’t need any introduction , as soon as you hear the orenburg shawl or urusov valinki, i would work in them, but on street broadcasts it’s warm, comfortable, in general, everyone immediately understands this beautiful and warm, the beginning... of november, time to finish knitting mittens, it’s time to wear them, warm, cozy with a local print, pomeranian
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mittens cannot be confused with anything, they have a special ornament, the figure of a woman, if you cut it in half like that, let’s fold it , let's see, the head, the arms, yes, here is the hem, that is, this is the mother, sura earth, not cheese from the word damp, but sura from the word sun, diamonds are feminine and masculine, pomeranian mittens were always knitted by women, if for a fisherman husband, horse hair flew, so the product lasted longer, it was multi-colored they became available only in the 20th century, but there was always red. red color is a protective color, so it was knitted from two balls, it was a twist, it was knitted with a purl loop. galina chullpanova started knitting at school, and she organized this circle herself; almost all the grandmothers of novodinsk are here, so you can find mittens like this on almost every local resident. this brand. doesn’t even need an introduction, the warmest scarf in the country, the lightest, one of the most
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beautiful, almost jewelry, orrenburg, downy, it starts with the purchase of wool, goat, also local, sort out the fluff, sort out, pluck, sort out, wash, comb, grandmothers, and even modern craftswomen do it the old fashioned way by hand, then they prepare the yarn, the base is silk thread, marina zhabina has been knitting for half her life, everything looks easy and simple for her . this is how a thread is collected on a spindle, then it is wound into a ball and you can knit a pattern to the taste of the craftswoman, the finished scarf is washed and stretched on the hoop, scratched again, the warmth in it is due to the fluffiness, an air layer is created in the fibers, it is heated by the body and not lets freeze. urusov's valenki were known and loved even under peter the great, it is hot in them at -40 to become so warm, the felt boots go through fire and water, we joke with goats, the wool is cleaned and from what is available, the felt boots are collected, we make a blank until it looks like a giant
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size, but this is the future thirty-seventh, dry felting of the workpiece. now we’ve made the preparation, now we’re starting to wash the felt boots, just like with dough, knead them as much as possible, then go over the top with a rod, each time there are fewer and fewer felt ones, and the wool becomes denser, this is what makes the boots warm, the fibers of the felt retain air well, the result is thermal insulation, the denser the fibers are to each other, the warmer the shoes will be , so at the end they will dry in the oven and sit a little more, and then... wear them outside , just don’t forget your shirts. elizaveta nikishova, elena savina, channel one. well, now, let's go to the arctic, to seal island, guests to well-fed and very happy seals, we even envy them a little, we haven't had breakfast yet, well, it's true, our guide, as always, will be vadim lobachenko. go. on the seal island of the arctic, it is not difficult to understand when the main
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local animals, seals, begin to play pranks beyond measure. firstly, this is when. get enough of your favorite delicacy, and these are small but very tasty krill, their skins and shells are not scary, their teeth are not sharp, they are ready to bite and drive away any and every opponent. for the last five years, we have had plenty of krill, all the seals were well-fed, which means they were happy, but nothing lasts forever, already this year problems arose with krill, not for everyone, first of all, not for babies, they are nursed and walked to the maximum in the island colony , plump babies, moaning every now and then, apparently from happiness of satiety, and at the same time the proximity of the most beloved and fat mother in the world. well, roman, it’s time to cook something tasty and catering technologist
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olga teplova will help us with this, she knows how to cheer up the whole family in the morning, you just need to feed her, this is very interesting by the way. it would turn out that you can make or cook from chicken breast, well, what you can still come up with a dish, look, his majesty, shish kebab, oh, it will be delicious , chicken breast is rarely used for shish kebab, the meat is too dry, but i know how to prepare a dish so that it turns out juicy, i cut the fillet lengthwise, beat it, salt it, pepper, cover with slices of cheese and ham, roll the pieces into a roll , put them close to each other, prick them across with skewers, cut them lengthwise, put them on the opposite side, grease the pieces with butter for juiciness, decorate with rosemary sprigs for a bright aroma, bake for half an hour until golden brown, look, what delicious kebabs turned out very
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juicy, thanks to the cheese and ham, i’m sure you will like this dish, bon appetit. headache, a misfortune, unfortunately, familiar to many first-hand, if it torments you constantly, friends, do n’t endure it, consult a doctor, and listen to what doctor denis lobkov will tell us all right now, you have a headache , first of all, we rule out surges in blood pressure, sit on the sofa, lean on the back, don’t cross our legs, put our hand on the table, put on the cuff is bent 3 cm, we fix it not tightly so as not to compress the vessels in advance, the upper pressure norms are from 120 to 130 mm hg, the lower ones from 80 to 90. do your numbers correspond to these indicators? this is good, which means that most likely the headache is from
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overexertion. drink 200 grams of warm water in small sips. the liquid helps to expand the walls of blood vessels, also , to relieve tension , we rub the temples and the bridge of the nose in a circular motion, gently, without pressing, now we fold our fingers like this, as if we were holding an apple in each hand, for minutes 10, massage the scalp on both sides, ventilate the room and go to rest, relax the facial muscles of the whole body , if you can take a nap, great, sleep relieves headaches perfectly, you will definitely feel better, but if unpleasant sensations appear often, see a doctor and get checked
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examination, take care of yourself, thank you colleagues, good morning to everyone who is celebrating this wonderful autumn day with channel one, roman budnikov and anastasia orlova are with you. so, friends, on november 4, the day of national unity in moscow at vdnkh, an exhibition will open forum russia, and this is the main thing. event of the month. the event is grandiose: 42 sites, 265,000 km, the scale is without exaggeration, enormous, a kaleidoscope of events, achievements, discoveries, emotions, all this is about our country, about you and me. as for the exhibition russia on november 4, the most noticeable screen is at the main arch, of the 400 smaller screens, not movable, there will be a map of russia, look for your home. immediately behind the arch there is a tunnel of 166 steps, reaching the country, screens outside inside 40 projectors, installation is finishing, and the whole vdh is now
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huge construction site. the construction of vdnh is 30,000 km, and in order to organize lighting, we laid more than 50 km of cable lines , no less tourist routes, we are going to the updated pavilion, which will house the forum participants, one of the most noticeable grains, we are inside for the first time, after a year and a half of renovation , but why so long? during the restoration work, were elements of restoration that were not initially provided for in the scientific design documentation discovered, were some discoveries made here? yes, restoration work, they are in in general, akin to archaeological research, this is how the painting on the portal and on that rosette was discovered. meat industry pavilion, look, the bulls have returned to the faye, immediately look up. one of the first elements that was restored was the socket; it was still in work in the dirt, but we had a socket; it was inspiring. there are famous
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metlakh tiles on the floor, the main thing that was difficult was getting the color right, because the color was original and it was hard to find it. testaments only seem bronze, mache popier technique, as in the original. there were some losses, petals, twists and turns, all these leaves were restored by our specialists. in the rsf pavilion, where the mfc - changes inside, for the duration of the forum, there is smart finance, you can be nostalgic for the old savings banks with queues and even earn money. you can try yourself, say, as a machine learning specialist, you can take a test to evaluate your financial habits, and develop a mobile banking application. gaming and digital rubles can be exchanged for souvenirs, for example, but the main pavilion is 75, most of the participants have already settled here. tverskaya and volga. especially for the russian exhibition , a real cabin of the ivalga electric train
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weighing 3,800 kg was brought from the tver region from vagonzada. here you can take a virtual trip to the tver region. there are 89 regions in total, the largest enterprises and government departments will present their best at the forum. start november 4th. you will have time to see everything, russia will extend the exhibition. stay tuned, this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, in the middle east , israel is attacking the administrative center of the city of gaza from five directions, arabic writes. hamas reports that fierce fighting is taking place in the enclave; within 24 hours, the idf hit 300 targets, and an air strike was carried out on the underground tunnels in jabaliya, where the largest refugee camp is located. according to
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palestinian doctors, 50 people were killed and 150 were injured. hamas speaks of 400 killed, in footage that comes from gas, craters, ruins and people who are trying to get those who are still alive from the rubble. in hospitals doctors have to save victims when there is a critical shortage of medicines, including painkillers. although it was the states, let me remind you , that did everything to prevent the un security council from adopting a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire. the shelling of israeli territory is also continuing, and hamas is attacking it. the idf also reported intercepting a surface-to-air missile fired by hezbollah militants at a drone. in response , fighter jets took to the sky and hit the missile launch site. in lebanon. four of our colleagues, journalists, film crew operators, tv channels zvezda izvestia were injured during shelling of donetsk by
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ukrainian armed forces. one of the wounded, evgeny bykovsky, has already been operated on. in total, 12 people were injured, among them also employees of the ministry of emergency situations. two dead. the militants worked according to a typical terrorist scenario. they struck at intervals of several minutes, and as soon as rescuers arrived at the scene, they came under the next attack. in total , 12 rszzo shells were fired into the budenovsky district of the dpr, including at least five of them with cluster ammunition part. a fire broke out at the scene, but it was extinguished. the crew of the iskander operational-tactical missile system successfully hit the ukrainian command and headquarters post, where senior enemy officers periodically hold meetings. the target was thoroughly worked out by our reconnaissance, having received the coordinates, the crew brought the multi-ton tractor to the starting position, it was decided to use a cruise missile for the strike, it works with pinpoint accuracy at a distance of tens of kilometers, and then confirmation came: the object was destroyed. the rocket flew straight into the open window on
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second floor. a warehouse with ammunition, headquarters with mercenaries, ammunition was hit, it is considered controlled, which is oriented by the terrain, this product can fly up to 500 km, the missile is oriented by the terrain, by the map that is loaded into it, flies along the terrain, determines what. what to do next, courage and heroism are shown by our military personnel, members of the front, the gunner of the gun crew, sergei antonov, having accurately calculated the coordinates of the enemy , hit the enemy mortar with a well-aimed shot, and won an artillery duel, and then destroyed the entire personnel of the ukrainian assault group with six shots. guard radiotelephone operator junior sergeant oleg vishnevsky, despite heavy enemy fire, with his life managed to restore the repeater damaged by shrapnel, which made it possible
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to coordinate artillery fire and repel the militant attack. the first higher technical educational institution in russia, one of the best universities in the world in its field. st. petersburg mining university is celebrating a big anniversary today. 250 years ago, the decree on its creation was signed by empress catherine i. and the majestic architectural ensemble on vasilyevsky island was built by the famous andrei varonikh. only 19 people became the first students, and today 12.5 study in 97 directions and specialties in nine faculties. the mountain is not only an educational but also a scientific center. innovations are born here that help make production processes at the largest russian enterprises economical and environmentally friendly. unique research and expeditions are carried out here. exactly the polar explorers of the university, having gone to antarctica to the relict lake vostok, were the first and so far the only ones in the world to obtain cores,
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ice samples that are a million years old. and the depth of knowledge, first, second, practical skills, the university, i, as the rector, set up the ideology of training a specialist who should come to production, gorny this year was the first to switch to a new model of education, a pilot project of educational reform by decree of president vladimir putin is being implemented in six universities, study from 4 to 6 years, practice for at least six months, and this summer a decision was made to build a russian-chinese one. on the basis of gorny, an additional campus will appear in st. petersburg, and another one in china. italy is in the grip of torrential rains and tropical heat, unusual in november even for southern europe. an orange level of weather danger was declared in five areas in the veneto region, a red level. the famous canals of venice are overcrowded, the streets of milan are flooded, and cars are being carried away by the flood. now the cyclone is moving to the central and southern regions of the country, where
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eternal summer seems to reign this year. in palermo 34° 28. flooding in great britain, the town of newry in northern ireland felt like venice when the local canal also overflowed its banks, in another city rescuers were called to pull out a flock of sheep from flooded meadows, 70 pretty wet animals were taken by farmers, and another 30 went for a ride, as local media write, on the only animal attraction in the world, they were picked up using a crane. that's all for now, now the word to my colleagues, good morning. yes. good morning to everyone who is celebrating a new day with the first channel on the calendar: wednesday, november 1st. anastasia arlova and roman budnikov are with you. and feel what the date is, friends, 2 months before the new year, it’s time to prepare, it’s time. roma is right, as always, but someone will probably say, yes, it’s too early, it’s still early, but we’re all people here, experienced, experienced, sensible, we’ll say, how to ask the price, and how to make a list of products for the holiday table, and how to prepare a dress, a beautiful suit for the new year, and buying something now
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wouldn’t hurt, a gift, for example, i got the hint for my shooting partner, by the way, many stores are already in the new year’s mood, so friends, let's go shopping, have the new year mood been brought to the stores with a false start or is it really time? i thought it was too early, but it turns out that the new year is already here, buying before the new year will be somehow expensive, but gradually, little by little, you get a beautiful new year’s table, and marketers suggest... to assemble it for the table now, since now we have a fairly quiet sales season, it is important for sellers to attract customers, now you can see a lot of different promotions, discounts, for the same... and goods in december prices can grow several times. every year in december, the price of chocolates increases by 5-10%. now we can absolutely easily start buying sweets; they have a long shelf life. which will also not spoil, but
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the price of canned food, cucumbers, corn, and peas will definitely increase. last year we had a price increase of 10-20%. it is worth paying attention to raw smoked dry sausage. the main thing is not to eat it before the holiday. the mode is activated, don’t worry, leave it until the new year. with a list of products, so far everything is in line - gifts, pilagea and kiril almukhanovs are in full swing. i’ll make an applique now, it will be a new year’s gift for my grandfather. it’s not too early, there are just a lot of relatives, but i want to congratulate everyone. these are grandmothers. i will be glad to receive all gifts. gifts for the kids are also ready. mom, who spends the day in the trunk, carries a pink bicycle. we haven’t had time to hide it yet, the kindergarten will leave, then i’ll bring it in and hide it. like these ones. you can't see, november is the perfect time for surprises, 11:11 and black friday are ahead, we're catching discounts, we'll have to catch them soon, there's an opening for a manicure at the christinins' cosmetologist
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the masters are already busy, i will ask, but they will find a place for me, but i’ve just been going to this salon for a very long time, we found an opening , we’re making an appointment right now so that we can shine on new year’s eve, and we’ve chosen a place, we want a holiday outside the city, we’ll literally jump into last. just as many people make early bookings for travel, offers appear already six months in advance. october and november are already hotter months, and we will observe that prices rise every month by 10-15%. prieltor natalya pavlova i rang through dozens of advertisements all over the country, many of which are no longer relevant. we would like to consider this house for the new year holidays. the new year's one has already been rented out, unfortunately. the first to the second are already over. well, there's still something left. yes, we have reservations open for the new year holidays. price range from 65 to 140,000 rubles for 3 days in a house of 100 square meters. we make a reservation, the doors close. alena astrakhantseva, denis fonvarev, stanislav cherzhnyakov, yuri lebedev,
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channel one. and since we're talking about money, only for the first 3 months of this year the bank of russia received almost 2,000 complaints about fraudulent loans. these are the loans that all sorts of swindlers take from strangers. where do scammers get this data, how do they issue loans to scammers, how to protect yourself and what to do if someone has already collected debts in your name, this is my worst dream, my worst dream, in general, there are a lot of questions, now we will receive answers with you. it is unknown how elizabeth’s passport got to the scammers, but she was given an online loan, i only found out when an angry letter arrived from a microfinance company. i saw the amount 43, and it shocked me. i contacted a lawyer. but even with him for a year i had to prove the account where the money went, not hers, the phone too, it was fundamentally important for me not to give the money, because well, once i give it back, they will understand that they can continue to hang it up,
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i won the trial, and my passport will change, but still, where did the attackers get all our data? we leave it ourselves, if not on phishing sites, then in delivery services, when checking into a hotel, thousands of scanners are freely available online, in such cases it is usually advised to share less personal information information, check your credit history as often as possible. in each of the three russian bureaus, twice a year it is free, online is more convenient and you can subscribe so that if something happens you can react immediately. as soon as a loan is issued to you, you receive a message, it says who gave you this loan, so run there, immediately try to say, it wasn’t me, figure it out. the credit history of igor from yekaterinburg was ideal until his government services account was hacked. i restored it, i’m coming in. it's not my email mail and not my cell phone ordered a credit history i was stunned to see that i had collected loans in four places in banks, of which i had never been a client in my life. it turned out that i owed 600,000 rubles. as
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the lawyer found out, the scammers were not lazy, they made a fake passport in igor’s name, and pasted in a photo of an accomplice. a person from a credit card company arrives, gives a credit card and takes photographs of the person who takes out the loan along with his passport, and they showed me photographs... of this person who took out the loan using the victim’s data, another man. it was lucky that the debt was not transferred to collectors after verification, two of the three banks deleted information about the debt and turned to the police themselves, and the man concluded: it’s better that all these new fashionable protections are now available for personal accounts, these two-factor authentication, this is necessary install everything, turn it on, and change the password, probably every couple of months, especially since october, two-factor protection is mandatory for government services. but you can’t not give your data at all, as an option to close part information, for example, a signature, or indicate who this copy is for, right on top, in this form, wouldn’t it prevent the agents from taking... for example, a ticket for us? it will
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be possible to take a ticket, but if for one reason or another the passport ends up online, then this inscription will be quite difficult to remove, and many attackers simply will not want to waste time. if you are still given a loan, but the bank insists that the client is to blame, you can go to a state legal aid center like this one. services are free, only for this there have been more than two requests a year, almost all about this very issue. dmitry kuzmiin, roman deimidov, channel one. we continue, the market for daily rental housing is actively growing, this is not my fantasy , this is what experts say, and this is understandable, very often it is more profitable for a tourist to rent an apartment than a hotel room, and for the one who rents out the apartment, this can bring a good income, but how it’s common and there are some subtleties here. renting an apartment daily is more profitable than a hotel room; if the renovation and location are comparable, the apartment for the tenant is on average one and a half times cheaper.
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rentals are actively growing, if a few years ago it was about 30% of the total volume of the tourist rental market, now the figure has grown to 40. for landlords this is also beneficial, in terms of a month the cost of daily rentals is higher than for a long term, and if there is no time for constant communication with new tenants, an intermediary can handle the rental of the apartment, this is either a sublease or a management agreement, in one case, the owner will receive a fixed price for his apartment per month, in another case he will share the income with management company. natalya bryzgalova rents four apartments daily in the capital, all of them are subleased? i don’t have my own property, that is, i rented an apartment on a long-term basis, not far from the house, on purpose , i agreed with the owner that i would rent it out daily for the first month... i worked at a minus and cleaned myself between
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tenants’ arrivals, when we just started to get out of the minuses, 1.15 was probably left for me, in addition to the fact that i pay the owners, and now from four about 200,000 objects with clean ones, photographs, placement of advertisements, website design, all interaction with clients , this is natalya’s work, 7 days a week, only the cleaning is now done by a cleaning company , check-in is remote, that is, there is no need to meet guests, i send to you at when a guest checks in, he enters it here , opens it accordingly, there are keys inside to open a business, it is enough to register as self-employed or individual entrepreneur to pay taxes, and not a rule, it is a recommendation to get to know all the neighbors, if any problems, here's the phone number, we'll talk directly to the tenant. natalya indicates in the contract that the apartment is not rented out for parties , otherwise eviction is the main headache... plus a fine for damage to property, but in general, aortization, that is
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, natural wear and tear when renting out daily is lower, because guests spend little time in the apartment, they walk more or travel around the city on business; renting out an apartment by the day can be a good business idea, but it’s not passive income, it’s a full-time job. varvara fedorova, konstantin struchkov, anatoly brikalov, olga andreeva, channel one. we haven't talked about delicious food for a long time. brynza, and suluguni, mozzarella. well, you’re just a poet, that’s what unites them? and any cheese maker will immediately answer us, these are the so-called brine cheeses, they are very tasty, let’s now find out how they are made, and then we will look in detail at the important question, how to choose this brine cheese correctly, cheese production begins with a cow, more precisely with milk, some manufacturers use store-bought, ultra-pasteurized, but the real thing is better farm, dachshund is rich, with a creamy taste. therefore, farmer takhir
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dzhapuev started cows in nalchik, and then moved the farm to the moscow region. we loaded the cows, uh, 17 heads, and came here in a furry. and when we were transporting, it turned out that during milking, uh, one of our cows jumped out. and it happened, along the m4 highway, we caught it, caught it, brought it and continued to cook delicious feta cheese, which refers to pickled cheeses. this is where we store milk, immediately after milking it goes into a cooler tank and is cooled to 4° and aged for 8-12 hours, then it goes to the cheese factory and undergoes pasteurization, now we will add calcium chloride, calcium chloride is added to the cheese, since after pasteurization calcium is destroyed, the second component is rennet for ripening, 40 minutes have passed, cheese the curd is ready, we check it for... like this, we make an incision and lift it up, the cut should
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be glossy like this, with a special lyre knife we cut the curd to make a grain of cheese, drain the whey in these forms, if you don’t do this and salt it right away, the whey will be sealed inside the head, the cheese will sour and will taste bitter. both, well, that’s it, i’m a cheese maker, the next day in brine, soft cheeses at ten percent, hard cheeses at twenty percent, kept for up to two months. this is our already aged cheese. and you don’t try it before, of course, we try every wheel of cheese. let's try. the most popular pickled cheeses are suluguni, feta cheese, mozzarella, feto, the production principle is similar, they differ only in the starter and ripening temperature, what to look for attention when choosing suluguni, heterogeneous, slightly layered, elastic, as if springy, feta cheese is snow-white or milky, yellow, which means not fresh, so that
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there is no hardness inside, so that it is homogeneous, at the same time glossy, it should be elastic , not soft, mozzarella, snow-white, glossy, plastic, porosity, perhaps some kind of slipperiness, this is unacceptable, and feto - the structure is heterogeneous, porous, if it can be spread on bread, it is no longer feto, real, dense, brittle . ruslan yunyaev, nikita kulakov, anatoly brikalov, vladimir popov, channel one. new revelation from vavan and lexus, giorgio meloni, prime minister of italy, she has certain conflicts with the eu, how africa will change. geopolitical situation in the world, we must take care of africa. these words of miloni remind us of how italy promised ukraine to build a drama theater in mariupol. why is miloni protecting the ukrainian nazis? they are doing what they are supposed to do and it is right that we are trying to help them. and also, languages italy found itself on the verge of a humanitarian crisis. not
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we need to lecture you, macron, people are fleeing africa from you. antifake, premiere, today on the first. whiskey mankatcher is a product of the stellar group. it is estimated that on average, notaries in russia draw up 6 million different powers of attorney every year, about 1 million requests are related to property. and i won’t be mistaken if i say that everyone has looked into the nutary office at least once in their life , it’s true, but if you haven’t looked in, then you will probably look in, since october 1, something has changed in this area, and that’s it. to have the document certified by a notary, we are looking for somewhere cheaper, but the effort it is in vain that in one region there is one price for any service in all offices, but each region has its own tariffs, and therefore its own prices. another thing is that now the socially significant services
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of a notary have fallen in price in many regions. for example, a power of attorney to receive a pension is a common phenomenon, let’s say, take the kaluga region, which means until october 1... such a notary action cost 1,800 rubles. from october 1 it costs 1,300 rubles. but this is not the limit, for example, it is now 30% cheaper to certify a signature in sevastopol on the 26th magadan region, it cost 3,000 rubles. from the first of october it costs 2,200 rubles. the alienation of real estate in the arkhanel region, for example, cost 22,000 rubles. now this notarial act costs 12,600 rubles. what is the reason for the reduction, the notary tariff is now calculated using a new formula, it contains different economic indicators , one of the important now is the cost of living of a particular region, but notary services have become cheaper not in all regions, where previously the regional chambers themselves further reduced the cost of important services , the price may
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not to change, somewhere the amounts were not inflated, they were much lower than the maximum, there everything remained approximately the same, that is, using an example we can say that for a power of attorney in moscow... the maximum tariff is 2,300, but in fact it costs 1,700, that is moscow initially installed less. in general, the amount to be paid for a notary service is formed from two tariffs, the federal one - this is the so-called state duty, and the regional one, which has just changed, or rather, its permissible limit. however, you don’t need to count anything yourself, the exact cost of services in any region can be found on the website of the federal notary chamber. yes, everything is on the site, another question is why certification of one document is more expensive than another in one specific region , depends on whether a notary is required by law, for example, when buying and selling a share of an apartment, yes, when buying a separate apartment - no, in the first in some cases, the cost is cheaper; in some cases, the cost of the service is also influenced
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by kinship; for example, you give an apartment to children or a friend, if a close relative the whole apartment will hit, this is not necessary. then in this case the percentage is lower for close relatives, but you can try to save money and also go to a neighboring region where a specific service is cheaper, for example, from the moscow region to moscow. or vice versa, a life hack, but be more careful, not everything can be certified in a foreign region, signature or power of attorney, please, here is a real estate transaction only in the region where it is located. anna brosimova, sergey morin, channel one. someone witty said, it's better to have a stain on your clothes than a stain on your clothes. reputation, and even better when there are no stains at all, neither here nor there. unlike a stain on a reputation, a stain on clothing can, if not be washed off, then at least be masked, well , i know that, you can attach a brooch there. well , and do something else tricky, but fashion designer olga kurylenko knows best how to get out of the situation. you
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've put a stain on your t-shirt, you can't wash it off, we'll mask it, if you like to sew, you'll probably find scraps of braid and grosgrain ribbons at home, that's exactly what we need. before before starting work, we check the stability of the paint on the decorative elements, for this i wet the tapes in... cover them with a white cloth, go over them with a hot iron, there are traces on the white fabric, which means the tape is not suitable for work. i only discarded one ribbon and will sew the rest onto the t-shirt. i lay out a braid ornament on top of the stain, sew it on first by hand and then by machine. look how beautiful it turned out, a simple t-shirt turned into an original designer item. no one will guess that
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we were simply masking the stain. our program the most interesting things from the world of sports continue ahead. word to our colleagues, sports journalists of channel one. infinitely great is the most common epithet that can be heard following the results of the sixty-seventh golden sword ceremony in paris, and it’s not difficult to guess who we’re talking about, of course, lionel messi. the argentine striker won football's most prestigious individual prize for the eighth time in his career, making his record even more unattainable. in second place in the number of such trophies, cristiano ronaldo, the portuguese have five, and for the first time in 20 years he was not even nominated for the golden ball. last season, messi did not shine at club level, but won the world cup, which predetermined his success in the voting, where he beat norway's erling holland, who broke the record number. goals for one english championship, who scored a so-called treble with manchester city, and the frenchman kylian mbappe, who became the champion of ligue 1 with psg, scored a hat-trick
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in the final of the qatar world cup. the acceptance speech, messi mentioned and erling and kylian, and also remembered diego maradona, who could celebrate his sixtieth birthday on october 30. wherever you are, happy birthday, diego, this is for you too, i share the award with you, messi said touchingly. disputes about whether he received the previous ones fairly. continues to this day, some fans are angry about his eighth ballon d'or, but hardly anyone would argue that the footballer, who became a legend during his lifetime, deserved the trophy after what he did at the last championship world for his country and for the game in general, north america, where he now plays for inter, there is a real football boom from miami, tickets for matches with his participation are simply impossible to get, by the way, relatively recently, messi helped the club win the first title in cup history league, few people remember that the season also included victories in the french championship and the french super cup as part of psg, and in total in all tournaments he managed to score 32 goals
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and make 25 assists. perhaps the most metaphorical comment from the parisian the ceremony was published by the argentine newspaper olle. previously, when leo received the golden ball, he was not able to enjoy it to the fullest , there was always something missing, the most coveted world cup trophy, but he did not give up , he tried, he suffered a lot, shed tears, he could have done it another way, but passion for the game and love for the national team have taken over, now everything is in its place, look no more, the eighth miracle in this world, lionel messi, today the serial film trotsky starts on channel one, cast, star, starring konstantin khobensky , this real, great, cool, modern cinema, which is a must see, in general, you know what to do in the evening, your whole world is to hell, where is trotsky, there is always furore and revolution, in the 21st century in cannes he
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made a revolution, this cinema primarily explains the energy that changed the course of history. leon trotsky - executive producer of the october revolution. energetic, creative, sexy. we made movies, first of all. politicians, a pop star, an armored train, a leather raincoat, a big gun in a wooden holster, a motorcycle, flight goggles, the only thing missing is a guitar. this nervous man, dressed in black leather, controlled the crowd like a rock idyl in the stadium, how he managed to rouse war-weary people to a fight that would destroy them, but he succeeded, you yourself achieved this, will you really stop at the moment when the revolution is left just one shaftrodsky, together with konstantin khabensky, evgeny stychkin
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, lenin, mikhail parechenkov, merchant parus, olga sutulova, revolutionary, are making a coup, trotsky and his comrades will flood the side with blood, from the best motives, of course, they are certainly obsessed with strange ideas, certainly a woman who continues to live with a man who kills people is a rather strange choice, isn't it? a people who have endured despotism for centuries are not worthy of contempt, why fight for the happiness of someone you despise? his own children, this is the only way he can live, trotsky is losing those he loves, women, maybe he shouldn’t have gotten involved with
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the bolsheviks, there is so much hate around today. the staff movie was made with great taste. leon trotsky's armored train is already tonight. do not miss. either you will go down in history with me today, or tomorrow you will find yourself on the sidelines. ninna kazanjan, asya ratkevich, sergey morin, channel one. next up is the newscast. stay with us. this is new to the first studio maria vasilyeva, hello, four of our colleagues, journalists, cameramen of film crews of the tv channels zvezda and izvestia, were wounded during the shelling of donetsk by the ukrainian armed forces, one of the wounded, yevgeny bykovsky, has already been operated on. a total of 12 people were injured
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among them there were also employees of the ministry of emergency situations, two of whom died. according to a typical terrorist scenario, they were hit at intervals of several minutes; they had just arrived at the scene to save us when they came under the next attack. in total , 12 rszzo shells were fired into the budenovsky district of the dpr, including at least five of them with a cluster warhead. a fire broke out at the scene, but it was extinguished. in the svo zone, russian units of the south group, with the support of aviation and artillery, repelled an attack by ukrainian assault groups and were defeated in accumulations of living sea. and enemy military equipment in the areas of kleshcheevka and kurdyumovka, including the destruction of three tanks, seven howitzers, two multiple launch rocket systems and five mortars. the vostok group also reports the elimination of 160 militants in the staromayorsky area, and the crew of the tor m1 anti-aircraft missile system of the central military district shot down enemy komikaze drones in the krasno-liman direction. at the same time, in the southern donetsk direction
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, the lancet missile was destroyed by the western air defense system. calculation of operational-tactical the iskander missile system successfully hit the ukrainian command and staff post, where senior enemy officers periodically hold meetings. the goal was thoroughly worked out by our intelligence. having received the coordinates, the crew brought the multi-ton tractor to the starting position, and it was decided to use a cruise missile for the strike. it works with pinpoint precision at a distance of tens of kilometers, confirmation has arrived. through an open window on the second floor, it was hit, a warehouse with ammunition, headquarters with mercenaries, ammunition, considered controlled, which
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is oriented by the terrain, this product can fly up to 500 km, the missile is oriented by the terrain, by the map that is loaded into it... it is unloaded, flies along the terrain, determines what to do next, more about the courage of our military, gun crew gunner, sergei antonov hit an enemy mortar with a quick shot, won an artillery duel, and then destroyed the entire ukrainian assault group. guard radiotelephonist junior sergeant oleg vishnevsky, under heavy fire, risking his life , managed to restore the one damaged by shrapnel. repeater. the israeli army shelled a residential area in the city of khan yunis in the southern part of the gaza strip - media reports: there are casualties, according to arab journalists on the ground, tsahal is attacking the administrative center from five directions. cities of gaza. hamas reports that there is heavy fighting in the enclave. during the day, tsahal hit 300 targets. an air strike was carried out on the underground tunnel in jabaliya, where the largest refugee camp is located. according to palestinian doctors, 50
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people were killed and 150 were injured. hamas says 400 those killed, in the footage that comes from gas, craters, ruins and people who are trying to get those who are still alive from under the rubble. in hospitals, doctors have to save victims when there is a critical shortage of medicines, including painkillers. the states, let me remind you, did everything to prevent the un security council from adopting a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire. the shelling of israeli territory also does not subside; hamas is attacking it. the idf also reported intercepting a surface-to-air missile fired by hezbollah militants at a drone. in response, to the sky fighters took off and hit the launch site in lebanon. the first higher technical educational institution in russia, one of the best universities in the world, according to its profile, st. petersburg mining university is celebrating a big anniversary today. 250 years ago, the decree on its creation was signed by
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empress catherine ii. the ancient architectural ensemble on vasilyevsky island was built by the famous andrei varonikin. only 19 people became the first students, and today 12,500 are studying in 97 areas and specialties in nine faculties. mountain. not only an educational but also a scientific center; innovations are born here that help make production processes at the largest russian enterprises economical and environmentally friendly. here , it is the polar explorers of the university who conduct unique research and expeditions when they go to antarctica to the relict lake vostok. the first and so far the only ones in the world obtained cores, ice samples that are a million years old. the depth of knowledge , first, second, practical skills, university, i, as a rector, set it up. ideology of specialist training and which must come to production. gorny was the first to switch to a new education model this year. the pilot project of educational reform according to the decree of vladimir putin is being implemented
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in six universities, training from four to 6 years, practice for at least six months. spring is in november, the weather has prepared such a gift for muscovites this week. today in the capital the temperature is almost may, up to +14°, and the night was so warm that it might be cold. record and up to 15° sunday and monday, this reminds me of a day off. but in the chelyabinsk region it’s winter in with their full power, cars are stuck on regional roads, the international airport has suspended flights. and that 's all for now. and now a word of good morning to my colleagues. good morning to everyone who is celebrating a new day with channel one. on the calendar, wednesday: 1. november. and in these autumn days, traffic to sites dedicated to a healthy lifestyle is growing. life, actively, by the way, different diets are also being discussed, of course, the new year is getting closer and closer, it’s only 2 months away, i have a dress, the dress is ready, i’m just i have to fit into it, but i won’t be able to eat cucumbers anymore, well, there’s still a little bit of cabbage
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, just a little bit, 2 months before the new year, and people are already drawing holiday cards to give to relatives, they always prepare in advance, my mother bought gliders, they write down how to understand what you want, it’s difficult for a woman, well, you generally plan how much to throw off, so if you do, imagine, on new year’s eve you’ll be so light in a new dress, you’ll also fit in, the main goal is to set an achievable and to prescribe correctly, for example, to lose weight, yes, about how much you are, no more than 2 kg, this is a real goal, we visualize the desired result, draw it, it’s very motivating, you ’re just so skinny, of course, but how did you want, size, and how did you want, right? there are flowers, flowers, and it’s also important to choose a demotivator, an anti-example, for example, lyuska doesn’t play sports, she eats a lot, look how her sides hang down, my little bunny, but we are smarter,
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olya chose the pool twice a week olga ilinichna nordic walking. 3 km a day, lymphatic drainage, excellent, that is, everyone works muscle groups, so i think this is hardening and good for the immune system, now about nutrition , which... in 2 months, definitely remove sugar, add more vegetables to your diet and drink water with lemon in the morning to lose a couple of kilograms, this should be enough , the main thing is without breakdowns, but what about the face? new snail care, for example, would you like me to buy you a good cream? no, no, with a snail, no, why does olga ilyichnaya need some kind of snail when she makes natural masks at home herself, coffee with oil to renew the skin, sour cream with honey for moisturizing, if all this is still in the bathhouse, yes in good company to put on, we bet you never... do you know how old our grandmother is? a month before the new year, people go to a cosmetologist for cleaning and peeling, 2 weeks before they get a haircut and refresh their hair color, all this is scheduled on the
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refrigerator. now to the gifts, grandma has already started sewing a tender blanket for everyone, olya has another idea on how to please her husband, i promise not to wake up the new year’s week, the week of the new year’s holidays to entertain the children myself, to involve the children. she will give him this voucher on new year's eve, it is an envelope with a certificate inside. on what she dreams of doing on december 31st. maria kuskova, nekita kulakov, rostislav kolesnikov, yulia bykova, channel one, and we went further and give the floor to our astrologers, they already have a forecast for november, a whole month for today, a very powerful month has arrived, active, dynamic, directed towards future, it will open up some prospects, give us a chance to bring our ideas and plans to life, help us start something new, or get things moving
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that didn’t work out in october, and this is also a wonderful time for those who need something... then learn or show your talents, it’s true that you can get carried away by something bright , tempting, but ephemeral, november is rich in all sorts of temptations , but the stars have warned you, it is also very nimble, in the second decade many will feel how time is accelerating, at the end of the month it will generally fly like arrow, it will be easier to solve current problems and overcome obstacles along the way, and in general everything will be done quickly, the other side is the coin, we will be prone to hasty decisions, hasty conclusions, rash actions and words. aries, for you this is relevant today. don’t rush things, count to ten before saying something harsh, don’t rush things, remember: measure your motto once today. when driving, again , take it easy, don’t rush , and you’ll have a great day when everything works out. taurus are on the rise today and generally great, they will redo their affairs and help others, and money loves them, most importantly... and don’t forget,
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money loves counting and silence even more, and the evening is clearly preparing something interesting for you, something like a date the stars promise gemini, also in the evening, but the day will be filled with work, with everything will be clear to her as usual, the main thing is not to be late and not to forget anything, being more careful with technology can lead to failure. cancers today will be convinced that they are valued and respected more than they thought, pleasant, of course, but at the same time obliging, after lunch some important information may come... be careful on stairs and escalators. this day may throw up some surprises for leos. most likely he will be associated with someone well known to you. in the afternoon, do not hesitate to go shopping, and in the evening, expect guests. one of your friends or relatives will appear on the horizon. this may distract you from something important, but most likely you won’t complain; besides, you ca n’t redo everything, take care of your health, viruses don’t sleep. libra will receive.
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a chance to correct some mistakes, settle an old conflict or dispute, repay a debt, make peace with someone or agree on something, the libra ladies will decide to show off a little, and you know, the stars don’t mind. the luminaries tell scorpios that you are on the right path, the main thing is that as you rush forward, do not forget to look at your feet, in case something is out there some old rake is hiding, and the evening looks like it’s going to entertain you with something. sagittarius have a smooth work day, even a little routine, when everything moves... in a circle of familiar affairs, but in the evening it seems like you have something in store for you, unplanned, with alcohol , just be more careful. capricorns will want something new, some changes, and the stars are all for it. dare, change, change your life. this is your day, just be careful with money and don’t forget about safety precautions. aquarians today are charming, artistic, witty, it is not surprising that their person arouses interest, including among the opposite. so
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to speak, a side effect is all sorts of gossip, but what do you care about them? pisces may try to spoil the mood, some everyday trifle, but just don’t pay attention, after lunch there may be a small profit, and in the evening it seems like he wants to invite you somewhere, maybe a date, good luck to you, good morning, after 40 years, keep yourself in good health form becomes more difficult, metabolism slows down, extra pounds accumulate faster. stay on your toes gymnastics will help, we get into the side plank on our knees, like this and perform mahias up and down, touch the toe to the floor, change the position of the legs, whoever is ready can... increase the load,
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raise the leg until it is parallel with the floor and rotate it in a circle. the greater the amplitude, the more difficult it is to perform the exercise, but it is worth it. the exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the legs, hips, buttocks and abs. do it regularly, and you will be guaranteed a good figure. an unusual passenger was spotted on a bus near moscow, a capuchin, a small monkey, she was dressed quite fashionably, look, the tailed passenger behaved, very cultured. i sat on the handrail all the way and studied the validator, but whether the monkey had a ticket is not reported , but now, let's go to the arctic, to seal island, guests to well-fed and very happy seals, we even envy them a little, we still we didn’t have breakfast, well, it’s true, our guide, as always, will be vadim
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lobachenko, let’s go, on the seal island of the arctic, it’s not difficult to understand when the main local animals, seals, begin to play pranks beyond measure, firstly, this is when... the will to get enough their favorite delicacy, and these are small but very tasty krill shells, their skins and shells are not scary like seals, their teeth are not sharp, they are ready to bite and drive away any and every rival, for the last five years we have had a wealth of krill, all the seals were well-fed, which means happy , but nothing lasts forever; problems have arisen with krill this year. but not for everyone, especially not for kids, they are nursed and walked to the maximum in the island colony, plump kids moan every now and then, apparently from happiness of being full, and at the same time the proximity of the most beloved and fat mother
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light. foreign minister dmitry kuleba is launching a fun business on ukrainian soil, called minefield honey. this is a pure water trap for those stupid western investors, he has prepared such a slicing factory for himself, from which he will earn money after he resigns, ukraine is a first-class state, a liar, and a convinced liar, kuleba together with anthony blinkino and agreed on very simple rules, we transfer property rights, ships, factories, land, now all this is not ukrainian, now this is all western, when they say, they can’t bring out ukrainian grain, they can’t bring out black rock grain, issued more than 3,000 diplomatic visas for rich people and their children to travel abroad, take away summonses from the rich for free and give them to the poor, you understand, today there is on the front, ukrainians are dying for american interests, and kulob is pushing this story. dmitry
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kuleba, wholesale and retail sales of ukraine, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. borborsman, stellar group product, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, i'm leaving to look for you, serial killers are divided into four different types, according to their motivations, one way or another they kill because of love. the writer sent a request to him, they don’t have such an employee, and you know igor well
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, you don’t drink coffee, girls, no, you’re scaring me, i love you, let me in, it hurts, don’t come here again, what’s up do you like midok? the territory is soon on the first, maybe the tail will hang behind him? let's wait, he has a headache now. to others, she will say yes, and we are united forever, like the sun, air and water, all
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together, the most russian about my burden and soul, and let my heart ache for those whom i do not ask to breathe and believe the wounded. my fight, even if my fight is bad, it doesn’t seem like it yet. i'm a russian premiere on november 4th on the first. well, roman, it’s time to cook something tasty and catering technologist olga teplova will help us with this
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, she knows how to cheer up the whole family in the morning, you just need to feed her, this is very interesting by the way, it would seem that it can be done or cook it from chicken breast, well, what other dish can you come up with, look, his majesty, kebab, oh, it will be delicious, chicken breast is rarely used for barbecue, the meat is too dry, and i know how to prepare the dish so that it turns out exactly. i cut the fillet lengthwise, beat it, salt it, pepper it, cover it with slices of cheese and ham, roll the pieces into a roll, place them close to each other , prick them across with skewers, cut them lengthwise, place them on the opposite side, grease the pieces with butter for juiciness, decorate them with sprigs of rosemary for a bright aroma, bake half an hour until golden brown. look how delicious the kebabs turned out to be very juicy, thanks to the cheese and
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party. i'm sure you will like this dish, bon appetit. headache is an attack that, unfortunately, is familiar to many first-hand. if it constantly torments you, friends, don’t endure it, consult a doctor. well, listen to what the doctor, denis lobkov, will tell us all right now. you have a headache, the first thing we do is turn on the blood pressure surges, sit on the sofa, lean on the back, don’t cross your legs, put your arm on the table, put the cuff on 3 cm above the elbow, fix it not tightly so as not to pinch it in advance vessels, the norm for upper pressure is from 120 to 130 mm hg, the lower one is from 80 to 90, your numbers correspond to these indicators, this is good, it means that most likely your head hurts from
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overexertion. drink 200 grams of warm water in small sips. the liquid helps to dilate the walls of blood vessels. also, to relieve tension, rub the temples and bridge of the nose in a circular motion, carefully. now we fold our fingers like this, as if we were holding an apple in each hand, for about 10 minutes, massage the scalp from two sides, ventilate the room and lie down to rest, relax the facial muscles of the whole body, if you can take a nap, great, sleep perfectly relieves headaches, you will definitely feel better, but if unpleasant sensations appear often, see a doctor and get
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examined, take care of yourself. the apartment in which an elderly person lives should be safe, no slippery surfaces, no random objects underfoot, and the first aid kit should be in a visible place so that if anything happens, it’s easy to find quickly. several yet simple but important advice from stanislav sokolov. friends, make sure that your elderly relatives are completely safe at home , we place a comfortable chair at the front door so that you can take off your shoes without bending over, choose house slippers with rubber soles, they do not slip, corridors and passages are not litter, bowls for animals and their toys should not be in the way. elderly people often complain of poor memory, so that in an emergency you do not have to seek medical attention. medications, follow simple rules: separate medications for those that are used
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constantly and those that may be needed as a last resort. emergency medications should be kept near the bed so that you can take them without getting up. store medicine for regular use where it is convenient. we attach a list in a prominent place indicating the time of administration, dosage and name of medications. list of phone numbers. necessary in case of an emergency, we hang them at the front door. on a mobile phone, we add these numbers to speed dial. we also make sure that the passport is there. the elderly person’s policy and medical card were in one place. take care of your loved ones. be careful. dear men, you and i can go away for a while on our own business, because women have their own secrets. in general, now we will talk about this topic, strictly for you and me, ladies, makeup artist and beauty blogger, olga fox will teach us how to do
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makeup for oily skin. it turns out there is one. on the street. it’s humid and cold, it’s hot and stuffy in transport, as a result we sweat, the skin, especially oily skin, begins to shine faster, and makeup instantly loses its freshness, i’m a makeup artist olga fox, i’ll show you how to properly tone your face in the off-season, and model alla will help me, it’s important to properly prepare the skin, a thick nourishing cream is not suitable as a base for makeup, we use a light moisturizing serum or gel-like cream. we wait for it to be absorbed, apply a primer - a product that evens out the skin, and if it is not there, use loose transparent powder, pay attention that the packaging is marked hd, this product perfectly evens out the tone and makes makeup especially
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long-lasting, foundation is next , yes, you heard right, we will apply it on top of the powder, look, i have this one... with a dense matte texture, this product dries out the skin and can provoke even more sebum production. you need a cream with a so-called satin texture; it is loose and easier to apply. cover the face with a thin layer. to fix the makeup, apply another layer of transparent loose powder. ready. keep matting wipes, they may come in handy. if oily skin appears on the t-zone during the day shine, don’t immediately grab the powder compact. if the layer of powder is too thick, it will roll off; use matting wipes, or if they are not available, disposable handkerchiefs; you just need to separate the layers first. this is how we blot the excess
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sebum, after which you can powder again. and all we have to do is paint our lips, apply blush on our eyes, moisture-resistant decorative cosmetics are suitable for oily skin, alla, you are a beauty, this makeup will withstand any temperature changes, you will look great all day long. the closer autumn is by winter, on the internet you increasingly come across complaints that the body does not have enough vitamins, lethargy and fatigue appear , on social networks in all sorts of forms there is a lively discussion of how to deal with this, here’s how to deal with it, let’s figure it out, now we’ll find out, what is autumn hypovitamosis, is it necessary to take vitamins for prevention, how many of these same vitamins exist and can they be found not in
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a pharmacy, but on the market. the topic of the lecture for future biotnologists is vitamins. question: what did we eat in the summer from berries, vegetables, fruits? accumulated? some vitamins in our body can , let’s say, accumulate for a short period of time, but vitamins such as riboflavin, vitamins such as thiamine, they do not accumulate in us, they are involved in many processes, so we need them regularly consume, that is, we continue to lean on the same berries, fruits, meat, herbs, fish, nuts, a variety of... nutrition should provide almost all vitamins. if we do not consciously or involuntarily refuse any products, then in general we only should be enough. but this is in an ideal world of balanced nutrition and daily walks in the sun. those who cannot boast of this will most likely complain to the doctors of weakness or fatigue. only in extreme cases can there be external signs, for example, with a lack of vitamin b12,
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cracks may appear in the corner of the mouth. and there are 13 vitamins in total , it seems the easiest thing is to go to the pharmacy to get them, but it would be more correct to first donate blood to understand whether they are really missing. an experiment was conducted at rosbiotech, 40 participants university employees, including the head of the department dmitry kulikov. we donated blood for vitamin b9 levels. those who had a deficit of five people, three grew, two remained low, and those who were quite tall, they actually remained high. what does this tell us? that. and the process of assimilation of vitamins itself is quite complex and is determined not only by other products, other nutrients, and some of our activities. the general condition of the body, and of course genetics, genetics also plays a very important role here important role. so, vitamins just like that, for no reason, without examination for prevention,
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more likely no than yes - doctors say. people really love to find some kind of game changer, some kind of super pill that they can take and solve all their problems with this, if only it were that simple. the path to health is still more difficult, but there is good news: hypovidataminost in the fall is still quite good. next on the air is a news release, stay with us, this is news on the first, maria vasilyeva, hello, israeli in the middle east the army fired at the city of khan yunis in the southern part of the gaza strip, the media reported: there were casualties, according to arab journalists, on the ground there were soldiers from five directions, and such is the administrative center of the city of gaza.
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hamas reports that there are fierce battles in the enclave; in 24 hours the idf hit 300 targets from the air, and there was a strike on the underground tunnels in jabaliya, where the largest refugee camp is located. according to palestinian doctors, 50 people were killed and 150 injured. hamas talks about 400 killed, in the footage that comes from the gas, craters, ruins. and people who are trying to get those who are still alive from under the rubble. in hospitals, doctors have to save victims when there is a critical shortage of medicines, including painkillers. after the attack, they were angry and even in the united states they are already saying that measures need to be taken to avoid civilian casualties . although, let me remind you, it was the states that did everything to prevent the un security council from adopting a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire. the shelling of israeli territory also does not subside; hamas is attacking it. idf also reports missile interception class. ground-to-air launched by hezbollah militants at a drone, in response fighters took to the sky and hit
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the launch site in lebanon. four of our colleagues, journalists, cameramen of film crews, tv channels zvezda and izvestia were injured during the shelling of donetsk by ukrainian armed forces. one of the wounded, evgeny bykovsky, has already been operated on. a total of 12 people were injured, including emergency workers, two of whom died. the militants worked according to a typical terrorist scenario, hitting at intervals in a few minutes, they had just arrived at the scene and rescued us when they came under the next blow. in total , 12 mlrs shells were fired into the budenovsky district of the dpr, including at least five of them with a cluster warhead . a fire broke out at the scene, but it was extinguished. the crew of the iskander operational-tactical missile system successfully hit the ukrainian command and staff post, where senior enemy officers periodically hold meetings. the goal was to found. coordinates, the crew brought the multi-ton tractor to the starting position, it was decided to strike
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use a cruise missile, it works with pinpoint accuracy at a distance of tens of kilometers, confirmation has arrived, the object has been destroyed, the missile flew straight into an open window on the second floor, an ammunition depot, headquarters with mercenaries, ammunition was hit, it is considered controlled. which are oriented according to the terrain, this product can fly up to 500 km. the missile navigates the terrain using a map that is loaded into it, flies along the terrain, and determines what to do next. courage and heroism are shown by our military personnel, members of the svo, gunner of the gun crew, sergei antonov, accurately calculating the coordinates of the enemy with precision. hit an enemy mortar, won an artillery duel, and then with six shots destroyed the entire personnel of the ukrainian assault group. guard radiotelephonist junior sergeant oleg vishnevsky,
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despite heavy enemy fire, risking his life, managed to restore the repeater damaged by shrapnel, which made it possible to coordinate artillery fire and repel the militant attack. first higher technical educational institution in russia, one of the best universities in the world in its profile , st. petersburg mining university, is noted. today is a big anniversary. 250 years ago, the decree on its creation was signed by empress catherine ii. and the majestic architectural ensemble on vasilievsky island was built by the famous andrei varonikh. only 19 people became the first students. today , 12,500 students are studying in 97 areas and specialties at nine faculties. the mountain is not only an educational but also a scientific center. this is where innovations are born that help make production processes at the largest russian enterprises. here, it is the polar explorers of the university who conduct unique research and expeditions, having gone to antarctica to the relict lake vostok, the first and so far the only ones in the world to obtain
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cores, cold stuff that is a million years old , the depth of knowledge, secondly, practical skills, the university, i, as the rector, set up ideology training of a specialist who must come to production. this year gorny was the first to switch to a new education model, a pilot educational project reforms by decree of president vladimir putin are being implemented in six universities, training from four to 6 years, practice for at least six months, and this summer a decision was made: in the construction of a russian-chinese university, an additional campus will appear on the basis of mining in st. petersburg, and another in china. italy in the area of heavy rains and tropical heat, unusual, in november, even for the south of europe, an orange level of weather danger was announced in five areas in the veneto region, a red level, the famous canals of venice are overcrowded, in milan, flooded streets, cars are being carried away by the flow, now the cyclone is moving to the central and southern regions of the country, where eternal
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summer seems to reign this year. palermo 34 ° time 28. uk flooding, the town of newry in northern ireland felt like venice when the local canal also overflowed its banks, in another city rescuers were called to pull out a flock of sheep from flooded meadows. 70 pretty wet animals were taken by farmers, and another 30 rode, as local media write, on the only sheep attraction in the world; they were taken away using a crane. that's all for now, and now a word of kindness to my colleagues. morning, there is exactly a month until the calendar winter, it’s time to warm up, the stores are full of different clothes and shoes, made from a variety of materials, just choose, high technology, this is of course great, but you shouldn’t forget about the good old classics, the products that we now we’ll tell you for a long time, they are produced here in russia and they don’t need any introduction , as soon as you hear the orenburg shawl or the urusov rollers, i would work in them, but on street broadcasts it’s warm,
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comfortable, in general, everyone immediately understands this beautiful and the beginning of november is time to finish knitting mittens, it’s time to wear them, warm, cozy with a local print, pomeranian mittens, you can’t confuse them with anything, they have a special ornament, the figure of a woman, if you cut them in half like that, let’s fold them and let’s see, the head , handles, yes, here is the hem, that is, this is the mother, sura earth, not cheese , the word raw, but sura from the word sun, rhombuses are feminine and masculine, pomeranian mittens were always knitted by women, if horse hair was woven for a fisherman’s husband, so the product lasted longer, they became multi-colored only in the 20th century century, but there was always red, red is a protective color, so it was knitted from two balls, you will see it, it was knitted with a purl stitch, galina chullpanova started knitting in school, and she organized this circle herself, almost all the grandmothers of novodinsk are here, so you can find mittens like this on almost every local
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resident. this brand doesn’t even need an introduction, the warmest scarf in the country, the lightest, one of the most beautiful, almost jewelry, orrenburg, downy, it starts with the purchase of wool, goat, also local, sort out the fluff, sort out, pluck, sort out, re-wash, comb, grandmothers, and even modern craftswomen do it the old fashioned way by hand, then they prepare the yarn, again silk thread, marina zhabina has been knitting for half her life, everything looks easy and simple for her, just like that a thread is picked up on the vertieshka, then it is wound into a ball , and you can knit a pattern to the taste of the craftswoman, the finished scarf is washed and stretched on the hoop, scratched again, the warmth in it is due to the fluffiness, an air layer is created in the fibers, it is heated by the body and not lets freeze. urusov felt boots were known and loved even under peter
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the great, it’s hot in them at -40 degrees, to become like this they go through fire and water, we’re not kidding , they clean the goat’s wool and from what they have, they collect felt boots, we make a blank until it looks like a giant size , but this is the future thirty-seventh, dry felting the workpiece, now we have made the workpiece, now we begin to wash the felt boots, as with dough, knead as much as possible, then go over the top with a rod, each time the felt boots become smaller and smaller, and the wool is... they hold air very well, it turns out thermal insulation, the denser the fibers are to each other, the warmer the shoes will be, so for the finale, put them in the oven, dry and sit a little more, and after that you can go outside in them, just don’t forget your barefoot, elizaveta nikishova, elena savina, channel one, our good the morning continues, it’s time to look into the world wide web, our columnist, yegor
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usmensky, has already been there, here it is for you. a selection of the most interesting videos from the internet, we start right away with a new hit of the world wide web and a new hero, meet a kitten named steve, famous for what he loves swim in the aquarium with the fish, the fish are lucky, and while the kitten is swimming, the huskies don’t even drip, but flow in a stream, almost 7 million have already come, a waterfowl cat, beauty, and he is also a brave man, a brave man, i say, true, the following video is rapidly gaining popularity on the internet, this is of course understandable, off the coast of australia, surfer jason brin met a humpback whale, imagine, he was recording his next trick on camera, nothing, as they say, was foreshadowed, and then that ’s it... you see for yourself, we want to reassure you, in as a result of this meeting, no one was hurt, especially the humpbacks, this dog, in order to become famous, had to make just one short movement of his paws, as you can see, yes , yes, as you can see, it was done at the moment when
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the owner was going to, well, have a little snack, the video instantly became a hit on the internet, in just a couple of hours it was watched by more than 3 million people, among them at the moment we are, in general, he is some kind of hooligan, well done, and in the end about the beautiful, meet, this is the artist christian ramos, he creates portraits celebrities using scissors, glue, and cutouts of denim in different shades. each work takes the master weeks of painstaking work, as a result of which the result is these mosaics, the realism of which is simply amazing , a headache attack, unfortunately, familiar to many first-hand, if it torments you constantly, friends, don’t endure it, contact us see a doctor, and listen to what doctor denis lobkov will tell us all right now. you have a headache. first of all, we exclude surges in blood pressure. we sit down on sofa, we lean on the back, we don’t cross our legs, we put our hand on the table. we put
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the cuff on 3 cm above the bend of the elbow, fix it not tightly so as not to pinch the blood vessels in advance. upper pressure standards. up to 130 mmhg, the lower from 80 to 90. your numbers correspond to these indicators, this is good, it means that most likely your head hurts from overexertion. drink 200 grams of warm water in small sips. the liquid helps to dilate the walls of blood vessels. also, to relieve tension, use circular movements... rub your temples and the bridge of your nose, gently, without pressing, now we fold our fingers like this, as if we were holding an apple in each hand, for about 10 minutes, massage
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the scalp on both sides, ventilate the room and lie down to rest, relax the facial muscles of the whole body, if possible... great, sleep is a great reliever of headaches, you will definitely feel better, but if unpleasant sensations appear frequently, see a doctor and get examined, take care of yourself, someone witty, as they said, it’s better to have a stain on your clothes than a stain on your reputation, and even better, when there are no stains at all, neither here nor there, unlike a stain on a reputation, a stain on clothes can be, if not washed off, then at least well, i know you can attach a brooch there, or do something else tricky, but fashion designer olga kurylenko knows best how to get out of the situation. you've put a stain on your t-shirt,
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you can't wash it off, we'll mask it, if you like to sew, you'll probably find scraps of braid and grosgrain ribbons at home, that's exactly what we need. before starting work, we check the stability of the paint on decorative elements. to do this, i wet the ribbons with water , cover them with a white cloth, run a hot iron, there are marks left on the white cloth, which means the ribbon is not suitable for work. i only discarded one ribbon and will sew the rest onto the t-shirt. i lay out a braid ornament on top of the stain, sew it on first by hand and then by machine. look how beautiful it turned out, a simple t-shirt has turned into an original designer item, no one will guess that
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we were just masking the stain. rum. castro, a product of the stellar group. calculated on average notaries in russia issue 6 million different powers of attorney every year, about one million requests are related to property. and i won’t be mistaken if i say that everyone has stopped by the internal office at least once in their life, it’s true, but if you haven’t looked, then you’ve probably stopped by. since october 1 , something has changed in this area and these are important nuances. we are looking for somewhere cheaper to have a document certified by a notary, but the efforts are in vain; in one region there is one price for any service in all offices, but each region has its own tariffs, and means your prices. another thing is that now the socially significant services of a notary have fallen in price in many regions. for example, a power of attorney to receive a pension is a common... phenomenon, let’s say, take the kaluga region, which means that before october 1, such
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a notary in action cost 1,800 rubles. from october 1 it costs 1,300 rubles. but this is not the limit, for example, it is now 30% cheaper to certify a signature in sevastopol on 26 in the magadan region, it cost 3,000 rubles. from october 1 it costs 2,200 rubles. alienation of real estate in the arkhanel region, for example, it cost 22,000 rubles. now this notarial act costs 12,600 rubles. what is the reason for the decrease, the notary fee is now calculated using a new formula, it contains different economic indicators, one of the most important now is the cost of living of a particular region. but notary services have become cheaper in not all regions; where previously regional chambers themselves further reduced the cost of important services, the price may not change. somewhere the amounts were not inflated, they were much lower than the maximum, there everything remained approximately the same, that is... using an example
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we can say that for a power of attorney in moscow the maximum tariff is 2,300, but in fact it costs 1,700, that is, moscow initially set it less, in general, the amount to be paid for notary services is formed from two tariffs, the federal one is the so-called state duty and the regional one it’s precisely what has changed, or rather its permissible limit. however, you don’t need to calculate anything yourself; the exact cost of services in any region can be found... on the website of the federal notary chamber. yes, everything is on the site, another question is why the assurance of one whether a document is more expensive than another in one specific region depends on whether a notary is required by law, for example, when buying and selling a share of an apartment, yes, when buying a separate apartment - no, in the first case the cost is cheaper. in some cases, the cost of the service is also influenced by kinship; to whom, for example, should i give an apartment to children or a girlfriend? a close relative will lose an entire apartment, this does not have to be in material form, then in this
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case the percentage is lower for close relatives, but you can try to save money and also go to a neighboring region, where a specific service is cheaper, for example, from the moscow region to moscow or vice versa, life hack , but be careful, not everything can be certified in a foreign region, signature or power of attorney, please, here is a real estate transaction only in the region where it is located. anna brosimova, sergey morin, channel one. there is such a beautiful phrase, venerable age, lately it is somehow rarely used, but to be honest, i really like it, and i like that the heroes of our next report are precisely people of this very venerable age, but they are many they will give the young people a head start, we are sure of that, dancing for these grandmothers is just a light warm-up, give them mats and an opponent, the same old woman, to practice a new throw, defend yourself, isn’t
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that right? galina dmitrievna was a nurse for 55 years, then there was no time for sports, now the children and grandchildren have grown up, and life at 75 has started spinning, she sings in the choir and practices martial arts, imagine how many hooligans are walking down the street, and we think, oh old grandmother goes, and we will give him strength, of course, when he meets a hooligan are not equal, but to give away the bag in the dark... none of these grandmothers are going to, the trainers of their players call their fighters that way, i shouldn’t call them grannies, that is, they really are not grannies here , they are fighters, for vladimir petrovich from novorossiysk the morning does not begin with coffee while everyone is sleeping, he is already working out on simulators , a former sailor cannot live without the sea, swimming is another mandatory morning ritual, all this at the age of 90, and vladimir petrovich also trains his brain every week... plays chess with his children every week , reads books and is philosophical
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looks at this world. i endure all situations calmly, i never panic. being able to cope with stress - this key to longevity is also in our hands. and so that the brain does not rust, centenarians read books, learn english, play chess, all this in a team of like-minded people, experiencing new emotions with someone is much more interesting. altannay urumbaeva, victoria sherbakova, artyom. first channel. thank you, colleagues, good morning to everyone who is celebrating this wonderful autumn day with channel one. roman budnikov and anastaya orlova. so, friends, november 4 is national day. the exhibition forum russia will open in moscow at the all-russia exhibition center, and this is the main event of the month. the event is grandiose, 42 sites, 265 km, the scale is without exaggeration, enormous, a kaleidoscope of events, achievements, discoveries, emotions, all this is about our country, about you and me,
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how to prepare for the russia exhibition on november 4, the most noticeable thing is the screen at the main arch, of 400 smaller screens, they are movable, there will be... russia, look for your home, just behind the arch there is a tunnel of 166 steps, reaching the country, screens from outside to inside, 40 projectors, installation is finishing, and the entire vdh is now a huge construction site. the vdnh development area is 30,000 km, and in order to organize lighting, we laid more than 50 kilometers of cable lines. there are no fewer tourist routes, we are going to the updated pavilions where they will be accommodated. forum participants are one of the most noticeable grains, we are inside for the first time after a year and a half of renovation, but why so long? during the restoration work , elements of restoration were discovered that were not initially provided for by the scientific design documentation , some discoveries were made here, yes, restoration work, they are, in general, akin to archaeological research, so
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the painting on the portal on that rosette was discovered. meat industry pavilion, look, the bulls are back. immediately look up, one of the first elements that was restored, it was a socket, everything was still in the works in the dirt, and we had a socket, it was inspiring, on the floor there are the famous metlakh tiles, the main point that was difficult is this get into color because the original color was hard to find, the zavetushki only seem bronze, the poppier-mâché technique, as in the original, there were some losses, petals, gates and zavetushki, all these leaves were restored by our specialists, in the rsf pavilion, where the mfc - changes inside, on forum time, here is smart finance, you can be nostalgic for old savings banks with queues and even earn money, you can try yourself, say, as a machine learning specialist, you can take a test to evaluate your
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financial habits, develop a mobile bank application, in-game digital rubles can be exchanged for souvenirs, for example, but the main pavilion is seventy-fifth, the largest number of participants, the oryol zubr, tverskaya and volga have already settled here. especially for the russian exhibition , a real cabin of the ivalga electric train weighing 3,800 km was brought from the tver region from vagonzada. here you can take a virtual trip to the tver region. there are 89 regions in total, the largest enterprises and government departments will present their best at the forum. starts on november 4, you’ll have time to see everything, the russia exhibition will last until april. dmitry kuzmin, ilya redkazuv, mikhail chetveryakov, channel one. good morning to everyone who is celebrating a new day with channel one. the calendar says wednesday, november 1st. and in these autumn days, the number of sites
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devoted to a healthy lifestyle is growing and growing. by the way, different diets are also actively discussed. it’s clear that the new year is getting closer and closer, it’s only 2 months away, but i have a dress, the dress is ready. 2 months until the new year, and people are already drawing holiday cards, in order to give gifts to relatives, they always prepare in advance, my mother bought planners, in them they write down how to understand what you want, it ’s difficult for a woman, well, you generally plan how much to throw off, so if you go, imagine that new year’s eve will be like this it’s light, you can fit into the dress too, the main goal is to set an achievable one and write it down correctly, for example, to lose weight, yes, approximately how much you are, no more than 2 kg, this is a real goal, visualize the desired result, draw it, it’s very motivating, you
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’re just generally so thin , of course, but how you wanted the size, but how did you want it, yes, that’s it, there are flowers, flowers, and it’s also important to choose a demotivator, an anti-example, for example, lyuska, she doesn’t go in for sports: she eats a lot, look how her sides hang down, my little bunny, but we more cunningly, ollya chose the pool twice a week. olga ilinichna nordic walking. 3 km a day, lymphatic drainage is excellent, that is, all muscle groups work, so i think this is hardening and good for the immune system, now about nutrition, what can you do in 2 months, definitely remove sugar, add more vegetables to your diet and drinking water with lemon in the morning to lose a couple of kilograms is a must. some kind of snail, when it’s natural at home... makes masks with coffee with oil to renew the skin, sour cream with honey for moisturizing, if all this is still in the bathhouse, and
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applied in good company, we bet you’ll never know how much of our grandma is years old, a month before the new year, people go to a beautician for cleaning, peeling, 2 weeks before they get a haircut and refresh their hair color, all this is scheduled for the refrigerator, now grandma has already started sewing for gifts a gentle blanket for everyone. olya has a different idea on how to please her husband, i promise not to wake up the new year's week, the week of the new year's holidays , myself, entertain the children, entertain the children, she will give this voucher to him on new year's eve, it is an envelope for her, inside is a certificate that she is so dreams of doing it on december 31st. maria kuskova, nikita kulakov, rostislav kolesnikov, yulia bykova. first channel, and we went further and give the floor to our astrologers, they already have a forecast for november, a whole month for
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today, a very powerful month has arrived, active, dynamic, looking to the future, it will open up some prospects, give us a chance to bring our ideas and plans to life, help us start something new or move forward on something that didn’t work out in october, and it’s also a wonderful time for those who need to learn something or show their talents, albeit at... the risk of getting carried away by something bright, tempting, but ephemeral. november is rich in all sorts of temptations, but the stars have warned you. he's also very smart. in the second decade, many will feel how time is accelerating, at the end of the month it will generally fly like arrow. it will be easier to solve current problems , overcome obstacles along the way, and in general everything will be done quickly, the other side of the same coin, we will be prone to scrupulous decisions, hasty conclusions, and rash actions and words. aries, who is this for you? today, don’t rush off the handle, count to ten before saying anything harsh , don’t rush things, remember, today your motto
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is measure seven times, again , be calm while driving, don’t drive, you’ll get a great day when everything works out. taurus today on the rise and in general, well done, they will redo their business, and help others, and money loves them, the main thing is not to forget, money loves counting and silence even more, and the evening is clearly preparing something interesting for you, something like. the stars do not promise gemini, also in the evening, but the day will be filled with work, with it everything will be as usual clear, the main thing is not to be late and not to forget anything, it can be more careful with technology. cancers today will be convinced that they are valued and respected more than they thought, pleasant, of course, but at the same time obliging, after lunch some important information may come, be careful on stairs and escalators, this day may throw some kind of surprise for leos, most likely it will be... with someone well known to you, in the afternoon you will not be forbidden to go
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shopping, but expect guests in the evening. one of your friends or relatives will appear on the horizon, it may distract you from something important, but most likely you will not complain, besides, you cannot redo all your affairs, take care of your health, viruses do not sleep. libra will have a chance to correct some mistakes, settle an old conflict or dispute, repay a debt, make peace with someone or agree on something, libra ladies: they decide to show off a little, and you know, the stars don’t mind. the luminary tells scorpios that you are on the right path, the main thing is that as you rush forward, do not forget to look at your feet, in case some old rake is hiding somewhere, and the evening seems to be planning to entertain you with something. sagittarians have a smooth working day, even a little routine, when everything moves in a circle of familiar affairs and worries. but the evening seems to have something in store for you, unplanned, with alcohol, just be careful. capricorns will want something new, some changes, and the stars are all for it, go for it, change, change your life, this is your day,
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just be careful with money and don’t forget about safety precautions. aquarians today are charming, artistic, witty , it is not surprising that their person arouses interest, including among the opposite sex, so to speak, this is a side effect of all sorts of gossip, but what do you care about them? pisces may try to spoil the mood, like yes, this is a household trifle, but just don’t mind attention, after lunch a small profit is possible, and in the evening it seems like he wants to invite you somewhere, maybe a date? good luck to you! this is the news from the first studio maria vasilyeva, hello, four of our colleagues, journalists, cameramen of film crews of the star tv channels, were injured during the shelling of donetsk by the ukrainian armed forces. one of the wounded , evgeny bykovsky, has already been operated on. in total
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, 12 people were injured, among them also employees of the ministry of emergency situations, who came under the next blow. in total, in the budenovsky district of the dpr there were 12 shells were fired, including at least five of them with a cluster warhead. a fire broke out at the scene, but it was extinguished. in the area where the russian defense forces were conducting, the russian units of the south group, with the support of artillery aviation , repelled the attack of the ukrainian assault groups and were defeated. enemy manpower and military equipment in the areas of kleshcheevka and kurdyumovka, including the destruction of three tanks, seven howitzers, two multiple launch rocket systems and five mortars. the vostok group also reports the elimination of 160 militants in area of staromayorsky, and the crew of the tor m1 anti-aircraft missile system of the central military district shot down enemy komikaze drones in the krasnaya limansky direction. at the same time, in the southern donetsk
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direction, loitering ammunition destroyed a western-made stormer air defense system in the elizavetovka area. the crew of the iskander operational-tactical missile system successfully hit the ukrainian command and headquarters post, where senior enemy officers periodically hold meetings. the goal was thoroughly worked out by our intelligence. having received the coordinates, the crew brought the multi-ton tractor to the starting position, and it was decided to use a cruise missile for the strike. it works with pinpoint precision over distances of tens of kilometers. and here... confirmation, the object was destroyed. and also about the courage of our military , the gunner of the gun crew, sergei antonov, accurately calculating the coordinates of the enemy , hit an enemy mortar with a well-aimed shot, won an artillery duel, and then destroyed the entire ukrainian assault group. guard radiotelephonist junior sergeant oleg vishnevsky under with heavy fire, risking his life, he managed to restore the repeater damaged by shrapnel, which made it possible to coordinate
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artillery fire and repel the militant’s attack. in the middle east, the israeli army shelled a residential area in the city of khanyounis, in the southern part of the gaza strip, the media reported that there were casualties, according to arab journalists, on the ground troops from five directions are attacking the administrative center of the city of gaza, hamas reports that fierce fighting is taking place in the enclave , in one day the idf hit 300 targets, an air strike was carried out through underground tunnels in jabaliya, where the largest refugee camp is located. according to palestinian doctors, they died. 50 people, 150 injured, hamas says 400 killed. in the footage that comes from the gas, craters, ruins and people who are trying to get those who are still alive from under the rubble. in hospitals, doctors have to save victims when there is a critical shortage of medicines, including painkillers. after the podjabaliya attack, even in the united states they are already saying that measures need to be taken to avoid civilian casualties. although exactly
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the states, let me remind you, did everything to prevent the un security council from adopting a resolution on the demand. about an immediate ceasefire. the shelling of israeli territory also does not subside; hamas is attacking it. the idf also reported intercepting a surface-to-air missile fired by hezbollah militants at a drone. in response , fighter jets took to the skies and hit the launch site in lebanon. the united states plans to provide assistance to israel, but president joe biden will not sign the document if there is no money for ukraine and will veto it if the bill will be approved by the house. this was reported by the white house budget office. republicans are proposing to give israel more than 14 billion, but biden asked for seven times more, 106 billion in one package for israel, ukraine, rivalry with china over taiwan, and security measures on the state's southern border. the bill is the first major vote since the change of speaker. mike johnson advocates
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not combining aid for kiev and tel aviv, and in general he has done so more than once in recent months. voted against additional support ukraine. italy is in the grip of torrential rains of tropical heat, unusual in november, even for southern europe, an orange level of weather danger was declared in five areas in the veneto region, a red level. the famous canals of venice are overcrowded, in milan the streets are flooded, cars are being carried away, now the cyclone is moving to the central and southern regions of the country, where this year it seems like eternal summer reigns, in palermo 34°, time 28. flooding in great britain, the town of newry in northern ireland felt like venice when the local canal also overflowed its banks, in another city rescuers were called to pull a flock of sheep from the flooded meadows , 70 badly injured animals were taken away by a farmer, and another 30 rode, as local media write, on the only sheep ride in the world, they were taken away using a crane . and in russia, spring is in
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november; today in the capital the temperature is almost may, up to +14. on sunday and monday, this will remind me of a day off. but in the chelyabinsk region, winter is in full control. cars get stuck at regionals. roads, the international airport has suspended departure of flights, icy cold awaits transbaikalia, khabarovsk territory, yamal and yakutia, temperatures are much lower than normal in the ivanovo , oryol, tula, belgorod and kursk regions, there will be heavy rain in the south of russia, showers, with thunderstorms, that’s all for now, until the calendar winter it's exactly one month, it's time to warm up, the stores are full of different clothes and shoes, made from a variety of materials, just choose, high technology, this is of course great, but you shouldn't forget about the good old classics, the products that we're about
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to tell about have been produced by us in russia and they don’t need any introduction, as soon as you hear the orenburg shawl or the urusov valinki, i would work in them, but on street broadcasts it’s warm, comfortable, in general, everyone immediately understands, it’s beautiful and warm, the beginning of november is time to finish knitting mittens, it's time to wear them, warm and cozy. with a local print, pomeranian mittens, you can’t confuse them with anything , they have a special ornament, the figure of a woman, if you put it in half like that, let’s fold it, let’s see, the head, arms, and the hem, that is, this is the mother, sura earth, not cheese from the word raw, and sura from the word sun, rhombuses of the feminine and masculine principles, women always knitted moorish mittens, if horse hair was woven for a fisherman’s husband, then the product would last longer, multi-colored... red is a protective color, so it was knitted from two balls, and this was re-knitted with a purl stitch, galina
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chulpanova started knitting at school, and she organized this circle herself, almost all the grandmothers of novodinsk are here, so you can find mittens like this on almost every local resident. this brand is not even imagined needs the warmest scarf in the country, the lightest. one of the most beautiful, almost jewelry, orrenburg, down, it begins with the purchase of wool, goat, also local, sort out the down, sort out, pluck, sort out, wash, comb, grandmothers, and even modern craftswomen do it the old fashioned way by hand, then cook yarn, silk thread again, marina zhabina has been knitting for half her life, everything looks easy and simple for her, just like that , it’s picked up on a spindle. thread, then it is wound into a ball, and you can knit the pattern is to the taste of the craftswoman, the finished scarf is washed and stretched on a hoop, scratched again, it is warm because of the fluffiness, an air layer is created in the fibers,
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it is heated by the body and does not allow it to freeze. urusov's felt boots were known and loved even under peter the great, it's too hot in them to become so warm, felt boots go through fire and water, we're not kidding, they clean goat hair and collect felt boots from what they have. we make the blank, so far it looks like a giant size, but this is the future thirty-seventh, dry-felling the blank, so we’ve made the blank, now we begin to wash the felt boots, we need to knead them as hard as possible, as with dough, then go over the top with a rod, each time there are fewer and fewer felted ones, and the wool becomes denser, this makes the felt boots warm, the fibers of the felt retain air perfectly, resulting in thermal insulation. the denser the fibers are to each other, the warmer the shoes will be, so for the finale they will dry in the oven and sit a little more, and after that you can go outside in them, just don’t forget your barefoot, elizaveta
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nikishova, elena savina, channel one, our good morning continues, it's time take a look at the world wide web, our columnist, yegor usmensky, has already been there, here is his fresh selection of the most interesting videos from the internet, let's start right away with a new worldwide hit. new hero, meet a kitten named steve who became famous for the fact that he loves to swim in an aquarium with fish , but the fish are lucky, but while the kitten is swimming, the huskies don’t even drip, but flow in a stream, almost 7 million have already arrived, a waterfowl cat , and he is also a brave man, a brave man, the following video is rapidly gaining popularity in on the internet, this is of course understandable, off the coast of australia, surfer jason brinin met with a humpback whale... imagine, he was recording his next trick on camera, as they say, nothing was foreshadowed, but then you see everything for yourself, we want to reassure you, in
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as a result of this meeting, no one was hurt, especially the humpback whales, this dog, in order to become famous, had to make just one short movement of his paws, as you can see, yes, yes, yes, as you can see, done at the moment when the owner was about to, well so have a snack a little bit, the video instantly became a hit on the internet, in just a couple of hours more than 3 million people watched , among them at the moment we, ah-ay, in general he is some kind of hooligan , yes, well done, in the end about the beautiful, meet, this is the artist christian ramos, he creates famous portraits using scissors, glue and scraps of denim in different shades. the master spends weeks of painstaking work on each work, resulting in mosaics like these, the realism of which is simply amazing. headache attack, unfortunately, familiar many people know first-hand that if it constantly torments you, friends, don’t endure it, consult a doctor. well, listen to what doctor denis lobkov will tell us all right now. you have a headache.
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first of all, we exclude surges in blood pressure. we sit on the sofa , lean back, do not cross our legs, put our arm on the table, put on the cuff 3 cm above the elbow , and fix it not tightly so as not to pinch the blood vessels in advance. the norms of upper pressure are from 120 to 130 mm hg, lower from 80 up to 90. do your numbers match these indicators? this is good. this means that your headache is most likely due to overexertion. drink 200 grams of warm water in small sips. the liquid helps to expand the walls of blood vessels. also, to relieve tension, rub your temples and
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the bridge of your nose in a circular motion. gently, without pressing, now we fold our fingers like this, as if we were holding an apple in each hand, for about 10 minutes, massage the scalp on both sides, ventilate the room and lie down to rest, relax the facial muscles of the whole body, if you’ll be able to take a nap, great, sleep is great for relieving headaches, you’ll definitely feel better, but if unpleasant sensations appear often, see a doctor and get examined, take care of yourself, but now, let’s go to the arctic, to seal island, guests are well-fed and very happy calf, we even envy them a little, we haven’t had breakfast yet, well, it’s true, our guide, as always, will be vadim lobachenko, let’s go, on the seal island of the arctic it’s easy to understand
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when the main local animals, seals, start to be naughty beyond measure, firstly, this is when you have the will to get enough of your favorite delicacy , and these are small but very tasty krill fish, their skins and shells are not scary like a seal, their teeth are not sharp, they are ready to bite and drive away any and every opponent. in the last five years, when we had plenty of krill, all the seals were well-fed, which means they were happy, but nothing could ever break them. already this year , problems have arisen with krill, but not for everyone, especially not for the kids, their eastern colony is nursed and walked to the maximum, plump kids, every now and then they moan, apparently from happiness, satiety, and at the same time the proximity of the most beloved and fat mother in the world. well, roman, it’s time to cook something tasty and catering technologist olga teplova will help us with this,
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she knows how to lift your spirits. the whole family from the very morning, you just need to feed it, this is very interesting by the way, it would turn out that you can make or cook from chicken breast, well, what other dish can you come up with , look, his majesty - shish kebab, oh, it will be delicious, chicken breast rarely used for barbecue, the meat is too dry, but i know how to prepare the dish so that it turns out juicy, i cut the fillet lengthwise, beat it, salt, pepper, cover the slices. cheese and ham, roll the pieces into a roll, lay them out close to each other, prick them across with skewers , cut them lengthwise, lay them out on the opposite side, grease the pieces with butter for juiciness, decorate with sprigs of rosemary for a bright aroma, bake for half an hour until golden brown, look how delicious the kebabs turned out to be very juicy, thanks to the cheese and ham, confidently. you will love this dish
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taste, bon appetit. foreign minister dmitry kuleba is launching a fun business on ukrainian soil, called minefield honey. this is a pure water trap for those stupid western investors who have prepared a candle factory for themselves, from which he will earn money after he retires. ukraine is a first-class state of a liar, and a convinced liar. kuleba, together with anthony blinkino, agreed on very simple rules, we transfer ownership rights, shipyards and factories, now it’s all not ukrainian, now it’s all western, when they say they can’t bring out ukrainian grain, they can’t bring out black rock grain, issued more than 3,000 diplomatic visas for rich people and their children to travel abroad, take away summonses from the rich and not for free give them to the poor, you understand, today at the front ukrainians are dying for american interests, and this story is being pushed, kuleba. dmitry
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i had to stop being myself in the name of a great idea, trossky. fear is the basis of any order, you have no mercy, you are incapable of love, what could be more terrible and stronger than the feeling of approaching death, attack, i will make you the most influential revolutionary of our time, you are confused, trotsky, which of you is an icon, you same jew. you want to sacrifice your children for the sake of their bastards, the world we will build is worth
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at this price, in a sharp peace, this alliance was concluded, this would mean that the new world we are building is not able to exist without the traditional supports of the old world. my son is buried right there, helpless people, revolutions, haven’t you realized yet that revolution, it’s me, trotsky, look after the program time, france at the commander’s son was born, equal, father, i sometimes became a name, a nut, those who accepted mortal combat, in the back, just
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earth, grass, when we go, alyosha, only formidable kindness , this eternal flame, memory to those who died, bequeathed to one, not in groomi, rani, allow, go ahead, officers, november 4, on the first, and what kind of profession is it , to defend the homeland, good morning, after 40 years, keeping yourself in good shape becomes more difficult, the metabolism slows down, the extra pounds gain faster, gymnastics will help you stay in good shape, get into the side
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plank on your knees, and do the machias up and down, touching the toe to the floor. we change the position of the legs, whoever is ready can increase the load, raise the leg until it is parallel with the floor, rotate it in a circle, the greater the amplitude, the more difficult it is to do the exercises, but it’s worth it, the exercise will help strengthen... the muscles of the legs, hips, buttocks and abs, exercise regularly, and you will be provided with a good figure, it is estimated that on average notaries in russia draw up 6 million different powers of attorney every year , about 1 million hits are related to property. and i won’t be mistaken if
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i say that everyone has visited our internal office at least once in their life, right? but if you haven’t stopped by, you’ll probably stop by. since october 1, something has changed in this area and these are important nuances. to have the document certified by a notary, we look for somewhere cheaper, but the efforts are in vain; in one region there is one price for any service in all offices, but each region has its own tariffs. and therefore their prices. another thing is that now the socially significant services of a notary have fallen in price in many regions. for example, a power of attorney to receive a pension is a common phenomenon, let’s say, take the kaluga region, which means until october 1, such a notarial act cost 1,800 rubles. from october 1 it costs 1,300 rubles. but it is not limit, for example, it is now 30% cheaper to certify a signature in sevastopol on 26 in the magadan region. it cost 3,000 rubles. from october 1 it costs 2,200 rubles. alienation of real estate in the arkhangelsk region,
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for example, cost 22,000 rubles. now this notarial act costs 12,600 rubles. what is the reason for the decrease? the notary fee is now calculated according to a new formula, it contains different economic indicators, one of the most important now is the cost of living of a particular region. but notary services have become cheaper not in all regions, where previously regional chambers... additionally lowered the cost of important services, the price may not change, in some places the amounts were not inflated; they were much lower than the maximum, there everything remained approximately the same, that is, using an example we can say that for a power of attorney in moscow the maximum tariff is 2,300 , but in fact it costs 1,700, that is, moscow initially set less, in general, the amount to be paid for notary services is formed from two tariffs, federal and the so-called state duty and regional, it is precisely this that has changed, or rather, its
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permissible limit. however, you don’t need to calculate anything yourself; the exact cost of services in any region can be found on the website of the federal notary chamber. yes, everything is on the site, another question is why certification of one document is more expensive than another in one specific region, depends on whether a notary is required by law, for example, when buying and selling a share of an apartment, yes, when buying... there is no separate apartment, in the first case the cost is cheaper. in some cases, the cost of the service is also influenced by kinship. for example, to whom are you giving an apartment, children or a friend? if an entire apartment is given to a close relative, this is not necessarily a material form, then in this case the percentage is lower for close relatives. well, you can try to save money and also go to a neighboring region, where a specific service is cheaper , for example, from the moscow region to moscow or vice versa, life hack, but be careful, not everything can be certified in a foreign region, signature or power of attorney, please, here is a
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real estate transaction only in the region where it is located. anna obrosimova, sergey morin, channel one. there is something so beautiful phrase, venerable age. it's been used a little less lately, but to be honest, i really like it. and i like it. the heroes of our next report are precisely people of this very venerable age, but they will give many young people a head start, we are sure of that. dancing for these grandmothers is only a light warm-up, give them mats and an opponent, the same old woman, to practice a new throw, defend yourself, no , like this, here’s your palm, no, no, here’s your palm, galina dmitrievna was a nurse for 55 years, then the time not for sports it was, now the children and grandchildren have grown up, and life at 75 has started spinning, she sings in the choir and does martial arts, ours. how many hooligans are walking down the street, can you imagine, and we think to them, oh, the old granny is coming, and we
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are just, since, of course, when meeting a hooligan, the forces will not be equal, but none of these grannies are going to give up a bag in a dark alley, the trainers of their players call fighters that way, i shouldn’t call them grannies, that is, they really aren’t grannies here , they’re fighters, for vladimir petrovich from novorossiysk, the morning doesn’t start with coffee, while everyone is sleeping, he is already on the simulator. works out, a former sailor cannot live without the sea, swimming is another mandatory morning ritual, all this at the age of 90, and vladimir petrovich also trains his brain, plays chess with his children every week, reads books and looks at this world philosophically, all situations i i endure it calmly, i never panic , be able to cope with stress, this key to longevity is also in our hands, and so that the brain does not rust, here long-livers read books, learn english, play chess, all this in a team
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like-minded people: experiencing new emotions with someone is much more interesting. altynai urumbaeva, victoria sherbakova, artyom. channel one, thank you, colleagues, good morning to everyone who is celebrating this wonderful autumn day with channel one, roman budnikov and anastasia orlova are with you. so, friends, on november 4 , the day of national unity , the russia forum exhibition will open in moscow at vdnkh, and this is the main event of the month. a grandiose event, 42 sites, 265 km, the scale without exaggeration, enormous, a kaleidoscope of events, achievements, discoveries, emotions, everything it's about our country, about us. how vdnkh has improved for the russia exhibition on november 4, the most noticeable screen of the main arch of 400 smaller screens, they are movable, there will be a map of russia, look for your home. immediately behind the arch there is a tunnel of 166 steps, reaching the country, screens outside inside 40 projectors, installation is ending.
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yes, the entire vdnh is now a huge construction site. the vdnkh building area is 30,000 m. and in order to organize lighting, we have laid more than 50 km of cable lines, no less tourist routes, we are going to updated pavilions where forum participants, one of the most visible grains, we are inside for the first time after a year and a half of renovation, but why so long? during the restoration work, elements of restoration were discovered that were not initially provided for in the scientific design documentation , some discoveries were made here and restoration work was generally akin to archaeological research, thus the painting on the portal on that rosette was discovered. meat industry pavilion, look, the bulls have returned to the faye immediately look up. one of the first elements that were restored were the rosette, everything was still being worked on in the dirt, but the rosette
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we had was inspiring. there are famous metlakh tiles on the floor. the main point was difficult, it was to get into the color, because the color was original and it was difficult to pick it up, the leaves only seemed bronze, the papier-mâché technique was the same as in the original, there were some losses, petals, twists and turns, all these leaves were restored by our specialists, in the rsf pavilion, where the mfc - changes inside, for the duration of the forum, here smart finance , you can be nostalgic for the old savings banks with queues and even earn money, you can try yourself, say, as a machine learning specialist, you can take a test to evaluate your financial habits, develop a mobile banking application. in-game, digital rubles can be exchanged for souvenirs, for example, but the main pavilion is the seventy-fifth, the largest number of participants, the oryol zubr, tverskaya and volga have already settled here.
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a real cabin was brought specially for the russian exhibition from the tver region from vagonzada electric trains ivalga weighing 3,800 kg. here you can take a virtual trip to the tver region. there are 89 regions in total, the largest enterprises and government departments will present their best at the forum . start november 4th. you will have time to see everything; the russia exhibition will last until april. dmitry kuzmin, ilya redkazuv, mikhail chetveryakov. first channel. next up is the news episode. stay with us. this is news from the first studio maria vasilyeva, hello. in the middle east, the israeli army fired residential area in the city of khanyunis in the southern part of the gas sector, the media reports that there are deaths. according to arab journalists, the land is attacking the administrative
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center of gaza city from five directions. hamas reports that there is heavy fighting in the enclave. during the day, tsahal hit 300 targets. an air strike was carried out on the underground tunnels in jabaliya, where the largest refugee camp is located. according to palestinian doctors, 50 people were killed and 150 were injured. hamas speaks of 400 killed, in footage that comes from gas, craters, ruins and people who are trying to get out from under the rubble those who are still alive. in hospitals, doctors have to save victims when there is a critical shortage of medicines, including painkillers. after the pajabaliya attack, even in the us they are already saying that measures need to be taken to avoid casualties . fire. israeli territory is also not affected by shelling; hamas is hitting it. the idf also reports intercepting a surface-to-air missile fired by hezbollah militants at a drone. in response, fighter jets took to the skies and hit
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the launch site in lebanon. four of our colleagues, journalists and camera crews , tv channels and lime. were injured during the shelling of donetsk by ukrainian armed forces; one of the wounded, yevgeny bykovsky, has already been operated on. a total of 12 people were injured, including emergency workers who died. two. the militants worked according to a typical terrorist scenario, striking at intervals of several minutes; rescuers had only just arrived at the scene when the subsequent attack hit. in total , 12 mlrs shells were fired into the budionovsky district of the dpr, including at least five of which have a cluster warhead. a fire broke out at the scene, but it was extinguished. in the area of the northern defense forces, russian units of the south group, with the support of artillery aviation, repelled an attack by ukrainian assault groups, destroying concentrations of manpower. enemy military equipment in the areas of kleshcheevka and kurdyumovka, including the destruction of three tanks, seven howitzers, two multiple launch rocket systems and five mortars. the vostok group also reports
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the elimination of 160 militants in the staromaisky area, and the crew from the anti-aircraft missile complex tor m1, the central military district sold enemy khomikadze drones in the krasno -limansk direction, at the same time, in the southern donetsk direction, lancet loitering ammunition destroyed a western air defense system... the first higher technical educational institution in russia, one of the best universities in the world in its profile, st. petersburg mining university is celebrating a big anniversary today. 250 years ago, the decree on its creation was signed by empress catherine ii, and the majestic architectural ensemble vasilyevsky island was built by the famous andrei voronich. only 19 people became the first students. and today he is studying. 12,500 in 97 areas and specialties in nine faculties. the mountain is not only an educational but also a scientific center. innovations are born here that help make
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production processes at the largest russian enterprises economical and environmentally friendly. unique research and expeditions are carried out here. it was the polar explorers of the university who went to antarctica to the relict lake vostok, the first and so far the only the world got cores, ice samples that are a million years old. depth of knowledge first, second, practical skills, university, i, as rector , set the ideology of training a specialist who should come to production. gorny was the first to switch to a new education model this year. the pilot project of educational reform, by decree of president vladimir putin, is being implemented in six universities, training from 4 to 6 years, practice for at least six months. and this summer a decision was made. russian-chinese university on the basis of mining university will have an additional campus in petersburg, another one in china. italy is in the grip of torrential rains and tropical heat,
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unusual in november even for southern europe. an orange level of weather danger was declared in five areas in the veneto region . the famous canals of venice are overcrowded in milan, the streets are flooded. cars are carried away by the flow. now the cyclone is moving to the central and southern regions of the country, where this year it seems that eternal conditions reign. summer in palermo 34°, in rome - 28. flood in great britain, the town of newry in northern ireland felt like venice when the local canal also overflowed its banks, in another city rescuers were called to pull out a flock of sheep from flooded meadows, 70 pretty wet animals were taken by farmers, and another 30 rode, as local media write, on the only sheep attraction in the world; they were taken away using a crane. the most terrible... in the world is now officially located in the capital of austria. these are the reviews gathered by the sculptural composition, which was opened with great fanfare by the mayor of vienna. city authorities did not hide the cost of the masterpiece, about 2 million
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euro. stunned journalists photographed each of the thirty-three figures in detail. austrians competed in wit on social networks. the softest thing that could be read there is that the sculptural group resembles handicrafts made by small children from acorns and other natural materials. well, one more thing: while fuel prices are up. are constantly growing and residents suffer from inflation, the authorities could find a much better use for the money. good morning to everyone who is celebrating a new day with the first channel on the calendar, wednesday, november 1st. with you anastasia orlova and roman budnikov. do you feel what the date is? friends, 2 months until the new year, it’s time to get ready, it’s time. roma is right as always, but someone will probably say, yes , it’s too early, it’s too early, but we’re all human here. seasoned, experienced, sensible, we will say, how to ask the price, how to make a list of products for the holiday table, how to prepare a dress, a beautiful suit for the new year, buy something now, it won’t hurt,
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a gift, for example, some kind good, friend, comrade, hr partner, i got the hint, by the way, in many stores already new year's mood, so friends, let's go shopping, the store has brought the new year's mood, is it a false start or is it really time? i thought it was too early, but here... it will be somehow expensive to buy before a new one, but gradually, little by little, you get a beautiful new year's table. since now we have a fairly quiet sales season, it is important for sellers to attract customers and now you can see a lot of different promotions, discounts, for the same goods, in december prices can increase several times, from year to year in december 5-10% increase in price we can now absolutely easily start buying chocolates, sweets, they have a long shelf life, which will also not spoil, but the price
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of canned food will definitely increase, corn, peas, last year we had a 10-20% increase in prices. it is worth paying attention to dry smoked sausage, the main thing is not to eat it before the holiday. the mode is activated, don’t bother, leave it until the new year, with a list of products while everything is in line gifts, pilagei kiril almukhanovs are working hard, i’ll make an applique now, it will be a new year’s gift for grandpa, no it’s early, there are just a lot of relatives, but i want to congratulate everyone, i do, it’s a woman. that, i will be happy with all the gifts, by the way, the gifts are also ready for the guys, mom, who carries a pink bicycle in the trunk all day , has not yet had time to hide it, the kindergarten will leave, then i will bring it in and hide it, such things cannot be for you to see, november it’s the perfect time for surprises, 11:11 and black friday are ahead, we’re looking for discounts , we’ll have to grab them soon, it’s already booked up for a manicure with a beautician at kristina’s masters, i’ll ask, they’ll find one for me
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place. well, i've been going to this salon for a very long time. we found a free one, we’re signing up right now so we can get in on new year’s eve. and we chose a place, we want a holiday outside the city, we literally jump into the last cottage. just like many people make early travel bookings, offers appear already six months in advance. october and november are already hotter months, and we will observe that prices rise every month by 10-15%. i rang dozens of advertisements all over the country, many are no longer relevant, we would like them for the new year holidays consider this house, but for new year's it has already been rented out, unfortunately, from the thirty-first to the second are already occupied, well, there is still something left, but we have open reservations for the new year holidays, the price range is from 65 to 140,000 rubles for 3 days in a house on 100 square meters, we make a reservation, the doors close.
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alena astrakhantseva, denis panvarev, stanislav kherzhnyakov, yuri lebedev, channel, and we went further and give the floor to our astrologers, they already have a forecast for november, a whole month as of today. a very powerful month has arrived, active, dynamic, looking to the future, it will open up some prospects, give a chance to bring our ideas and plans to life, help us start something new or move forward on something that didn’t work out in october, and this is also a wonderful time for those who you need to learn something or show your talents, really sister... something bright, tempting, but ephemeral. november is rich in all sorts of temptations, but the stars have warned you. he's also very smart. in the second decade, many will feel how time is accelerating, at the end of the month it will generally fly like arrow. it will be easier to solve current problems and overcome obstacles along the way, and in general everything will be done quickly, the other side of the same coin. we will be prone to scrupulous decisions, hasty conclusions, rash actions and words. aries, this is
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already relevant for you. today, don’t rush off the handle, count to ten before you say anything harsh , don’t rush things, remember, today is your motto, measure seven times, again, be calm behind the wheel, don’t drive, you’ll have a great day when everything works out. taurus today on the rise and in general, well done, they will redo their affairs, and will help others, and money loves them, most importantly, don’t forget, money loves counting and silence even more, and the evening is clearly preparing something interesting for you, something like a date with... from the star for gemini, also in the evening, the day will be filled with work , everything will be familiar to her, the main thing is not to be late and not to forget anything, being more careful with technology can lead you down. cancers today will be convinced that their values are respected more than they thought, pleasant, of course, but at the same time obligatory, after after lunch, some important information may come, be careful on stairs and escalators, this day may throw some kind of surprise for leos,
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most likely it will be connected with something well known to you, in the afternoon it is not forbidden to go shopping, and in the evening, expect guests . one of your friends or relatives will appear on the horizon, it may distract you from something important , but most likely you won’t complain, besides, you can’t redo everything, take care of your health, viruses don’t sleep, libra will have a chance to cope making some mistakes, settling an old conflict or dispute, repaying a debt, making peace with someone or agreeing on something, the libra ladies will decide... to show off a little, and you know, the stars don’t mind. the luminary tells scorpios that you are on the right path, the main thing is, as you rush forward , do not forget to look at your feet, in case some... old rake is hiding somewhere, and the evening seems to be about to entertain you with something. sagittarius have a smooth working day, even a little routine, when everything moves in the circle of the usual parts of the factory, here's the evening for you looks like i have something unplanned in store, just
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be more careful with alcohol. capricorns will want something new, some changes, and the stars are all for it, go for it, change, change your life, this is your day, just be more careful with money and about safety precautions. do not forget. aquarians today are charming, artistic, witty, it is not surprising that their person arouses interest, including among the opposite sex, so to speak, this is a side effect of all sorts of gossip, well, what do you care about them? pisces may try to spoil mood, some everyday trifle, but just don’t pay attention: in the afternoon there may be a small profit, but in the evening it looks like he wants to invite you somewhere, maybe a date? good luck to you. and since we were talking about money, in the first 3 months of this year alone, the bank of russia received almost 2,000 complaints about fraudulent loans, these are the loans that all sorts of crooks take using other people’s passport data, where do scammers get this data, how are they given to crooks loans, how to protect yourself and what to do if
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someone has already accumulated debt in your name, this is mine a terrible dream, my terrible dream, in general, there are a lot of questions, now we will get answers together with you, how elizabeth’s passport got to the scammers is unknown, but online... they pinned her down, i only found out when an angry letter came from a microfinance company, i saw the amount of 43, it shocked me, i turned to a lawyer, but even with him it took me a year to prove the account where the money went, not hers, the phone too, it was fundamentally important for me not to give the money, because well, if i give it once, they will understand that it will be possible even further hang, the court won, and the passport will be changed, but still, where did the attackers get all our data, themselves... if not on phishing sites, then in delivery services, when checking into a hotel, there are thousands of scanners freely available online, in such cases, it is usually advised to share less personal information, as much as possible, and check your credit history more often, in each of the three russian bureaus twice a year
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for free, online is more convenient and you can subscribe so that if something happens , you can immediately react as soon as a loan is issued to you , you receive a message, it says who gave you this loan, so run there right away... trying to say, it wasn’t me, figure it out. the credit history of igor from yekaterinburg was ideal until his government services account was hacked. i stopped, i went in, it was not my email , and not my cell phone, i ordered a credit history , i was stunned when i saw that i had received loans in four places, in banks, of which i had never been a client in my life. it turned out that i owed 600,000 rubles. as the lawyer found out, the scammers were not lazy and made a fake one in igor’s name. the passport photo was pasted into the accomplice. a person arrives with a credit card, gives a credit card and takes a photograph of the person who takes out the loan along with a passport, and they showed me photographs of this person who took out the loan using the victim’s data, another person, lucky that the debt was not transferred
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to collectors, after checking two out of three banks deleted information about the debt and contacted the police themselves, and the man made a conclusion. better these are all that are now there are new fashionable protections for personal accounts, two-factor authentication, you have to install everything, turn it on and change the password probably every couple of months. moreover, since october, two-factor protection for government services is mandatory, but it’s impossible not to provide your data at all, as an option to hide part of the information, for example, a signature, or indicate for whom this is a copy, right on top. in this form, wouldn’t it hurt the agents to take, for example, a ticket for us? it will be possible to take a ticket, if for one reason or another the passport ends up online, then... this inscription will be cleaning is quite difficult and many intruders simply do not want to waste time. if you are still given a loan, but the bank insists, saying that the client himself is to blame, you can go to a state legal aid center, like this one, the services are free, this
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year alone, there have been more than 2,000 requests, almost all of them, just about this matter. dmitry kuzmiin, roman deimidov, channel one. someone witty, as he said, is better to have a stain on your clothes than a stain on your reputation, and it’s even better when there are no stains at all. not there, not there, unlike stains on a reputation, a stain on clothes can be, if not washed off, then at least disguised , well, i know that, you can attach a brooch there, and do something else tricky, but the fashion designer knows best how to get out of the situation olga kurylenko. you have put a stain on a t-shirt, it is impossible to wash it off, we will mask it, if you like to sew, you will probably find scraps of braid and grosgrain ribbons at home, these are exactly what we need, before starting work we check the stability of the paint on the decorative elements, for this i wet the ribbons with water, i cover it with a white cloth. i use a hot
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iron and there are marks left on the white fabric, which means the braid is not suitable for the job. i only secured one ribbon and will sew the rest to the t-shirt. i lay out a braid ornament on top of the stain, sew it on first by hand and then by machine. look how beautiful it turned out, simple. into an original designer item, no one will guess that we were simply masking the stain. new revelation from vavan and lexus, giorgi oloni, prime minister of italy, she has certain conflicts with the eu, like africa will change the geopolitical situation in the world, we must take care of africa. these words of miloni remind us of how italy promised ukraine to build a drama theater in mariupol. why
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milone. crisis, we don’t need to be lectured, macron, people are fleeing africa from you, anti-fake, premiere, today on the first, cognac, montechoca, product of the stellar group. give him a brief description, professional qualities, good reaction, speaks german, i was born in a ural village, i come from a christian family. killed the colonel and the mayor. now every day i will kill according to the colonel. it seems that he is very
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eager to dobab, gentlemen, what’s the matter, the elimination of kokh is of great political importance, is it worth risking such a valuable agent for the sake of eliminating kokh? based on real events, a real intelligence officer must be ready for anything, to the razor's edge. the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first one, he is the enemy, you fell in love with him like a cat,
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you are enjoying it. hot ice, live broadcasts, november eleventh and 12th, on the first, love figure skating, appreciate figure skating, adore figure skating, we continue, the market for daily rental housing is actively growing, and this is not my imagination, this is what experts say, and this is understandable, very often it is more profitable for a tourist to rent an apartment than a hotel room, and for the one who rents out the apartment, this can bring good income, but as usual, there are some subtleties here, renting an apartment on a daily basis is more profitable than a hotel room, if the renovation and location are comparable, an apartment for a tenant is on average one and a half times cheaper, the market for daily rentals is actively growing, if
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several... years ago it was about 30% from the total volume of the tourist real estate rental market, now the figure has grown to 40. for landlords this is also beneficial, in terms of a month, the cost of daily rent is higher than for a long term, and if there is no time for constant communication with new tenants, renting out an apartment an intermediary can take over, this is either a sublease or a management agreement, in one case, the owner will receive a fixed price for his apartment per month, in the other case he will share income with the management company. natalia bryzgalova rents four apartments daily in the capital, all of them are subleased, i don’t have my own property, that is, i rented an apartment for a long time, not far from the house, on purpose, i agreed with the owner that i would rent it out daily, i worked for the first months in the minus and i cleaned myself between... tenants' arrivals, when they were just
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starting to get out of the minuses, 1.15, probably, that's what was left for me, in addition to the fact that i pay the owner, now from four properties it's about 200,000 rubles.. .clean, photos, placement of advertisements, website design, all interaction with clients, this is natalya’s work, 7 days a week, only the cleaning is now done by a cleaning company; check -in is remote, that is, there is no need to greet guests, there is a keybox, i send the guest a code upon check-in, he enters it here, accordingly , it opens, there are keys inside, to open a business, it is enough to register as self-employed or individual entrepreneur to pay taxes and not a recommendation rule. get to know all the neighbors, if there are any problems, here is the phone number, we will talk directly with the tenant. natalya indicates in the contract that the apartment is not rented out for parties, otherwise eviction is a major headache, plus a fine for damage to property , but in general, aortization, that is, natural wear and tear when renting out daily is lower, because
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guests spend little time in the apartment and walk more or travel around the city on business, renting out an apartment by the day can be good, it’s a full-time job. varvara fodorova, konstantin struchkov, anatoly brikal, olga andreeva, channel one. we haven't spoken for a long time about delicious things. brynza, suluguni, mozzarella, well, you are simply a poet. what unites them? any cheese maker will immediately answer us, these are the so-called pickled cheeses, they sound very tasty, let ’s now find out how they are made, and then we’ll look in detail at the important question of how to make this same pickled cheese correctly. cheese production begins with a cow, or rather with milk, some manufacturers use store-bought, ultra-pasteurized milk, but better yet, real milk from the farm, so the cheese turns out rich, with a creamy taste. that's why farmer tahir dzhapuev started cows back in
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nalchik, and then moved the farm to the moscow region. we loaded the cows, 17 head, and came here in a furry. and when we were transporting, it turned out that during milking , uh, one of our cows jumped out, and along the m4 highway , we caught her, caught her, brought her and continued to cook delicious feta cheese, it belongs to pickled cheeses, we store it here milk, immediately after milking it goes into a tank cooler, is cooled to 4° and aged for 8-12 hours, then it goes to the cheese factory and undergoes pasteurization, now we will add - chloride calcium. calcium chloride is added to cheese, since after pasteurization calcium is destroyed. the second component is rennet for ripening. 40 minutes have passed, our cheese curd is ready, we check it for readiness in this way, make an incision and lift it. the cut should be this glossy. using a special knife or a lyre
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, the curd is cut to form a grain of cheese, the whey is drained in these forms, if you don’t do this and pickle it right away, the whey is kept for... up to two months. we already have it aged cheese. and you don’t try before, we try, of course, every wheel of cheese, we try, let’s try. the most popular pickled cheeses are suluguni. the production principle is similar, they differ only in the sourdough and fermentation temperature, what to look for when choosing a servant, heterogeneous, slightly layered, elastic, as if springy, the feta cheese is snow-white or milky in color, yellow, which means not fresh, so that there is no hardness inside, so that it
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was uniform, at the same time glossy , it should be elastic, not soft, mozzarella - snow-white glossy. porosity is possible, some kind of slipperiness, this is unacceptable, and feto is a non-uniform porous structure, if it can be spread on bread, it is no longer feta, real, dense, brittle. ruslan yunyaev, nikita kulakov, anatoly brikalov, vladimir popov, channel one. already today , the serial film trotsky starts on channel one, the cast is star-studded, starring konstantin khabensky. this is a real, big, cool, modern movie that needs to be watched. definitely, well, you know that do in the evening, i will sweep away your whole world, to hell, where is trotsky, there is always furor and revolution, in the 21st century in cannes he made a revolution, this movie first of all explains
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the energy that changed the course of history. leon trotsky, executive producer of the october revolution. energetic, creative, sexy, we made a movie primarily not about politics, but about a star, an armored train, a leather coat, a big gun. in a wooden holster, a motorcycle, flight goggles, only a guitar is missing, this one, wrapped in black leather, is nervous the man controlled the crowd like a rock idol in the stadium, how did he manage to rouse war-weary people to a fight that would destroy them, but they succeeded in achieving this themselves, will you really stop at the moment when there is only one shaver left before the revolution? together with konstantin khabensky, the coup is carried out by evgeny stychkin lenin , mikhail parechenkov
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, businessman paruus, olga sutulova, revolutionary sidova, trotsky and his comrades will flood the side with blood, with the best intentions, of course, they are certainly obsessed with strange ideas, of course a woman who continues to live with a man who kills people is a rather strange choice, isn't it? a people that has endured despotism for centuries is unworthy. we tried to figure out what conditions give rise to demons. everyone comes into this world as children, but only a few become bloody tyrants. everything goes into the revolutionary furnace. trotsky loses those he loves, women, his own children, this is the only way he knows how to live. i think maybe it was not worth getting involved with the bolsheviks. i have so much hatred, no bread today again given. trotsky is a large-scale film, made with
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great taste. levotrotsky's armored train arrives this evening. do not miss. either you will go down in history with me today, or tomorrow you will find yourself in its training. inna kazanjan, asyaratevich, sergey morin, channel one. next on the air is the episode on... stay with us, this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, four of our colleagues, journalists, camera crews of the zvezda and izvestia tv channels were injured during shelling of donetsk from the side ukrainian armed forces, one of the wounded, yevgeny bykovsky, has already been captured. a total of 12 people were injured, including emergency workers, two of whom died. the militants worked according to a typical terrorist scenario, striking at intervals of several
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minutes, and as soon as rescuers arrived at the scene, they came under the next attack. in total , 12 rszzo shells were fired into the budenovsky district of the dpr, including at least five of them with cluster warheads. a fire broke out at the scene, but it was extinguished. in the area of the svo, russian units south groups with support. repelled an attack by ukrainian assault groups, destroyed enemy concentrations of manpower and military equipment in the districts of yevka and kurdyumivka, including the destruction of three tanks, seven gunships, two multiple launch rocket systems, and five mortars. the vostok group also reported the elimination of 160 militants in the staromarskoe area, and the crew of the zlinit missile complexer of the central military district shot down enemy komikaze drones in the krasno-limansk direction, at the same time in yuzhno. western production stormer in the area
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elizavetovka. the crew of the iskander operational-tactical missile system successfully hit the ukrainian command and headquarters post, where senior enemy officers periodically hold meetings. the target was thoroughly worked out by our reconnaissance, having received the coordinates, the crew brought the multi-ton tractor to the starting position, it was decided to use a cruise missile for the strike, it works with pinpoint accuracy at a distance... of tens of kilometers, then confirmation came: the object was destroyed. more about the courage of our military, aruzian gunner crew, sergei antonov, accurately calculating the coordinates of the enemy, hit the enemy mortar with a well-aimed shot, won the artillery duel, and then destroyed the entire ukrainian assault group. guard radiotelephone operator junior sergeant oleg vishnevsky, under heavy fire, risking his life, managed to restore a repeater damaged by shrapnel, which made it possible to coordinate artillery fire and kill the militant attack. in the middle east, the israeli army shelled a residential area in the city of khan yunis, in the southern part of the gaza strip, media reports, there is
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dead, according to arab journalists, on land idf is attacking the administrative center of gaza city from five directions. hamas reports that fierce fighting is taking place in the enclavey; in one day, the idf hit 300 targets; an air strike was carried out on the underground tunnels in jabaliya, where the largest refugee camp is located. according to palestinian doctors, 50 people were killed, 150 were injured , hamas says about 400 killed, in the footage that comes from the gas, craters, ruins and people who are trying to get those who are still alive from under the rubble. in hospitals, doctors have to save. to avoid civilian casualties, although it was the states, let me remind you, that did everything to prevent the un security council from adopting a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire. the shelling of israeli territory also does not subside, hamas is attacking it, the idf is reporting the interception of a class missile , a ground-to-air missile launched by hezbollah militants at
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a drone, in response they took to the sky... the united states plans to provide assistance to israel, but president joe biden will not sign the document , if there is no money for ukraine , he will veto if the bill is approved by the chamber representatives, the white house budget office reported. republicans are proposing to give israel more than 14 billion, but biden asked for seven times more, 106 billion in one package for israel, ukraine, rivalry with china. in taiwan , at the same time, security measures are being taken on the southern border of the states. the bill is the first major vote since the change of speaker, with mike johnson advocating not pooling aid and having voted repeatedly against additional support for ukraine in recent months. italy in the area of heavy rains and tropical heat, unusual in november even for southern europe. an orange level of weather danger was declared in five areas in the
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veneta region, red level. famous canals of venice. in milan the streets are flooded, cars are carried away by the flood, now the cyclone is moving to the central and southern regions of the country, where this year it seems like eternal summer reigns, in palermo 34°, in rome 28. flooding in great britain, the town of murie in northern ireland felt like venice, when the local canal also overflowed its banks, rescuers in another city were called to pull it out of flooded meadows, a flock of sheep, 70 pretty wet animals, were taken by farmers, and another 30, who rode, as the locals write... on the only sheep attraction in the world, were taken by crane. and in russia it’s spring in november, today in the capital the temperature is almost may, up to +14°, and the night was so warm that the record might be broken, and up to 15° on sunday and monday - let me remind you, this is a day off. but in the chelyabinsk region, winter is in full control, the car gets stuck on regional roads, the international
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airport has suspended flights, the icy one is also waiting. transbaikalia, khabarovsk territory, yamal and yakutia, temperatures are much lower than normal. in the ivanovo, oryol, tula, belgorod, and korsk regions there will be heavy rain in the south of russia, livne, with thunderstorms. and that's all for now. good morning to everyone who is celebrating a new day with the first channel on the calendar wednesday, november 1st. and in these autumn days, website traffic increases and increases. dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, actively, by the way, different diets are also being discussed, of course, the new year is getting closer and closer, it’s only 2 months away, i have a dress, the dress is ready, i just have to fit into it, i’m just going to eat cucumbers no more, well, there’s still a little bit of cabbage , just a little bit, 2 months until the new year, and people are already drawing holiday cards
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to give to relatives, they always prepare in advance, my mother bought plans in them, they write down how to understand what you want, it’s difficult for a woman, well, you generally plan how much to throw off, so if you do, imagine that on new year’s eve you will be so easy, in the new you'll fit into the dress too, the main goal is to set an achievable one and write it down correctly, for example, to lose weight, yes, about 2 kg no more, this is real , we visualize the desired result, we draw it, it ’s very motivating, you’re just generally as thin, of course, as in a size forty-four. as you wanted, yes, that’s it, there are flowers, flowers, and it’s also important to choose a demotivator, an anti-prime minister, for example, lyuska , she doesn’t play sports, she eats a lot, look how her sides hang down, my dear, but we are more cunning, olya chose the pool twice a week, olga irinichna nordic walking, 3 km a day, excellent lymphatic drainage, that is, all
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muscle groups work, so i think this is hardening and good for the immune system. now about nutrition, what can you do in 2 months, definitely remove sugar , add more vegetables to your diet and drink water with lemon in the morning to lose a couple of kilograms, this should be enough, the main thing is without breakdowns, but what about your face? new care, with a snail, for example, if you want, i’ll buy you a good cream, no, no, no, why does olga ilyichnaya need some kind of snail when she makes natural masks at home herself, coffee with butter for skin renewal, sour cream with honey for moisturizing, if all this is still in the bath, and in good company... apply, we bet you will never know how old our grandmother is. a month before the new year, the chilovskys go to a cosmetologist for cleaning and peeling, and two weeks later they get a haircut and refresh their hair color. all this is on the schedule for the refrigerator. now on to the gifts, grandma has already started sewing a cute blanket for everyone. olya has a different idea on how
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to please her husband. i promise not to wake up the new year's week, the week of the new year's holidays, to entertain the children myself, to attract the children. this voucher she will give it to him on new year's eve. he gives her an envelope, inside is a certificate for what she so dreams of doing on december 31st. maria kuskovnik and tulakov, rostislav kolesnikov, yulia vyyova, channel one. an unusual passenger was spotted on a bus near moscow, capuchin, a small monkey, and quite fashionably dressed, look, the tailed passenger behaved very cultured, sat on the handrail all the way and studied the validator, but whether the monkey had a ticket is not reported, now let's let's go to the arctic to seal island, to visit well-fed and very happy people seals, we even envy them a little, we haven’t had breakfast yet, but it’s true, our guide, as always, will be vadim lobachenko
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, let’s go, on the seal island of the arctic it’s not difficult to understand when the main local animals, seals , begin to play pranks beyond measure, firstly, this is when you have the will to get enough of your favorite delicacy, and these are small but very tasty krill crustaceans, not scary, not sharp teeth, ready to bite and drive away any and every opponent. for the last five years, we have had plenty of krill, all the seals were well-fed, which means they were happy, but nothing lasts forever under the sun, already this year there were problems with krill, but not for everyone, especially not for the kids, they are nursed and walked to the maximum in the island colony, then... the kids moan every now and then, apparently from happiness, satiety, and at the same time the proximity of
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their most beloved and fat mother in the world. good morning, after 40 years it becomes more difficult to keep yourself in good shape, your metabolism slows down, and extra pounds accumulate faster. gymnastics will help you stay in good shape. we get into the side plank on our knees like this and perform up- down mahias, touch the toe to the floor, change position legs, whoever is ready can increase the load, raise the leg until it is parallel to the floor, rotate it in a circle, the greater the amplitude, the more difficult... to do the exercises, but it
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’s worth it, the exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the legs, hips, buttocks and abs, do it regularly , and you are guaranteed a good figure, a headache attack, unfortunately, is familiar to many first-hand, if it constantly torments you, friends, you must be patient, consult a doctor, and listen to what doctor denis lobkov will tell us all right now . you have a headache. first of all , we exclude surges in blood pressure. we sit on the sofa, lean back, do not cross our legs, and place our hand on the table. we put the cuff on 3 cm above the elbow. we do not fix it tightly so as not to squeeze the vessels in advance. the norms for upper pressure are from 120 to 130 mmhg, lower from 80 to 90. do your numbers correspond to these indicators? this is
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good, it means that most likely your head hurts from overexertion, drink 200 grams of warm water in small sips, liquid promotes the expansion of vascular walls. also, to relieve tension, we rub the temples and the bridge of the nose in a circular motion, gently, without pressing, now we fold our fingers like we are holding an apple in each hand , for about 10 minutes, massage the scalp on both sides, ventilate the room and go to rest, relax the muscles. face of the whole body, if you can take a nap, great, sleep is great for relieving headaches, you will definitely
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feel better, but if. destined in the stars, medical horoscope for november meatless forever, how long will vegetarians live, blood clots, bombs, deep vein thrombosis, the program to live healthy, comes to the rescue, today on... first. veda vodka, a product of stelar group. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, i'm leaving to look for you. serial killers are divided into four different types, according to their motivations. one way or another they kill
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for love. you are probably a writer, you sent this request to him, they don’t have such an employee, but you know igor well, you don’t drink coffee, girls, no, you’re scaring me, i love you, let me in, it hurts, no come. here is more, which, as i like the dock, the territory, soon, on the first. maybe
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slippery surfaces, no random objects underfoot, and the first aid kit should be in a visible place so that if anything happens, it’s easy to find. a few more simple ones, but important advice from stanislav sokolov. friends, make sure that your elderly relatives are completely safe at home. we place a comfortable chair at the front door so that you can take off your shoes without bending over. house slippers, choose a back with a rubber sole, it does not slip, we do not clutter the corridors and passages, there should be no bowls for animals and their toys in the way. elderly people often complain of poor memory, so that in an emergency you do not have to look for medications, follow simple rules: divide medications into those that are used constantly and those that may be
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needed as a last resort. emergency medications should be stored near the bed so that you can take them without getting up; medications for regular use should be stored where it is convenient; we attach a list in a visible place indicating the time of administration, dosage, name of the medications, a list of telephone numbers needed in the event of an emergency, we hang it at the front door and enter these on our mobile phone numbers in speed dial. we also make sure that the passport, insurance policy and medical card of the elderly person are in one place: take care of your loved ones, be careful. well, roman, it’s time to cook something tasty and catering technologist olga teplova will help us with this. she knows how to cheer up the whole family from the very morning; you just need to feed her. this is very interesting by the way. it would turn out that you can make or cook from chicken breast, well, what other dish can you come up with? but look, him
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majesty, shish kebab. oh, it will be delicious. chicken breast is rarely used for barbecue, the meat is too dry, but i know how to prepare the dish so that it turns out juicy, i cut the fillet lengthwise. i beat it, salt it, pepper it, cover it with slices of cheese and ham, roll the pieces into a roll, lay them out close to each other, prick them across with skewers, cut them lengthwise, lay them out on the opposite side, grease the pieces with butter for juiciness, decorate with sprigs of rosemary for a bright aroma, bake for half an hour until golden brown. , look how delicious the kebabs are. turned out very good juicy, thanks to the cheese and ham. i am sure you will like this dish, bon appetit. and we went further and give the floor to our astrologers, they already have a forecast for november, a whole month for
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today. a very powerful month has arrived, active, dynamic, looking to the future, it will open up some prospects, give us a chance to bring our ideas and plans to life, help us start something new and or get things moving that didn’t work out in october, and this is also a wonderful time for those who need to learn something or show their talents, really from the streak, get carried away by something bright, tempting, but ephemeral, november is rich in all sorts of temptations, but the stars have warned you, it is also very nimble, in the second decade many will feel how time is speeding up, at the end of the month it will generally fly like an arrow, it will be easier to solve current ones tasks and overcome obstacles along the way, and in general everything will be done quickly, the other side of that medal, we will be prone to hasty decisions, hasty conclusions, rash actions and words. aries, this is relevant for you today. don't cut from the shoulder, count to ten before you say something harsh, don’t rush things, remember, today your motto is measure seven times. again
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, take it easy while driving, don’t rush , and you’ll have a great day when everything works out. taurus people are on the rise today and generally great. and they will change their affairs, and help others, and money loves them. the main thing... don’t forget, money loves counting and silence even more, and the evening is clearly preparing something interesting for you, something like a date promised from the star to the twins, also in the evening, the day will be filled with work, with it everything will be familiar, the main thing don’t be late for anything and don’t forget anything; being careful with technology can lead to failure. cancers today will be convinced that they are valued and respected more than they thought, pleasant, of course, but at the same time obliging, after lunch some important information may come... be careful on stairs and escalators. for lions, this day may throw some kind of surprise. most likely he will be associated with someone well known to you. in the afternoon, do not hesitate to go shopping, and in the evening, expect guests. one of your friends or relatives will appear on the horizon. this
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it may distract you from something important, but most likely you won’t complain because you can’t redo everything, take care of your health, viruses don’t sleep. libra will receive. a chance to correct some mistakes, settle an old conflict or dispute, repay a debt, make peace with someone or agree on something, the libra ladies will decide to show off a little, and you know, the stars don’t mind. the luminary tells scorpios that you are on the right path, the main thing is that as you rush forward, do not forget to look at your feet, suddenly some old rake is hiding somewhere there, and the evening looks like he's going to entertain you with something. sagittarius have a smooth working day, even a little routine, when everything moves... in a circle of familiar parts of the factory, so the evening seems to have in store for you something unplanned, just be more careful with alcohol. capricorns will want something new, some changes, and the stars are all for it, go for it, change, change your life, this is your day, just be careful with money and
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don’t forget about safety precautions. aquarians today are charming, artistic, witty, it is not surprising that their persona evokes interest, including that of the opposite , so to speak, a side effect of this is all sorts of gossip, but what do you care about it? pisces may try to spoil the mood, what an everyday trifle, just don’t pay attention, after dinner there may be a small profit, and in the evening it looks like he wants to invite you somewhere, maybe a date, good luck to you, dear men, you and i can go away for a while on our own affairs, because women have their own secrets, in general, now we will talk about this topic, strictly for you and me ladies, olga fox will teach us how to do makeup for oily skin. it turns out there is one. it's humid and cold outside, hot and stuffy in transport. we end up sweating. skin, especially oily skin, begins to shine faster. and the makeup instantly loses its freshness.
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i'm makeup artist olga fox, i'll show you how to properly tone your face in the off-season. and model alla will help me. it is important to properly prepare the skin. dense. nourishing cream is not suitable as a base for makeup; we use a light moisturizing serum or gel cream. we wait for it to be absorbed by wearing the primer - a product that evens out the skin, and if this is not available, we use loose transparent powder, pay attention that the packaging is marked hd. this product perfectly evens out the tone and makes makeup especially durable. next up is foundation. yes, you heard right, we will apply it on top of the powder. look, i have this one with a dense matte texture. this product dries out the skin. and can provoke even more sebum production. you need a cream with a so
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-called satin texture. it's loose easier to apply. cover the face with a thin layer. to fix the makeup, apply another layer of transparent loose powder. done, keep the matting wipes, they might come in handy. during the day, an oily sheen will appear on the t-zone, do not immediately grab the powder compact, too thick a layer of powder will roll off, use mattifying wipes, or if they are not available, disposable tissues, you just need to first separate the layers, blot the excess sebum like this, after that we can powder ourselves again, we just have to tint our lips, eyes. apply blush;
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moisture-resistant decorative cosmetics are suitable for oily skin. allah, you are beautiful. this makeup will withstand any temperature changes. you 'll look great all day long. the closer autumn gets to winter, the internet becomes more and more frequent. to complaints that the body does not have enough vitamins, lethargy and fatigue appear, on social networks in all sorts of forms there is a lively discussion of how to deal with this, here’s how to deal with it, let’s figure it out, now we’ll find out what autumn hypovitamosis is, whether it’s necessary to take vitamins for prevention, how many of these same vitamins exist and can they be found not in a pharmacy, on the market? the topic of the lecture for future biotechnologists is vitamins, the question is: have we not accumulated those that we ate in the summer from berries, vegetables, and fruits? some vitamins in our body can
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, let’s say, accumulate for a short period of time, but vitamins such as riboflavin, vitamins such as thiamine, they do not accumulate in us, they are involved in many processes, so we need them regularly consume, that is, we continue to lean on those berries, fruits, meat, herbs, fish, nuts, a varied diet should provide almost all the vitamins, if we consciously... or forcibly do not refuse any foods, then in general we should have enough of everything. but this is in an ideal world of balanced nutrition and daily walks in the sun. those who cannot boast of this will most likely complain to the doctors of weakness or fatigue. only in extreme cases can there be external signs, for example, with a lack of vitamin b12, cracks may appear in the corner of the mouth. there are 13 vitamins in total, it seems like the easiest thing to do is go to the pharmacy to get them, but it would be better to first donate blood to understand whether they are really missing? rosbiotech conducted an experiment. participants were 40 university employees, including
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dmitry kulikov, head of the department. we donated blood for vitamin b9 levels, those who had a deficiency of five people, three of them increased, two of them remained low, and those who were quite high, they actually remained high. what does this tell us? about the fact that - the process of assimilation itself vitamins, it is quite... complex and is determined not only by other foods, other nutrients, some of our activities, the general condition of the body, and of course genetics, genetics also plays a very important role here. so, vitamins, just like that, for no reason, without examination for prevention, more likely no than yes, doctors say. people really like to find some kind of game changer, some kind of super pill that they can take and solve all their problems with this. if only it were all there so simply the path to health is still more complicated, but there is good news: hypovitamosis in the fall
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is still quite a rare occurrence, and it is better to go to the market for vitamins in peels, and not from jars. natalia lyubchenko, dmitry roshkov, evgeny smirnov and yulia bykova, channel one. our program has come to an end, we say goodbye to you and wish you good morning and a good day. take care of yourself, take care of your loved ones. see you on the first channel, bye! this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev, in this issue, not an hour silence, shelling of israeli territory, attacks on the gaza strip, including refugee camps and political battles, chile and
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colombia recalling ambassadors from israel. terror tactics in the ssu shell donetsk, two people were killed, including an employee of the ministry of emergency situations. mash plant sent our army the latest infantry fighting vehicles. the soldiers at the front are very pleased with this machine. smooth ride, maneuverability protection so as not to be detected by radars. find a gold mine or the answer to the mysteries of the universe in the ice of antarctica. the university in st. petersburg teaches you to think big, the depth of knowledge is first, second - practical skills, 250 years of one of the best universities in the world, modern equipment, progressive techniques, everything to make students comfortable, interesting, i really love it,
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