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tv   PODKAST  1TV  November 10, 2023 1:30am-2:17am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] now, when i appear in plekhanovka, my middle grandson studied there, i visited him, and we approached this classroom, several teachers immediately said that there was a rumor among students that if you take the smekov test in this classroom, then you, yes, this is an ideal reputation, but my father still went to the front, and in 1945 my family began, what my beloved mother was like, naturally, i had nothing else in the world next to me, and i have nothing more sublime and beautiful and beloved, we left for evacuation in eglabuga,
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understandable passages, yes, from the second year my mother was already forced to become a doctor, a doctor... like my mother had been a successful therapist all my life, and my father appeared in summer kindergarten with my mother, in a military uniform, even then he did not change into civilian clothes, so, but naturally i didn’t recognize him, because throughout the 5 years of the war my mother and i received letters where my dad drew me , that is, he imagined how yes, these are very touching, downright sentimental letters, they have been preserved, they have been preserved, they have been preserved, like this great, my little sister, uh, tick, she made of it a whole book, yeah, in a word, these were toys, and dad brought poems from
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the front, and so until his death, until he was 97 years old, he knew a lot of poems from pushkin to plishcheev, by hand or in books, or is it important , like poetry, no, by rote, what poems he loved, did you remember, well, at least something there, maikovsky, pushkin, lermontov, bryusov, kozma prutkov, well, that’s enough, well, bryusov is not so banal, yes, it’s so original after all, it’s a matter for the new time, yes, but for , well, of course, of course, well, there’s a house in moscow bryusov and he is included in our museum, of course, there is no doubt about it, as it seems to you, that’s when you start reading poetry around, well, not on the stage, but somewhere at home, at the table, when people find out that you remember, i also remember, a lot of poems, although god forbid i’m not an actor, people perceive it with surprise or as something else, dima, when the nadaganka theater was born, and i was born with
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it, i ran out of doubts about being an actor whether i, or after all, i will go into literature, it was taganka and it was a poetic genre that lyubiubov and i discovered, but maybe before moving on to that taganka, well, let’s just talk about this time again, in recent years very close attention has been focused on this decade or fifteen, but here... between 56 and 68 , approximately how it looked from the inside, we know a set of, well, also such cliches, not cliches, well, such common opinions, yes, the spirit of freedom, as it was seen, felt, the wind of hope, fresh clothes, yes, this, yes, i
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already was an independent adult guy, already canceled my dreams of learning the russian language and literature, and followed the lead of the inner voice, or how else to say, the inner demon , the existence of which you know, as a wonderful teacher at the theater institute, we all followed the lead of some devil, well socrates was executed for this because he spoke with some deinion. remember, with some kind of demon, that is, not only us, but for quite a long time already, well, this is a good devil, positive, and the main thing in our profession is, of course, who, for example, mine was my older friend is an amazing actor, oleg pavlovich tabakov, a clown, a clown with a capital c, the clowning
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tormented me, i was drawn to, insomnia... etamila, as mozart says, yes, well, this is most likely not a clowning act, maybe irony, yes, probably so, but not quite, after all, just acting. who knows how to pretend, yeah, this is a word with a double meaning, of course, with negative and positive, to pretend, to act with one’s face, yes, that is, or to transform, but we’ll go aside, well, it’s time for the ataganka, senior comrades, so i entered the then best theater institute, the chukin school to the house, master vladimir etush, so , and then i can already remind those viewers who at the same time, my readers,
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have described this many times, how it is after the first year suggested that i go into mathematics, get away from acting, that is, not even a writer, in mathematics, he didn’t believe me, but why in mathematics, well, this is such a rounding... i think, well, it’s impossible, there shouldn’t be an actor, i'm convinced that this is so, the actor sometimes seems to outweigh his head, yes, that is, he means, yes, indeed , being a stupid person and an actor, well, is not the most interesting combination for me, but the actor is smart, well, my favorite actors are smaktunovsky, stegneev. oleg borisov, yuri nikulin, the most beautiful, of course, these are super actors, because there are wonderful actors, and there are super, there was some case
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when marlon brondo, in london, asked laurence olivier, these are two giants, but young brondo , who attended the stanislavsky school in new york, when asked how for you... everything works out, he answered ser laurence olivier, a genius, representative of the school of experience of konstantin stanislavsky , well, what laurence olivier answered, and i don’t really know how swear words sound in english, well, it’s roughly clear, that’s it it doesn’t matter, well , yes, and when brondo asked him, how do you manage everything? he said, you have to be good at pretending, that’s all. look , the popular opinion is a cliché, not mine, that taganka is not very stanislavsky, even,
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perhaps, quite the opposite, yes or what, after all, what kind of theater was this, then, petrovich, you always find yourself in a complex topic , which makes you tempted to go aside just about this and talk, well, a little, but it’s still important to open it up if anyone laughs - he will say, productions and theater of experience and theater of performance, this is the theater of experience, this is stanislavsky’s theater, the actor must penetrate inside the image, must shelter himself, feel like this person, there inside, grow in himself what is there, yeah, but theater performances, turned out stronger in modern times. and if only because one way or another, but in its best manifestations, this is a connection, experience, and representation
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, therefore brecht, therefore mayakovsky, therefore external, yes, to go from internal to external, this is stanislavsky, to go from external to internal, this is vakhtango. this is how vakhtangi branched off from him from the brilliant stanislavsky towards fantastic realism , we will quote dostoevsky and mirholt , in some direction of the theater of constructivism , theatreanggard may be in place it's probably an amazing time , we won't leave again. but let’s denote that it’s not a person, it’s a theater, there’s gaidebur, tairov, vakhtangov, stanislavsky, mirkhold, well , it’s all very close, and komissarskaya is not too long ago, compared to how
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well you know the history of the theater, yes that you are a spectator, i am a teacher at the school of studios, nothing more, but this is an amazing time , it was taganka who still didn’t continue anything, literally, an amateur’s judgment, but synthesized it all... she twisted it so much, tied it up so much that it hit like my students they say, they say, it hit me, that it hit millions of people, respecting the mode of the podcast lab, i shorten it, and answer, i didn’t succeed at the very beginning, i graduated with honors, for me at first - for the second year i was like it’s called a non-qualified listener, a volunteer listener, in the middle of the second year, etuzh demanded that i return, and me and sasha zbruev, my classmate, who was also deprived of certificates after the first year, smart, yes, probably not, something else,
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everyone, well actually everyone was too smart and you and i, here it ends, the shchukin school, i choose , not only according to my taste, but according to the taste of that new russian literature, prose, which i endlessly loved, the opening of the magazine youth, the appearance, and i voraciously read the new prose, the young prose they said then yes, young prose is new, in my opinion, and there, one way or another, i heard a call to leave moscow, because moscow is not russia, it is the capital, but to go to where the real one breathes, that is, all russian literature between two calls to get out...
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or to moscow to moscow, that's me just now came up with it, but in my opinion, it’s very good, i look back, i see that i lived a very good life, boris klyuev is an actor who could safely say that life was a success, and we looked at him, oh, klyuev is coming, klyuev is coming, so handsome, so charming, roles in tv series, movies and theaters that one can only dream of, almost died of love, suddenly scared, a blow of fate, at the very pinnacle of success, illness gradually took over him, he still remained a courageous man to end. having learned about the fatal diagnosis, he called us to the dacha, we were going to a funny report with barin, as klyuev jokingly called himself. it turned out that this was the final confession, which, as happens with extremely positive people, also came out ironic, if not more poignant. it seems that you have lost everything in this place, and then suddenly it turns out
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that you won? exclusive with dmitry borisov premiered on saturday at the first, i was now returning home and thought, reflected on life, don’t talk about life wiser than all of us who are living and wise, hello, you love me, and since you love me, you must obey me, you will obey me, but in this house they live... temperamental people, look, oh, shadow theater , well, at least he thought about his father, and you think about him, a person needs to be intimidated, or moved to pity, yeah, this the night will end in the police, i feel, good evening, that's it, but how, dad, blood, i said, what's the matter, don't , great joy, listen, brother, where have you been, i can't look at you, i want to, you're with you won’t stand on ceremony
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about this, you don’t need me, you rubbish, get out, well, in general, i’m glad that i came to you, but i don’t want to be your brother anymore, what wonderful people you are, eldest son, on sunday at the first, we continue, and i remind you that our guest today is theater and film actor and writer veniamin borisovich smekhov. veniamin borisovich, maybe you still read something. now i will finish what i started, which means i left, of my own free will i went to the volga in kuibysh, to samara , it lasted me for a year, in a year i went through a gigantic school of experience, nine performances in which i participated, three main roles, simultaneously television, radio, skit, something... in another year there was a hell
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of a lot of new things in my destiny and without him nothing happy would have happened, nikolai zasukhin, a great artist, a great actor, and i saw how this the man works, he is a front-line soldier, he came from the war, a wonderful young man, a miracle actor, in general, he was my first real teacher. after etush, and then i returned to moscow because of nostalgia for my hometown, nostalgia consumed me, i wrote a story about this. on the way to moscow, i gave the story my teacher, whom you probably knew, yuri borisevich borev, of course, gave his youth to a magazine, they wanted to publish my youth story, a story about a young man who went to
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the volga and from there returns to moscow, that ’s all, and there, of course, zasukhin is one of main characters, this story has not been published. thank god, but the romance with the magazine youth continued a little later, at the same time i entered the drama and comedy theater, because i have to earn a living and somehow live, then, which later became the taganka theater, through year, yuri lyubimov came to this theater, with him the eight main characters of a kind man from shizuan, a brilliant graduation performance from the shukin school and lyubimov’s first director’s masterpiece, described in all the theatrical anthologies of the world, of course , of course, well, well, i didn’t know my fate , but he had already worked in drama and comedy and was planning
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to leave there too, to go into literature, firmly, all the time there is some kind of fork in the road, you go into literature, all the time into literature. this is the norm for an artist, for a normal person to doubt, well, yes, at such distances, pasternak rejected music, rejected philosophy, yes, without drawing parallels, but i keep saying something all the time, this is not the first time, he did not part with the word, he did not part with the word parted, but the music beckoned him, scriabin, remember, everything, of course , you and i remember this, scriabin, where can i escape from the steps of my deity, here, here, well, it’s amazing, lyubimov has appeared around you, vysotsky is around you , fillatov, zolotukhin, there are laughter, at first there was no one, at first there was a kind man from sizuan, and lyubimov, reorganized the theater, and from the previous
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theater there were not many actors left in whom he believed, including three... young ones, also yura smirnov, vsevolod sobolev, here i am, well and some other group of actors, we connected with him , with his heroes, a kind man, and gave birth to this performance, a kind man and sizuana, already on the stage of the theater, opposite the taganskoye metro station, the theater was called very stupidly, drama and comedy, it was called trauma and comedy, of course, everything was wonderful, i was born theater, and life was born at 24, now it’s 7:24, yes, yes, around the clock, so this is how life began, this is how life began, this is how
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life began, it was necessary after this gigantic success, it’s impossible to play a play every day. but they played, say, 2 days later on the third, there were some two performances left from the previous repertoire, especially a new performance, it was, it was the debut of pyotr naumovich fomenko, the microdistrict, the microdistrict, and fomenko himself, a man of extraordinary attractiveness, a brilliant man of theatrical art , became my god in theater, this is the most beloved: a creature in culture, if we needed to go somewhere with my beloved wife and your friend, galina aksenova, we had to go somewhere, i called fomenko, he says, bless, he
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says, bless, let’s dilate the blood vessels and let’s narrow them down at once, long live the muses, let the mind disappear, wonderful, wonderful, well, our interlocutors remember, so, my soul remained, my brain, i don’t know, my stupidity, still held on, the name closest to my heart is vladimir mayakovsky, and i am very glad that i came: dmitry petrovich to visit you, because the life of my, let's say, the last performance in memory of mayakovsky, well, some amazing family of a grandiose
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artist who is in love, an italian, who is in love with maykovsky and came up with the book bedbug, illustrations for all the scenes, bedbug maykovsky, and his wife, larisa , a ballerina from the astrakhan theater who wanted to arrange a grand presentation of the book. husband, but so that the russian word must be heard, that’s it, they found my glasha, galina gennadievna, she said, well, of course, we can come, and venya will read maykovsky, you can wake him up, he can always read mayakovsky, but, he’d better come up with a play, and i came up with a play for three, here you go, masha matveeva, dima vysotsky and me, in rome. after the presentation of the wonderful book bug, we play
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the flute-spine glass for the first time. aksionova is actually the director of the play, she is absolutely merciless theater ovet, it’s the theaters with, well, how can i say it, at the start, this is zero directing, and the theaters are already in full swing, this will be your opinion today, this is a formula that i attach very great importance to, well it it’s known, well, now there’s a performance, russian emigrants are sitting in the hall, well then , yes, already russians, and russian journalists, guests , a lot of russian-hearing, russian-speaking people in love with the italian mayakovsky, the credits are in italian and so on, you
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were, you were one of the dear guests of this evening, it was very dear to me , so i include my first words from this performance: for all of you who liked or like, we keep them as icons near the soul in the cave, like... a cup wine in the table toast, i raise my skull filled with poetry, i think more and more often whether it would be better to put a bullet point at my end, today, just in case, i’m giving a farewell concert, this is the beginning of the performance, and my favorite verses from mayakovsky’s favorite poem, man in the sky, also sound there
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my bethlehem, no signs were burning, no one was stopping the curly-headed wise men from sleeping with their graves, it was absolutely like everyone else, sickeningly the same , the day of my descent to you, and no one guessed to hint to a nearby indelicate star, the star supposedly is too lazy to shine in vain, if it’s not a person’s birthday, then the devil’s star is still to be celebrated, and so on, and maykovsky for life, maykovsky is my admission to the theater institute, i read in 140 a dream the sunset was burning at the mkhat studios school to my eldest mother-in-law, veniamin zakharovich rodomyslensky, rector, rector of the studio school, immortal, adored, papa vena, as everyone called him papa vena, yes, from tabakov and batalov, and entered the studio school with boris evgenievich zahavi, rector, vakhtangov’s favorite, graduated and
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i preferred the vakhtangov theater to performances, we continue, and i remind you that our guest today is theater and film actor and writer, veniamin borisovich smekhov. it seems to me that you have finally come to literature, new and new books, not only memoirs, but also books of different genres, yes. that's what it is for you and what seems to you the main memory or your original work, now i will combine two names, fomenko and lyubimov, fomenko and lyubimov, theater, that is, the workshop of pyotr fomenko itaganka yuri petrovich lyubimov, differ from all other theaters in many ways, but most of all, of course, in their devotion to the word, for the beloved prose on the stage, that was
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a very important genre, and poetry on the stage, very important. theater of words, theater of verse, yes, that’s the whole point, probably my favorite theaters , glasha aksyonova will argue, because it’s impossible to call taganka only a theater, the taganka theater of the beloved is the theater of the multitude, this is the theater of the great crossroads, lyubimov, like as if he pointed out to those who did not know that theater is... the crossroads of the arts, this is the word, this is the sound, this is the music, this is painting, this is gesture, this is graphics, and lyubimov turned out to be a genius, as a collector, yes, yes, a combinator, he collected everything, so it was funny when the brilliant
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composers of our time, schnittky, denisov, gubaidulina. shestakovich, dmitry dmitrievich, became regular guests and friends of the theater, truly world-class figures , it is difficult to even give such an example, yes, where at such a level mayakovsky’s nonsense would coexist with each other on the one hand, on the other hand gubaidulina, schnittky edison denisov, shostakovich, yes, well, these are the words after all, the word is music, that’s another thing. pasternak called voznesensky. and then mezherov repeated it, alexander petrovich, poetry is first of all a sound, uh-huh, it’s a sound in the heart or soul of this combination, uh-huh, music, gesture, painting and so on. akhmalina still probably says the opposite, i really love her lines, where it seems to be about the opposite situation, maybe i’m wrong,
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the music comes first, but the speech is free for the music to speak, after all, or not. probably not, it was like this at taganka, at pyotr fomenko’s theater, his school, his students, these are people devoted to sound, to the word, it began with mayakovsky, mayakovsky is a friendship sent to me from heaven with his friends, with his muses, with lilia yurievna brik, with vasily kotanyan, mayakovsky is an admission, as i said to institutes. and listen to the play that lyubimov staged, and the uncultured cultural authorities banned it, but it didn’t work, too good people stood up for us , why didn’t mayakovsky please, it seems like he’s like, how can i put it, officially recognized, although vulnerable, honest, direct, now i'll tell you
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i’ll say a choice, just a phrase that sounded in our performance: we turned history around, say goodbye to junk forever, a communist and a person who cannot be bloodthirsty, this is mayakovsky’s response to what was done to the family of nicholas ii. and this is a performance that was unbearable for the bolsheviks, the leaders of culture. every year, a proposal came to remove it from the repertoire , of course, yes, the play lived a great happy life, and i am twice happy, i wrote this script and was a co-author of my favorite, also literature, also literature, yes, after all, this is not only a game, but this is a word, no, this is a word, this is literature, and next to me stood my friends, there were five
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mayakovskys, sherbakovs, khmelnitsky, zolotukhin, vysotsky and well, next to me were my friends of the early taganka vysotsky zolotukhin, zolotukhin is a wonderful prose writer, yes, of course, and vysotsky is a brilliant russian poet , that’s all, well, it was all close, close, no words were dropped, no words were muttered, there was a responsibility to the word, then we all choked, then in new book news. here is yuri trifonov, great, great prose writer, next to him stands vladimir tendrikov, these were all the people whom tvordovsky, well, looked after in the new world, you know, i’m so sorry that they are practically not in the reading circle, now, this sounds very scary, i adore yuri valentinovich, of course, and dendrov too, but i communicate
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with students, oddly enough, for some reason ... well, there may be a house on the embankment, but there are other wonderful things, but there is a time and a place, there is impatience, there are tarikh , this is a matter for educators, well, i’m trying, but most likely not yet... i had a friend whom i wrote in all his memoirs, andrei egorov, the favorite of the great mathematician andrei nikolaevich kolmagorov, a great genius, yes, we read books during the race, this is a competition, i think, the norm for teenagers in our time too, i was lucky, i saw a lot of young people who prefer paper, so to speak, literature is just oil of oil for my soul on our podcast, this is just on the topic , let me tell you about today, zhenya mironov invited me to the play
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kokal, this is a play by anna kozlova, a very successful author of tv series and yes, and dramaturgy, a wonderful play called the last summer, doll, a finnish word, the name of this village near lenin near st. petersburg is called repina, and this is very close to me, because mayakovsky very often boasted about the seven-day week, he came to kuokkola without a penny of money, fed him one day chukovsky, the second repen, and this is now called the last summer, six premiere performances have passed, to my joy, all my doubts have been resolved. i doubted, as i doubt, and this is
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normal, before each new performance, but lucky, i play a twelve-year-old boy, a hero who, after as many years as i have, i remember my childhood, i am convinced that each of our viewers has moments when they turn on the film archive of memory, and from there some specific days, summer, there are autumn, spring, winter, this is what this play is like, i play with wonderful actors, my mother is yulia peresilt, and misha troynik, misha troynik is my student, so it’s wonderful, that’s where vanya dobronravov plays a wonderful role, and lena nikolaeva, my second mother, and so on, the performance begins, the poem by our beloved desik samoilov.
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i remember, dad is still young, i remember leaving, some preparations, a cab driver, a dashing, curled horse, a carriage, a whip and springs, i remember, my mother is still young, smiling at our neighbors, and we are going somewhere, where, and where - then, for some reason we. a forged horse is ringing, and the cobblestones are in some passage, the domes are fading, the fire is lit, candles are lit, constellations, father is young, and mother is young, the horse is hot and the carriage is winged, and we are going, we don’t know where, we are all going and going somewhere, inside i’m reading yesenin’s favorite poem, but the penultimate twenty-fifth year, the wind is whistling, a silver wind in the silky rustle of snow noise, for the first time
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i noticed in myself, i’ve never thought so, even though there’s rotten dampness outside the window, i i don’t regret it, and i’m not sad, i still fell in love with this life, i fell in love with it as if in the beginning, if a woman looked at me with a quiet smile. i ’m already excited, what kind of shoulders, the troika will rush past like a shaky road, i’m already in it, looking far away, happiness, oh my happiness and all good luck, human happiness, loved by the earth, the one who cries at least once on earth means luck has rushed past, you need to live easier, you need to live more simply, accepting everything that is in the world, that’s why: the maidens above the grove, the wind whistles, the silver wind, this is yesenin , i sincerely thank you for today’s conversation, thank you very much, see you again here
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, well, to our interlocutors, as always, i joyfully say the same phrase, today we listened to poetry, but it doesn’t hurt to read them more often, but also prose, drama and much more, read from with pleasure, dear friends. hello, dear friends, this is a podcast about the life of the wonderful, i am with you, its host, writer alexey varlamov, and today we will talk about the wonderful writer, philosopher mikhail mikhailovich prishvin. i am sure that you are all very familiar with this name from childhood, from school years, when you wrote dictations, expositions, the author of which was none other than our
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hero, mikhail prishvin, by the way, to say this a tradition when soviet schoolchildren wrote their first lines based on his text was written in school notebooks, it happened during his lifetime, in the thirties, in the forties, and prishvin was very amused by this, because he himself was an unborn student, he was kept in the second year, then he was completely kicked out of the gymnasium and so he wrote that it had passed for so many years, i was once kicked out of school, and now, using my...' books, children learn to write and read, but of course, for most of us, prishvin is such a naturalist writer, the author of wonderful stories about birds, dogs, other animals, about trees, about nature, in in general, i thought so for a long time, and until, during the times of glasnost and perestroika, i came across his diary in the magazine october, this diary absolutely turned my... idea of ​​this
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man upside down, made me regard him in the highest regard degree seriously, write a book about him, and generally never stop thinking about mikhail prishvin. pustovsky once said that if nature could feel gratitude to a person for singing her beauty, then the first person to receive this gratitude would be mikhail prishvin. but i think that not only nature, but also russian history of the 20th century is also very grateful to prishvin for the evidence that he left about it in his main book, and prishvin’s main book was precisely his diary, which he kept for 50 years, he wrote every day there are several pages, and the volume of this diary, which was recently published in full, the volume of this diary is approximately 25 such volumes. probably,
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the one who reads all these 25 volumes will be as wise as prishvin. what do we know about this person? oh, he was born in 1800 73, and was born not far from the wonderful russian city of yelets, in a merchant family, lost his father early, and there yelets went to the gymnasium to study, in yelets there was only one gymnasium, this gymnasium was remarkable because they studied there... ivan bunin, future philosopher priest sergei bulgakov, and the geography teacher in this gymnasium was none other than the philosopher vasily vasilyevich rozanov, all this was around the same time, just imagine, a small, beautiful, charming dace, men's gymnasium, which by the way, it has still been preserved, and there is now a school there, once upon a time, almost a century and a half ago , they met in this school, and well... they missed each other a little,
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because bunin was expelled from this gymnasium or left this gymnasium a little before prishvin came to it, in this wonderful building they coincided with rosenov, in fact rozunov played a huge role in the fate of preshvin, because at first he really appreciated this stubborn dreamer, this dreamer who dreamed of traveling, who once ran away from school with his friends on a boat, along a quiet pine river, a boy caught by a police bailiff who was returned to the gymnasium, and roznov supported him in this action in this escape, and then they quarreled, because there were two such roosters, there were two such very proud, independent people, between them a conflict occurred, this conflict led to rozunov expelling prishvin from the gymnasium with volchiy.
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and actually broke his fate, or maybe on the contrary, gave him a fate, a truly amazing fate, because the boy, expelled from the yelets gymnasium went to study in siberia, there in tyumen, he graduated from a real school, from there he went to riga, where he began to study agronomy, since his mother was a middle-class landowner, she wanted her son to get... a normal, solid, very useful profession, but the boy was a dreamer, and there in riga he met with the marxists, and the most important action that they performed in riga, these... young idealists, these young dreamers, they destroyed a brothel in riga, protesting against the humiliation of women . for all these pranks, prishvin was sent to prison and he served a whole year in solitary confinement, in fact, after that he forever quarreled with the revolution, quarreled with this
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revolutionary project and the dream of transforming society on fair principles. but another interesting event that happened to him in those young years, they were once sent to practice in georgia, in the region of the city of gore, in order to study how grapes grow and fight diseases of grapes, such a disease as phylloxera is found in grapes, and prishvin later recalled and wrote in his diary that in the evenings they drank wine and looked at the young people who danced lisginka, among these dancers there was one, a short, stocky young man with backs , on his face, well, most likely this is a legend, a meeting of young prishvin and young stalin, it is unlikely whether it actually took place, but prishvin was generally a great mystifier, he loved to compose his life, he loved to invent his life,
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and this fusion of fantasy and reality, dreams and reality, is such a very important trait of his character, which determined a lot in his life, and after this year... an adventure in prison, and the mother, who loved her son very much and felt that something should come of him, collected money, sent him to study abroad, he studied in germany, and one day summer holidays he went to paris on an excursion, and there in paris he met on a tram a russian girl who lived in paris, her name was varvara petrovna from malkov and this girl whom he had known for only two... weeks, it was 2 weeks of such chaste walks along the seine, and this girl played a huge role in the fate of prishvin, the writer, in fact , in the soul of the poet, because between them
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there was nothing more than these walks and conversations, they parted, never met again, only occasionally corresponded, but prishlin forever preserved the image this girl is like so unattainable. you are like some incredible distant and beautiful love, in his diary he returned to her many times, dedicated his works to her, dedicated his stories, maybe you remember, he has such a wonderful poem in prose, which is called phacelia, all of it is filled with love for that same varvara petrovna from malkova, after studying abroad he returned to russia, and for some time he actually worked as an agronomist in the klin district of the moscow region, and there he met a simple woman, a peasant woman, who left husband with a small child, she left unable
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to withstand the beatings, she and prishvin got along, began to live together, she became his common-law wife, and prishvin was subsequently very grateful to efrasosina pavlovna, that was her name, frossi. ephrasenia, because she, being absolutely illiterate, unable to read and write , she spoke such a beautiful russian language, she knew so many songs, fairy tales, she felt so well the russian soul, the russian element, that in fact it was she who discovered russia for prishvin, this discovery of russia, root, national, people's russia, meant extremely for prishvin. a lot, he was already well over 30, and having realized that he did not want to engage in agronomy, he did not want to engage in agriculture, prishvin i tried to become a writer, a poet, a journalist, but it’s easy to say, i tried to become, because these were the years of the silver age,
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the silver age is indeed such a very special, very complex, very subtle era in the history of russian culture, and one of the features of this era. .. was that there , so to speak, there was very high competition, there really were a lot of excellent poets, prose writers, playwrights, artists, literary critics with gifts of genius, who all started very early, who were very bright debuted, well, remember the fate of the bloc, bely, bryusov, voloshin, aninsky, akhmatova, tsvetaeva, mandelstam, many. you can name wonderful names that glorified the russian culture of this time, here is prishvid, awkward, strange, statue-like, as he called himself, he compared himself with such a clumsy hatchet, here he
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is trying to enter this brilliant society, this cultural environment, which is not wants to accept him, who pushes him out because he is a stranger to her, and his literary experiments are met with ridicule, met rejection, but prishvin had an outstanding talent, one of his main and most beloved activities was that he was by nature and his own. he was a hunter and he was a hunter from god, he was a born


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