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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  November 15, 2023 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] russian air defense system, that is, well, it was built here, this is the first second, brahmos is a joint venture, and it is a joint enterprise, russian-indian, yes, that is, it is generally based on technology, onix missiles, that is, our famous anti-ship supersonic missile , but its export version yahand india, yes, thanks to such cooperation it received missile technologies that, in principle, were too tough for it. to be honest, and again thanks to this brahmos enterprise, because the rocket exists in many reincarnations, this is a sea-based missile, as we just looked at, there is a land version, there is an air version, that is, the missile is really serious, we can say that it is in the class, well, probably the three or four best in the world, yeah, that’s it brahmos 1, but there is also brahmos 2, this is the rocket that, in principle
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, surpassed the americans, it is hypersonic. the fact is that so far not a single american hypersonic test has ended in success, which is why, let’s be honest, this missile, jointly russian, indian, i would really like to remind you of the russian position regarding the conflict that is currently unfolding between israel and palestine, and the most important thing is that russia calls for resolving this conflict exclusively peacefully, diplomatically, and such fakes are precisely aimed at. i will remind our viewers that we always need you to help us too and, for your part, send those fakes that cause you doubts, those that raise doubts, but we are sure to collect reasons for pride, too thank you very much for coming to us today, as always, all the best to you.
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the first channel presents. the shield and sword of our lives, innate immunity, where can we get it? strong bones, flexible joints, food for our skeleton. our pain service is open, we will help everyone, the program to live healthy will answer all your questions. so, immunity, today we are starting a conversation about our immunity, right now before your eyes the famous immune cell macrofac eats all the viruses and microbes in our body, in the same way it eats cancer cells, like this cheerfully and cheerfully this happens in our program, this is how it happens in life,
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here he is. i saw the microbe ate it, here is another stick looking for it again, the macrophac meets this immune cell, it devours everything that it meets on its way. today we are starting a conversation about immunity, which will consist of several programs. our topic is innate immunity. the first line of self-defense. andrey petrovich, where does self-defense begin? to him. cells always work, but i suggest starting with not obvious things, not obvious things, innate immunity is divided into what is called external internal defense, external defense is the mucous membranes and skin, this is actually our innate immunity, the mucous membrane, look, the oropharynx, this is the mucous membrane that first encounters most of the viruses and bacteria
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that we encounter in the world , there are special substances that wait for viruses, they kill bacteria, there are cells of the immune system, like macrophages and granulocytes, immunity here is nonspecific, it will kill any bacteria and any virus that comes indiscriminately. first, the robe is covered with a mucous membrane, this is a protective shell, secondly, saliva is capable of digesting microbes, thirdly, immune cells meet microbes already here, right in the oral cavity. the mouth is the first meeting place, but not only our stomach, few people imagine that the stomach is created specifically to digest microbes, here it is our stomach, there is the most terrible, strongest acid, an acid that destroys everything, because those products that we eat, far from sterile, and the first for
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the role. gastric juice and hydrochloric acid - this is neutralization, this is also immunity, absolutely true, kill the microbe, the human eye, dear friends, the human eye also has immune protection, which one, let’s show on the screen, the eye produces a tear that constantly washes the eye, and blinking, the very act of blinking, this is also a protective reaction, a tear washes away all germs and viruses from the surface of the eye, now we are microbes and viruses , so we blinked a tear , a tear film is formed, accordingly, a tear film that protects us, then we inhaled the air, andrey petrovo, here we go the following fact arises, we inhaled the air, there are bacteria and allergens in this air, they enter the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, and then
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we see that the microbes have entered the mucous membrane, and this mucus appears there, antimicrobial proteins such as lysocin, and this is mucus ... even the snot in the nose is the same mucus, the task of which, together with the villi that oscillate, remove viruses and microbes, dust, remove all this from the body, 99% of all interactions with the outside world are done by our innate immunity, which protects us from everything infections. we have a pregnant woman visiting us today, i want to invite her to join us.
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dinochka, well, first of all, what is the term, 35 weeks, that is, you don’t have the right to give birth today, tomorrow, what lies there, girl, girl, what will you call her, for now it’s a secret, a secret, well, please don’t tell us , we have only one wish. in order for the girl to be healthy, look at what period your girl has to go through, today the girl is in absolutely sterile conditions. let's look at the screen. so, egg fertilized. it is embedded in the wall of the uterus, where the fetus begins to grow and develop. i repeat once again, absolute sterility, no germs, no. the mother passes on her antibodies, her protection through the placenta to her baby, this is how the baby grows, becomes more and more more,
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then the moment comes when the baby is born light, look, boy, look what a good boy, they will look and they will give it to you again, look what good, fell into unsterility, into the dirt, even childbirth in sterile conditions is not compare with sterility, no, how to make sure that the baby has innate immunity, what is the mother’s responsibility? oh, well, i know that you don’t need to get sick yourself, and if you do get sick , it probably also strengthens him, because some antibodies are transferred to him. in general, she doesn’t know anything other than what i said, first, pregnant, full-term pregnancy, because when the pregnancy is full-term, all the organs of the baby’s system, including the immune,
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have time to prepare for the moment of birth to meet the outside world, which is not sterile, second, this is a classic birth, vaginal birth, the child must pass through the mother’s birth canal, the mother’s microflora... which microbes are good and which are bad which must be answered, the second is natural childbirth, in this regard they are better than others, and the third is breast feeding, because of course it is , let's show these amazing shots, a mother breastfeeding, breast milk is not just food. this is a colossal immune complex, in these minutes, when the baby suckles, what does he receive, andrey, he receives protection, immunity, he receives part of his mother’s
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antibodies, such as immunoglobulins a, which determine its mucosal immunity, lactoferin and antimicrobial factors , which help kill harmful bacteria that may surround the baby, it is clear that breastfeeding is different from... today , throughout the country, babies are doing it right in the maternity hospital. the baby gets a small, small prick in the heel, a drop of blood appears, and this drop of blood is then imprinted in this way on a special form, this dry spot of blood is sent to laboratory, how many types of immunodeficiencies are determined today, more than 300 different immunodeficiency conditions that can. threaten the life of a child and which could
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lead to his death, can now be determined by this test, this has provided a serious opportunity to ensure that children remain alive and healthy. make sure your girls do this test, they do it in moscow, and the author is one of the creators of this test, standing next to us, professor and doctor of medical sciences andrei petrovich prodeus. do you already know where you will give birth? yes. the hospital is the twenty-sixth ore, wonderful, today all pregnant women are given a special birth certificate, and the pregnant woman can use this document and choose any place for observation. moreover, with this birth certificate you can pay for any patronage services , monitoring the child’s condition by doctors up to... the age of 1 year,
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the birth certificate is issued by a doctor at the antenatal clinic, these are three tickets, one for consultation, the second for the place where you will give birth, and the third is actually a children's clinic, you already have a birth center certificate? yes, they will give it to me, they told me that they are preparing it soon, in general, i really have to get it. all this became possible thanks to the national healthcare project, because of course, the way you give birth now is not like our generation , there is now such support for pregnant mothers and babies, this makes me very happy, i am happy that you are pregnant, that’s exactly what we see, that it’s just, as they say, bear it, bear it, let’s have our dear future mother, so
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beautiful, because there is no more beautiful pregnant woman. women and nursing mothers, we wish only one thing, well, firstly, to use the birth certificate, since it pays for everything you want, and secondly, the most important thing, your health and the health of your little girl, thank you, nothing more, i hug you, may the birth go well, thank you very much, sit down, please, everything will be fine, this is 100%. let's take a short break and then continue. strong bones - movable joints - food for our skeleton. if the pain comes and remains, it means you are not with us yet. can you sit? yes, ah you couldn’t sit there 10 minutes ago, right? yes, easier, yes. pain service.
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they work here. professionals, gray migrants, a rat just attacked a child who was walking past garbage cans, just walked, didn’t touch anyone, didn’t show any aggression, wasn’t friendly, massive infestations of dangerous rodents in different regions of russia, how to get rid of rats, we are investigating two murders , there are different ways to... puts down a sign, and we have an employee who can help you, you know, i rarely get turned down, you can enter, a sign with the crime scene is unique, perhaps the killer came up with it himself, meet maria ermalova, she is an employee of her psychiatry , cherkasy, you understand that a leak in this case is unacceptable, i understand, i think this sign was not left for those who find this body, and this is not the artist’s signature, maybe you will do this? i went to this damn place
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again, are you being treated there, or what? mashan, can i invite you to the museum? mosgaz, cherkasov’s latest case, investigator and psychiatrist, wonderful company, let’s go, watch it after program time, on the first, bourbon stirsman. product of stellar group. the union can release , well, 50 kg there, 100 there, and it can release 20 tons. and you see, this is the rudder, and there is the engine. since the surname is a wolf, then this is what his squad of nine people called a wolf pack. we were sent to the cosmetic training center for general space training, for almost 2 years, we studied and at the same time also flew. we created very harsh conditions for ourselves, right down to landing
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blindfolded, make a turn, wind gusts up to 120 m per second, so we sat and they thought, let them go, don’t let them in, they let them in, so... despite the fact that there was a very strong wind that day, it landed very accurately, on the thirty-fifth anniversary of the flight of the buran spacecraft, the constellation of the wolf, today on the first.
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hot ice, live broadcasts, on the weekend on the first, love. figure skating, appreciate figure skating, adore figure skating, well, since our wedding is in a noble estate, let’s make a dress something special, elegant, but with folk motifs, don’t be scared, we just want to integrate this detail, it’s called guns from a traditional tula costume into your image, look how we made a young woman out of a girl, we will have... bread with a braided braid, which symbolizes the intertwining of the groom’s family and the bride’s family. we need a tula gingerbread, and to make this tula gingerbread we need a gingerbread board, uh-huh, gingerbread is joy, hands down, then up, boys, back, girls, sweetness,
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and this, and this is for joy, our premiere, let's play wedding, on sunday on the first. season premiere: binge the star on sunday on the first. so, dear friends, we are in the kitchen, mikhail yegorovich cooks great, great, he is a great doctor, ophthalmologist, he is a brilliant, brilliant cook. irreplaceable is the name of the special topic of our program, and we are talking about irreplaceable. we don’t make essential amino acids ourselves, we don’t produce them in the body , we only have the hope that we will eat them with food, and in order to eat them with food, we need to know
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what food contains these essential amino acids, where there are a lot of them, what us today amino acid? at us today an amino acid called: independent amino acid lysine in the studio, lysine please, the products with the richest lysine, bring them to the studio immediately,
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we will tell all the viewers what it is, so, most of all lysines, where is mikhail? total lysine in chicken, in tuna in parmesan, in parmesan cheese, chicken, tuna, parmesan, of course, the main question is why do we need lysine, let's go to the model, mikhail egorovich, here it is our bone, without lysine boudin, no, yes, there is no protein that promotes calcium absorption. into bone is therefore formed osteoporosis is a condition when bones become brittle and therefore, without lysine, they are not normally strong.
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and if there is rubber, then the situation is diametrically opposite, then our bone is dense, there is no osteoporosis, so many people think that bone is calcium, this is partly true, there is calcium there, but all bone is protein, with calcium built into it , lysine is a building block for protein, no lysine, no protein, no bone tissue, but not only bone, mikhail egorovich, joint. he contributes, this one lysine promotes the formation of elastin and collagen, these are the substances that provide us with the elasticity of the ligament and the strength of the ligamentous apparatus, here they are cartilage, this is also lysine, and this is also protein, cartilage ligaments, this is protein in its purest form, this is elastin and collagen, what else , the next beneficial property of lysine is that it fights viruses, it improves our immune system,
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and fights the herpis virus. everyone remembers herpes on the lip, if you don’t eat lysine, you’ll get herpes, and not only on the lip, but on other organs, there’s nothing good about that, now how much lysine is contained in champion products, back to the kitchen, mikhail egorevich, our fateful question is how much... to weigh in grams, that is, how much of these products should be eaten per day to get a sufficient amount of lysine, lysine champion chicken, one and a half daily requirement in 100 g, that is, you need to eat 70 g there, and this will be enough to calculate how much to eat, you need to calculate like this, one and a half daily norm in 100 g of chicken, which means we divide 100 by one and a half, it turns out approximately 70. g of chicken
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you need to eat and you get the daily need for lysine, since there is no chicken at home, but there is, but there is tuna, tuna contains one daily dose of 100 g, it would seem yes, where is the chicken and where is the tuna, well, 100 tuna is enough for you we got the daily allowance, rubber, by the way, is a low-calorie fish, it ’s either 70 or 90, there’s the lowest. parmesan also one daily norm of lysine also 100 g per day no more or or or you want and as you want, but either or or you will already get everything you need, well, mikhail egorovich is watching the spectators look at us and think, god, if only they could give us a lick, our joints hurt.
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now i will treat you, and now the guys will treat us, guys, treat our guests, lezin, please eat for good health, may your bones be strong, may your ligaments and cartilage be elastic and may herpus never appear on your lip only thanks to lysine, everyone got it, here comes lysine, thank you, god, this is all about food, friends, it’s time for us to talk about medicine, well, dear friends, in our studio there is a spine with an intervertebral hernia, on our the medical site has a pain service and the lord of pain, dr. golperin, mark yakovich, people hurt, they hurt, so we need to help. you also have something that hurts, and it’s been hurting for several months already, well, look, a unique technology for treating pain, which
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is called interventional pain treatment, what kind of device is this? this is a device called c-arc or because, because in english c is si, that is, this is the russian letter c, which allows us to give an x-ray image of what is happening, and this is done live, this not x-ray. which we then look at, and this device calls us, yes, fluoroscopy, that is, we can see it live, that is, the doctor works under x-ray control, under x-ray control, he looks for the place of pain and, under x-ray control, injects the medicine exactly to the point pain, i want to say that people from all over russia contact us, we try to help everyone, we collect all your video messages on the program website. let's listen to another cry from the heart. hello, i watched your episode about back pain, i realized that i have the same
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problem, pain in the lower back that radiates to my leg. i have a diagnosis, but they didn’t provide proper treatment, for the last month, everything hurts, i can’t work, sleep, sit, it’s straight down to the knee, please help me, what does this woman have, what brand, this woman, according to her complaints, has pain in the back, which radiate to the leg, we assumed that she had a pinched root, due to the fact that if you look, this is the disk - this is the root, this is the intervertebral hernia, it can be seen that the root is a nerve, this is a nerve , nerve trunk, which extends from the spinal cord, the nerve trunk is compressed, this red intervertebral hernia, you see what a tiny hole where it all comes together, the doctor’s task
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is to relieve the swelling that has compressed this place and is tormenting the nerve, the person. but in order to clearly diagnose, we did an mri, we were convinced that yes, she has a hernia , after that, right now i invite you to the clinic where dr. golperin works, hello, good afternoon, here she is the poor guy even has a limp, his lower back hurts, his right leg hurts, i can’t sit, it hurts like crazy. knee, 2 months. it got worse, yes, yes, two, now the pain does not go away, this patient came to us so exhausted from pain, the pain has been tormenting her for a long time , she tried to be treated many times, but every time the pain returned, so svetlana nikolaevna, now she is in pain you, well, right now i’m lying here, my leg is up to the knee, that’s where the thigh turns out, it hurts,
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yes, there are a lot of reasons for the pain, the pain can only be felt after an examination. all patients must undergo magnetic resonance imaging before the procedure. here on the mri we did for you, you see, i'm doing a straight line, uh-huh, here such a black thing appears, and then there is a straight line, this is an intervertebral hernia, it is more shifted to the right, here you have a very root. look, then we will make a blockade for you, here, here, in this place, uh-huh, we will administer the medicine cortisone. which will relieve inflammation from the root and relieve pressure from it. interventional pain treatment , that’s what this procedure is called, strictly under x-ray control, the doctor moves the needle to the source of pain, but that’s not all, look, now the contrast agent has gone, here it goes inside into the epidural space, here it goes up to
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the root that is suffering from it. anestheologists who treat pain should have such qualities; there are very few specialists. so, the contrast has been administered, the source of the pain has been found, and now the medications are administered. now i’m already administering the medicine that will treat her, you see, the medicine has washed away, this indicates that the medicine has also gotten to where it is needed. in general, the procedure is short, but you usually have to wait for years. after the procedure the doctor immediately checks the result, the procedure is over, let's go down little by little, turn around on your stomach, move, it's easier for you, yes, it seems, and now what you couldn't do, add salt, right away, yes, why
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not, you can sit , yes, but 10 minutes ago they couldn’t sit, it’s true, but it’s easier, yes, thank you, yes, thank you, please, like this, dear friends, we are standing with dr. golperin near this spinal column, and like this, mark yakolich , the hernia was somewhere around here, approximately, no, no, look, this is the lumbar region , the hernia was here, here in this place, here is the disc, there it is squeezed out inside, a piece of the disc, a piece of the disc and it irritates, here is the root, it goes like this. well, you saw that the effect occurs almost immediately, now i want to invite our beautiful woman here, svetlana nikolaevna, come out to us, please, she’s coming, nekhromayev, look, everyone is transformed, people suffering from pain always look not young, but here she came out young woman, and even in mima, how many days have passed since the procedure,
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10 days, how do you feel? what was the hardest thing before you came to dr. golperen? i couldn’t work anymore, but now, please, i love the bike , yes, this procedure is painful in my leg, what is it like, we filmed it, we showed it almost completely, what do you tell people? well, tolerant, as if normal, where did you come to us from, from st. petersburg, like that, you sent a letter to the health program website, you were counting on us to call you, well, as if they called you, yes, well, in principle, i was still waiting for that, i was hoping , what they will call, as if yes, but everyone must understand
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that the whole country is turning to us, why? because these methods do not exist in russia, mark yakovich, in general, is an american doctor , but he was born in russia, loves in russia, teaches here, graduated from the st. petersburg medical institute first, and he began to come to russia in order, firstly, to help. this technology, i want it to be everywhere, but we don’t yet have it in the training standards of any doctors, this is the absurdity of the situation, you can’t imagine how much effort i put into making it happen, but it’s not just move something from the mountain, and this should be in every district clinic, right, in principle, of course, that is , this is a pain treatment office, and a pain treatment office, what would you tell people from your experience, well, contact me, if necessary, they will always help you, i want to show you what happened to
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your vertebrae, how they screamed in pain, i recently found such a funny picture on the internet, look, it looks like the truth, is there a picture of what is happening now? what 's happening now is not, i think that's all happy happy, did dr. halperin give you the exercises, the order to do all the exercises in order to strengthen your back , because the problem remained, they removed the swelling and gave you the opportunity to live in peace, but you need to do the exercises, which exercises you don’t do, show the easiest ones for everyone, well, yes, here are the slopes. moguza tilts, no, it’s not necessary, like vanka stand up, do the tilt differently, legs a little wider, yes, slowly, slowly, and sadly, so that’s it, freeze,
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freeze, pull, wait, get up, get up, girls, just pregnant women freeing, that’s also possible, she won’t bend over, with such a belly, no need, she’ll still give birth to us, two, and three, well, definitely, she couldn’t have done this before the procedure? no, i was even afraid to do it, so as not to pinch myself again, the question is, did you travel here from st. petersburg, by what, just by train, by train, well, it doesn’t matter, it hurt, of course, but back, back is better, everything is straight, well, i had the top shelf and it was straight, that is , i probably climbed up the shelf, the top shelf, climbed in and went back, well, what words would i like to say, mark, thank you, please, i’m just living again, living is great, now it’s finally great, it’s true, when there is no pain, thank you very much, please sit down, and we are friends,
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let’s take a break for a while and then continue, gray migrants, a rat just attacked a child , who walked past the garbage cans, just walked , didn’t touch anyone, didn’t show any aggression, didn’t make friends, smear... rodents in different regions of russia, how to get rid of rats? lithuania literally became the center, the concentration of nato military groups, why did they choose them? if i were the baltic countries, i would consider myself putin will challenge next, sooner or later. and why was nauseda appointed president? for years i have been practically visible in this society as an economist, he ruined the economy of lithuania by forming a military base from lithuania, but the sedu are professional traitors, soon there will be more soldiers than residents of the baltic states, we quickly transferred
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thousands of military personnel here, and you can be are confident that you will have everything you need, they have actually submitted themselves to the occupation, the only purpose of the existence of this regime is to cause maximum damage russia, lithuania should become the third theater of military operations after the opening of the south caucasus. lithuania and others whom they do not feel sorry for. dolls of the heir tutti. today. on the first one , rom kastra, a product of the stellar group, a young otorva and a troublemaker who knows how to defuse any tense situation, pippi,
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fantastic. the next level, on friday, is on the first level. coming to venice, the traveler is more likely to see his expectations than the city as it is. in the eighties of the century, the carnival suddenly revived on its own. the silent or screaming crowd in the square is always ready to change the world. if the crowd doesn't want anything, carnival is impossible. it's hard to understand the mask phenomenon. using a mask is a desire to change, hide, become someone else , sometimes people get the crazy idea that there is no taboo anymore, the energy itself and some kind of action are not observed here, not even close, and it seems to me that these are russians they could breathe a new spirit here, confused masks wander through the venetian squares and streets, but this is nothing more than a shadow carnival, why wear a mask... if you
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can't give up yourself. matador, venice, winter water, on friday, on the first, love figure skating, appreciate figure skating, adore figure skating. hot ice, live broadcast, on the weekend on the first. sklif is a legend since the time of count sheremetyev, all the modern successes of the institute are based on the history that it had, an experiment on humans, yudin takes risks. the chief neurosurgeon of the russian federation compared the sklifosovsky institute with an aircraft carrier, that is, this is a machine that is constantly in operation, which allows you to implement everything that has been done in science
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directly into clinical practice. we have the most experience in the world in the treatment of multiple herbs, that is, when more than one pozanok is broken, there are several of them. anesthetologists, we are ready. world bodybuilding champion. the germans turned him over, twirled him and said, “take him to russia.” i ’ve been to a lot of medical institutions, and this humanity that specialists have, i’ve never seen it anywhere. the doctors pulled me out of the other world. thank you. every time they succeeded, i succeeded, we all succeeded. skleifosovsky institute century of mercy, premiere, on sunday at the first, what kind of idiot even wrote this letter, and what a cool, cool kostya they could have actually imprisoned, because they imprisoned pop musicians, if roman kostamarov had not been a famous legendary athlete, you would fight for it in exactly the same volume, any celebrity getting into
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shock... would end up on the same bed, on the same an ecmo machine, for the same device and we don’t have any kind of division, consideration of the case of kamilla valieva, of course, they want geniuses like her, because she is truly a genius, they want this to be born in their countries, because if we have it in our country, we will always defeat them, any person who wants to adequately assess the present, of course, must know the stories, now they don’t ask, it was you who flew into space, now they say, it was you who shot the film challenge. but it’s different for me, for me says, well, it was you who flew with yulia prisi, i say, no, it’s strange, it looks like that, he says, i flew it myself, i know that you recently had a very difficult accident, i flew over the back seat forward, i have a concussion , man got into a traffic accident at 110, he didn’t brake at all, he’s been
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with you all night. well, dear friends, they are running around in herds, krasnoyarsk residents are complaining about the invasion of crimea. residents of kazan also complain about a rat infestation. according to rospotrebnadzor, there is an infestation of rats in russia. in krasnoyarsk, a rat attacked a child when he was walking along the sidewalk. some yards have 92 times more rodents than is allowed. krasnoyarsk residents went so far as to draw up a map of which areas rats bite. our guests today are the krasnoyarsk journalists who compiled this map, come and see us, please, what do you have in krasnoyarsk, it ’s a nightmare, the rats are just eating, oh, uh, it’s hard with rats in krasnoyarsk, and indeed, here’s some time ago, everyone was shocked when a rat simply
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attacked a child who was walking past garbage cans, just walking, not touching anyone, no he didn’t show aggression, didn’t make friends, but apparently the rat decided what? the main reason is one, it is named, it is untimely removal of garbage, from containers, from garbage chambers, from garbage sites, where management companies do not look after houses, do not fulfill their duties, there are most rats there, well, they are somehow fined or something , how do you fight rats? of course , he fines, rospotrebnadzor regularly reports on this and sends information about who, how many, how much they punished, how big the fine is, what? what not i know, i don’t know, it’s just the fact that management companies, they work for money, these are not volunteers who go out
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to pick up garbage on the streets, they work for money, so if some company, it seems to me, is not coping with the removal garbage, then it is necessary to prohibit her from collecting garbage. this is a gigantic business, you have to understand that, right? why did we raise this topic, because rats are carriers of the disease, if a child is bitten, you need to understand what disease can threaten the child and how this disease prevent, andrei petrovich, what diseases, well, the first, from my point of view , is the most terrible situation, especially in the story that you said, it’s rabies if a person is not treated and not’. get special vaccinations, he will die in 100% of cases, come back and find out whether the parents gave the child anti-rabies injections or not, that this is a fundamental issue, you need to administer antiaric serum, that rabies is a serious disease, understand?
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so, rabies is in first place, the next no less serious and unpleasant thing is hunter's disease, this is the so-called mouse fever with renal syndrome , tuller... leptospirosis, rat bite disease or sudoku, rat nod, that is, a whole series of zoonotic diseases, so-called, transmitted precisely through the bite of rats, we have a lymphatic system here, here indeed, any place that is not bitten by a rat will be accompanied by infection in the lymph node, be it an arm, a leg, and then inflammation of the lymph node. node, that is, a sign that the rat has transmitted some kind of infection, these are enlarged lymph nodes, and not only, let's go here, this is a vessel, and this vessel, after a rat bite, with a whole series of diseases, becomes simply full of holes, just like that, because typhus, and rat
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bite disease and mouse fever with kidney syndrome is characterized by the fact that special immune complexes attack... a vessel, the vessel becomes leaky, blood comes out, such a hemorrhagic rash appears, in some cases it merges, you understand, now you have something to write about, in krasnoyarsk, describe all the symptoms, because what since there is such a drama there, then something needs to be done, a rash is also a sign of a number of diseases that are caused by rats, and now imagine, just like that, blood vessels are affected in organs, for example, in the kidneys, in half, half of these diseases , in addition to just a rash and fever, damage to the lymph nodes , the kidneys suffer, they simply shut down, and the other half is characterized by the fact that the nervous system suffers, inflammation of
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the peripheral nerve fibers occurs. question: you, as a resident of krasnoyarsk, know what signs are in the house they say that there are rats? don't know. michael. take the journalist, now they’ll tell you everything, i’ll tell you, the fact is that rats always live next to people, where there is food and where there is housing, let’s show where they live, our rats are beautiful, so, look, first, if this is the kitchen, next to the garbage, because we don’t see them there, they can easily live there, gnaw a hole outside and live there, and where they live, there are trash cans with food, they can live in the basements, they can live in the attic, can live anywhere the main thing is that there are holes gnawed by rats, right in the walls, they also need to be found, the corners of the kitchen unit, and so on and so on.
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but we can detect the presence of rats, well, the first is by looking at feces, you can say so, yes, yes, waste products, they look like seeds , when i wrote my phd thesis, i worked with linear rats, not with wild ones, with linear ones, a lot of medicine is studied on line rats, the first time i saw a poop in a cage, i thought, oh, someone i sprinkled the seeds, they’re not seeds, don’t try them, we’re conjuring you, right. plus half-eaten food, plus chewed corners, furniture and all that, because they have very good teeth, and you can also feel the noise , why, well, because they are quite large and well, they move there, especially at night, so the presence of a rat, of course, you can tell right away, if you see one rat, then these are social animals, they usually live with people, and besides, they are very trainable animals, they are far from stupid, they are very good
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they train on the topic of what is dangerous, what is not, where to go or yes, that is, they saw one rat, you know that there is a flock, a means of protection against rats, of course, it is better to call a service that deals with deratization, deratization, rat catching, extermination, repelling, that is, this is a whole system that allows you to remove these... rats, of course, it will be very difficult on your own, but nevertheless, this is also possible, there are special traps, you can start with them, there is poison that you can sprinkle in those places where rats are located, but it is necessary make sure that your animals don’t eat it, and there are special repellent devices like this, you bought something bitten krasnoyarsk residents, i personally didn’t buy it, but you’re waiting.
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when it bites me, i live on a high floor, they can’t get to me, it’s funny, andrei petrovich, it’s already funny, the rats get to god knows where, moreover, they can even crawl out through the sewer in your toilet and say hello to your ass , my friend, don’t go to the toilet now, no, we need to start exterminating rats, we have today our colleagues are present, rospotrebnadzor, a leading researcher at the department... here we have the bitten krasnoyarsk residents represented today by this wonderful journalist , as a rule, they are unwise, take a gray rat, it lives mainly in the basement to the ground, accordingly, it is necessary to protect,
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use materials that rats cannot break through, it is cement using hard materials, and then, during the period of operation, the building has certain changes, yet the door may move away somewhere and not fit tightly, accordingly this is a way for rats to move, it needs to be repaired, all the holes and cracks must be sealed in a timely manner, as much as possible, but if the rats somehow got in, then you just need to use means of fighting them, the main thing is to use them correctly, a rat is a rodent that eats and products of both animal origin and plant origin, that is, he will eat porridge and gnaw meat, it doesn’t matter what he eats, he will eat everything, yes, that’s what he needs. it is precisely the selection of baits that contribute to effective
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control when carrying out processing that is necessary


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