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tv   Novosti  1TV  November 24, 2023 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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the conflict began to take effect an hour ago, in the meantime, more than 100 russians who were evacuated from the gas sector were delivered to moscow. we got as close as possible, caught the enemy in a standoff, our marine snipers disrupted the rotation of militants under carbon, and what other tasks were successfully completed by the russian military? a movement that united the entire country, within the framework of the popular front project , managed to gather everything for victory in a year and a half for our defenders. 10 billion rubles. and the warmest gathering has already begun. pogroms, arson, clashes with the police, dubli was hit by a wave of anti-migrant protests after an armed man attacked a teacher and children. it was reported that he was from algeria, which is now happening in the irish capital. and winter sweeps up snowfalls across most of central russia on the roads. skidding and icy conditions in the capital are at a yellow level of weather danger. we start with the latest
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data on the situation in the middle east, an hour ago the truce agreed upon by israel and hamas came into force, the humanitarian pause will tentatively last 4 days, during this time , fuel, as well as food and medicine, will be freely supplied to the gas sector, and an exchange of hostages is planned. the first group is expected to be released today at 5:00 pm moscow time, 13 people should return to israel, well, in total, in accordance with the agreement. i will add that before the ceasefire began , active hostilities were taking place in the conflict zone, as the media write, idf units attacked the un middle east agency school building. there are also victims , according to various sources, from 27 to 30 people. also there were reports of an assault on an indonesian hospital in the north of the enclave. israel itself reports the destruction of the commander of the hamas naval forces in the city of khan yunis. meanwhile,
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the capital's domodedovo airport arrived this night with another special flight carrying our compatriots who were evacuated from the gas sector. this is already the seventh group of russians and their relatives, more than 100 people, almost half children. and in total, thanks to the efforts of diplomats and employees of the ministry of emergency situations, about seven hundred have already left the conflict zone. let me remind you, i gave instructions to withdraw our citizens the president, who arrived from gas, is provided with all the necessary assistance, primarily psychological, people will not soon be able to forget about what happened in the enclave. people are dying from the city, dying from disease, very, very scary , in one minute there can be 100, a shell from an airplane from a tank, my aunt’s house exploded, everyone has already started crying, my brother is my mother, i’m glad to see my dad, i’m glad to see , i’m glad to come, now
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the special operation is under control, our military has disrupted the rotation of militants, including snipers from the naval brigade, worked harmoniously infantry, pacific fleet, they covered the assault detachments, got as close as possible to the positions of the armed forces of ukraine, caught the enemies by surprise, in total this group accounted for hundreds of destroyed targets, almost an entire enemy battalion since february alone. the other day , snipers helped an assault unit take a fortification in the forest near nikolskoye; in the artyomovsk area, our paratroopers eliminated several rude ones... who were hiding in dugouts, and carried out precise strikes using kamikaze drones. our support for fighters is the most important, not only in word, deed, 10 billions of rubles, as part of the people's front campaign, we collected everything for victory, and this in a year and a half, thanks to your help , copters, sights, body armor, helmets and much more were delivered to the front line, which helps our guys successfully carry out combat missions, and also to know that we
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we are proud of them. irina kuksenkova will tell you more. last spring, when the popular front just began organizing assistance to fighters on the front line, hardly anyone could have thought that this would result in such a truly popular movement that united the entire country. indeed, everything is for victory. in a year and a half, our citizens raised a colossal amount for the front - 10 billion rubles. you know, when we gathered with war correspondents in rostov a year and a half ago, we couldn’t think that our work would be so productive, the most important thing is, of course, the words of our guys, who endlessly send us not just gratitude, yes, and they send us bulletproof vests, which were stuck in shrapnel, saved many lives, helmets, as it were, and much, much, much more, a record period for which the gathering is closed, less than a day, military correspondents who work side by side at the front with the soldiers and, as no one knows... immediately after purchasing everything
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they needed, they went to personally hand over to the front line: copters, anti-drone guns, sights, body armor and helmets, first aid kit uniforms, even such seemingly small things as chainsaws and gas burners. the distribution warehouse of the popular front in rostov-on-don, with an area of ​​5,000 m, was immediately filled to capacity. following the military correspondents, training camps began to be organized by tv presenters, artists, and politicians. ordinary citizens translated various amounts, some 100 rubles, some 100,000. the main thing was the desire to help our defenders, the most active participants in the project. everything for victory, the popular front decided to meet and say thank you to them personally. the help that you try to provide as much as possible, of course, you do it not out of gratitude, but really out of a desire to help someone, this is done primarily for yourself. i am a true patriot of my homeland, so for
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me helping my homeland in the form of soldiers is like a sacred thing. you know, when you sit at home, there tv, you lie there on the sofa, watch. you understand that there is a battery, heat, electricity, wi-fi, hot water, and so on, yes, all these benefits, civilizations, where would all this be, if not for our men who protect us, thanks to them, children walk to school, studying, they sit in basements, yes, as poroshenko once said, during these one and a half years the popular front organized collections for motor boats and all-terrain buggies for field baths, as the activists themselves joke, except that they did not collect for tanks and planes , how in the great patriotic war, for victory day, a collection was organized for cars, there are never many of them at the front, cars on trains from the far east,
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traveling across the country, arrived in rostov-on-don, and from there to the front, 319 cars, they were purchased with donations citizens, and some residents of our country yes... handed over their personal cars to be sent to the front line. the military commanders of the first actively collected help for the soldiers. the other day , dmitry kulko closed the training camp for his now dear fourth brigade. hand over everything dima will go to the front line next week. alexey kruchinin's training camp is currently underway. for the soldiers of the northern fleet, our colleague will deliver a copter from the rap thermal imagers. our collection for tires continues. it turned out that he was at the front. the need for them is extremely high, fragments penetrate and wear is colossal. new year is coming soon, we will have a new year's gathering, of course, warm, as we call it to ourselves, because there will be heat guns to dry the trenches, there will be various warm things, gifts, of course,
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fighters and much, much more, what they are asking now, so i urge everyone to join this, i urge everyone to take part in this, and so that our guys are on the front line. were with new year's gifts. you can join the new year's gathering now on the website, it is the very first on the list. irina kuksenkova and sergey livashov, channel one. in moldova , the protest action of farmers is gaining momentum. the government building in chisinau is virtually under siege. the farmers drove agricultural machinery there and spent that night under the windows of officials, demanding meetings with the prime minister. the reason is a catastrophic situation. flared up in the summer, the authorities promised to provide support to farmers, but since then little has changed. and here’s the result: hundreds of people began to gather in chisinau the day before, and there were some clashes with
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the police. pogroms, more than fifty arson attacks, clashes and attacks on police officers swept across dublin in a wave of riots. unrest in the irish capital began after that. how a man armed with a knife, reportedly from algeria, attacked a teacher and children. now the situation has succeeded take control, the center of dublin is patrolled by four hundred law enforcement officers, reporting by ivan blagov. a bus is burning in the center of dublin, pyrotechnics are exploding, and a tram is burning down nearby. the policeman fought off his own men and was literally stunned by a hail of blows. another police officer, running away from the crowd, barely managed with the words irish lives matter, on the live broadcast of the correspondent of national television ireland, the reporter could barely be heard above the shouts of close the borders.
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the reason for the riots was what happened in thursday attack on the children of a woman teacher, as well as two five-year-old and one six-year-old child were seriously injured. this is reported to passers-by. take away the knife from him, the motive of the criminal is unknown, the man, the main suspect, is now also in the hospital, a photo is circulating on social networks, it shows someone with a broken face, allegedly detained, an exit from algeria is confirmed, there is no official confirmation, but a journalist from the irish times reports we suspect the following: he is a naturalized irish citizen who has lived in the country for 20 years, chaos in the center of dublin began after reports of the serious condition of the injured girl. she suffered serious injuries and is currently in intensive care at children's health ireland hospital on temple street. judging by these images, in the evening the rioters began looking for migrants in hotels. in one of the videos , a crowd gathers. look at these poor
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people, white smoke is already visible near the entrance to the hotel. dublin police commissioner drew harris described the rioters as a group of crazy hooligans driven by the far right ideology. a video with these words immediately spread across social networks and the outrages continued. come on, come on, crush him. later they appeared in the city center. the footage shows how some thugs are carrying out goods ; for several hours the authorities tried to regain lost control over the center of the capital; the minister of justice in front of the cameras promised to bring to justice the criminal who attacked the children and addressed the residents of dublin. i spoke with the head of the police, and all possible means are being used to restore order. the perpetrators will be sent to prison, but there will be order restored rumors spread throughout the city about
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the transfer of army units to the capital, and even appeared in a video with several military vehicles on the road. the footage, as it turned out, was filmed at a different time and has nothing to do with current events. by nightfall the streets were empty, but what is called a sediment remained; anti-emrant riots in dublin occurred the day after the news of the sensational victory of the far right in the parliamentary elections in the netherlands. they became a testimony. small advertisement, we will be back in a few minutes, do not switch, in in a sense, my films are a lawsuit with myself, at times i start screaming at myself, and sometimes i talk to god, it happens in different ways. he became famous at the age of 40, later than other star directors of his generation.
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in my opinion, cinema is first and foremost a direct, immediate experience. it's a kind of autobiography, it's always about you, even when you try to get rid of yourself in order to convey the experience of others. is it strange that a person with a biography who provides plots for films ends up becoming a director? movie. there must be some kind of law of attraction. your soul. matador, olive stone, is on first today. when you address yourself, i hope you are addressing all of humanity. premiere, i love my country. tomorrow on the first. vaughn stevesman, a product of the stellar group, for the sake of 3.4, i'm leaving to look for you,
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serial killers are divided into four different types, according to their motivations, one way or another, they kill because of love, you're probably a writer. i sent a request to him, they don’t have such an employee, and you know igor well, there’s no coffee you're drinking, there's no girl, you're scaring me, i love you, let me go, it hurts, don't come here anymore, what do i like?
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the territory is soon on the first, he may hang his tail, let’s wait, his head is now full of others. where is your work book? i have not it. divorce? yes, we are leaving moscow. i mean, what happened, mom, well, i don’t really have the time to teach her, hello, hello, what happened , the girl in the woman’s mind has an open fracture, one, two, three, did you buy your diploma, or what, what did you do? asked to bring well, in an accident, spinal cord damage is possible, the indicators are normal, well
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, it’s not within the competence of a nurse to make such conclusions, what do you think? what are you doing? save your life. quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, at least you raise your people one by one, and not everyone with the cop. this is not mine, my sister says it ’s yours. hello, ask the nurse, from monday, on the first. mom, what are you doing here? what is it? could you call? are you a nurse? this is the news on the first, and we continue. real winter has arrived in the european part of russia. heavy snowfalls in petersburg, hundreds
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of units of equipment have come out to clear the streets, sweeping almost all the central regions. heifers in the bryansk, kaluga, smolensk, tambov regions. on the roads of skolsk there is poor visibility, traffic jams and many accidents. the night before, snow fell on the capital region; this morning , about fifty flights were delayed or canceled at moscow airports. overnight the snowdrifts grew significantly, and, as forecasters reported, the atmospheric pressure record for half a century was broken. it fell below 720 mmhg. it's all because of the active atlantic cyclone, precipitation is forecast to continue almost throughout the entire center of the country, and there will be strong winds, although the frosts have weakened a little, nevertheless , a yellow level of weather danger is in effect in moscow and the region on friday. a time of incredible searches and experiments that changed the world of art forever. an exhibition of heroes and contemporaries of the silver age opens today at the tretyakov gallery. binois, malevich, kandinsky, chagall, more than three hundred works by world famous and undeservedly forgotten authors. just two decades at the turn of the century,
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an entire artistic era, in which many trends appeared, is reflected in the paintings of artists. olga prince. i've already appreciated the exhibition. you hardly know this kandinsky, this is a glass painting, a technique that inspired the artist in germany, no abstractions or spots of color, a very specific vase, a lady and a dog. but we already see some lines and now we have a presentiment of the future here, the future of kandinsky, you see, and we see that this is such a plane, here in the corner you can already recognize the future abstractionist who will later paint a picture. or the famous compositions six and seven. then, already freed from elements still associated with certain natural ideas, it will move into pure abstraction. but it all started with these works , and this can be said about the entire silver age of painting, the nineties of the nineteenth century and the very beginning of the twentieth, just some two decades, and art will never be the same. the old system, uh,
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realistic, it's dying, it's folding a new mine world, it is breaking up: into hundreds, thousands of new worlds, each artist has his own world, expressiveness, not figurativeness , let photography deal with similarity, some critics will say, what were these artists supposed to do, photography is becoming more accessible every year, gradually drives nails into the grave of realism, others will explain, revolution is already in the air and you want something new, literally in everything. a turning point when artists tried to find out where they were going? here is ivan klyun, a future russian avant-garde artist, this an early painting of his, quite a subject painting, a garden of trees. bushes, and now look here, the same trees and bushes have turned into mythical characters, and this is already modernity. the silver age had its own urbanist, the artist sergei dabuzhinsky paints st. petersburg with some kind of zealous love, so he doesn’t like the building, he covers this building with a human figure, a new composition is born, a portrait against the background of a portrait of the city, a time that will be called the silver age
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of painting with the point of view of new meanings and ideas rushed at crazy speed. with which should the audience feel from here? wow, he must understand that - here at that time there was the most compressed, the richest, the most interesting, such a concentration of artistic thought, and probably, uh, in the history of russian art we will not find anything else, a premonition in everything, here is a painting from 1910 , after 2 years the blog will write the lines: night, street, pharmacy lamp, and mark was walking, then he only had a presentiment of how the characters of his works would float across the sky, there would be tiny houses below, and for now he writes them out, peering at the landscapes from the window of his home in vitebsk. the masters of the silver age of painting play with style, experiment, improvise, look for new themes and do not know any prohibitions. natalya goncharova, writes biblical. subjects in a style close to primitivism, today this russian artist is one of the best-selling in the world; at the beginning of the century, her exhibitions were banned within a couple of hours after opening. olga knyazeva,
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sergey mukhin, alexey dushenkov and alexey kozlov, channel one. that's it for the residents of the european part of russia.


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