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tv   Novosti  1TV  November 27, 2023 9:00am-9:20am MSK

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on the capital's highways, will the silence continue? israel confirms that the truce in gaza may be extended for the sake of the release of the hostages; 17 more people returned from klen, including an israeli who also has a russian passport. a deceptive maneuver, a disguise, a successful operation by our fighters in the southern donetsk direction, a master class from the marine pikhotins, who are celebrating their professional holiday today. at the very dawn of his strength and talent, vladimir mashkov is 60 years old, from comedy to tragedy, from hero-lover to emaciated old man, on movie scene, he knows how to captivate audiences. a hurricane night in the south of russia, a storm that has already been called the storm of the century. crimea was the first to bear the brunt of the disaster. powerful, powerful winds knocked down trees and overturned cars, injuring seven people. the sea is stormy, many meters high. covered beaches and
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coastal areas. the water has come to the houses, in efvatoria sevastopov is flooding the residents, the roads are flooded, the only way to get across is by swimming. on the entire peninsula, there are more than half a million people without electricity, serious communication problems, public transport has stopped, schools and social institutions have a forced day off today. forecasters' forecasts are disappointing; the elements are not receding yet. it wasn’t easy for the residents of kuban either; the wind tore wires and blew roofs off houses near anapa. ran aground a cargo ship with crew on board. weather anomalies in moscow, snowfall, which happens once every 40 years, began at night and has not stopped to this day, it’s difficult on foot, even more difficult by car, not only drifts, but also freezing rain, and during the day the temperature will rise slightly above zero , in general, collapse. about fifty flights have been delayed or canceled at the capital's airports. our correspondents, vitaly katchin, are monitoring the situation in the south of russia and in the capital. and pavel
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matveev, they have all the latest information, let's start with moscow. there should be a staircase here somewhere, well, that is, as it should be, it ’s clearly there, i go to work here every day, my legs remember, but my eyes don’t see. and after all, so much snow fell in just a couple of hours, experts warned that the snowstorm would begin the night before, but in the evening only light snow fell, which in the morning grew in a blizzard. snow, yes, the paths are not very cleared, everything is in one row, so we walk in one row. for a long time, i wanted to stay at home, but common sense rose and told me to go to work. in the terminology of weather forecasters, this is called a black blizzard, when there is a lot of snow in the air, it is large and does not fall perpendicular to the ground, as if rushing over its surface, as a result, visibility on the roads sometimes does not exceed 100 m. weather, you see what this is, the freezing rain began, first it poured, and then the freezing rain, that's all the weather, this monday from the weather point of view will be dangerously alarming, literally exactly this
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text was warned in numerous sms and mailings from the ministry of emergency situations, roshydromet and personally the mayor of moscow sergei sobyanin asked to be careful and, if possible, use public transport. everything is difficult on the roads, but the main traffic jams are not in the center, on the approaches to it, people seem to have heard the call of the authorities. up to 50% of the monthly precipitation norm can fall in one day, a paradox, but the problem is also added by the fact that it is not very cold, the temperature fluctuates around zero within a couple of degrees, as a result in some places freezing rain, accumulation of wet snow, severe icy conditions and drifts. the difficulty is that almost before it has time to fall, the snow is already beginning to melt in some places, if in the courtyards there are snowdrifts higher than human height, then here, where people walk around constantly trampling, it turns out to be such a mess, very slippery, the strong wind aggravates the situation , gusts up to 20 m per second and just chills to the bone.
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it’s not clear whether it’s rain, snow, or hail, or how to combine it all, well, we are muscovites, native people, so yes, in general, this is the time in november, well, i don’t remember what they say, yes, it seems that november 27 will be the snowiest in the history of moscow, the previous record was set back in 1977, but today it will clearly fall, because the snow is still falling, and the day for muscovites has just begun, this is the road that leads from... simferopol to yevpatororiya, the black sea has overflowed its shores , on this side the coastal sand strip in the area of ​​150 m is completely flooded and then rolls across the roadway for another 200 meters, the situation is complicated by gusty, crazy wind and rain who breaks down in the snow, up to 50 m/s, hurricane winds blow away road signs and roofs in the surrounding villages; those houses that we see on the horizon were located approximately.
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from the edge of the sea, now the water has come out to about 300 m, the roadway is blocked, the road part that connects simferopol is flooded, the western coast of the peninsula was the first to take the blow of the elements in the water, hundreds of houses , waves hitting right on the windows, guys, there are four people there, here are four , and i don’t know how many more are there, now we will get people out of here, let’s do as much as we can, residents will be evacuated to boats, in only slippers in bags, everything that they managed to collect, there was no water left at home. go down the street, the children have school backpacks with them and simferopol in efpatoria can only be driven by a military truck quickly , quickly, quickly, come on, come on, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, pets, shine a flashlight all the time so that this ministry of emergency situations will find us, we
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have a high base, a meter high and water is already in the house, no electricity, no gas, nothing, now everything has been turned off, more than half a million crimeans are without electricity due to a shutdown at... stations there is no water, in several areas there is no central heating, someone is going to visit relatives, residents of the flooded area were first provided with accommodation in a nearby hotel, after a couple of hours, people from there also had to be evacuated, terrible situation, terrible, they saved me well, room full of water , we evacuated about 2803 people, of which 41 people were children, which means we set up four temporary accommodation centers in the city of ivpatoria, people were housed in temporary temporary accommodation centers, there were no problematic issues, huge fields were being turned upside down roots, road signs, traffic lights, everything was blown away, literally collapsed by hurricane winds, and this is 150 meters from the evpatoria embankment.
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sheds, piers, as well as the beaches themselves, were submerged under water, the waves on the black sea coast of crimea reach 8 m. the wind even tore off the blade from a museum helicopter in the village of mirnoye , a meter of water was already at the entrance, an evacuation was announced in several areas of sevastopol, trolleybuses stopped in the city, even earlier, maritime transport. the damage from the disaster that raged on the crimean peninsula remains to be seen. somewhere it is still being carried here. on on land, a hurricane wind blew off the roof of a residential building and a kindergarten located nearby. the gorgypy in the courtyards
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turned the whole gazelle over due to the wind. in sochi, not only trees and power poles fell. some of the electric trains stopped halfway. several flights were delayed at the airport. in crimea and sevastopol, classes in all educational institutions have been canceled today. november 27 was forced to be declared a day off on the peninsula. vitaly kachchenko, ruslan yusupov, pavel matveev, yuri sholmov, yulia khodorova and victor vasin. first channel. now the middle east, today fourth and last day of the silence regime. fighting has been suspended, but the truce may be extended. this was confirmed by israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it was previously stated that if new agreements are reached, hamas must release 10 hostages for each additional day of the truce. yesterday, 17 people were released from the gaza strip, in return israel , let me remind you, is releasing convicted women and minors from prisons, former hamas prisoners are now in hospitals, many need the help of doctors, including a four-year-old girl,
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also, an israeli who also has a russian passport was handed over to the red cross the day before. he worked as a sound engineer at the very music festival that was attacked by terrorists on october 7th. they reported that the young man was not included in the exchange lists, we are talking about direct agreements between russian diplomats and representatives of hamas, contacts, the purpose of which is the release of people, will be continued, said foreign ministry spokeswoman maria zakharova. summary from our ministry of defense. su-34 fighters destroyed dugouts, personnel and equipment the armed forces of ukraine in the kherson direction, and this is a shot of the t-90 tanks in action in the krasno-limansky sector. the russian military literally bombarded the enemy with shells, and militant positions and an ammunition depot were under attack. kupa direction, our scouts attacked the bases with the help of komikaza drones. and this is the area where the ukrainian armed forces have retreated almost
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without a fight. two strong points were captured by our marines, who today, by the way , have a professional holiday. special unit fighters are always in the most difficult areas. and further. direction, the enemy has lost up to eighty militants. in the artyomovsky sector, our paratroopers discovered an ukrainian army stronghold, russian soldiers approached from different directions , as a result, four ukrainian soldiers... lay down their arms, surrender for the ukrainian military, perhaps the only chance to save lives, one of the most difficult areas in the zaporozhye direction, rabotina district , there are colossal losses and several ukrainian military men, who also made the right choice and, now they are in captivity, talk about zero training and the so-called meat assaults, everything is at the lowest level, to be honest, both support and... motivation and they simply and simply throw it like meat, people just don’t
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really prepare, i had 3 days of preparation, now with advertising, we will be back on the air very soon, don't switch, premiere , i love my country, on saturday on the first, montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group, elections were held in poland, here's the dim... again climbs onto the political stage, guided by the judas principle. i was a murderer, i was a traitor, i was a thief, in the trade union house, when people were burned, donald tusk, he messed up this whole story, without tusk not a single penny came in, klitschko and especially poroshenko actually poured the biggest money into him, barack obama, tusk was recruited at that time, he barks at russia , but barks on command, he doesn’t care about poland, the main thing is to get another chair in brussels, fulfills a certain government order from the washington regional committee, and is undergoing the process
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of deindustrialization of europe. donald tusk is a crazy russophab - a gouleiter who carries out the orders that are given to him. increase the polish army to 3,000 people, make it the largest army in europe. the goal is ambitious - the destruction of russia as such. the task is to become a battering ram. donald, the dim sun of solidarity doll of tutti's heir. on the first, the new nurse's name is valeria, vanka standing up syndrome, the guy is spinning on the bed all the time, this is a sure sign of internal abdominal bleeding, oh, and we have a diagnosis of a nugget, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, now i an ordinary, obedient nurse, end of shift home, well hello, petrogotsk, mom, this is personal, you wrote: where are we, they gave a post, immediately, have you lost your mind, or what?
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no, you shouldn’t write to anyone where we are, to anyone, ask the nurse, today is the first one, you’re hiding from someone , if i tell you now, your career will be in jeopardy, on vladimir moshkov’s sixtieth birthday, help yourself, this has been there since when such events, a holiday is just around the corner, he’s one of those artists about whom you can say he didn’t have any passable roles, you can’t play feelings, he’s such an alpha male with a colossal i have accumulated the amount of masculine energy that of course rushes out of him, let me realize myself at least once, when he announced the distribution of roles, i was stunned , i’ve probably never been so scared in my life, well, he can stand up for himself, fist . he’s strong, did you really think that the truth would leave me, he always
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goes to the last, he doesn’t leave himself a compromise to the ground, what to sit in, i’m a lord, david markovich, david markovich, david markovich, we exist, we must cognize world, by getting to know the world, we get to know ourselves, today on first, a good russian, this is a dead russian, this is nargist zakirova, with whom we had a chance to talk, such an immodest question, but how did nargiz get to moscow in the first place ? she always had it, she just hid it, well, in short, they started to cover my oxygen, i tried to hype it up, i got hyped, so she was banned from the west for 50 years, i think we should also ask her to add 50 years, i’m going to make myself another one tattoo, but if you tattoo me, i will give you ukrainian citizenship, on your forehead, on your forehead.
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well, come on, we raised 7 million dollars for armaments, finances the murder of russian soldiers, and america did not reward her in any way , did not give her citizenship, she is not needed there, she is needed here, so that she can do dirty tricks here, organize dances in churches, i had the idea of ​​getting rid of russian citizenship is ukrainian, today we see the betrayal of our country, the vavan and lexus show, on wednesday on the first. this is the news on the first, we continue, today vladimir is 60 years old moshkova, a brilliant actor who, on stage and in cinema, captivates any viewer from the first seconds. he was born into a theatrical family and literally absorbed the love of the stage. he entered amkhad, but was expelled after the first year. the second attempt, a year later, moshkov took the course of oleg tabakov and this determined his future fate. dozens of memorable images and a variety of roles. hero-lover, loving father, haggard old man. vladimir moshkov is inimitable in any role in any genre. his name is already on the poster
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quality mark. well, like, cinema is very much. dense interaction, where a small movement of the eyes is already a whole mesenscene, in front of you is a ruthless camera , because it sees everything, it is absolutely ruthless, if you are lying, it will record it, if you are telling the truth, it will see it, more than fifty roles in total, in including in films that became a box office sensation, including the world's first film shot in space, challenge vladimirkov played the director for the birthday of a wonderful artist, see today on our channel there is a documentary film by moshkov at 23:50, on saturday at 13:50 the lab podcast with his participation, immediately after at 14:30 we will show the film by alexey uchitel the edge with vladimir mashkov and yulia peresilt. don't miss this poignant drama about fortitude and love. and
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today there is a premiere on channel one: a new season of the film, which has already become a popular hit . on pregnancy, the completion of the story of an obstetrician, brilliantly played by svetlana ivanova, a medical drama and a love triangle, will the main character still be able to find her happiness? jaana podiban will reveal some secrets. in one beautiful, beautiful city there lives a super doctor. found the time to give up, will you ruin her? every day she saves children. here she is your yanochka. and the princes fight for her kind heart. everything is good yes? 7, pubga, a fairy tale in which everything is like in life, miracles that are nearby, i won’t have enough nerves, i’ll quit my damn job, i’d rather go to work, by nature, action-packed, what could be more important than the birth of a child, and detective stories are tightly strung around both love and medical, i am 51 years old, and the child is 28 weeks old, with the director
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paintings have a special relationship with doctors, my mother is a pediatrician, an exceptional diagnostician, people stood in line to see her, she took her son with her to work, but he always wanted to show something else, we look from the inside, as if from the position of doctors who work there every day, and how their personal lives develop, what we don’t know, what usually remains behind the scenes, marry me, i’m serious, let ’s get married, strong woman, an ordinary story, which the tv movie offers to look at from an angle , and the main character has to answer all the questions about what it's like to try control everything, take endless responsibility, be on time everywhere, what does it cost? is the price justified? all by yourself, all by yourself , you’re not tired yet, you know what i think, that i think you have a lot of free time, do you have anything to write about? yes, write, in the fourth
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season i like the character the most, because he is somehow... easily written. during the filming of the series, the artists had their own children born and raised, the experience gained changed their view on the topic, just as the topic changed their lives, medical terms became firmly established in everyday life. happy birthday to svetka, i i always write to her, always look 8-10 abgar, she understands, in order to understand, svetlana ivanova, the leading actress, went even further into the operating room. i went at one time before the third season and people, you are lucky if no one has died before, a clash of characters, an interweaving of storylines, as it should be in a fairy tale, about a miracle that is so easy to meet in life, and get used to it impossible, the main thing, my friends, is not to let your heart be, yana podzeban, elena shtokolova, alexey klyuchnikov, first
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channel. a huge corruption scandal in ukraine, with what lies ermak tried to cover up zelsky, and also klitschko boasted of new cars in the metro, but the whole truth turned out to be written on his face, and why ukrainian propaganda compared donetsk with mariupol and artyomovsk, about this and much more in today’s program , this is a program, and here we are waging our... fight against fakes and disinformation. we will discuss interesting news. the head of the office of the ukrainian president said that ukraine.


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