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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  November 27, 2023 10:50am-12:00pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] 3,000 participants performed a massage once a week and for four weeks and proved an improvement in the reduction of nonspecific pain in the lower back, not for a very long time, but for more than a month , this effect lasted from a month to six, so today it has been proven that massage has healing... effect for lower back pain, and there is one more localization - these are the knees, knee massage for knee pain is also effective, we really wanted to tell you - all this data, that's why, because today they do massage in the literal sense words, everyone who didn’t get it, they went somewhere for a week and became massage therapists , if the procedure is effective, it means it may also be ineffective, it means it may
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have... side effects, so concluding the conversation about massage, only one piece of advice: ask for a diploma, it should be at least a person with a secondary specialized medical education, or a person with a higher sports education as a sports rehabilitation specialist , don’t go to others, you need to learn everything, and massage too, we had a good time with you, may you live a healthy life too. hello, the information channel on the first is starting to work live, this program will be shown in the studio by ruslan astashka, olesya loseveva, a code-by-code apocalypse, a powerful cyclone
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hit... people, one person, unfortunately, died, this is what people have experienced in recent years day, here it escaped, that’s all we have here in the house, yo-my, it’s not that the tiles were washed away, these new stalls were washed away, the damn thing was washed away, you can hear the sound of breaking glass, the ministry of emergency situations employees have already evacuated residents from the street of simferopol evpatoria, the waves reach 9 m. the spirit cargo ship ran aground,
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100 m from the shore somewhere. it’s still blowing here, let’s go out, pay attention to the water level on the main street, it’s just tress, it became known that in the sevastopol aquarium, due to the elements, the hall was flooded, more than 500 marine animals died, a cargo ship under the flag of belize ran aground near anapa , there are 21 crew members on board, these are citizens of syria, india and egypt, rescuers are trying to rescue them, the so-called black blizzards are in power and the capital region of moscow was covered with snow at night, and an icy day is expected rain, well, a natural hurricane will end sooner or later, unlike the american one, where it is moving now, what consequences and destruction it threatens, we will talk right
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after a short advertisement, do not switch. elections were held in poland, now tusk is again climbing onto the political scene, guided by the principle: judas, i was a murderer, i was a traitor, i was a thief, in the house of the trade unions, when people were burned, donald tusk, he laboured this whole story, without tusk didn’t come one penny, and a tsenyuk, klitschko and especially poroshenko, who in fact, barack obama poured the biggest money into him, tusk was still recruited at that time, he barks at russia, but barks on command, he doesn’t care about poland, the main thing is to get another chair in brussels, tusk fulfills a certain government order from washington. the process of deindustrialization of europe is going through, donald tusk is a crazy russophobe , he is a gouleiter who carries out the orders that are given to him, to increase the polish army to 3000 people, to make it the largest army in europe, an ambitious goal, the destruction of russia as thus, tusk’s task is to become a battering ram. donald, the dim sun of solidarity,
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tutti's heir dolls, is on first today. burban stirsman is a product of the stellar group of simulators. are you a simulator? i feel good, nothing bothers me, well, you slipped me a client, i fought for 6 hours, katyusha, what do you think, the heroic surgeon deserves a cup of coffee, he has a new nurse in surgery, so he won’t miss his chance, my mood is zero , hello, strong alcohol, many nurses have passed through me, but i noticed, so what? have you also noticed that in medicine there is fierce competition, get used to it, i brought a lot of women here, in batches? you like me and you like me too, i don’t want to see you next to him anymore, it’s unpleasant for me to contact your lovers, i mean, some guy asked you what he looked like, why are you
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yelling at me, ask the nurse, today on first, why are you acting like a stupid nurse, i am acting in accordance with my duties. yes, what happened yesterday, where did you go? great congestion, what do you need to know about the lymphatic vessels? to please god making a competent menu for the nativity fast, rheumatoid arthritis, why does the immune system attack our joints? the program to live healthy will answer all your questions. tomorrow. united colors by olivier toscani, there are some things that are not commonly seen, that are not discussed, and my job is to make
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people look at those things. advertising is only needed to make a person think, understand, laugh, cry, united colors. the end of the century according to gotfrey reggio. metaphysically, we are from different worlds, but we feel much the same. i want to say that our world is turning into one big disneyland, into something artificial, we need more crazy people who could reflect this more clearly, convincingly, clearly. matador, on friday, on the first. that means he was sent to us as repair foremen, how many locomotives do you have? that’s it, stepan, give me a position, now i ’ll be a trusted person here, what are you looking at, date,
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what’s your name? ignat, sofia, why do you need a trophy , don’t even sell the locomotive, they’ll move on, there’s a dead man living there, on an island, you kill him again, and... and the arbike got here, where is your ignat , he left, he will come, why did he hide about the german woman, are there really german women like that, the german woman is against you, not the pub, you listen to her heart, kiss me, a knotty man’s heart should beat , peresilt, you need to run, the edge is on saturday, on the first, beloved, knocking,
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the season premiere, sing the star, on sunday on the first. the war in ukraine could have ended in the spring of 2022, if ukraine had agreed, it practically agreed to adequate conditions and proposals from russia and it’s hard to even name the conditions; it was an open offer that, in principle, suited all parties. a sensational statement was made by david arakhamia, who betrayed all his western curators, he is a direct participant in the very negotiations between russia and square in beloveshskaya pushcha, which were sabotaged by the ukrainians. then arakhamia, as you remember, sat imposingly in a baseball cap, which, as he admitted, he put on on purpose. putin showed the african delegation a document with the results of the belarusian negotiations, where, how he claims that a draft peace
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agreement with ukraine was written down, and that it was signed in istanbul. the goal of the ukrainian delegation was to delay the process; what was the goal of the russian delegation? this was the main thing for them, they were ready to end the war if we apply neutrality, like finland once did, and give a commitment, firstly, in order to agree to this point, we need to change the constitution, our path to nato is spelled out in the constitution, secondly, there is no trust in the russians that they will do this and there was none when we returned from istanbul, boris johnson came to kiev and said that we will not sign anything with them at all, and let’s just fight. let's just fight, well, in general, right now
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there is the biggest competition in the market for selling skins , so david arahami decided to join the fight, the only question is with whom, with his bosom friend zelsky or with the idol of the ukrainians , boris johnson. alexey alekseevich, well , now we are watching two completely different people in front of us. arakhamia now, who is giving an interview, this is masiychuk, and arakhamia is at the negotiations then, who behaved very impudently. right here, well, overly, right arrogantly, right here the arrogance of the move turned on, yes, it is very significant whether he already understood then that zelensky was a bargaining chip, well, it’s unlikely, because zelsky was then just beginning, as they say, his path to the top, which he now occupies almost a monopoly, to the top of a loser, to the top of failures and so on, zelsky was still favored by almost everyone, well, no matter who he met, everyone bowed at his feet and said that you were truly great
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ukrainian president, we rely on you, and so on, the man believed it, those around him believed it, that’s why arakhami behaved so pointedly impudently, in fact, as i understand it, there is an element of criminal culture in this, which he showed, because external insolence and upholding of one’s own, pro-ukrainian interests, were clothed in the appropriate form, the russian would have to offend the russian side, the russian side, that is, this was calculated on, and this is actually a fairly common form when people are not very confident in what they are doing, but want to achieve their goal by any means necessary. ukraine, unfortunately, has fully demonstrated that, not believing that it can really do this, it will stop at nothing, not at any moral restrictions, legal restrictions, and so on, we see the result now, the result ... very simple: zelsky and his team are now
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politically bankrupt, and only the form of how they will emerge from this bankruptcy is being discussed. the purpose then of this statement rahamia? the goal is for rahamia to relieve himself of responsibility, himself personally or , of course, because now there is a search going on, to blame, a search, excuse me, for scapegoats, i would even say scapegoat, and he clearly doesn’t want to become such a goat, so he translated arrows on boris johnson, well, he wants it, he doesn’t want it, he will have to, he... has already shown himself , but johnson had something to do with it too, this is honest and clear, everyone understands, but when arakhamia spoke about the constitution, that one of the most important points of these, these difficulties to agree to these agreements, they say it was impossible to change the constitution, because in ukraine the path to nato is spelled out in the constitution, this is outright deceit on the part of arakhami, because when necessary, ukrainians very easily change the constitution, juggle laws as they please, for example, in 2019 zelsky supreme. the rada made changes to the constitution of ukraine, depriving deputies
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of immunity, this was against the backdrop of the fight against all this corruption, and the people liked it, that is, they can always easily change the constitution, yuri nikolaevich, but it still turns out that then in the spring of twenty-two we were one step away from peace, and we say again, we did not put forward conditions, but we proposed, let’s say, the swiss scenario, neutral ukraine, we didn’t say that there is a need to divide ukraine, change power, neutral ukraine without joining nato, is it really the words of boris johnsan, no, let's fight, much more important than peace, then there were, well, i will say, this once again confirms, the first thing is that they are under the control of western their bosses, in the person of the united states of america, great britain, in this case in the person of johnson, not excluding that johnson could have said this, but besides johnson, there were plenty of others who were leaders over them, the same biden and so on, this.
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first, second point, in my opinion, the dynamics that were at the initial stage and today, i agree with my colleague, they are completely different, if that time there was a more aggressive policy, taking into account, they have already put forward, well, conditions, let's continue, if you see troops from near kiev, so, our troops, that we met halfway, indeed, this is an indicator that we were interested in preserving the lives of people in establishing peace, most importantly, between russia and ukraine, to great regret, this means that that negotiation process was a lacus paper for the events taking place in the future, purely deception, purely deceit, purely a hostage... the ukrainian people are because of such a policy on the part of the ukrainian armed forces of ukraine. therefore, in my opinion, this is how it should be assessed. rahamia's statement, which means it looks to some extent, well, i wouldn't he said that it was quite thoughtful, he simply said what he had internally,
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but this can also be based on some semantic content, in what part, in the part that he shifts the blame not only from himself personally. this is obvious, but in general on the part of the ukrainian regime, at the same time he emphasizes that he is not under the influence of his western bosses, here it is very interesting, under the influence of which western bosses, because he, therefore, shifts the blame to boris johnson, we understand, that then, it means that the british ruled ukraine, and now the situation, as far as we understand, has changed, because ukraine, as we all observe and see, is under the protectorate of the united states, does this mean? that the british and americans have completely different plans for ukraine and different views. i think there are plans of a personal nature and violence here. that is, johnson did represent great britain, but he acted more on an emotional basis in this part. speaking in terms of the plan, a thought just occurred to me that in the course of our conversation,
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that today, probably, this message was that guys, johnson is gone, great britain is like sunuk, so he is somehow. they say that it plays such a role, well, cameron came, yes, he came, but it’s still not the same, i think they want to strengthen their role, purpose for the countries of europe after all, the united states of america, or maybe they trade in this way with themselves, they are now trading, maybe there is some kind of bargaining going on, but they want to save face in a bad game, i would say so, that’s how it is today, that’s the impression i get, and alexander, what do you think? here are the words in arakh about johnson, how much truth is there in them? i think this is 100% true here. i want to draw attention to how the media market, the so-called media market, functions in ukraine. and the interview on tv channel 1.1 on the air of the united t-marathon navin, it couldn’t have appeared just like that, just like a slap on the face, how simply someone
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didn’t watch it, someone didn’t look, but i just can’t imagine it at the level of censorship that it was released just like that, so really what you... they said, as if, uh, that there is an element of a certain trade here, so i know that what you said about this interview could not have happened by accident, but let us also now turn to one very important point, whether by accident or not, look, there was such a line that more than a million military personnel were missing, it was also a big scandal in ukraine, but again alexander, this is a single telethon, you know this structure like no one else, this is the figure, this is also in that context, ruslan, channel management then he apologized, he apologized, we were mistaken, but the broadcast of the telethon, and the production of the 1.1 tv channel, and here it is necessary to remind, probably , the name of the owner of the 1.1 tv channel , to remind where he is now, and valery kolomoisky, igor valerievich kolomoisky,
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more precisely, he is not the same person, who forgives even the slightest offense, and petty dirty tricks from kolomoisky will still arise in here , it just might be like a petty dirty trick from kolomoisky’s hairpin towards the zelsky regime, this is no longer some kind of international conflict, here is a conflict between the former dad, who was betrayed by his son, to whom he gave a start in life, that is, i think that there will be a lot more of such small dirty tricks, kolomoisky has opportunities, but in the end he was an influential man, he owned a lot, he lost a lot, and arakhami’s interview is also a dirty trick. here, probably, on the one hand this can be interpreted as a dirty trick on the part of kolomoisky, but on the other hand, this is still something more significant, this is the head of the faction, the servant of the people party, this is in the hierarchy the one that exists in ukraine, now, well, a person who is definitely in the top five, before he could generally be said to be the second or third
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person in the hierarchy, that is, definitely more important than the chairman of the verkhovna rada was, at some point he was more important , than the head of the presidential administration, the office of the president, yes, that is, that’s when the change took place. the head of the offices was a much more influential person than ermak , that is, there may be a common game here, that is, if with the ticker it’s just some little thing, it can be said almost 90%, 95%, that this is kolomoisky, then here it is possible that this is a game of the entire zelsky regime, that’s what you are saying, the goal is to the americans, a signal to the americans, our partners are no longer british, we are ready to wedge the british under any train, because... we are focusing on you, zelensky has problems, problems , at least two have already appeared, in addition to zaluzhny’s problem, he has also drawn a problem with the pritula, now on the ictv channel, well, here he is also in the video at the marathon. goes, which belongs to pinchuk, taking kuchma, one of the oligarchs, and the only ukrainian oligarch who has no problems with the americans
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, he financed and officially financed the election campaign of hillary clinton in the twentieth year, and in the twentieth he continued with joseph biden’s company, now he is releasing a film, well, here’s just one script in one, it’s called a people’s volunteer about a pretula , who collects money and whose, that is , this is an election company of a pretula, it turns out it’s already starting, zelensky has two problems, and both problems, both problems connected. americans, he can’t cope with the zaluzhny, despite the fact that just yesterday maryana bezuglovaya, also a deputy from the servant of the people faction, made a statement that it is necessary to dismiss the zaluzhny, we will also talk about this, okay, then i won’t get into that, that is, there is the problem of zaluzhny, which is associated with the americans, and there is the problem of pritu, which is again associated with the americans, and simply betting on the british, the british are too weak to resist the americans, in the end they will merge zelsky, so he himself is the first, the first must be betrayed first, then you... as if, maybe, you will have some chances, zelsky gives the americans, the british first, tries to prove to the americans that he
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can still play for them , and he is still a completely understandable figure, and that is, there is no need to write him off, this ticker tape has already caused a great resonance in ukraine, and if there were no basis for believing in these figures or close to these figures, the numbers certainly look terrifying, it would probably have passed by, well, it’s a technical typo, but in ukraine everything... was alarming, because in sssut there were colossal losses and i don’t know whether they were published by accident or not, but according to our ministry of defense , in just two days ukraine lost more than a thousand soldiers and 47 pieces of equipment, well, despite to the fact that things are going badly for the kiev regime, western politicians, nevertheless, with all their might or with all their words are trying to somehow support the independent german foreign minister, annalena berbeck, for example,
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promised ukraine. it is obvious that ukraine will to strengthen the european union in the foreseeable future, ukraine's accession to the eu meets our geopolitical interests , which is why we will not only continue our support for ukraine, but will increase it, for burbak's nonsense there is now so much like in ukraine, the germans themselves categorically disagree with it, stop supplies they demanded weapons from the kiev regime in berlin. a large-scale protest took place in the german capital; according to various sources, from 10 to 2,000 people took to the streets. a large percentage of germans are really against aid to ukraine, on their television they are still trying to create the appearance that the eu countries will never abandon ukraine, so they even attracted the prime minister of bulgaria to this. the european union is actively discussing the question of whether support will decrease, whether kiev can count on the eu, can you promise this to kiev? ukraine is really fighting for europe, if we allow it to fail, it will pose a threat to the countries that are in
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the eastern part of europe. if we save today, it will be more expensive later, we will do everything in our power to help ukrainians in their war. in ukraine they are beginning to realize the fact that the west as a whole has cooled down very much towards them, this is what the head of national security of ukraine said, that. i expected that the conflict would go on for so long, this is firstly, secondly, i want to take you back to the past and remind you that on february 24, 2022 no one believed in us, thanks to our strength we are holding the front, we are holding our country, if talk about a month, two, a year, a year and a half, then the further it goes, the more difficult it will be, this must be admitted, and there is no need, i emphasize again, to assume that we will be fed all our lives, and we will receive help all our lives, it’s time for us to grow up and decide how to develop our country. it turns out that in the west, many are already thinking about how to quickly get rid of zelsky, this is what insider information was published by
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ukrainian telegram channels. ukrainian elites believe that the president’s office has failed the international track, and the west is already publicly leaking zelsky and his strategy to fight until complete victory. this is precisely what is connected with the sabotage of the elites and the bet on zaluzhny, who objectively assesses the situation at the front. bankova understands this well and is trying to negotiate. i think that the west has its own vision of the situation and everything that happened with ukraine was planned, well, excuse me, this is such a conspiracy theory, when i said that we need to grow up, i would like to ask, are you guys planning to grow up when you are already practically they did everything, everything they could do, like infantile teenagers, and who
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, who, who were convinced that they were international actors, this is a shafot, very colorful comparison, i would cast it in granite, as they say, that’s what concerns , by the way, why i mentioned boris johnson, this is a very interesting point, it was not mentioned here, i would like to dwell on this, the fact is that the ukrainian leadership is now will blackmail his american, his british partners so that they do not do what they are already starting to do , that is, leak, they will, this leak, regarding boris johnson’s role in the breakdown of negotiations, he says that ukrainian the party will use insider information in order to continue pumping out aid from western countries, otherwise they will hand them over, if you don’t give us money, we will tell you about your role, how
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it really was about your real role in this... and who do they want to intimidate with this, and what difference does it make, the main thing is that the name is pronounced and this is information, which is called for all western curators, that is, this is a signal that if you do not support us to the extent that is necessary, we we'll talk about you laying out everything that we have, which is why european politicians, like the prime minister of bulgaria, anna lenna berbak, said traditional ritual phrases that don’t worry, we will support you, wipe away a tear with a handkerchief, it turns out. in fact, this is terrible news, because western politicians have made it clear, yes, we are giving in to blackmail, as if continue further , that is, it works, that is, it apparently works, let's see the truth, let's see what statements will come next, they promise, but do not fulfill anything, and as for danilov, danilov says we need to go from the opposite , but nevertheless they have a stranglehold, they still continue to cling to the west, using methods of blackmail, among other things, and they don’t
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know how to do anything else, well, blackmail begins there within ukraine itself, within the elites, following behind the head... the end of the conflict verkhovna rada deputy maryana bezuglaya took over the baton, she called on the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny to resign. commander-in-chief of the armed forces zaluzhnaya was unable to provide a plan for 2024. the military simply said that they needed to take at least 2000 citizens per month. you understand that one death costs the state 15 million hryvnia. if the military leadership. can provide a plan for next year, all their proposals for mobilization boil down to the fact that more people are needed, such leadership must leave, it is important to understand that this journalist maryana bezuglaya, she does nothing at all without personal approval from the head of the office of the president of ukraine, andrey ermak, alexander anatolyevich, explain to us this fight between a toad and a viper, between zaluzhny and zelsky, all zelensky signed a mortal
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sentence to zaluzhny, because these statements can no longer be rolled back, they were made. well, here’s a zaluzhnaya figure, that is, zaluzhnaya, she’s such a slightly marginal politician in ukraine, she’s seriously not crazy, she’s also already a politician to some extent, in fact , she’s still crazy, she has a crazy name, that is, you just need to, yes, she makes drastic statements, sometimes these statements do not end in anything, that is, you know, this is how they threw something in and see how they will react to it, and that is, this is literally the first step and the topic is good, but actually his role is this, that is, uh , to throw in the necessary theses, but if you need to roll back, then it’s just the right thing that will be easily rolled back, because this is not the person from whom uh serious statements are made, it’s a person who tests society or any specific interest groups on the perception of this or that information , that is, the fact that this information was voiced indicates that zelensky has such a plan, but in principle we
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guessed about it, but now it's easy sounded, will there be a reaction? moreover, the reaction is most likely of interest not so much from the side of society, especially since look , zelensky, along with, carelessly in connection with this, they are also throwing questions about mobilization, this is what people are interested in, what really worries people and what really scares people, but they will test not so much society as the reaction of western partners, in principle, i think he came to the position the year before last and the week before, not last week, osten came to correct brains to both zelsky and zaluzhny. and they met separately, met separately, and ermak was not allowed into the meeting with zaluzhny, this is also like a scandalous episode that is difficult to imagine, but at the same time , umerov, the minister of defense, was present at both meetings, also a moment that can shoot in the end, especially since umerov is essentially a kind of third force, since he is guided by, well, this is sorov’s, this is a voice, this is not the sugi of the people, this
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is no one else, there are forces behind zaluzhny associated with petro poroshenko, that is, he constantly feeds them, he also has good ones in the west, but it can turn out like on the maidan, for example, in 13-14, when they went to hell, klitschko and yatsenyuk, well there is somewhere catching up with the light, and then... ultimately, a dark horse emerged under the name of petro poroshenko with a rating of as much as 54%. that is, it is quite possible that in this quarrel between the toad and the viper, someone else will win, some rat will jump out, in the form of the same prut or in the form of - well, acting the president may become, for example, with some nuances with zelensky, the chairman of the verkhovna rada, the chairman of the verkhovna rada is easily elected, as in the fourteenth year they were re-elected, maybe the bear will finally win this fight and restore order there, no, well, you say so, a little later, you talk about this election campaign. races, as if, you know, when the elections will take place, will they take place at all in ukraine , because no one knows anything, then one thing or another, then canceled, then appointed, yes, i’m not
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only talking about the election race, with something may already happen to delensky and the chairman of the verkhovna rada will perform his duties, who can elect petro poroshenko, who will then transfer power to whom they will say, poroshenko is a flexible guy in this regard, well, by the way, the secretary of the national security and defense council, alexey danilov, is here actively began to take part in everything. fuss, and he actually confirmed that yes, there is a split in the kiev regime, this is the version he put forward to western journalists, the secretary of national security of ukraine, alexey danilov said in an interview with the times that over the past 2 months moscow has activated sleeping spies in order to further destabilize society in conditions of a military deadlock, russian agents infiltrated into government institutions, including the sbu, were ordered to undermine the unity of the country, that is, danilov himself would like to say in the terrarium of friends, because the rest are even stupider, yuri nikolaevich, why do you think danilo is spreading this information through a western
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publication? well, frankly speaking, it is in some way strange, first, i would consider this statement from two points of view: first, that this is really some kind of game, a combination, but on an external field, that maybe there is no conflict, but it is artificially shown through the media , and so on and secondly, because there is a conflict between zaluzhny and zelsky and the statement of the dep may be, as they say , someone there is inadequate and so on, but today she transforms, that means, that thought, that expression, that means from the outside, well, let’s say zelsky, the same thing, yes, sow, this means that today , socially, the majority of the poor population is on the side here. means to a lesser degree of zelsky to sow distrust, which means that the same zaluzhny, it may be, here the stuffing is that it confirms that there is
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a conflict, everyone fulfills their role, it seems to me, each of the speakers performs, and the deputy, that means , and zelensky himself, zaluzhny, and their people, including danilo, each plays their role in the situation in terms of the show. to western partners, to domestic consumers, to residents of their country, it means that such a situation exists, which means that at the front, yes, we are fighting , as they say, we are doing everything possible, but at the same time we still have internal problems that need to be solved, they show, they are trying to have some kind of independence, then , that the minister of defense came and so on, it means that, well, it’s obvious to me that external control is clear there, but they are always trying to excite the residents. it means among the people, when the leader who today rules the country, he is not independent, yes, he is under the authority of those external forces, like zelensky in this case, they want to show
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that this is not so, that yes, we are still internally independent, which means we are trying to solve their problems, yes, we have western bosses, they help us , but this does not mean that they are commanding us, i think such an idea can still be traced, but everyone is now panicking, panicking because of the russian advance. the russians have not given up their intention to attack the city of kupyansk, they want to occupy it again, now russian troops are advancing in the area of ​​​​the village of senkovka, in the event success they can go further, aviation is used and kamika drone attacks are intensified. drone kamika. we have military expert vitelevich kiselyov in direct contact, let’s find out the details, vitali viktorich, hello. and we are moving towards upinsk, as i understand from this statement, and no, our desire to free it is not that far , as i understand it, yes, good afternoon, studio, of course,
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the problems that exist today on the line of combat contact with the enemy, they are obvious, avdeevka is dragging away today as the enemy has as many forces as possible, thereby they understand perfectly well that kupinsk is also one of the hub... stations, which is very important in terms of both logistics and combat operations, and in general, this is not our offensive, this we are pushing out the enemy so that it is clear to everyone. in particular, in the kupinsky direction, a unit of the western group of troops with the support of aviation, fire artillery and heavy flamethrower systems such as solntsepek, which has proven itself to be a non-nuclear weapon, but very powerful, effective, from which the enemy certainly suffers large losses, simply colossal, and is very afraid when these weapons are supplied and even more so used by our units, well, be that as it may,
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active operations are still on the battlefield and several assault groups, 57 motorized infantry , 43, enemy mechanized brigades in the areas of the settlements of senkovka and ivanovka, kharkov region, tried to attack our units, they did not succeed, because assault troops, they are without equipment support, well, with some kind of support artillery units and equipment were spotted in the southern direction... kupinsk, these are two abrams tanks, i think that in the near future our reconnaissance will identify them and certainly destroy them, which will be very unpleasant for our western partners, but they are already sending tanks to the front line or that’s it -there is no second third line, they are practically still standing on the second line, between the second and third lines , because they are afraid to immediately bring them into battle, since they understand perfectly well that our drones will immediately detect them and destroy them, well, since they have already
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appeared, that means they will be destroyed, except in addition, it affects the work of drones in general, because there is snow in many places, like in the kupinsky direction, and it helps or hinders us , no, of course, this weather, which is now stormy winds, very powerful with a sharp change in the climatic features of donbass, of course affects everyone, absolutely, not only us, but also the enemy, the wind is more than 20 m per second, and even 22 rises, so you understand perfectly well that something is stormy... the temperature was 12-14° yesterday was, today it will drop to about -5 there at night, that is, these changes, severe fogs, which are accompanied by the donetsk ridge, it’s hard to work with a drone and in such weather, and for us , you know, for our aerospace forces this is just normal weather, where we work out our conditions for the possibility of inflicting fire damage on the living
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strength and... the enemy, so our aerospace forces attacked the control points of the fourteenth 101st, in my opinion, 103rd and 105th territorial defense brigades in the settlements of ivanovka and kislovka, kotlyarovka, kharkov region, losses there amounted to about more 20 people, but the essence is that even in these weather conditions we are working on the tasks that were previously set, this is excellent, thank you, thank you very much, we were in the air. military analyst mikhail anrienko joins our conversation. mikhail borisovich, hello. good afternoon. mikhail borisovich, well, look, the west has been saying for many weeks that ukraine’s resources are depleted, western resources are also depleted, no one has reserves anymore, all their pockets are empty. but at the same time
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, zelsky says that the west has allocated new warships, what does this mean, does zelsky understand that these ships will become an easy target, do they understand this in the west, that’s what ’s interesting, in the west they understand everything, for them the continuation of the massacre, in fact, is quite suitable for victory for the kiev regime , they actually really didn’t want to, the longer the better, how many people will die here, they also care the least about zelsky, i’m not sure that he understands anything at all, he is a purely civilian person. and the existence of any displacement units juntas on the black sea, larger than engines or unmanned boats, are physically impossible, everyone understands this, but except, apparently, the kiev khaluy, excuse me, yes, mikhail borisovich, well , regarding tanks, we also touched upon the conversation with vitalny viktorovich kiselyov, many, including including western journalists and analysts say that the abrams are the same, here is a business publication... yes
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, the reporter emphasized that they turned out to be absolutely useless for the armed forces of ukraine and could not change the situation at the front, is that true? and why is it still then ukraine is fed with promises that yes, yes, yes, we’ll deliver it, we’ll deliver it? well, promising doesn’t mean getting married, they promise all the time, they promised a million shells, now they admit that they will deliver them by spring. the same as how 14 challengers could change the situation at the front, especially since the british demanded that they not ... appear at the front, the british do not want to see how the challengers will burn, just like leopards burn, just like that same samples, they did not appear on the front line, there were only two photographs somewhere near the front line. at their front no one has seen it, in the west they are now saying that they are generally ineffective in winter, they fight poorly in winter, they are voracious, they consume a lot of fuel, they break down quickly, they need to be repaired in the west, it’s hard, so let’s postpone their use until the spring of summer
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mythical offensive, and again 31, one battalion, and abramsov, what can he change, and in general what is the situation at the front now, where is the hottest direction in general, how does the weather affect... along the entire front line, because it is changing in different areas, well the weather now at night it was in the rear of the junta, right up to kharkov it has now moved, practically covered the entire front line, in places there has been a breakthrough, but the point is that snowfalls, a drop in temperature, disgusting visibility, naturally, hinder the offensive more than the defense of the junta, in defense there is always it’s easier to be in such bad weather, but the most critical for the junta are two directions, these are avdeevka, bridgeheads on the banks of the dnieper, and because the bridgeheads on the banks of the dnieper make it possible to create the appearance of continuing a successful counter-offensive counterattack, and ovdiivka is an impregnable fortress after mariupol and vakhmut, the next one is already at least the third, well, with an understandable result, so the blow to
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the moral and psychological state of the controlled population is colossal, now at 1.1 - this is the most popular ukrainian tv channel, has appeared... it doesn’t matter whether it’s true or not, all this information, yes, it hits with a hammer, we see how the graves are being carried out, no one is trying to drive leopards there, this is the worst thing for the worst, because there will be further run more and more actively, against the backdrop of a still open conflict, the banking and the general staff, when the cornerless... deputy head of national security defense, the publication bilda writes about some secret and secret plan of biden and scholz, it turns out that zelsky is being pushed into negotiations. chancellor scholz and us president biden want
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to end the ukrainian conflict as soon as possible, but zelensky himself must come to the understanding that this cannot continue, he must of his own free will turn to his people and explain that negotiations... it is necessary, well, this is from the words of journalists from the publication bilt, well, they say one thing, yes, politics, yes, they are doing something completely different; we remember scholz, so last week there was a videoconference format, there was a g20, here it is he was trying to personally discuss something with putin , that’s it, well, yes, come on, say, russia needs to finish, russia needs to leave, yes, that’s it, that means he’s singing about the same thing, now the journalists they reveal to us, it turns out, there is a secret one. biden and scholz, is this true? in fact, alexey alekseevich, what do you think, well , the topic is still being discussed one way or another in the geopolitical space, possible negotiations, or is it being thrown in on purpose to lower our vigilance? there is a suspicion that we are really talking about an attempt to mislead the russian side or, in any case, demotivate
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it before some important events that you hinted at, we will not dwell on them, but i don’t understand why it is secret, why it's secret because already several times... cancel the famous decree of zelsky regarding the fact that he forbade himself to negotiate with putin , start looking for points of contact, so it’s secret that zelsky is not listening yet, for them it ’s a bargain, i think zelensky is bargaining because he understands , not only his personal well-being is at stake, but also his personal well-being, his life, and what should satisfy him? what should they give him so that he has guarantees of safety and guarantees of care in a responsible manner, i think this is exactly what everything that zelsky needs now, because he already understands, he has lost his cards, and as for scholz’s speech at public events with vladimir putin,
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i can very clearly imagine how they are at some g7 get-togethers, they say, listen, come on, tell him, tell him this is what we usually say there and all that and they really say: anna lena berbak, scholz and so on, they really say stupid things, seriously, they say stupid things, just because everything they see how much the situation on the battlefield has changed, how much the situation has changed in western countries, in russia, how much the situation has changed, if in the first case these were negative connotations for the western economies themselves, positive for russia, because well, nothing happened what they announced, neither the economy torn to shreds, nor isolation, nothing happened , which means that we... i think that he needs comprehensive guarantees, because if we talk about
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zelsky’s assets, where is his homeland , where pocket, he has assets in the uk , in the uk, in the united states of america, so he will need comprehensive guarantees of both survival and preservation of assets, perhaps even some kind of future, not how possible are these comprehensive guarantees, well, the americans and the british are , you know, they are gentlemen, and a gentleman, he is always the master of his word, he wanted to give, he wanted to take, so... they can give zelsky any guarantees, uh, and then, saving face, somehow disavow these guarantees, but in in the end, uh, they repeatedly inspired - some murders, which were then blamed on russia, but also on the territory of great britain, he hanged himself berezovsky, who hanged him, why, what was russia's interest, nothing was russia's interest, but it should be blamed on russia, they creaked there and so on, that is, perhaps zelensky will become another scrapper or another berezovsky, who could not bear the pangs of conscience to hang himself somewhere... there, in his vili near losandes, well, that
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is, they will pretend, that they will lend their shoulder, in fact, this is their style, yes, another conflict is now actively going on on the planet, today in the zone of the israeli-palestinian conflict, the fourth and last day of the so-called truce, this weekend the parties held another prisoner exchange, which almost fell through , but thanks to the intermediaries, people returned to their families, soon a new group of israelis should leave the gas strip, and the jewish... in turn, according to the agreements, will release some of the prisoners, all weekend in the spotlight of the world media, touching footage of liberated people who had been waiting for a very long time to meet their loved ones. a ceasefire for 4 days will allow the release of some of the hostages, and will also help in the delivery of aid to the gas territory. the footage shows the moment when hamas militants handed over two dozen hostages to the red cross: 13 israeli women
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and children, one filipino and 10 thai citizens. they crossed the border from the gaza strip into egypt, then into israel, where a crowd cheered their arrival before they were taken to hospital for treatment, their families were happy to see their loved ones freed. nine-year-old emily hunt met her father tomos, he thought that hamas had killed his daughter almost immediately after the october 7 attack, but now they have been reunited and there are very touching images of the moment they
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saw each other again. my dear, beautiful girl, you missed me, you thought about dad, you dreamed of coming home, the dream has come true, we are home, we will soon be home, in total. four women and 15 boys were released from the 150 people included in the agreement between israel and hamas, some held for months, others for years, freed prisoners made their way through the crowd and were given a hero's welcome. more exchanges are expected in the coming days. hamas agreed to release a total of
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50 hostages, and israel agreed to release 150 detainees. this should happen during a pause in hostilities . political scientist, doctor of political science, expert on international relations and national security, simon tsippis speaks directly to us from israel. simon, hello. hello, carefully well. not without fascination, the whole world watched how this four-day pause between israel and hamas passed , and at some point it even seemed that everything was going wrong, it wasn’t working out, but no, the exchange of hostages and prisoners continued, but now there is talk that it is possible to extend this pause as far as possible, given the statement by netanyahu , who came to the gas strip, and the israeli defense minister that
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the demonstration of firepower will continue israel. i would say that the israeli military ground operation in the gaza strip has ended, it will not continue, there will be a truce, the truce will continue, they will come to agreements for another 4 days, then another 4 days, israeli hostages will be released in exchange for the ceasefire regime will be extended, and when they end, simon, the most important thing is that when they end , hamas doesn’t have many hostages, yes, there are not many hostages, but note that they release them in small numbers, in small groups, in exchange we we are releasing three to four times as many hamas militants who are being held in israeli jails, that is, in this way israel is replenishing the ranks of hamas by releasing healthy, physically strong, well-fed militants who are piggy, please, i can’t just listen to this when you
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say that hamas militants were released, fourteen-year-old teenagers and women were released there, well, excuse me, hamas militants, we all saw the footage, but to put it mildly, they do not look very much like hamas militants, and the accusation... according to the articles that they have there is, well, there, they threw a stone at a rally for disobedience to the police, something else, this is a hamas militant , well, really, why, why in your opinion did they end up in an israeli prison, i say, there is an article of charges, the articles there are all clear and known, there are 5,000 people in prison, teenagers and women, are all the hamas militants, those who are in prison, all the palestinians who are in israeli prisons, they received a sentence for... attacking either with a knife or running over civilians and military personnel with a car, everyone has their own truth, let's, yes, let's talk about it after all, transactions, yes, you said that the operation was completed, in my opinion, these are the key words for these last weeks of the terrible escalation of the conflict, and i would like
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to understand what these beliefs of yours are based on? the fact is that the operation will be stopped, it has actually already been stopped, it will not continue, the hamas group , apparently, will not be eliminated, its leaders are mohammed dev, yahisin, machel and haniyeh, they will not be eliminated, as the leaders promise israel, the hamas group will continue to exist, in fact the ranks of the militants are being replenished with fresh palestinians who have served their sentences in israel, who are being greeted: as heroes, that is, in fact, uh, this operation will be stopped, because constantly, since hamas is constantly negotiating, gradually releasing the israeli hostages, that is, this uh, this pause will be permanent to be extended, especially since representatives of qatar arrived in israel yesterday, i want to remind you here that qatar is
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the main sponsor of the hamas group and it arrived in israel for negotiations, this is very, i would even say this is a historical event, since israel is directly negotiating with a state that is directly related to the support and training of hamas militants and the maintenance of this group. simon, well, you understand perfectly well that even after completing the operation, this will not mean that this long-term conflict between israel and hamas, the gas strip and palestine, will end, you understand this perfectly well, then i would like to understand, you say, the speciation will end, and what next? what kind of sequel will we see? you asked a lot the right key question, the fact is that, uh, i would say this, i can’t do everything, i can’t talk to ales about everything, but i would say this: hamas is necessary for the continued existence of the state of israel, the palestinian-israeli conflict cannot be resolved , if it is resolved, then israel as a jewish state will cease to exist.
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the palestinian-israeli conflict is necessary for the continued existence of the state of israel, and hamas is necessary. to continue, please explain why to our viewers? because it's impossible solve the issue, the problem with the palestinians, two states for two peoples. only one state for two peoples will need to be resolved. many politicians, military men, political scientists and scientists have already come to this conclusion. it is impossible to give independence to the palestinians on a piece of land in the gaza strip. it is also impossible to give an independent state on the western great river jordan, since jordan is against this... and egypt is against the state of palestine in the gas strip. therefore the only solution of this conflict, one state for two peoples. and in this case, israel will cease to be a jewish state, and will turn into just another simple state in the middle east. materially, from a material point of view, israel will not be destroyed in
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any case, it will continue to exist, but it will not be a jewish state. how interesting, thank you very much, political scientist. simon tsippis was in touch with us from israel, but the warring parties are still holding hundreds of people, the conflicts are actually, well, it seems far from being completed, israeli defense minister joop holland, during a... meeting with his military in the gaza strip, said that any further negotiations would only be under fire. we cannot stop the operation and the war in the gaza strip until we reach a situation where we bring all the hostages home , because there are many more of us, any further negotiations will be under fire, this means that if hamas wants to continue discussing the next deal, then it will be happening while bombs are falling and forces are fighting is the basis. yuri nikolaevich, well this is how... you see the resolution of this conflict, taking into account, well, those very interesting, so to speak, yes, semantic loads that a political scientist from israel has now given us, i
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would probably agree with him, about the state of israel, maintaining in what case, apparently there is still some truth, which means, but at the same time, considering that we will certainly support these humanitarian pauses, which are happening today , we hope that they will give further impetus to more serious humanitarian ones... but purely as a military man , i can reason that of course, today there is now a regrouping of forces and means, both on the other side during humanitarian pauses, from israel and from hamas, i think , i don’t think, i’m even sure that the fighting will continue, after a while they will to continue, definitely means this, i emphasized once again, i also said before , and i say again, hamas will not be destroyed, not because they don’t want it... israel, they just won’t be able to destroy them, that’s purely if from a military point of view, consider this conflict, why then the words of both netanyahu
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and holland that hamas must be destroyed, this is our goal, i think, yes, but what else can he say, he won’t say, yes, we will now reach such and such a milestone let’s stop and stop, today, as the leader of the state, he is obliged to give this kind of statements, supporting the israelis, you know , i watched the footage, it’s generally strange, and well, strange people, that is... a conflict, civilians are dying on both sides hand, clearly for a normal person the prospect of a solution there is no conflict as such, if they persist in the same way, you know, and no one can stop, but stopping is the best trick that our country offered to these states today, yes, on the west bank of the jordan river, palestine israel, well, simon tsyppi said, which is not an acceptable option. well, he’s speaking to the israelis, as i understand it, of course, well, in general, israel resisted this negotiation process with hamas for a long time, it looks like they were pushed through, and the united states now bears full responsibility for the continuation
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a truce specifically for hamas, this is what the national security adviser to the american president, jake sullivan, said. is it up to hamas whether this particular deal will be extended or not? israel has made its position very clear in the deal, which involves a pause in fighting every day if hamas. will continue to release 10 hostages per day, if hamas decides not to do this, the consequences will fall on its shoulders. alexey alekseevich, well, everything is clearly said, before israel was still thinking about negotiating and not conducting negotiations, they called it very a complex historical decision to negotiate with terrorists and so on, and now it turns out that nothing depends on israel, if hamas continues to regularly release hostages, the truce will last as long as there are hostages, you know, the united states plays the role of a father who has one beloved son, and the other is completely unloved, and i mean hamas and israel , that’s it, but such a role is obviously a losing one, because the loved one will not be happy, and the unloved one will most likely leave home and conduct, let’s say
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, activities that well not at all my father likes it, and if we extrapolate the situation to what is happening now, i don’t believe that it will be created, the state of israel is not jewish, the issue of proportional representation will arise, taking into account what has been happening over the past few months in the gas sector, it will be, well, almost impossible to agree on, the fact that the united states places the blame on, or rather , the responsibility on hamas is a common theme, a common scheme, and the united states is thus trying to remove from israel any accusations of attempting to organize genocide, because , judging by what is happening now at various venues, including the un, the international criminal court and so on, there are attempts to bring israel to justice. will be more and more persistent, of course, the united states, the european union, and israel are now looking for a way out of this situation, the problem
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is different, that the current leadership of israel will have to answer for what they have done recently, in short, in given the situation, what situation is beneficial for the united states in order to maintain its influence and presence in the near future is now beneficial extinguish this situation in order to focus on two directions, these are ukraine and taiwan, then this situation can be unfrozen again after the elections in november 2024 and what is called quietly resolved, including all this time they will assign responsibility and and draw attention to illegal actions on the part of hamas, but how manageable netanyahu is is the question. it’s not about netanyahu, he comes, he goes, this is not, not a matter of principle, there are enough politicians in israel who are happy to have him will change, to the satisfaction of the united states, yes, it’s not about netanyahu, netanyahu has already played his role, and this is, in the end, a personal matter for netanyahu himself, what will he do next, will he be brought to
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justice, won’t he? attracted, this is already, this is already yes, another, another episode of the series called mine, this crazy, wonderful world, a short advertisement and we’ll come back, vanka stanka syndrome, the guy is spinning on the bed all the time, this is a sure sign of internal bleeding, oh, and we got a diagnosis nugget, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, now i’m an ordinary, obedient nurse, ask, and the nurse, today on the first. rum, castra is a product of stellar group. great congestion, what you need to know about the lymphatic vessels. to please god, we are putting together a competent
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christmas menu. fasting rheumatoid arthritis, why does the immune system attack our joints? program to live healthy, will answer all questions, tomorrow on the first, for the sixtieth birthday of vladimir moshkov, please help yourself, this is from some such events, so the holiday is coming, he is one of those artists about whom we can say that he had no passing roles, it is impossible to play feelings, such an alpha son with a colossal amount of male energy, which of course rushes out of him, i have accumulated, let me realize myself once, when he announced the distribution of roles, i was stunned, i’ve probably never been so scared in my life, well, he can stand up for himself, he has a strong fist, did you really think that the truth would leave me, he always goes to
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the last, he doesn’t leave... we must to know the world, to know the world, we learn himself, today on the first, a good russian, this is a dead russian, this is nargiz zakirova with whom we had a chance to talk, such an immodest question, how did she even bring you to moscow and tell us a lot of interesting things. i'm staring at all these orcs from left to right, she always had simple phobia, she just hid it , well, in short, they started to cover up my oxygen , tried to hype, got hyped, so she was banned from weight for 50 years, i think we should also ask her to add 50 years , i'm going to get another tattoo, but if hit me, i’ll give you ukrainian citizenship, straight away, straight away, come on, we collected 7 million dollars for armament, finances
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the murder of russian soldiers, and america didn’t... didn’t reward her, didn’t give her citizenship, she’s not needed there, she is needed here, so that she can play dirty tricks here, organize dances in churches, i had an idea to get rid of russian citizenship, ask for a ukrainian one, today we see the betrayal of our country, the vavan and lexus show, on wednesday on the first, the season premiere, binge the star, in sunday on the first, why are they like this, it’s already 3 o’clock spotlights? here it’s +40, no less, it itches, there was no need to put it on a naked body, we are royal or imperial, attention , question, don’t be nasty, colleagues, engine, camera, the crowd went, more fun, keep the penguin gait, attention to the praguns, got ready, started, finally, it's finally over, the game, the extraordinary adventures of experts in
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the winter. give him a brief description of his professional qualities, he is smart, he has a good reaction, he has a brilliant command, i was born in a ural village, i am from a christian family, i am very arrogant, i killed the colonel and the mayor. now every day i will kill a colonel, he has a weak character, it seems to me, and is very eager to add. eliminating kokh is of great political importance, is it worth risking such a valuable agent for the sake of eliminating kokh, based on real
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events, a real intelligence officer must be ready for anything, on the razor's edge, the premiere of a serial film, soon on the first, he is the enemy, and you fell in love? you get pleasure from it like a cat, the fighters on the front line really need our support, the organizer of the volunteer movement from evpatoria spoke about the people's front about how they prepare dry soups for our fighters using special production technology, let's see, you are the organizer of the volunteer movement and you prepare lunches. for our guys at the front, please tell us why you started doing this, what do you feed? the idea came to mind because our guys, a dry ration is good, of course, but our special military
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operation has already lasted more than one day, and i want them to get home after all warmth, the care of women's hands, the understanding that they are there for a reason, that we are waiting for them here, so we make them, we freeze-dried soups , borscht, milk porridges, buckwheat with liver, with meat, as well as energy bars, a dry shower, for which just 20 mg of water and the fighter will already be clean, it’s just that food is such a moment, war is war, and lunch is on schedule, so it can’t be any other way, we have to get up to help our guys, this is actually very important, it’s very inspiring. .. thank you very much. the popular front became a meeting place volunteers and caring people, so that we can communicate with you more, subscribe to the telegram channel stream popular front. qr code on your screen, in the search in telegram, enter the popular
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front stream, communicate, comment, ask questions, the best questions are displayed on the first channel, then news on the first. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukhaev is with you. so, a powerful storm is raging in the black sea, our coastal regions are under the influence of the elements, in crimea one person died, dozens were injured, the scale of destruction huge, a hurricane wind at a speed of up to 40 m per second demolished everything in its path, waves


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