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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  November 27, 2023 5:00pm-5:59pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] it could be anything, and the problem is that here, well, according to my feelings, there from a psychological point of view, we cannot help a person who does not want this help, the only way to actually stop all this is not to help a person, don’t go along with his demands, but let the person face the consequences of building such relationships , this is what happens in my practice, in general, this is probably the only working option, thank you very much, thank you, you have no right to drag things into the common area, for this common area, all neighbors pay the same price and you have no right to limit your belongings or litter this area with anything, you have already been told, just think about it, but my question has already been resolved, but where did you solve it, we
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are waiting now moving, or why should we wait for neighbors? it has been decided in your head, there is an agreement on one room, wait, we didn’t inspect it today during this program. there is no cure for this, is it called pride? well, probably, from the word gordon, pride appears here. and it's all my fault, mom spoiled you, my mom, absolutely foolishly. spoiled me, my mother worked two jobs all her life, yes, that’s why she spoiled me, experience of legs along the entire perimeter of the ceiling, we decided to go and figure it out in the morning, i hear a knock, i go up to the door, and what happened that day? children running around the apartment, objects falling, shouting obscenities, well, maybe this is how they are getting ready for school, they pinned a note on our door: dry out, like this earth? yes, there was such an inscription, a blow to the face knocks down the door, then he starts hitting me on
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the shoulders. didn’t come in shouting obscenities, but only demanded to open the door, everything was from the words of the victims, he did not strike any blows, no, no, under no circumstances, he is simply not capable of this, he is an incredibly kind person, a terrible person, i want to rip his head off, she was standing over him death or terminal illness, i have nothing to do with this note, well, you, as a shaman, saw who could have left these notes, these are these beautiful ladies. good evening, there’s a big game on the first day and i’m vyacheslav nikonov, well, today is a professional holiday for people whose motto, where we are, there is victory, this is our valiant marine corps, which is now
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solving the most important special tasks. on the operation, where they are, there is always success, it has always been so, is, and i am sure it will be , with all our hearts we congratulate everyone involved in this heroic, necessary profession for the country to defend the homeland in the ranks of the marines, on this holiday and wish good luck and, of course, victories that will definitely come and that are already coming, because what the marines are doing on the svo fronts is real. great, great feat. our tasks special military operation, are being decided on the diplomatic front, today an important event is the opening of the primakov readings , in which many of those who participate in our program are also taking part, truly authoritative scientists from all over the world, and president
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putin sent greetings, where gave an assessment of the current stage and globalization, this is what he said, it is obvious that the model of globalization, which was formed largely by western states, naturally in their own interests, has outlived its usefulness and is in deep crisis, a new, fairer democratic system of international relations is emerging, attuned to the needs of the world majority , but a certain group of countries , accustomed to dominating the world , stops at nothing to maintain their waning influence, practices outright blackmail, and replaces the system of international law with a certain order based on the rules. it is precisely in order to fight this order imposed on the whole world that a special military operation is being carried out. it was the weekend very strong attacks by our aerospace forces, drones, on ukrainian cities, the most serious raid on
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objects in the capital of ukraine, kiev. indeed, the strongest in recent months, well, of course, the ukrainian media reported that they knocked everything down, but for some reason after that the electricity disappeared, well, this is quite logical. strength, now events at the front are not only influenced by the weather, and today all of us in moscow also found ourselves under the blow of this weather, but the crimeans suffered much more, where there was a powerful storm that led to the fact that in some regions it was even necessary to introduce a state of emergency, our , of course, words of solidarity with all crimeans, sevastopol residents, who heroically... are now defending their homes and cities from the impacts of the elements, well , god grant them good luck, but the elements it’s hitting ukrainian
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regions, it’s hitting our regions, our new russian regions, here’s footage from donetsk, but we know that in odessa there are a huge number of already broken power lines. dachas, many settlements that were left without electricity, in general, the elements they are raging and of course, this leaves an imprint on the front, it is symbolic, of course, that in kiev they tore up the very flag that they entered in the guinness book of records as the largest flag in the world, but now it has become such a tricolor, i would say, yes , that is, it is no longer yellowish black, there is also a white stripe in the middle, which fully corresponds ... there the flag of buryatia must be said, well, it is already close to the russian flag, it is already obvious that it is a tricolor, but for now all that remains is to replace yellow with red, it will be just what you need, well
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of course, it looks quite sensational that this was already recognized as a miracle, look, this is sevastopol and this is the embankment of st. andrew the first-called. it scattered the surface, it just scattered everything. that’s all, and the monument to st. andrew the first-called, the saint of russia, stands, stands, miracle, miracle, miracle, they agreed, and of course, the figure that was heard on ukrainian television became a sensation , the ukrainian television channel published the figure in a ticker. dead and missing 1,126,652. it ’s really impossible to say what it was, but maybe yuri ivanovich podalyaka, our military expert will now tell
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us what it was, yuri ivanovich, to what extent this figure corresponds to reality, good afternoon, good evening, in fact it does not correspond, indeed, we understand perfectly well that such a number of killed and there cannot be missing people, because otherwise the ukrainian army would no longer exist. so of course it’s some kind of well, maybe it’s our cyber squad, some kind of joke, maybe something else, well, most likely something roughly related to this, but then i join in the congratulations of the marines, because our marines covered themselves with unfading glory in a special military operation , the marines stormed mariupol, the marines began the encirclement of avdievka, the marines stood on the zaporozhye line and repelled enemy attacks this summer and the 810th brigade. it was for these battles that she earned the title of guards, that is , the guys justify the motto under which they serve, and i am sure that they will continue to serve for the good of their homeland with honor and honor their
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duty. about the front, but the elements hit along the line of combat contact, so in many, especially the southern parts, the fighting has now stopped, because it is unrealistic to conduct serious battles under such a storm, of course, it is not the same as in the crimea, but nevertheless a very powerful gusty wind, wet , the snow is sweeping up, this does not seem to be conducive to active hostilities, nevertheless , it continues in the same kherson direction, the enemy is there, well, for him this is primarily a problem, because he has logistics through the dnieper, so the problems are related to logistics, again, they were already frostbitten before, now they have problems associated with colds, they take prisoners, that is, in general, the enemy has very large losses there, every day new batches of marines, ukrainian, are brought there and they are disposed of in quite large quantities, that is there are battles going on there, i think until the enemy is over, these marines will try to hold, this is the only place where they are trying to pretend to be victorious, although it
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is very difficult for them to do this, due to the fact that our troops entered and secured a foothold in the territory of the krynoks, that is, there is, in principle, a small narrow strip, that is, there are very fierce battles , i hope, including this, not due to bad weather , will allow our troops to finally knock them out from there, in other directions, well, i think many have heard that over the weekend our troops in the donetsk direction finished liberating and moved on to the southern industrial area of ​​avdeevka, and attacks on northern avdeevka also continue. there were also tactical successes , attacks on avdeevsky were launched, as sakhim , several well, while the secondary building was taken under our control, the enemy is trying to counterattack here, he understands that this is a key point and if he loses it, then that’s it, the group will either be surrounded or destroyed, he is trying, but so far nothing has worked for him, there are also successes over the weekend in the artyomovsky direction, there are battles in the kleshcheevka area for the heights, several strong points were also taken, but it is very difficult to go, can you imagine in such bad weather, in bad conditions forward, nevertheless, the guys take the strong points and move
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forward, albeit slowly, and also became more active our troops are in the kupyansky direction, right in the senkovka area, several strongholds have been taken here, and i would like to add regarding the drone strikes that the strikes were carried out not only on kiev ’s energy infrastructure, but also on the railway junctions of the dnepropetrovsk region, because same mirgorod airfield , in the sumy region, in places near ... the enemy’s rear, and also struck at anti-aircraft missile systems, which are daily, almost daily, videos appear about their destruction. thank you very much, yuri ivanovich podalyaka with an accurate analysis of the situation on the fronts over the past days. indeed, we are pressing, pressing on all fronts, and from the point of view of attacks on ukrainian infrastructure. and ukrainian officials, not only are they mired in squabbles with each other, they also ... allow themselves to be frank, but what we
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suspected and said here for a long time, what putin has already said, is that it turns out that ukraine- she could have ended the war long ago if she wanted, this was confirmed in the speech of the head of the servant of the people faction, ruling faction in the verkhovna rada, arahami, let's listen to what he said, the goal of the ukrainian delegation was to delay the process, what was russia's goal? the russian delegation, in my opinion, they really believed until the last that they could put pressure on us so that we would accept neutrality, this was the main thing for them, they were ready to end the war if we accepted neutrality, like finland, someday and made commitments, that we will not join nato, only this point, in fact the key point was this, everything else is cosmetic, political seasonings about denazification, the russian-speaking population, why did ukraine not agree to
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this point? firstly, to agree to this point, it was necessary to change the constitution. our path to nato is enshrined in the constitution. secondly, no, there was no trust in the russians that they would do this. this could only be done if there was a security guarantee. we couldn’t sign something, step away, breathe out, in case they came in later, but we’re not ready for that. therefore, this was only possible if we could be sure that this will not happen again, but there is no such certainty. moreover, when we returned from istanbul, boris johnson came to kiev and said that we would not sign anything with them at all, and let’s just fight, like this, well, this is already a frank admission, this is the last, maybe this arahama should not have it would be enough to say this, but it would be enough that he could then be so vague that it was already clear, before johnson mentioned, that it was ukraine that did not want to agree to this, and putin has already shown
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all 18 pages of these. then here on the forum and where everything was completely described, which means that the anglo-saxons in this case, as he and some bloggers are already vulgarly calling borka johnson, because he became such a symbol of this absolutely irresistible desire of the extinct british empire, maybe in a war with russia he can raise his prestige, do it again , then he screams... like a frog in garshen, i came up with this, i came up with this, but on the contrary, everything will be the other way around, by the way, interesting things, in the west everyone understands this, i received a letter from one very respected by me and such a serious analyst, he once commanded french troops in pristina , became disillusioned with nato there, became a dissident, wrote a book europe is over, he says: my publisher and i are now preparing a book about the war in ukraine.
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how exactly is america the west, they started and did all this and so on, it will be necessary to give him some of these materials too, there will be a serious book in french, this is a serious person, very reputable, well, really serious people, they seriously understand, but i honestly don't i think that this is, as it were, an independent policy of the extinct british empire, for some reason it seems to me that boris johnson, as he was such an american poodle, has remained so, most likely he. runs ahead, you see, most likely, this was the voicing of the position of the other side, and the british, americans act in conjunction, the american... the deep state acts in very close conjunction with the british ministry of defense with the british intelligence services and, in general, with the british cabinet, but the relationship between them is so different, it happens that the british are simply following instructions
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that come from washington, and it happens that all sorts of synderms wake up in them, that they themselves. smart, so to speak, well, there is such a widespread point of view in england that, in principle, the americans are rednecks, the british are the great old empire, so they say let’s play with the americans, but usually all these attempts to spin the americans with the british lead to the fact that that they offer the most escalating options, so they offer the most escalatory options, then they receive american instructions and listen to them again, so in this case, johnson. i received instructions in america, i wrote them to myself, i wrote these instructions, i went to america to get them approved, or i just received instructions from america, it doesn’t matter, but if at some point the americans try to blame it on the british, well, even aramia said, it’s all the british, and they say we have nothing to do with it, well, we definitely won’t believe it,
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they act in conjunction, by the way, the faction needs to be renamed, these are already servants, servants, obviously not people, people, but not ukrainian, but the fact that servants are for sure, well, when it comes from the lips of a representative of the country who declare that the main goal is independence, then it certainly looks, well, it’s just pathetic, pathetic in general, and the ukrainian counterattack looks pitiful, which, according to them, is still ongoing, primarily in the south in the zaporozhye direction, where the war correspondent pavel kukushkin, pavel alekseevich, works. good evening, how is the ukrainian counter-offensive going? good evening, vyacheslav alekseevich, you are absolutely correct we noticed that the ukrainian counter-offensive is only happening now in words, the situation is absolutely under the control of our heroic fighters, our units, paratroopers, motorized
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riflemen, artillerymen, tankmen, everyone who is there, and the weather has actually made an improvement, it has decreased somewhat. there is general activity there, but nevertheless , there were weak attempts today, but there were breakthroughs in the novoprokopovka area, artillery was scattered there and then their remnants were finished off and dispersed through the bushes by our advanced units, nothing it didn’t work out for the ukronazis, on the right flank also in the novofedorovka area, they tried to push in there, but our paratroopers fought back on the shoulders of the fleeing ukranazis and occupied several of the areas that were behind them, so the situation on the kaponia line rabotino verbovoe is under our complete total control, everything there is controlled by our troops, while i was waiting for the broadcast, our artillery again began to fire very powerfully at newly discovered targets,
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those that are in the depths, not on the front line, not on the front line, but already in the depths ukrainian units, which means they found something there, such a serious one is now being covered with long-range orta. thank you very much, pavel alekseevich kukushkin, war correspondent from the direction that ukraine declares to be the site of its counter-offensive. in fact, as you can see, there is no counterattack there, thank you very much, we are waiting for the report and take care of yourself. danilov, the head of the national security and defense council, said that he gave an interview here, tymes, said that. in fact, these are all the contradictions that exist within the ukrainian leadership, between zaluzhny and zelensky and so on, all this is nothing more than the machinations of russian sleeper agents infiltrated into government institutions, including the sbu, who receive orders to undermine the unity of the country, and the article is called putin ordered sleeper spies
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to create chaos in kiev, what do you think? no, well , it would be good if this is so, but what is wrong, let’s say it is so, but such a statement is offended. that he organized something in kiev seems absurd to me, like rarakhami’s statement, in general there is a lot of irrationality in this very counter-offensive, which will soon become a common noun, like some senseless and unsuccessful action, because there is a concept in the russian language, counter-offensive, and there is counter-offensive, uh, you know, mikhail bulgakov’s chapter was called black magic and its exposure, that was black magic 10 years ago. on the maidan, among these flaming torches, among these people with swords, this is such a fantasy, a witch’s kitchen, and now the period of exposing all this is coming, and we are a lot. we'll hear some amazing things and a lot of strange things, as arakhami said, it's absolutely
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politicians shouldn’t say that, this is absurd, he undressed, he trudged on one leg , naked in front of everyone, exposed the entire ukrainian strategy, starting with the maidan, why did he do it, what happened, what is a contour attack, when it was necessary for the military all signs of finishing in july, which did not work out, that is, no strategy has come out, throwing people there at the redoubts under russian artillery, what is behind this, the further the destruction occurs within the ukrainian establishment, the more there will be completely irrational things will happen, and we will still see big strange things, well, we will see a lot more, because zelsky said that this week he will announce a new mobilization plan, most likely total to the last ukrainian, against the backdrop of the fact that the americans... announced that this year they will not give aid to ukraine, congress will not have time to approve it, they will give it later, but less and not in
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the time frame that kiev needs, so the situation is bad for them, especially since all this is still needed in the middle east , about which we'll talk after commercial. elections were held in poland, and now tusk is climbing onto the political scene again, guided by... in the house of the trade unions , when people were burned, donald tusk, he is all over this story, without tusk he didn’t pay a single penny, klitschko and especially poroshenko, that in fact, he poured the biggest money into him, tusk was still recruited at that time, he barks at russia, but barks on command, he doesn’t care about poland, the main thing is to get another chair in brussels, tusk fulfills a certain government order from washington. the regional committee is going through the process deindustrialization of europe, donald tusk is a crazy russophobe, this is gauleiter, who carries out the orders that are given to him,
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to increase the polish army to 3000 people, to make it the largest army in europe. the ambitious goal is the destruction of russia as such. tusk's task is to become taram. donald is the dim sun of solidarity. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. cognac old barrel product of the stellar group, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, i'm leaving to look for you, serial killers are divided into four different types, according to their one way or another, they kill because of love. you are probably a writer, i sent
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a request to him, they don’t have such an employee, but you know igor well, you don’t drink coffee, girls, no, you’re scaring me, i love you, forgive me, it hurts, don’t come here more. what, how do i like the doc? territory, soon, on the first. maybe they should hang their tail on him? wait. his head is now full of others, there is great stagnation, what do you need
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to know about the lymphatic vessels? to please god, we are preparing a competent christmas menu fasting, rheumatoid arthritis, why the immune system attacks our joints. the program to live healthy will answer all your questions. on the first premiere of the season: drink the star, on sunday on the first, why such torment, already 3 hours under the spotlights, here plus 40 no less, it itches, there was no need to put it on a naked body, are we royal or imperial, attention to the question, no act like a fool, colleague, camera, the crowd has gone, let’s have fun. the gait, the attention of the praguns, they got ready,
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they started, they finally drove, but it’s our game, extraordinary adventures. in the winter series of games, on sunday at the first, and where is your work book? i don’t have it, is it a scam? yes , we are leaving moscow, i mean, what happened, mom, well, i don’t really have the time to teach her, hello, hello, what happened, is the girl conscious yet? did you buy your diploma or what ? what did they ask you to bring? in an accident , spinal cord damage is possible, the indicators are normal, such conclusions are not within the competence of a nurse, but what are you doing? what are you doing here? what's this
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is that? could you call? are you a nurse? the big game is live, the truce in gaza continues to be observed, unfortunately, a significant part of the gaza sector has been destroyed, the footage that we get from there is truly monstrous, but life takes its toll, people return to the ruins, and where there are still not a bombing. neighborhoods , life is already in full swing there, ordinary people live, well, they continue to live, although in a day it could end, bombings could start again, all those people we see
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now, they may simply die from israeli bomb attacks, but there is an exchange of prisoners and hostages, so we see freed palestinian criminals who were held hostage in israel, well , israeli hostages are also being released, of course, it must be said that our country is now accepting refugees, with one on the other hand, in large quantities, and this is precisely what distinguishes us from many other countries that take a completely one-sided position, because human suffering, they are all the same, well, continued in the world protests, and mostly protests... specifically pro-palestinian, anti-israeli, here are the protests in new york, where hundreds of people blocked the manhattan bridge for several hours, demanding an end to the day in gas, so supporters of palestine went to the american museum, of course, history, demanding an end fire, filled the manhattan shopping center on black
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friday, instead of sales, there were demonstrations. pro-palestinian demonstrators held protests and very powerful demonstrations of order took place in san francisco in california in the uk 100,000 people, and there were dispersals of protesters, arrests, tens of thousands of people actually came out in london in support of israel and against anti-semitism, it was also a very impressive demonstration. protests swept portugal, lisbon, they were very powerful, speeches by free palestine activists in barcelona, ​​in the capital of catalonia, a rebellious province, spain, protests were powerful in ottawa, now we see a huge demonstration taking place, a truly
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endless human sea, well, i i'm not talking about islamic countries. this is emen, and the yemeni authorities are essentially waging an already declared war with israel, in morocco, in casablanca, mass demonstrations , demonstrations in support of palestine took place and continue now in indonesia, the largest islamic country on planet earth, well, it must be said that mass rallies are taking place in tel aviv itself , against the regime, netanyahu demands release, still the complete release of the hostages and the resignation of the prime minister. in these conditions, today a statement was made by the press secretary of the israeli government about israel’s readiness to extend the humanitarian pause is quite unexpected, but let's listen. the established principle of releasing hostages
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remains in force if more people are released. starting tonight, the humanitarian pause will be extended by one additional day for every 10 hostages released. last week the government agreed on a potential list of 300 violent palestinian criminals. days of humanitarian pause, if hamas agrees to release the people, for our part we will welcome this, since we continue to make every effort to return people from gas, according to our estimates, since october 7 , about 184 people are still in hamas captivity, when hamas stops releasing hostages under this agreement, israel will return to achieving our goals with all its might, destruction.
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does this mean that israel will agree to prolong the truce, does this mean that israel really lost, because he said that he would go to the end until he destroys hamas, well, it’s already passed there a month and a half soon, hamas is not destroyed, israel is clearly going backwards, and it is echoing throughout the world. still, there is much more support for palestine than in support of israel. vyacheslav alekseevich, everything you say is fair, and there is hope that the respite that the truce represents will give an opportunity, including to the cabinet, to the israeli authorities in israel, to somehow get out of this , an emotional state in which they... drove themselves, because there was very harsh rhetoric, they created such an intensity of passions, and gradually became hostages of this intensity
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passions, we need to look at the situation more rationally, this respite can provide opportunities for this, but on the other hand, they take a very position that even on the truce, this is what this press secretary has now outlined, because the formula turns out like this, peace in exchange for hostages, but you return the hostages to us. maybe something reasonable can be built, in general there was a reasonable formula back in the eighties, then in the nineties they tried to use it to build peace in exchange for land, this is not, not israel is distributing peace in the region; in fact, peace in the region is being distributed by other neighbors. this is the majority that exists in this region, so israel’s attempt to intimidate everyone, to build its security on regional fear, from my point of view,
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this is no longer working, the previous conflict that israel had with the hamas group in 2006, even then there was a misfire, even then israel was unable to achieve its stated goals, now the goal is to intimidate everyone and anyone... to do what they consider necessary, it seems to me that this second failure can put the state of israel itself in a very difficult situation, so ultimately they need to seek peace with their neighbors, and they need to give the palestinians the rights that the whole world recognizes for them and which are guaranteed to them in general - the resolutions, the resolutions of the security council aon, whether israel will agree to this or not or... will not , they are clearly very opposed to this, well , the answer to your question largely depends on whether the united states will agree or not, of course, the neighbors
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are burning with vengeance , of course, americans are those who are now holding back this arab revenge as soon as possible, they have less and less strength for this, biden is finding it increasingly difficult to defend his positions even within the country, where it would seem that this pro-israeli sentiment is very strong. but he’s now on another holiday due to thanksgiving, so he was going to talk to people, let’s see how it turned out for him, let ’s listen, that is, here he is, he went out there to talk to the people, the people immediately shouted at him biden, biden don't hide in genocide, you know, it’s really difficult for him to defend his position , besides, hamas apparently captured american hostages,
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there are no negotiations, there they release hostages with russian passports, they release them, hostages from other countries, they release them, american ones, for example biden they asked if he knew how many americans were captives from hamas, when they would be released, he replied, let's listen. when will hamas release the first american hostages? we don't know when this might happen, but we hope it will. will still happen. we do not have a list of hostages and we do not know when we will receive one. but we know the number of hostages, i hope they will be released soon. i don’t know what his main hopes are, but in fact, the united states clearly does not sound as confident as in the first days of this escalation, when they clearly supported israel, and this was especially evident in the speech of jake sullivan, the president’s national security advisor, let's listen to him too. last week, president biden was asked about his reaction to his colleague's proposal
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democrat about introducing conditions in relation... idea: what specific conditions do you intend to introduce? the president did call it a worthwhile idea, but the approach president biden and i took really helped get results. so you want to say that the president meant: no, there will be no restrictions? no, we all heard what he said, he accepted the idea. so there will still be some restrictions? and then he said, but. the approach that i took, look, margaret, the president made it clear understand that the approach he has chosen is producing the results that we have seen all this time, and he will stick to this diplomatic approach, he has already scheduled a conversation with prime minister netanyahu, and i think that the united states will continue to act as it has acted before, in particular, president biden will continue to act as he has acted before, because it gets results, it gets results, but at the same time, israeli assistance must
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be conditioned on something. in general , tuftology again, you know, there are more like this, i haven’t heard more introductory speeches than the last whole month from these representatives of the american establishment for a long time, there is nothing there just to get away from the fact that something needs to be said, that’s what they will be, how they bring it, what results , that’s exactly what the result was, two hostages were released there, so far none, no, well, just now they reported , it just happened, that’s not there either, but he muttered there and repeated a couple of times that a two-state the decision is everything that, at the same time, i agree to, that’s when we we discussed a little earlier in the program that israel, even with political statements, seems to reduce the intensity of those who are already disgracing, in fact, exposing , in fact, the collapse of israel itself, first of all, righteousness, it seems, no, when these are not
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people, these are half-animals , we will destroy them all, just as amalek destroyed there in the old testament, there down to a baby there down to a goat, unfortunately, this was not only a statement, they acted exactly like that, but when they talk about it, that is their goal that they don’t consider those people to be people, this will upset them completely status, now you already remember, kedmi, who began to say here, we are not at war with the palestinians, we are only at war with hamas and so on, the intensity nevertheless went back, but during this time there was such a mass murder of women and children in gaza , has already accumulated, already with these weakened political statements, this can no longer be compensated, absolutely , so i don’t know what approach america will have force, but i agree that this nuance has appeared, that they will try
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somehow then... thus putting a good face on bad game, admit that they will have to make a half-hearted decision, that there will not be this complete one, they will have to negotiate with the arab world, i know very intelligent people, in the same levan, they told me the occupier and israel should not live, simply, although these are not hamaz, and these are very serious intellectuals, with israel in a sense everything is clear, and what they said is absolutely, precisely these actions are determined by ideology, ideology, and not emotional outbursts and in fact this ideology is called the simple word nazism and when were such arguments that look, there cannot be nazism in ukraine, because the president there is jewish, nazism is not the oppression of jews, nazism is an attitude towards nations , different nations, as nations
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that do not even have the right sometimes to life at all and israel demonstrates this type of nazism very clearly consistently for many years, and it is no coincidence that at one time zionism in 1975 was accepted as equated with racism and apartheid, and this un resolution was canceled only in the moment of the collapse of the ussr the ussr collapsed succeeded in this task somehow dealt with kurt it’s clear, it’s clear, in this sense everything is clear, everything is clear, but as for the united states of america, it’s interesting how
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over the course of 5 years in total they have demonstrated how they relate to the rights for which they bombed, they are now human, when they support israel, the american establishment, and both the democratic and republican parts of the establishment support israel unconditionally, they are right man, in fact, this is already this rhetoric about human rights , about freedom of speech, about democracy, it looks simply ridiculous, shameful in the mouth of the american... gegen , well, in fact, of course, well, it’s difficult to call the policy of israel a nazi state, because that there is no fuhrer there, and the protests and netanyahu are not attracted to the fuhrer, and the protests of many thousands are against the fuhrer
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, these are not signs of a nazi state, but you see, indeed, what israel is doing in the gas sector gives grounds for many to say that in principle, the methods are nothing different from israel , they are starting to say this, i think that not only their neighbors are starting to tell them this, and this is seriously changing the situation, in general for israel, which really enjoyed this reputation as a country of victim, which is permanent, they simply lost it because, well here we look at these footage, they are truly monstrous, because the destruction is very strong, at the same time israel, well, while there is a truce here, it attacked the damascus airport, military operations continued essentially with
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the houthis, with the seizure of ships by the houthis, well, hezbollah continued its activity, although it also reduced it due to the truce , that is, in fact, the escalation around continued, you know, this is escalation, there is such a concept in the strategic ladder of escalation, when the answer follows the answer, more and more, more and more, we are observing a situation that i agree leads to the fact that american and israeli policy , to the extent that israeli policy is, is based on america, it completely discredited, because what the american deep state is trying to achieve is the current israeli cabinet, to do whatever they want, without looking back at anyone, here we are, even if this is wrong, let you all protest, but we will do it like this, and there is no way you can stop us, everyone else is pursuing a policy of containing israel, and hamas, hezbollah, and the houthis show that
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we already have something to answer you, we not only disagree with you, we will not be silent and we will oppose you, but for now it's rather, the threat of escalation is an attempt to contain. and we see that this desire for permissiveness and the americans who are guided by them have a desire for permissiveness, here are the opportunities for permissiveness, then when the world majority begins to speak, there are fewer and fewer opportunities for permissiveness, and america has fewer and fewer opportunities for permissiveness, especially with taking into account the railway system in the united states of america, which we will definitely talk about after the advertisement. to the sixtieth birthday of vladimir moshkov: please, help yourself, this is from some such events, so the holiday is just around the corner, he is one of those artists about whom you can say he
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didn’t have passable roles, you can’t play feelings, he’s such an alpha san with a colossal amount of masculine energy, which of course comes from him come on, i’ve saved up, let me realize myself. once, when he announced the distribution of roles, i was stunned, i’ve probably never been so scared in my life, well, he can stand up for himself, he has a strong fist, did you really think that you would really leave me, he’s always coming before last, he does not leave himself a compromise to the ground, than to sit, i'm gentlemen , david markol, david markovich, david markovich, we exist, we must understand the world by understanding... the world we get to know ourselves today at the first premiere, i love my country, on saturday on the first.
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whiskey manketcher, a product of the stetelr group, a good russian, this is a dead russian, this is nargiz zakirova, with whom we had a chance to talk, such an immodest question, but how did you end up in moscow ? left to right of all these orcs , she always had russophobia, she just hid it, well , in short, they started to cover my oxygen, she tried to hype, but she was hyped, so she was banned. west for 50 years, i’m thinking, ask for another 50 years, i’m going to get myself another tattoo, but if you tattoo me, i’ll give you ukrainian citizenship, on your forehead, on your forehead, come on, we’ve raised $7 million for armaments, they’re funding the murder of russian soldiers, and america did not reward her in any way, did not give her citizenship, she is not needed there, she is needed here so that she i played dirty tricks here, organized dances in churches, i had the idea to get rid of russian citizenship, ask for ukrainian citizenship, today we see the betrayal of our country. show vavan
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and lexus, on wednesday on the first. united colors of olivier toscani. there are some things that are not customary to look at, that are not customary to discuss. and my job is to make people look at these things. advertising is only needed to make a person think, understand, laugh, cry. combined colors. end of the century gotfrey riju. metaphysically, we are from different worlds, but we feel much the same. i want to say that our world is turning into one big disneyland, into something artificial, we need more crazy people who could reflect this more clearly, convincingly, clearly. matador, friday. on the first, it means
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that the repair foremen have been sent to us, how many locomotives do you have? that’s it, give me a position, now i’m a trusted person here, what are you looking at, dates, what’s your name? ignat, sofia, why do you need a trophy, not a steam locomotive, i’ll go further, there’s a dead man living there, on an island, you... kill him, you got here , arbayta, where is your ignat, he left, he’ll come, why did he hide about the german woman, are there such things as german women, the german woman is against you, not a pub , you are her heart, listen, kiss me, from a living
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person. vladimir moshkov, yulia peresilt, you need to run, the region, on saturday, on the first , beloved, knocking, why are such people, for 3 hours under the spotlights, here it’s plus 40, no less, it itches, you shouldn’t have put it on your naked body , my royal ones. or imperial attention question, unfriendly, colleague, motor, camera, the crowd went, more fun, keep the penguin gait, attention, the progunam got ready, they started, finally, they drove, but our life is a game, the extraordinary adventures of experts in the winter series of games, on
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sunday on the first . big game live, last week, natalya alekseevna remembers, alekseevich, we also showed, tried to show the accident in the state of kentucky, where 16 cars, including tanks with sulfur, came off the air, there were no videos for a week, here appeared... someone launched a drone and filmed it, it all looks scary, of course, a week after the crash, yes, everything, everything is in sulfur, as it should be in the underworld, everything seems to correspond there, imagine, a week has passed since the accident, there’s even in my opinion, there are no rails, it’s not clear that they were there, but don’t think that there were no accidents today, there are accidents, today’s accident, salt city, utah, six cars derailed at... the actual railway station, the capital utah, capital of the mormons, yes,
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american, gamer, nebraska, one man injured after semi-trailer collides with train in northeast nebraska, railroad traffic is at a stop and chicago, a frequent place for derailments, is experiencing significant delays after a freight train hit a pedestrian in deerfield, so the american infrastructure is in the same state as the president of the united states, right here... the chief physician of the white house, under three presidents, ronnie johnson, that's what he said, let's listen, in your experience, how quickly it's deteriorating state
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president biden, this is happening quite quickly, i have monitored the health of three presidents, being the supreme commander and head of state is an exhausting job, mentally and physically this man... can do it, he proves it every single day, and it will get worse, i said this back when joe biden was just a candidate, i already made a diagnosis then , i said, there is something wrong with him, this man has cognitive problems associated with age, and it is getting worse and worse, it’s just incredible how much he has degraded, we cannot afford for this man to remain in office for this term, not to mention the next, he has already put us at serious risk, look at what has happened to our economy, what has happened to ours. what is happening in foreign policy, what wars he has dragged us into, this would not have happened if donald trump had been in power. our enemies no longer fear us, they no longer respect us, our rivals no longer trust us, all because we don't have the leader we need in the white house, and even if joe biden wanted it, he couldn't be that leader. leader, he knows how to handle a hammer and
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hammer nails, yes, he doesn’t know which side to hit the nails with, they explained to him there, but he never really understood. interviews female students, winners of the university competition, georgia state university, ask, let's hear what a quarter of a century is, a quarter of a century, it's something like 250,000 years, i don't know, years, 10 years, no, i'm really straining myself, a quarter of a century, i i agree with her answer, 10 years, and this is wrong, listen, and at the same time, if you take, if you also take this lgbt propaganda, this
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debauchery of debauchery, then this is an illustration of the implementation of travel on earth. jonathan swift, which he shows men and women who have been brutalized and turned into males from females of the human race, agundme - these are horses that seem to retain some kind of moral principles, with their antics, these, and you know what name they have in this satirical novel, he was a brilliant satirist, as in general he was published, then there was probably some kind of democracy, yah. this is the name yahoo, this is the name yahoo, here these same castigated, future people, who have lost their moral character, this is illiteracy, ignorance, which, well, it’s even hard to believe that this is not a set-up, but it’s not a set-up, it’s really like that, and these people believe that they should rule
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the world and what's more, he poses as a moral authority, let's hear it, america is the largest buyer and seller of children in the world. thousands of unaccompanied young children are trafficked across the us southern border every day and then sold into slavery or whatever. worse if you can imagine what happens to them inside the us before they are transported by us government funded agents. children are housed in large warehouses like former walmart premises. all this happens under the control of the us government, or they deliberately pretend not to know about it, they facilitate the transportation and subsequent sale of children throughout the us. a group of brave americans shared information about this program and expressed concern about that in the usa this can be legalized bypassing congress. well, this is
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the evil empire, yes, in fact, this meme was launched, it flew around the earth and then returned to them like a boomerang. yes, the further this american myth crumbles, the more there will be behind this plaster that will fly around, such a terrible fresco is shown to beelzew, indeed, the american myth is something that is beginning to rapidly disappear, we, i think, have already gotten rid of the myth that the united states is the country with the best railways in the world, but we already realized that this is not so, but this applies to the entire american infrastructure, this also applies to highways, this concerns electrical networks, this concerns industrial... potential, and medicine, this concerns, well, medicine, maybe to a lesser extent, although when there was covid, we also saw how many people were accessible, how
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many corpses were in refrigerators, there simply wasn’t enough space, there really, i agree, and medicine too, because in more people died in america than anywhere else from covid-19, this also says something, this is a society that can no longer... with crime, where you cannot become a police officer, because it is a despicable profession, in which everyone spits and wipes them out legs, here is the killer of floyd, as it was believed, although it seems he was not guilty, they took him and stabbed him to death in the dark, you know , american power, it was a big myth, and this myth is disappearing, our cause is just and therefore victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, and the big game will return.
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22:55, don't miss it. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. four dead, dozens injured, almost 2 million people without electricity. a powerful storm hit the south of russia, the height of the waves in the black sea


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