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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  November 30, 2023 7:55pm-8:48pm MSK

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it became known that the germans were preparing a large-scale operation in tigeran. dear gevorg, all six umbrellas that you ordered for your father’s confectionery are ready, six umbrellas, and then i saw an army boot, they don’t wear those in iran, i wanted to shoot, but i hope we won’t shoot, i’ve been working for four years now, for this time i didn’t ask you for anything, we found these six german relatives, and the brothers will be someone else. drink some water! comrade stalin grinned as they led the six germans we found! hurray, why are they like this? flour? it’s already been 3 hours under the spotlights, here it’s plus 40, no less, it itches, you should n’t have put it on your naked body, we’re royal or imperial attention, question, don’t act like a fool, colleagues, camera, the crowd has started, it’s more fun holding the penguin.
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gait, attention, progunam, got ready, started, finally, waited, our zhikov in the winter series of games, on sunday at the first, well, at the end of the program about what we won’t win without, yes, of course, americans, anglo-saxons, evil the machinations of imperialism and so on, but the main guarantee of our victory... these are our soldiers who are fighting on the front line and people in the rear, whose son died as an officer in afghanistan, that is, imagine him over 90, he said, you are all asking what will happen when the war ends, and when the war ends, i told you, when you stop asking, so people help, i talked in may about a car that was made by people from engels, who sent it to the soldiers of the 56th assault regiment, it’s not based on something, it’s made just like this, it was knocked out in zaporozhye . when they were transferred to
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zaporozhye direction, she was hit, paw, repaired and returned back, people from engels, elena evisenko, many thanks for this and her colleagues, when everyone approaches it like this, then we will have everything, then we will win and screw them up programs for the doll of the heir to tuti, just to make everything even. in argentina, the new president is javier meley, his recipe for the country’s exit from the crisis is simple, surrender the sovereignty of the country to the american. here he
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immediately began to behave, and also break any ties with the traditional in his views russia, they advise themselves exclusively with their secret puppet masters, you will never guess who they are, but here are five menacing words of true democracy, who and why brought the crazy khaviem symbol to power in argentina. and how the coming to power of the next washington doll will change the balance of power in the countries of latin america and the whole world, let’s figure it out together, with you maria butin, this is the doll of the heir to tootie, oh, it’s no laughing matter, comrade, let’s begin. an economist with a chainsaw and a whole bunch of radical ideas. here, listen.
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i saw your state in hell, put it in yours. he announced his intention to abandon the national currency, the peso, and switch to the us dollar, and called for the complete abolition of the national bank, calling it the worst garbage that exists on earth. he dreamed of being a football player, but he didn’t have enough zeal, he wanted to be a rock musician, but it didn’t work out, even though bakenda, like elbosle, gave the names of famous economists, milton, friedman, robert lucas and murray rothbord. who it? an evil clown or dangerous eccentric gambler who makes unrealistic promises to build a prosperous, strong argentina, free from the influence of a centralized state, we understand the state as a criminal organization, as a violent organization that lives by robbing private people, and we believe that society lives much better without the state than with it, the programs on television, its non-trivial charisma had long ago penetrated the screen of argentine voters, so the rest was just a matter of technique. but the fact that the show
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looks eccentric, in politics falls more under the definition of a freak, an ultra-libertarian, a star with radical views, an aggressive brute, a social conservative, a supporter of the american right and even an anarcho-capitalist destroyer , while passionately kissing his sister, and is clearly very dependent on the feminine principle, however, remembering eva peron, a feeling quite historically characteristic of argentines. to be honest, comrades, i’m shocked, the world has never seen anything like this, nevertheless, it seems that the matter is serious, because miley is the president of an entire
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state, but first, let’s get to the elections let's move on to how people could support such a character, well, you still need to understand that , of course, such characters do not appear because of a good life, let's say, yes, not years ago they were also very difficult, yes, that is, now, for example , inflation in argentina is around 140%, the pessa exchange rate is already falling there by more than 1,000 of these same pesas per dollar, and so on, that is, the economy is really in a very serious crisis, this of course, well, has led to the fact that this is traditional for argentina the establishment of the last decades - these are usually either center-right or center-left, piranists, well, in general, they have lost confidence in the eyes of the population. in many ways, yes, because they couldn’t handle the situation before the default, the center-leftists, piranists, and mr. fernandez came to power, but also, in general, the situation is not improving, it’s only getting worse, and of course, when such a situation, well, actually arises, it appears window of opportunity in the country for a certain outsider candidate to appear, a radical either on the left or on the right, but in this case
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on the right, yes, who offers the population in fact, a simple training manual, let’s destroy everything, and then build our new wonderful world, well, of course, it doesn’t work like that, but when you’re so desperate... well, it really works sometimes, especially as we understand, yes , well, the emergence of such right-wing populists, outsiders, maybe partly eccentric politicians for the new world is already becoming a kind of tradition , we already mentioned donald trump, well, there is jaer bolsonaro, yes, who was elected at one time at the end of seventeen eighteen brazil, i spent 4 years there as president , it’s clear that i think that mr. meley differs from them in that he is the most eccentric, and probably the most radical in his views, for example, well, how would we, russia and russia cooperate quite normally in the balsonara era, with this comrade, i think that, by the way, things may not work out, that is, in essence, it was probably like in america, when trump won, it was more likely a vote against hillary than for trump, and here the same thing, against the current government, and then for anyone, well
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wait, more than half of the population supported him, does he really reflect their view, the youth, can i explain a little, because his whole life says, now i ’ll kill the state, i’ll be cool, i’m so hyper-ultra. an anarchist, but we must not forget that he came to a certain soil, this soil was already fertilized by other politicians and he became the one for whom they consciously voted, some voted for anyone, about 26% half of the electorate consciously voted for him for those transformations which he promised, he an anarchist, he proposes, they believe that the state is their main enemy , you know, i lived for some time in argentina, i assume that... i know these people in several ways, well, that’s what we are talking about their express , she is not such an external character, inside, they are quite collected, reserved, well, yes, they really love talk shows, so what happens is that they have, you know, some kind of faith in santa claus, what does this mean, a person will come, which time he will do it, miley,
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unlike everyone else, he didn’t say how he did it will do, he came and said that guys , if everything will be fine with you, everyone else tried to explain that we will do it like this, like this, well, that is, there were some grounds for... this or that change, that is, they they tried to explain somehow, but he came with a saw, miley, absolutely , he didn’t explain anything, they were waiting for this santa claus they got from him, but i’m afraid that they got a dictator, this is called a pure populist, that is, he in general -speaking and does not pretend to have any depth, he says, that's why you call them crap? well, these are, for example, collectivists who defend an idea, you confuse them because they are crap, no, if you think so. otherwise, they will destroy you, that's the point, well, that is, you can't give up a millimeter to the slivak, you give in, that's it, you're gone , you can't negotiate with the livak, no negotiations, no negotiations with this crap, no, otherwise they will take it away you have everything, let's say they have one of these, he
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's wrapped in a green scarf all the time , he curses neoliberalism, they hide it, or let's say someone pesters someone to another, journalist to another journalist, they are all these deviations, if you on the other hide everything that is happening with them, hide on the side, they will cripple you, kill you, beat you with anything, it costs them nothing to destroy your life. why everything? because you think differently, we become as good as them, we crush them in the cultural battle, we gain the upper hand, because we not only work better than them, but we are also morally superior to them. look, this is typical behavior of javier, now it it has become typical when he is so bright, aggressive, all these facial expressions, but here he is giving an interview to tucker carlson, it seems that this is a different person.
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am i ready to give my life for the ideals of freedom, and i am ready, i want to be the embodiment of this way of life, living in freedom, i think that slavery is a horrific concept, and i will fight for the ideals of freedom, as long as it takes, whatever the consequences, oh how interesting, yes, he has such a psychopathy , the filling is... secondary, it is important for him to be against everyone, that is, what malik is talking about now, essentially a feast during the plague, that is , the country has 140% inflation, argentina is on the verge of poverty, at this moment these statements, costumes and everything else, but the people accept it, so this is surprising, well, this is a political science project, these are two sides of the same coin, the people are given what the people are given, a new, young one who will change everything, it seems to me that the script was generally written in the same place, the main problem is the economy, 148%
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inflation means the one who is being pushed to the people of argentina, first of all, there must be an economist, secondly, to shout even brightly, this is already filling the election campaign, he offered everyone everything they need, well, look, in the same election campaign, a ban on abortion and, if earlier the americans offered for latin america has sticks, not carrots. they had a dictatorship, they had a junta for argentina, for brazil, for other countries, now they are offering such a stick, but wrapped in carrots, because this person will be a very tough leader, just like zelsky, who was so affectionate and kind, established the most terrible dictatorship on the territory of ukraine, it’s interesting, listen, from the point of view of political technologies, when a television expert receives political power, and we will see it, and we will enjoy it, we will enjoy it, argentinean the people... will conditionally suffer. in fact, this man is deeply unhappy, he
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monetized his personal tragedy very well and actually reached the peak of his career, well, pretending, pretending, this is a rocker who later became work as an economist, then became a writer, a tv expert there, and so on, and boom , he’s the president, and the argentine people, who were simply tired of their establishment, they just voted for the cats, did you notice how tucker has two different people. in public, this is indeed a very experienced player who will exploit the image of a villain, but is he a leader or a follower? he is a follower, of course, a follower, and he is not a player, he is an artist, the players stand behind him, an economist, he is a doctor of economic sciences, that is, a scientist, with such expressive dancing on stage and so on and so forth, this is natural, his artistic talent, but you know, in order to understand who mr. miley is, you can look at
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how the soviet union collapsed, and then, i think, we’ll see, for this whole story, and we will remember, because we were being destroyed by the same one , this gentleman is coming in, and the same players stood behind messrs. chubais, behind mr. miley, so what we are seeing today is a bank that is behind... famous black rock company, yes, that is, which we we heard a lot in the information space, and look at the same macron, who is macron, macron is the rothschild bank, that is, they are the same, that is, this is another target, a new state, a target, and the technologies are the same, i propose to ours analysis add a short story about childhood. javier miley grew up in the cozy house of villa devoto, a residential area in buinos ariis that is now dotted with. organic supermarkets and hipster cafes. his father was originally a bus driver. finally bought it
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fleet of buses, it is not clear with what money, and then founded a financial company and a small real estate company, according to juan, the calmer called him crazy. he bragged to friends about how he raised his son with a belt. in an interview, miley recalls that when he was 11 years old, his father beat him for his lack of patriotism so severely that his sister, who is 3 years younger, fainted at the sight of what happened. the mother was there. complicit in child abuse, she was a housewife known with his impeccable hairstyle, and his father often being absent from high school, javier miley was considered strange, even by the goalkeeper's classmates, eduardo the greek. a former football coach said that miley had the nickname of a crazy woman, he threw himself so fearlessly at the ball that sometimes he even hurt himself, many of his friends believe that javier is no longer the same person they knew, he was never as evil as appears today, since 2018, miley has been increasingly invited to television and radio shows to entertain the audience, where he often performed his hit tantric bomb, revealing his physiological
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abilities. eduardo eurnekian, owner of milliarder corporation america, controlled several. helped meley on his path to glory, but now there is conflict between them after rernikyan told emley that argentina will not tolerate another dictator. and so it turns out that the path to glory lies through a huge tragedy in the family, please tell me, victor, in latin america itself, you are quite deeply immersed in this topic, how they look at it, well, the argentines in latin america, they are a special people, they are almost one hundred percent a nation of emrants, argentina has always been accustomed to feeling accidentally like... america is european, in this sense their mentality is more like italian or spanish, but in main america, well , there are those who are delighted , there are right-wingers, chilean, brazilian, mexicans who are delighted, there are those who clutch their heads in horror , both those who think he’s crazy and those who do n’t like it, it’ll end, we just need argentina,
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it’s only just arrived, in fact, in ecuador just quite eccentric right, the young one won too... in relation to javier, the interesting story is the following: this song came from his family, in general , a libertarian should be for equality of freedom for everyone, yes, but javier hates women, and he says so himself , let's listen, i didn't fully understand how lower taxes would be paid, in 2019, the ministry of women and diversity was created in this country for the first time, what does this ministry do? then it’s gone, painting a bench red or writing a song doesn’t really solve the problem.
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women may suffer. one of the greatest achievements of liberalism is equality before the law, the creation of this type of ministry, the question is why there are no similar rights for men, and i wonder what’s next, if you listen to his rhetoric, that is, he, for example, which is generally incredible for a person extreme right-wing views, will oppose abortion, this is so inconsistent with the concept of a classical libertarian that , frankly, it causes a certain... you know , if you look at his signature, all those who are involved in this will say that this is a person is not a systemic psyche, that is, i don’t know what he will say tomorrow, i also tried to study his biography, and we know, we all know only one story, when his father beat him and his sister went to the hospital, why am i even positioning this
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, just this and nothing more, and you know what the beatings are connected with , i’ll tell you what a sick story the argentines have, you know what a sick story they have, these are... the islands, the fact that they were taken away from them, so so he and dad seemed to have a conflict just because of this story, then there is a certain nod towards the electorate, further, it shows his relationship with i don’t think why fatima flores at all, what does she have to do with it, yes, so you know, this is some kind of fading television functionary who was shown everywhere before, now less so, and what is she known for, why and why she was shown, and i know why, because she parodied mrs. kirchner. a short story about this, so that our viewers can figure out who is there, who, who loves whom, or not, the current elected president of argentina has become a forty-two-year-old bright and original actress fatima eugenia flores, a star who suffered from anorexia in her youth, comedian and bikini lover , who gained widespread popularity in the country thanks to a parody of the vice president of argentina cristina fernandez de kershner,
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flores was born on february 3, 1981 in the city of vicente lopez province . and buinos aires, her father was an architect and her mother a geography teacher, as a child she parodied the teacher, norma kaufman, who wrote on the blackboard with gloves on due to an allergy to chalk and had a special way of speaking. already at the age of 17, flores joined the theater troupe of the argentine musician peppa cibrian compoy, where for two years she performed as a dancer and worked as a choreography assistant in such famous productions as harbun of noterdam, dracula and king david. floris won the love of argentines not only with his acting. but also with numerous candid filming of the program of actress mirta egrand, then they began to show each other signs of attention with compliments and gentle touches, a few months later in august... 2023, argentine journalist marina calabro made an official statement about their romance. has this romance become a successful part of the election show or is it love?
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it’s interesting that this is all a freak show? of course, they met even ours met there , i don’t see him, his stories about his hypersexuality, while he lives with his dogs, which he cloned, among other things, because he doesn’t trust anyone, he’s deeply traumatized, he trusts yes to his sister, because she is henzel and gretel, they fought together all their lives against baba ega, yes, but again, his relationship with his sister, they don’t look like sisterhood, and i understand that this is all done for show, we don’t have any videos or information at all, where they met on it not publicly, look, he also says that he is a scientific figure, he is positioned everywhere like that, i looked in scopus, scopus is like a kind of... aggregator of articles by scientists from all over the world, i say this very rudely, he has only one article there, this brilliant film expert has one article and that doctor of science, yes for a second, doctor
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of science, we have a candidate, so you know, to say, to get a phd , you have to be conditional, you accept malingerers, but you are a malingerer, i feel good, i have nothing, well , you gave me clients, i struggled for six hours, katyusha, how are you? the heroic surgeon deserves a cup of coffee, he has a new nurse in surgery, so he won’t miss his chance, the mood is zero, hello, strong alcohol, a lot of nurses have passed through me, and tough competition, get used to it, i brought a lot of women here, in batches, i you like me, and i like you too, i won’t let you be near her anymore i saw that it’s unpleasant for me to contact your lovers, i mean, some guy asked you.
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and what did he look like, why are you yelling at me, ask the nurse, today mancatcher whiskey is a product of the stetel group , combined colors by olivier toscani, there are some things that are not customary to look at, that are not customary to discuss, and my job is, to make people look at these things. advertising is only needed to make a person think. the end of the century according to godfrey reggio. metaphysically, we are from different worlds, but we feel much the same. i want to say that our world is turning into one big disneyland, into something artificial, we need more crazy people who could reflect this more clearly, convincingly, clearly. matador is on the first tomorrow, you are friends right now, and we are already writing, yes, evgenia medvedeva and your
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marusya, and i’m like, cat, now in general, well , tell me, what else will be exclusive, many of the shots that were included in the film, this is my first time in my life i saw under what conditions it was, nowhere, i was not there, i disappeared, get dressed somehow, it was also hard to express myself in life, i was always dissatisfied , i have two mothers this winter, you can’t come to me on a crooked goat, i believe, podcast lab, tomorrow on the first, everything that you have in life me, everything that is the joy of every day, everything that i promise with my destiny. you can’t love your homeland and not know the culture, geography, history, it’s impossible, welcome to tajikistan
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, thank you, moms, you drew this , look, how many flatbreads do you make a day, 2000, 2000, they told me that.. this is a man is punishable by law, and in the event of a divorce, the second wife receives nothing at all. everyone involved in wrestling must seriously monitor their diet. of course, a strict diet and a prescribed diet. and if you invite a girl to a restaurant, are you going to sit and nibble on a cucumber, or what? no, i just don't invite girls to restaurants. the lives of others. premiere on sunday on the first. what kind of figure is this? the new president of argentina , javier miley, why did the argentines choose him, and most importantly, why did the puppeteers stage him and can they really do it?
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control, i propose to include one more person in our conversation, we have a special guest in the studio, he is argentinian , works in russia and will directly tell you that i think that these young people have no future, i think that people are just tired, and this is the only alternative, and when was the last time you were in argentina, the last time i was in argentina was 4 years ago, but in general... yes, the standard of living is not very good, people who work one job, if there are four families, in order to exist normally, the minimum income 1500 pesos, this is of course very little, and pensioners, if they do not receive help from their children , it is very difficult for them to survive, you say that you were in argentina 4 years ago,
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please tell me, how popular was miley with politicians in argentina then? well, he simply did not exist, he was nobody. and we, about sister mileya. karina meley, younger sister of javier meley, the elected president of argentina. karina is 51 years old, she and her brother have been working for 10 years; she used to be involved in the family business, but today her trip of the day is completely focused on her brother's political career. do you always have to have someone? to whom can i report, in my case, i report to my sister,” miley said on lnp, after being elected as a deputy, my brother abandoned the striped design in official clothes and bought javier five suits in different gray shades, karina was responsible for drawing lots in the elections and was always there with your brother , talk to karina, it's the same as talking to me, those who know them claim that they complement each other very well, although he is political
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animals, and she is considered the soul of the project. like her brother, karina also has no children, she lives in a tower , vicentia lopez declared several blocks away that they were dead to him, it was his sister who was able to try them on, during the quarantine during the pandemic , the economist moved to his parents to help them . karina took care of her mother, and javier took care of his father, who, according to him, beat him as a child. an interesting woman, it’s interesting that she has fairly close ties with america, she tries. keep a low profile though it would seem that the age of female politics, charisma, besides this, she did not have any specific experience, one can assume that mele is still an economist, and he bases his election campaign on this, the question was, yes, i have exactly the question , well, since you live in russia, i can somehow figure out that you may be involved in joint russian-argentine projects, maybe trade, and so on, that’s how
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the election, in your opinion, can affect this area , judging by what he said in his political company, nothing good should be expected, he said that he was going to sever ties with russia, with china, that is, in fact with the brix countries, in fact, russia had long-term ties with argentina, russia was the first to send the vaccine to argentina during covid, my parents took me as a companion, so it’s hard to say anything. he really is, he is a puppet, and we know whose puppet, whose he is, who controls america, it was in russian, thank you very much, but really, his sister is connected with the united states, but also the figure of another person is more interesting, you remember what he says, he says: we will disperse everyone, that means the ministers, we will remove everything, but there is a person in power, the most direct
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relation to america, and something here smacks of a real puppet master, a small story about this . and victoria vellaruel, vice president of argentina, was born on april 13 , 1975, her grandfather was a historian, served in the argentine navy, survived four guerrilla attacks, her father was an officer in the argentine ground forces. in 2008 , she took a course in interdisciplinary training located at the base national defense university in washington. i'd like to reflect on your promises to see if you can actually keep them. do you think at this point you can still keep your promises. there are a lot of people who are very happy about your victory, but there are also people who are concerned, so we want to ask you questions, such as the issue of arms provision that you included in the election campaign. do you plan to implement this law of internal security of national defense will be under the control of victoria villarue.
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it will be. an event in the history of argentina when the vice president will gain power and will lead two ministries that are very important for argentina. we're working on homeland security act reform, national defense act reform. how interesting, that is, in fact, the very first decision he makes, he assigns all functions, the most important, to military intelligence academies, this very smacks, very similar to a curator, look, an anarchist goes to power, suddenly he has it appears party, this is a lot of money, it doesn’t just happen, after that he gets one of the most popular women in argentina, also for a reason, after that he gets a program, he is dragged to the presidency, he wins right away, by chance, well, one more fact, the main thesis according to which history will study what javier
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meley is doing, what he is now bringing to the world, in argentina the president who wants to dollarize the argentine economy won, there is now a trend all over the world, everyone is abandoning the dollar in in argentina they believe that the dollar is the future, he also talks about the abandonment of the state, that is, dolarization, the destruction of the state , he will not talk yet, he will talk about the dollar, but the most interesting thing is that he will only talk, he will do in this plan nothing will happen, is it interesting, let’s go back to this woman, after all, what kind of educational institution is she graduating from? educational institutions in which he undergoes training, the career of career diplomats, the career of the same intelligence officers, but with what connection, because look, if we are talking about the fact that there is a washington regional committee, then this washington regional committee, it forms its personnel,
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forms it very correctly, so you show a certain crazy person, well, from the outside, here is any normal person, look at him, i i wouldn’t vote for him, for me he’s obviously unpleasant, but on the contrary, here the bet is made on the contrary, they vote for him because he’s just like that, the president doesn’t vote, he doesn’t come to power and says i’m giving up power, you know, i’ll just bring parallel when this happened, it was similar, but conditionally in the united states of america, when bush jr. came, when the figure of chenia appeared, when bush , by and large, says, listen, can you really help me with these security forces, i don’t like all these generals so much, he he says, not a question, but you understand that these are not my powers, he says, listen, do and work, here we see that now that the united... states of america, by and large , are beginning to return the countries of latin america, and i will remind , there are 20 of them, population 660 million, this is a serious request, in argentina there are almost 47 million. i would note that they are starting to return them in a special perverted
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form, because with every political figure, be it viktor yushchenko, be it mikheil saakashvili and so on, there was always a woman, and same services, american ones, so... this is no exception , yes, indeed, this is meschke’s cat, according to the law of the political genre, he will definitely change himself, most likely he will really surrender the country to the americans, in fact, he got to this position so quickly, he got in order for this to do, what he said before doesn’t mean absolutely nothing, he will change the agenda now, but the only thing that awaits him and this is guaranteed is a war of the elites in argentina, they will give it interesting, that is , it turns out that he has us around they found at least three figures who... could potentially control him, this is his girlfriend, this means his mistress, this is his sister, who obviously acts as a technologist, protects him from his parents, and this is this mysterious woman, the vice president , veliarel, who receives full power
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above the security forces, there are fourth, but who? and you know, you immediately began to deny that the figurine financed, in fact, it was his vice president, and the money went through arnikyan, the money went through his port... facilities, that is, the transfers came from his subsidiaries who are located in america and serve the airports there, nothing alarms you, you had a fight with the person who gives money to your vice president, it’s funny, and then he hushed up his scandal, getting shallow with corruption in the party, they traded in places, and directly absolutely, not even embarrassed, then he becomes president , he remembers this story, the scandal suddenly disappears, well, really, really, of course, of course, i agree with everything. indeed, his vice president has quite problematic ties to america. another thing is that, of course, the argentine armed forces and the special services are in such a deplorable state that it seems to me, you know, this would rather be a disastrous position for her, and of course we will also see how, in principle, all his ministers will remain in power, that's why
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that we already see a large number of people who he wanted for himself, who will now gain maximum political points from the presidency of mr. miele, i mean, of course, mauricio macri, yes, that ’s very much himself - he stayed for some time president, he was not a very successful one, but he had a presidential term, he actually brought the country to default when he made the ill-fated decision to take a 60 billion dollar loan from the imf under financial conditions... this then, of course , backfired, this is the man with whom miley i immediately met people who need to be placed in a variety of positions, and with some of these characters, mr. meley immediately agreed, for example, there is the minister of finance, he will do, if i’m not mistaken , the person who was vice president in the era of macri, then yes, this is his person, and by the way, the connection with the americans is also interesting, this is a former finance morgan, that is , there are a very large number of economists, bankers and financiers, so in his office there will be this... this time, secondly, that 50
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airports throughout south and latin america, plus he worked in a structure at the world bank, these are two, as for this corporation america, it itself is represented in davos, that is, of course, there are very, very decent connections there, i think that the connections are working, well, the third point is the work of miley himself in the english bank hsbc, yes, because it is, after all, blackrock blackrock, but this is old english money, this is one of the most influential english banks, this is a very important story, and then what... the man who america becomes the president of argentina, well, i think, of course, there was an english trace here, it is clear that he is now trying , of course, to build a certain screen, yes, he says a lot about the fact that let's return the faukland islands, which the argentines consider the molvina islands , i think that of course none of this will happen, but you need to understand that the previous government, but the kirchnerists, mr. fernandez, they worked very hard to ensure that the raise the question of the molvina islands belonging to argentina, the european union recognize these islands as molvinas, that is, they actively worked on this, but at one
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point the government changed, i think that now , of course, all this will stop, and as for the connection with america, that’s all quite interesting, yes, because we talk a lot about the fact that there are certain connections, but we see that, for example, mr. miley, he speaks very negatively about the figure of the current us president joe biden, it is said that this is the enemy of america, he is a terrible person, he must definitely lose the election and leave, he is an ardent fan of donald trump, yes, they will be best friends with meley, here relations will be normal, but not without leaving beyond a certain framework, but for american business, for american financial structures , of course, a golden time may come, but miley will not carry out the most radical reforms that he promised to do, yes, he obviously will not close all ministries, he will not give up the best, and he did the minister of finance of the person who said that of course, we will not touch this, like the head of the central bank, who also immediately refused this, i think that there is not even any pre-emption of argentine property, and here of course, guys, like the english bank also cbc or maybe on the part of the americans, blackrock, vanguard, hash funds, they may
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be able to generally make good money on this, but still, the chinese factor in this case should not be canceled either, because the dollarization of the argentine economy is not yet happening, but yuanization in the argentine economy, it has already happened , that is, argentina’s foreign exchange reserves are mainly in yuan, the argentine economy is supported by chinese loans, business is mainly argentine, that is, china here also has really serious opportunities to influence this situation, so this is the confrontation on the one hand between the united states, the united kingdom, and which will decide the outcome of the future of argentina as a state; in essence , this reminds me very much of the ukrainian situation, because it resembles such a free all the resource base, that is, in short, distribute everything to everyone, after a short advertisement we will analyze the role of the mysterious puppeteers of the president of argentina. so how many locomotives have you sent to us? that’s it, stepan, give me
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a position, now there’s a proven person here, it will be, what are you looking at, what’s your name? ignat, sofia, why do you need it? a trophy, no, kill him again, we got here. where is your ignat? he left, he will come, why did he hide about the german woman? are there really german women like that? the german woman is against you, not the pub. you are her heart. the edge, on saturday, on the first. he knocks, well, just in time.
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so he left, having spoken out, leonid kuravlev was adored by the audience, he got great roles, each was a masterpiece, but by the end of his life he was tired of attention and did not want to see even those who were seemingly closest to him, he was squeezed, the feast was just like that, that’s when the crowd - this always scares me a little. he spent his last days in a hospice, and before that he lived for many months in a boarding house for the elderly, which everyone learned about only after his hospitalization. dad was a contradictory person; dad had mood swings. it's already hard for me recall. our exclusive - the home archive of the people's artist and the son of the legendary actor vasily kuravlev breaks the silence. he is ready to answer all questions. why did the father end up in the boarding house, did he want to? on saturday on the first. the palm is open; under no circumstances should it be clenched into a fist. the only place where there could be a gun is in the left hand under the napkin. we can avoid the opening of a second front only if we decapitate the leadership of countries hostile to us with one blow. it became
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known that the germans are preparing a large-scale operation in tigeran. dear gevorg, all six umbrellas meant six paratroopers. you’re in charge, you have to be the smartest, the most careful, whether they’re germans or not, then i saw an army boot, they don’t wear those in iran, i wanted to shoot, but i hope we won’t shoot, i’ve been working for four years now, for this time i didn’t ask you for anything, we found these six germans of birth, and someone else will take it, drink some water, the eightieth anniversary of the tehran conference, on sunday on the first, one shell fire, a shot, modern combat is like a chess game, you can never lose your mind here, two tanks, five armored vehicles, and we have one alyosha there, behind this forest stand there is a lie,
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our guys went to about that area, get out, get out, we’ll take the equipment now, restore it, rum, give me the montage, a little up, more, more, more, more, just look, such a huge unit , the heart of the tank, guys, it’s ready, that’s it, let ’s start it for testing, let’s go, time has chosen us, not everyone should be here himself for himself, here one for all all for one, premiere, special report, the living heart of the tank, on sunday, on the first, give him a brief description, professional qualities , smart, so, good reaction, brilliant command of the german language, i was born in a ural village, i am from a peasant family, he
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seems rather weak to me, too i’m very eager to add, gentlemen, what’s the matter? eliminating the koch is of great political importance, and is it worth risking such valuable agents for the sake of eliminating the koch? based on real events, a real intelligence officer should be ready for anything, like you i fell in love with him like a cat, you get pleasure, maria butina is with you again , this is a doll: the last catuti, and is he so naive, the new argentine president, a madman, maybe all the pathos and eccentricity is just dust in the eyes, let’s find out together. in fact, he has very complex connections with the american corporation, he really had a fight, i’m not really in charge of the chinese, not the british, there are connections with the british, but they won’t come to
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argentina, because they also won’t agree on this issue with the american monopolies that have more opportunities simply no one will be allowed there, there are many others in line before them, and he worked like that for just about anyone, he worked as a consultant to the current ambassador of argentina to china, mr. socioli, who was a candidate from the pianists in the presidential elections, he sold well, he is now really saying that there will be no delarization, with russia, in fact, i will not order anyone to break off relations, with china, we, in fact, you misunderstood me, he has no foreign policy program at all, he has already begun to play it back, he is already public stated both this and the third, i have a question for you , brix, because one of the most important statements that he made, he said that he was about to break off all relations with brix, is he serious, or will he also act out? this, this is fake, obviously it is not that both brazil and china are argentina's main trading partners. it is clear that you can take money from the americans, but this is not the money that
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argentina needs, they need long-term money at a cheap interest rate, china can provide this, so leaving the brix, refusing to integrate into brix automatically means a sharp deterioration in relations with brazil and china, including russia, to take such drastic steps that simply mean argentina’s refusal to integrate into brix, this means a revision of the decisions that were taken in august of this year to expand the brix, breaking this process is probably in the interests of the americans, but this is absolutely contrary to the interests of argentina itself, so well... most likely, argentina will still join the brix, another thing is that what format and what degree of integration will be, but we will see, but in principle , yes, you are absolutely right, the americans would like to... make it a less important and less significant association there is a global economy, so the american
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game is obviously visible here, you you know, this is a very scary scenario, they actually have a scenario waiting for them, because most likely there will be intra-literal showdowns , because someone will pull brix, someone will pull to america, this will be the first thing, the second thing to do in ukraine and the situation in argentina, where javier miley won, like zelensky, he spoke a lot.
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