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tv   PODKAST  1TV  December 2, 2023 1:30am-2:16am MSK

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this is really a situation that causes some bewilderment, if , again, you don’t understand the context of the era, how much they had gotten by that time, it’s just that, in fact, of course, he probably didn’t feel very well, i there was even a feeling that in the image of the master, well, it was him, essentially to himself, it is clear that this master looks so pitiful, he is sick all the time, whines about how poor he is, how unhappy he is, and looking at margarita, which appears in the novel as sexual... somehow, it is clear that an energetic, exceptional woman, of royal blood, yes, as volland says about her, she is so madly passionate about this master, who, oh my god, what are you talking about, let us give you headers, in one of the reactions, in one of the editions it is directly said about the transmigration of souls , when they call her queen margot, that is , i mean margarita nava, now i’m not talking about margarita, i want to talk about the master, sonya, why such a man is in general category c, as he appears in the novel. and why is he so
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important to margarita? didn't let her go, maybe some kind of maternal feeling towards him, maybe she wanted to help him, but that is, she was really tormented by this, that they were separated, that how could this be so, but that’s not why azazel came to her, he would have come to her anyway came because she is of special royal blood and a person named margot should be the queen of the ball, right? well, yes, well, because a witch is a question of blood, the most difficult question, that is, it’s a given, yeah, you can’t choose it, but here, yes, here ’s the master, there’s also this story that, along with it, they had this story rake, why did bulgakov see himself this way, because a master - one might say, bulgakov sees himself? no, well, this, no, no, i don’t think that this is an autobiographical image in any way, that’s the point, the point is that as bygakov writes, creates a homunkovo, as he himself would say, yes, he creates a new form of novel
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, a mystical novel, from three components, from three pillars, from politics, mysticism and eroticism, yes, it seems to me that the erotic line is the weakest line of master margarita, i think, because he is more of a lover than erotic, there he writes erotic thoughts, well, i don’t mean erotica as erotica, there as something sensual, but rather as an eternal literary term, he writes, live, of course, to elena sergeevna, who is directly producing this novel. yes , even at the time of its writing , it’s very difficult to write about unfinished relationships about love ones, and piro is out of tune and cautious, which is why the line of master margarita seems to me in time to analyze the weakest , it seems to me in the novel, but nevertheless in itself, the idea itself, this twisted homunku, yes, this is interesting , it’s interesting that everything is carried by women, that is, margarita - this is a very powerful image, it launches movement, plots and plots and so
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on, and the master - he’s such a bit of an added character , who appears like this - an unfortunate object of margarita's love, in general, as he appeared , he disappears, nothing much by the author, the author of the gospel of pilate, yes, but in this gospel there is also the main pilate, that is, there, in fact, jesus , yeshua in the novel, appears completely conditionally, he has literally a couple of lines and... basically it’s pilate and his inner external life, that is, pilate, as you say, the image of a ruler, yes, yes, the image of, well , frankly, let’s say, comrade stalin, who i’m still powerless in the face of some external stories, i’m listening to you, for me , i felt it all differently, that is , i have a complete feeling, well, such a simple esoteric picture of everything, yeshua and pilate, and why this is all so, and what this novel calls for, uh, and i don’t see it
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stalin, i see the depth in this, but if we are talking about jesus, this is an attempt, well, like volenda’s gang, yes, how they give people the choice of the opportunity to somehow behave, whether to be a bastard or not, because this there is always a choice, people are given a choice, no one will ever do anything for us, depending on the choice, we get some kind of result, well , like cat or paradise, yes, you can be a bad person, you can be a good person, the understanding does too there is a choice, he makes it, so cowards are the most terrible human threshold, which then torments him, and this is about forgiveness, because christ, because god will forgive a person in any case, and this is about choice and this is about repentance, when we disagree with each other a little, this is completely normal, stalin is there, if we at least take the context of the era, well in any case, he is present there, although for the younger generation this may not be important, in fact, it may even be good. but for them
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everything is fine, no, thank god, don’t burden it. because it’s not that he’s not there, but that woland wasn’t written from him, that’s what it is not, well, no, maybe there are paint features, but it’s not that this is a completely and completely conveyed image so that it doesn’t go without saying, well, of course, of course , he doesn’t paint portraits, i agree with that, of course, that the podcast is a must read, i am aglaana batnikova, today we are discussing the novel by mikhail afanasvich bulgakov, master margarita... my guest is sonia gorova, an esotericist, and alexey kolobrodov, a writer and literary critic, a specialist on bulgakov. let's discuss this, there is such a sign, that the master and margarita cannot be filmed, it cannot be staged, all sorts of bad incidents begin
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to happen, someone dies, the picture goes on the shelf, some kind of fire happens, what do you think, maybe, why this information should not reach the masses. bortka shot the series, but he is an absolute atheist, he shot it like a great novel without any esoteric paint, well, i watched the series, i do n’t, well, for me, no, for me, that’s not it, but first of all, why, secondly, how, because it is impossible to show, since it is written, by the way, i agree, it either has to be, well, just some crazy budgets for it all to be really worthy. what kind of woman can become a margarita you could be i'm not sure, thank you, of course, there are two russian film adaptations, that famous yuri kara, which was on the shelf for 17 years not because of some censorship, but because of a disagreement
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between the producers, well again , different things happened that you started talking about, it seems to me that this is the same film completely calmly moving from one to another, so there’s also not much to say there at all. that’s why, as it were, there is mythology in many ways, by the way, elena sergeevna, for all her merits, she was very fond of some mythological plots, so she invented it in many ways, and the director naumov, naumov, yes, who shot the completely legendary film adaptation of beck, yes, according to pikhakova , he was in contact with elen sergeevna a year before her death, so he also somehow got infected from her, because he said that she came to him... came at night, after death, in a dream at night, well, sonya will say it's real it was, in general, we also won’t be able to object , so she said that someone was going to film, someone was going to film, she says, volodya, calm down, there will be no film adaptation in general, and from there - it reminds me of the story about costaneda
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, he did not want his works to be filmed, even filini approached him with this proposal, but every time costaneda staged some kind of hoax, smeared some room with blood or sent some... relatively speaking, a witch from his retinues, in general, everything, because costaneda does not wanted to see on the screen some actor who portrays himself, perhaps elena sergeevna did not want margarita to be portrayed, some kind of jealousy was working in her, because any balgakovsky material, well, flies into the cinema magnificently, it just simply becomes immortal classic, ivan vasilyevich gaidai, and by the way, so many years have passed. all the new year, the whole country is watching this ivan vasilyovich changes his profession and doesn’t even know that this is a play , unfortunately, yes, but there are very serious meanings there, just because there is, there is a play bliss, from which ivan vasilyevich simply grew, which he wrote for the theater of satire,
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and ivan vasilyevich was almost staged, this is like evidence of that very imperial turn that comrade stalin began to make in thirty-four, this is the idea that criminal miloslavsky... there was a beep in the newspaper, there were ilf and petrov , there were kataev, that is , in this beep, one might say, all intellectual and literary thought was concentrated, why is bulgakov, who worked together with ilf and petrov, credited with the golden calf, you know, now that i’m re-reading master margarita, i thought, well, it’s just a copy, the same style, there is such a story, moreover, we know two fundamental myths for russian literature,
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yes, that yesenin did not commit suicide , someone killed him, and that shovukhov was not written by a quiet don, but a variety of comrades wrote there, and the third most important is bugakov, the author of twelve chairs and... calf, well, such a more or less literate lady, literature, irina amlinsky, wrote a whole book, one way or another reasoned, and more famous character, dmitry galkovsky, writer, philosopher, in general, at one time. there is quite a lot in defense of this idea, me too, what do you think? i think that in general, you need to understand the context a little , there are two points here, the first is that it was one company, the second, when bulgakov began writing the master margarita, i told you, 29, the year i met ilena sergeevna, by the way, 12 stuy has already been released and has been a huge commercial success, it’s already a bestseller, in twelve stuy this moscow already appears, izvoshchichi’s, house manager’s, a wonderful novel about moscow, yes, yes, izvoshchicha, house manager, loudspeakers, colsons, sunflower oil,
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everything, all this is already in twelve chairs. baukakov, well, he, he is not just an artist, who, he is also a writer who wants to make a bestseller, he reads the anti-trazskie motives in twelve chairs, at that time, very relevant, he reads what kind of humor comes in, how to ridicule this soviet man in the street, zoshchenko is super popular, yes, who too, and here he is, using these recipes, writing these moscow chapters of the master margarita, that is you think that this is a recipe, i think that no, it’s nothing, you can’t call it, and god forbid you call it plagiarism, it’s just a common , not a common company, a common recipe, sonya, would you like to see the master and margarita someday, the way you imagine on the screen, it seems to me that it would be right for every person who reads and re-reads this novel for these characters that really exist to appear before his eyes as he feels, because it is so multifaceted that like play bassoon, this
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the demon, how to play him, how to play satan , how to play margarita, why, yes, these are all things that are very difficult to realize, but in the material, thank you guys for the interesting conversation, we have already talked enough about the novel and about it, let’s say , secret paths and some hidden... meanings, you are a very interesting interlocutor specifically for this topic, so i thank sonya for your attention and lesh, thank you for your literary knowledge about this, thank you, i hope it was useful, thank you very much , very interesting view, this was a must-read podcast, batnikova, today we discussed mikhail bulgakov’s novel the master and margarita, my guests were sonya egorova and alexey kolobrodov.
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hello, hello, have you forgotten about the eclipse? no , we agreed to watch it together, i ’m waiting for you, i mean, where are you waiting for me, telephone and
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booths near the institute, this is katya, you didn’t recognize me, the eclipse is about to begin, where are you, this is petya, what petya, from next booth, there must be a connection failure, does that really happen, some kind of mysticism? it looks like the devices are faulty, we can only get through to each other, how now, i called my brother, we were going to watch it together, but don’t worry, your brother is probably already watching somewhere, and i know a place here, there ’s a great view from there, let’s go together and see, how are you doing? unexpectedly, we don’t even know
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each other, but thanks for the offer, well, firstly, can we meet, you are katya, i’m petya, secondly, you won’t regret it, thirdly, we have 5 minutes, it’s already four, hello, how great , i adore celestial phenomena, i love looking at the sky, especially at night, in ancient times eclipses were associated with the struggle of higher powers, one one of the forces wants to disrupt the established order in the world, and the other force is trying to maintain order, it sounds beautiful, but it’s not at all scientific, but that means you
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’re studying to be a historian, you guessed it, moscow state university is a third year student, and i’m in my third year. vizmat, so we have a common lecture, it’s strange that we haven’t met before, why don’t you look, i don’t know, i’m looking at you, you can watch me much more often, it’s so beautiful and scary.
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i don’t know, it’s light, dark, something, today is just a cloudy day, a witch, she has a million signatures. we'd better have a drink thank you for organizing this wonderful party, congratulations, it’s true that the eclipse didn’t have any effect on me, but it’s me, it’s very in vain that they say that the most fateful meetings occur precisely in eclipses, i don’t know, i don’t believe in these stories, but, tan, how much
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you can already be sad for him, it’s time to meet someone, look, there are a lot of cool guys around, let’s go, stop being sour, let’s dance, to be honest, i already called a taxi, why, what, we didn’t agree for long, go , dance, i’ll sit here, tanya, you are incorrigible, tanya, if you behave like this , you will never meet a normal guy. yes, yes, i’ll come out now, excuse me, kristina pavlovskaya, i’m doing
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a show duel of psychics, i’m very glad that... i agree, how can you not ask about your fee? call me! again, you, shaman, our last meeting taught you nothing, give back what does not belong to you, it does not belong to you either, you
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have no right to interfere in their destinies, destinies meet and part, here is real... love, this is a rare gift , such a chance is impossible miss, they should meet in 3 years, why wait so long, you can speed up everything, i won’t let you break the code, another party, how many there were, how many there will be, well, who goes first? tomorrow's what you want to be!
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well, that’s it, shaman, now you won’t enter the mystical world for a long time, why are you standing there, you don’t believe the person, you need help, your car is on fire, get out quickly, but everything is fine.
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tanya, it’s very nice how you feel, it’s normal, maybe i can call you an ambulance, no, no, not an ambulance, thank you, ugh, thank you, i now, sit here, okay, thank you. oh, i’m sorry that this happened, the brakes just failed, i didn’t know what to do, it doesn’t matter, but what the hell, tatyana, tatyana, our advertising, who the freak drove into it, well , apparently it’s me, mom, what does advertising have to do with it? , a man had an accident, so everything is clear with you, angry, you’re mine, do you even know how much this crap costs, how much? a lot, volodya, what does money have to do with it, the man
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feels bad, so, friend, his name is alex, let’s go with you without registration, without trial, i ’ll charge you at cost, listen, i don’t have money, let me offer you something else instead of money, but what can you offer, you want to get on television, i just work at a television center. the magical world, the stars, all that, but no, seriously, have you heard about such a program as a duel of psychics, so i heard something, but this one is conducted by what’s his name, gri, grigoriev, light, what are you talking about, yes, our favorite transmitter, volodya , and today is the recording of the live broadcast of the new season and i’ll skip it without any problems, and then we’ll meet and discuss it so that today svetlana vladimirovna is on her way to save, sorry. then it’s up to me, today i’m going to the television, where, and you can fly, i ’m ready to pay any money, definitely not,
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please, damn, something happened , there’s a live broadcast soon, the first episode of the new season, and one of my participants, shaman , i told you about him, uh-huh, he urgently needs a replacement before the producers find out, otherwise my career is over, and i’m ready to pay any money, so listen, chris, i got into an accident, the car is in smithereens, lord, everything is fine with you, everything is fine with me, neck it hurts a little, i broke one shop window there, it’s like, well, in short, dear, i promised these owners an invitational show , will you do an invitational, hello, lev prokhorovich, how did he die. that you can really pay any money, yeah,
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listen. chris, you have this suit, studio, listen, let me go out without it , put on this skin, cover my face, you tell me what to do for one broadcast, you’re kidding, what’s so and so, but still so it will be, there you need to show at least some abilities, so do they have some abilities, whether? the opportunity to hear and be heard is equally important for everyone. vladimir putin will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. you can ask your question now by calling 800-20040 via sms to number 04040 or through the websites moscow and moskwadefisputinu.rf. we will try to make
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sure that no question goes unnoticed. results of the year with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. here we gather, prepare and wait for our departure. i say that we are all masters before cameras hands wave spells chat. but without cameras, who can do what? well , for example, that man in the blue shirt in the first row, what can you say about him? the fact that he's wearing a blue shirt? he has asthma, so, give me a lung, give me a lung, oops, he was in an accident, he has a porno spleen, okay, that woman in the yellow jacket, what about her? she has two adult sons, they forgot about her,
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of course i can. to be mistaken, but for some reason it seems to me that the other girl radiates the energy of loneliness, that one with the light hair hair, smiled, yes, yes, this is something special, someone abandoned her, very lonely, she has a special case, she was betrayed, and her loneliness is only intensifying, defira, one minute, and time, the psychic duel show continues , i, the presenter, dmitry grigoriev, announce the beginning of a new season, today our respected psychics have to find out who or what is in this closet, anything could be inside, an animal, a person, an object, a psychic’s task, as accurately as possible describe what we put there.
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so, people, people, people, interfere with me, people, streams , who bothers you, people, people, and spirits, interfere with me, what people, what spirits interfere with you, well, if people and spirits interfere with you, i have to , yes, what do you know about spirits? the spirits tell me about a man in a blue shirt , you have asthma, well, yes, i have asthma, yes, he has asthma, he has asthma, you were in an accident, and your spleen was torn, yes it was torn, yes, he had the spleen was torn, here are the women here, our words, word for word. and here it is,
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here it is, the spirits say a curse on her, loved ones, friends, everyone, everyone , everyone will turn away, men will stop looking at her altogether, she will be alone and her thoughts are constantly one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, we, kundu, i apologize , this is all impressive, of course, but, have you fallen in love with her, give me a general plan, just. it’s not working, why are you all here, what’s going on? tanyush, what did he just say? i blabbed something here, mom, how do i know, i came here because of you, okay, okay, never mind, how can you say something like that out loud, especially when everyone, what?
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burn water for him, and how can she live now? yes, i would really like to know what was in the closet, the spirits did not tell me what was in the closet, that this is a very controversial beginning, it was a shaman, a shaman, kundu and chite.
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hello, is this you, the conductor of the magical world of television, well, yes, the magical world, and how were you on the show, well, yes, you know, i just can’t understand one thing, is everything true there, or are they actors, just kidding, is it true, they are all clowns, in a word, a mess, but did you believe it, no, it’s just that one clown told me so many things, but forget about their usual
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business, what can the words of some psychics even be worth, good afternoon, can i help you with something, but we decided to look at the new defense, what do you have here? hey, this is the same damned one from yesterday’s show, maybe let’s get out of here, goodbye, maybe i ’m really cursed, and what are you doing here, and decided to dress up more fashionably, but no, i’m your star now. and stars are supposed to lead corporate events, yes, you are lost, looking for a way out
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, that’s all, i say, one light touch and complete clearing of consciousness, listen, come on without these clearings, okay, come on, you don’t know how to accept help from people, this is what fate punishes, you will, let me pass, you know, just in someone else’s costume, this is the evil that you have done, it cannot be corrected, fuck off potter, you say, you say, but you don’t understand the consequences of the words, so you are looking for a way out there , where he’s not there, oh, uh, listen, don’t provoke, if you make up, or the girl has problems, call, believe me, we have something to talk about. look, what a horror, what a horror,
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tatyana, you are now a star, the whole country knows us, mom, what a star, it says here that i am cursed, cursed, yes, i went to the show, well yes, i understand, now it’s all my mother’s fault. aha! eh, man, are you following your own path, following someone else’s, rustam gave you magical
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power, and you cursed the girl, where is the entrance, there is an exit, uh-huh, where is the entrance, there is an exit. i came to remove the curse from you, i understood, this is part of the show, yes, there are hidden cameras, well , everyone wants to see how i live with my curse, no, no, the spirits told me what i need. no, no, they told me everything was already filming, go away, no, i have to, oh,
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this is from tv, listen, what did you do with my daughter, they are already writing about her in the newspapers that she is cursed, i want to help your daughter and remove the curse from her, cleanse her of the wine of celibacy, yes, well, come on, before the bridegrooms run away, come on, come on, come on, cast a spell, alex why are you making fun of us, are you a jerk or what? volodya, we’ll figure it out ourselves, tanyusha, it’s strange, he’s like... some kind of guy, of course it’s none of my business, but in short, we’re off,
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don’t forget about the money. and what was that? i thought this would help somehow? it helped, tanya, i was filming, right? and why didn't i see you? well, i haven’t seen it, in general. i replaced the shaman
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, oh well, that is, you told me everything, yes, i’m not a sorcerer, these are my words, empty sound, chatter, listen, but it sounded convincing, thank you, idiot, i agree, tan, oh, yes, there is no curse, yeah, people just started looking at me, somehow strange, what are you talking about? and you didn’t see how my mother looked at me, yes grigory ilyevich, karyusha, hello, you didn’t forget about hockey, yes, i’ll come now, what happened, you play hockey, yes, but i don’t have a stick. this is one of the most comfortable and
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miniature regions of our country, we are in koleniningrad, friends, relax , enjoy the walk, here is the largest organ in russia, just a real storehouse of sounds, if you take good care of the organ , do not sell it for scrap, do not heat the stove with it, it will serve you for 500 years, minimum. happiness. there is an ideal not of reason, but of imagination , i look at someone who was drawn to philosophy, this is some kind of prehistoric beetle, this is a kind of window into the past of our planet, this beetle is 40 million years old, my legs are already tired, a convenient thing by the way, look attention, you can even trim the amber, or you can fix your manicure, let's go, the premiere, tomorrow is the first one, you and i are front-line soldiers. you should go to hell from here, but there’s nowhere else to go, the edge,
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tomorrow on the first, and you said, 50 won’t do it. where are you taking me? soon you will see everything. went. so are you crazy? this is the rector’s office, if we get caught, they won’t catch us, there’s no one here at night, tomorrow is saturday, whoever works on saturday, please, can i still
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tell you what it all means? did you say that you love the sky? stars, it’s so romantic, petka, you’re the best, they’re so close and so bright, for me, you are the brightest.
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i didn't bother you, i just wanted to work here. excuse me, we're leaving now, how did you just think of this, get out of here, both of you, alex, t-shirts, hi, hi,
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how are you, some problems, and you don't watch tv, no, well then there are no problems, what did you bring it? hold it, red, listen, what's the casting here? this is interfaculty hockey timed to coincide with student's day, come on , marketers, against psychologists, thank you, sanya, domestic psychology, gregory, don't panic, everything is fine, he and i will play. and he with what a mess, i’ve never seen it before, but these people never go to lectures about personality psychology, you’re above this, you’re crazy, they
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’ll break you, let them catch up with you first, i always play without a uniform. damn.


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